Cao Ren waved his hand and explained with a smile.

"Don't look at how much money this is, it's just a deposit from my eldest brother, Brother Yi. Whether it's a horse from a horse farm, or a steel gun, a halberd, an iron stirrup, and an iron vest in a blacksmith shop, the eldest brother needs it. The amount is very large...simply, send the deposit to Brother Yi first...I don't have to worry about the delivery date, just take it slow in the villa!"

Speaking of this, Cao Ren pointed to the Youjian Villa in Yecheng, and then explained.

"Besides, the Youjian Villa in Yecheng has just been built, and there are still many places where coins are needed... I thought, instead of sending the money to Xudu, it is better to send it to Brother Yi directly to Yecheng... Brother Yi spends It's easier to get up."

A few words to say...

It's really hard for Cao Ren. Zhen Luo told Cao Ren that his husband was short of money, but he didn't like receiving favors in vain.

This made Cao Ren quite embarrassed. He had to send money without leaving any traces. What should he do?

I only thought of the order from Youjian Racecourse and Youjian Blacksmith Shop... and this is the only way to make Brother Yi treat the money as his own, and spend it with peace of mind.

But well...

Actually... Zhen Luo is looking at Gao Yi Xiaotian, her husband, why doesn't he like being favored in vain!

He just doesn't want to spend a woman's money. He has no guilt for Yi Xiaotian to cut and slaughter the best big leek and big fat sheep in the world like Brother Ren...

The so-called ... white prostitution makes people happy!

(ps: Brothers are not allowed to prostitute for free!)

"Brother Ren has a heart!" Yi Xiaotian bowed his hands and bowed, which was grateful.

"Don't be so open to the outside world." Cao Ren waved his hand and looked very generous... "Brother lied and explained it specially, Brother Yi, next time you are short of money, you are not allowed to be open to me... Just say it!"

Speaking of this, Cao Ren looked aside and moved to Zhen Luo's face.

"Haha..." Cao Ren laughed out loud, and his words were sincere. "Brother Yi, why do I look at this sister Zhenluo, she looks like a younger brother and sister..."

uh... this...

Yi Xiaotian seemed to be electrocuted all over. Zhen Luo didn't understand, but he understood.

He is Yi Xiaotian, lied to brother, and Ren brother... In terms of age, he ranks third, the younger brother and sister of Ren brother, doesn't that mean, this Zhen Luo is his Yi Xiaotian's daughter-in-law...

With this in mind, Yi Xiaotian hurriedly grabbed Cao Ren. "Brother Ren, my girl is still young, don't scare her!"

"Ha ha…"

Cao Ren was still smiling. "You're still young? Haha... Not too small, not too small... Twenty-eight years old, it's a good time for cardamom! The talent of a man and a woman is a match made in heaven!"

Cao Ren, who has always been strict with words, is quite talkative today, and even took the initiative to joke with Yi Xiaotian.

However, this joke made Yi Xiaotian a little embarrassed...


Cao Ren didn't stay for too long, leaving some soldiers to help Yi Xiaotian carry the gold, and he hurried back, as if he had military affairs.

Yi Xiaotian thought about it carefully...

With half a cup of tea, Yi Xiaotian took the initiative to ask Zhen Luo. "Luo Er? You said that Broken Finger Mountain belonged to the Xu family? Which Xu family?"

"It's Xu You and Xu Yuan who came to Zhen's house to make trouble after the wedding of Mr. Guo and the second sister..." Zhen Luo answered without hesitation...

Hey... the enemy's road is narrow.

Yi Xiaotian rolled his eyes and never thought that this mountain belongs to Xu You's family, but it's hard to deal with it.

"Luo'er? When the Xu family sold this mountain to the Zhen family? What was the price?" Yi Xiaotian then asked...

Markets are like battlefields.

In fact, frankly speaking, shopping malls are more cruel than battlefields. Intelligence and information are often the most important things to do in business. Yi Xiaotian needs to obtain as much information as possible.

"It seems... it seems to be... [-] gold!"

Zhen Luo stumbled for a while, and after thinking for a while, she replied...

Her memory is good, but it was several years ago, and her memory is a little fuzzy. In addition, the house prices in Yecheng have been rising in recent years... Therefore, Zhen Luo hesitated for a moment before recalling it.

"Fifty thousand gold." Yi Xiaotian repeated...

He carefully counted the amount of coins... It's a full twenty boxes of brass, and the weight is not light...

However, considering that the Broken Finger Mountain was one of the three major iron mining areas alongside Xiapi and Guangling during the Three Kingdoms period, a mere [-] gold is nothing at all.

Not to mention, Yi Xiaotian's hundred-refined steel forged with high-quality iron has already reached a sky-high price in the market.

The price of this fine iron alone is terrible...

Even, with the continuation of the warlord melee, this price will only get higher and higher...even if there is no market for it.

This Broken Finger Mountain is a cornucopia, a treasure, no matter what, it must be bought now.

thought here.

"Go..." Yi Xiaotian ordered...

"Where are you going, sir?" Zhen Luo asked curiously.

"Go to Xu You's house, let's go meet him!" Yi Xiaotian said without hesitation, time is money, it's money huh...

"Right..." It seemed that he suddenly thought of something, Yi Xiaotian greeted the next person. "Come here, prepare twenty boxes of gold, put them on the carriage, take them with you, let's go to the Xu mansion in Yecheng!"

Ah... Really want to buy out Zhishan.

Zhen Luo was so frightened that Hua Rong's face turned pale. Of course, she was still mentally prepared, but... Really want to spend so much gold on a barren mountain that can't grow food at all?In the end... what do you think, Mr.

Zhen Luo knocked on the door, she didn't understand...

In a daze, Yi Xiaotian had already got on the carriage one step ahead... It seemed that he was ready to rush to Yecheng.

Zhen Luo could only sprint two steps, hurried to catch up, and shouted. "Sir, wait for me..."



Chapter [-]: The enemy's road is narrow, spend money to eliminate disasters

The Xu residence is located at the east gate of Yecheng.

Speaking of which, the most powerful and powerful clans in Jizhou live in Yecheng.

The most powerful person in Yecheng lives in this East Street again.

Even a family like the Zhen family that is both a high-ranking official and a businessman is still not qualified to live here.

Stepping into Yecheng East Street, you will be greeted with a dazzling array of pavilions, Yuyu Qionglou, full of lavishness.

Undoubtedly, Xu Mansion is the most lavish one among them…

I heard that Xu's residence did not have such a grand style at first, but it was because Xu You helped Cao Cao defeat Yuan Shao in the battle of Guandu, and made great contributions. Now the tide is rising, and even the entire Xu family is a chicken and a dog. The gate of Xu's residence alone is too big. It is five feet tall, even the Chongde Hall of Xuducheng Palace is afraid that it does not have such luxury and atmosphere.

Cao Xiong brought the convoy, which had gold hidden in the convoy, and had already rushed to the gate of Xu's residence... Without letting anyone pass the information, Cao Xiong took the initiative to step forward.

Naturally, the door of the Xu residence stopped him.

"Where did the white body come from? Go aside, don't you know where this is? Don't you know who the master here is?"

dog fighting people...

Xu You's victory also made everyone in the Xu residence, including the servants, become arrogant, even if it was just a mere sect, when talking with people, his nostrils were turned upside down, and he was simply arrogant.

"I'm Yi Xiaotian, the owner of Youjian Villa. If I want to see Mr. Xu, please go and pass the news, and say that I, Yi Xiaotian, want to buy the 'Broken Finger Mountain' from the Xu family!" road.


Inside Xu Mansion.

Xu You got up early, and after walking the bird, he seemed very energetic.

He stretched out his hand, and naturally someone handed him a string of beads carved from precious jade. The Dahan White Horse Temple was just emerging, and Xu You was considered arty, and he participated in the Buddha...

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that holding such a bunch of jade beads in his hand is very compelling and tasteful.

He really enjoyed this kind of appearance that everyone was afraid of him, yet could do nothing to him.

What is good above, must be good below...

It is for this reason that since Cao Cao captured Yecheng, the Xu family has been doing a lot of power.

When Yuan Shao ruled Yecheng, the Xu family was somewhat restrained, but now... it really feels like letting go of themselves.

"Uncle..." Xu You's nephew Xu Yuan came to greet him early in the morning...

Seeing that it was Xu Yuan, Xu You leaned lazily on a bamboo chair and asked casually. "Did you buy Tailor Zhang's shop yesterday?"

"Uncle, my little nephew is just about to tell you about this!"

Xu Yuan immediately replied. "This tailor is a stubborn donkey, and he has to increase the price in life and death. I wondered who we are? How can we let him, a pariah, increase the price at will? So I sent someone to beat him hard and beat him to bed. And then use his daughter to coerce him and force him to sign and sign... Hehe, now Tailor Zhang's shop, we spend less than [-]% of the original money!"

Speaking of this, Xu Yuan's mouth couldn't stop smiling. "Hey, this tailor, he is toasting and not eating and drinking, who can blame him!"

Some scolding…

Xu Yuan's remarks seemed to clearly interpret the eight words "to bully others" and "to do evil".

But... After Xu You heard this, he nodded slowly, and then narrowed his eyes, seeming to appreciate Xu Yuan's actions. "That's right, that's right... It's a bright and open way of doing things. If the Xu family wants to buy or sell the land, whoever dares to stop them will just beat them up like a tailor."

Speaking of this, Xu You narrowed his eyes and smiled like a flower. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and then the conversation changed.

"By the way, hasn't Broken Finger Mountain been sold yet?"

"Yes... it hasn't been sold yet!" Xu Yuan nodded, shook his head again, and then sighed. "Oh, this Broken Finger Mountain is really troublesome... Who doesn't know the whole Ye City, this is a barren mountain where no food can be grown, why did the ancestors of the Xu family stunned to be optimistic about this mountain, and even spent a lot of money to buy it? Now? It's embarrassing for us, uncle, I'm afraid this mountain is not easy to sell!"

"Not good for sale?"

Hearing this, Xu You slowly stood up... His eyes almost narrowed to a slit. "What's the status of our Xu family? What's my Xu You's status? Cao Cao's banquet guests, I call him 'Amo', he has to accept it happily... In this city of Ye? And I, Xu You, sell it. Something that doesn't go out?"

Hum... a cold hum.

Xu You raised his hand, stroked his moustache, and immediately ordered. "It's better to sell it to the Zhen family, [-] gold, such a large sum of money, other families can't afford it."

"Haha... Tell the Zhen family this time, he doesn't want this barren mountain? Even if the Zhen family and our Xu family's Liangzi are formed, let him do it himself!"


Xu You's words were full of domineering. In fact, he hated the Zhen family at first.

The engagement of Zhen Tuo, the second daughter of the Zhen family, and Guo Jia almost rubbed his face, his nephew's face, and the entire Xu family's face on the ground...

He has long wanted to find the unlucky of the Zhen family, but this time is just to give them a chance to honor them. If they don't know how to praise them, hum... Xu You will have to use some special slanderous methods.

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