It seems... as long as Zhong Yao is reused, the situation in Guanzhong can be as stable as Mount Tai.

Although he thought so in his mind, Cao Cao couldn't calm down at all.

It is true that Brother Yi's plan is such a plan. Brother Yi's insight is amazing, and Brother Yi's vision is even more unique... But in the face of this sudden change in the situation in Guanzhong, Cao Cao still frowns tightly, as if facing a great enemy. .

He's not worried...

Phew... a long exhale.

Cao Cao finally spoke up. "Brother Yi, you also heard that Guanzhong is in chaos. It is true that you are optimistic about Zhong Yao... You think he can be of great use, but... But I always keep murmuring in my heart, I have no clue!"

To tell the truth, the position of Guanzhong is too important!

Now it has come to the critical moment when Cao Cao and the Yuan clan compete in the north, and there can be no trouble in Guanzhong!

Speaking of this, Cao Cao stretched out his hand to caress his forehead, looking extremely sad. "Brother Yi... I have an unkind request, can you... Could you trouble Brother Yi to go to the customs, just help Zhong Yao, help Cao Cao, and help me, Ah Hu!"

Cao Cao looked very serious, and his tone was meticulous.

His eyes stared at Yi Xiaotian, and the light in it kept flashing two words - urgent!

Unless Brother Yi personally went to Guanzhong to preside over the overall situation, Cao Cao would not be at ease.

Well, closed.

Yi Xiaotian paused in his heart. Speaking of which, he really had never seen the cool place of this big man.

Rolling yellow sand, vast desert, tens of thousands of iron horses galloping in the dust and sand, thinking about it like this, my heart really feels a little rippling...

Besides, most of the horse business in Youjian Mountain Villa is Huma. They do business with Hu people such as Xianbei and Wuhuan. After all, they are always of different races. If the supply of goods is suddenly cut off one day, there is a horse farm. It got cold all of a sudden.


It's time to go to Yongliang Land, where good horses are often produced, to find the second horse source...

Thinking about it like this, when it comes to time, Yi Xiaotian has really become a little bit of expectation for this place in the middle of the gate. Even, this little expectation is getting bigger and bigger, and finally it turned into four words—— Fascinated!

"Brother lie... You said that I would go to Guanzhong, help Zhong Yao, help Cao Cao, I can understand all these!"

Yi Xiaotian asked directly. "But...why are you helping to hide brother? Is it possible that brother cheating also has business in Guanzhong..."


When Yi Xiaotian asked so fiercely, Cao Cao was really stunned for a moment. How to explain this?

What's more, Brother Yi is such a shrewd person, besides business, in addition to beauty, in addition to money, what else?Can you induce him to walk through this barren pass...

and many more…

Cao Cao suddenly remembered that the business Yi Xiaotian just mentioned, why not use it to lure him!

With this in mind, Cao Cao raised his hand, pretending to be nervous.

"Brother Yi, isn't it... I can do business with horses in Guanzhong. In case... if the land in Guanzhong falls, then... then... I will lose a lot!"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao deliberately raised his hand, stretched out his arm to wipe off the sweat, and his expression became even more flustered.

"That's it, that's it..." Cao Cao put his hand directly on Yi Xiaotian's shoulder. "If Brother Yi helps Zhong Yao and Cao Cao guard Guanzhong, then... how about I give Brother Yi [-]% of the horse business in Guanzhong?"

Cao Cao is a natural actor. In order to be more realistic, he used almost all the facial expressions.

Even so, he still felt a little tired... Why is it so hard to play a businessman!

Of course, the conditions he offered were also attractive enough.

Today's horses are sky-high on the black market.

Even the Huma of Youjian Villa, as long as there is stock, it will be ordered by Cao Cao immediately for military use.Even so, the production is seriously short of...

Guanzhong is rich in horses, and Cao Cao buys thousands of war horses every year.

Huh... Yi Xiaotian rolled his eyes.

Hey... Dare to love, I can't find a place to break through the iron shoes, it takes no effort to get it, and I'm still thinking about going to Guanzhong to find the source of horses!

It's better now, the big fat sheep has brought it over on his own initiative...

What are you waiting for?

Yi Xiaotian planned to speak, but the mental journey in the middle was a little longer. Cao Cao thought he was not satisfied, and immediately showed four fingers.

"Forty percent, forty percent is fine! I supply Youjian Villa with [-] horses every year, how about that?"


Yi Xiaotian pondered, should we continue to be silent?

According to the urination of the leeks and fat sheep, the urination of the leeks and the fat sheep are not uniform, and he can add another [-]% for another ten breaths of time, but... if this is the case, won't the heart hurt?

That's all... It's not easy to deceive brother, let's earn less from him!

For the first time, Yi Xiaotian also sympathized with his brother.

"Brother lie, don't increase the price, I'll go in this pass, why not!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand. "Actually, brother lie, your business is getting bigger and bigger, and your courage is getting smaller and smaller. Whether I go or not, the situation in this pass is very stable! Of course, if you insist on spending money to buy peace of mind , then I can't live up to you!"


Cao Cao's current mood, if he can spend money to buy peace of mind, to buy a stable situation in Guanzhong, let alone three or four thousand war horses, he is willing to double it!

Anyway... Some villas bought it in the past, isn't it still Cao Cao, the big gold lord, who buys it back?

It's nothing more than an extra process that allows Brother Yi to make a fortune for no reason.

According to Cao Cao, what is money?Money is a bastard!

As long as it's something money can solve, it's not a problem at all...

"Brother Yi, then we can make a decision!"

Cao Cao said solemnly, and in his words, he did not forget to remind.

"Speaking of which, Zhong Yao is a calm person, but his personality is very strange. If Brother Yi is there, he will probably ignore him. Well, I will go back to Guandu and ask Cao Cao for a letter. I have this letter from Cao Cao. In the letter written by me, Zhong Yao will definitely not dare to underestimate Brother Yi, and he will plan together with Brother Yi on the situation in Guanzhong!"

Cao Cao's worries are not superfluous.

There is a very important reason why he hasn't given Zhong Yao a high look all these years, and that is... Zhong Yao's popularity is not good. Except for Xun Yu and Xun You, who are also talented people in Yingchuan, few people can be like him. friend.

This is not difficult to understand. Literati, Confucian scholars, and great calligraphers are always proud and dignified, and they despise ordinary people and reckless men.

It is for this reason that Cao Cao is worried... Even if Brother Yi goes to Guanzhong, Zhong Yao will refuse people thousands of miles away, which will be troublesome!

Unexpectedly, Cao Cao frowned and thought, but Yi Xiaotian waved his hand directly.

He waved his hands and laughed.

"Brother lie, I don't need Cao Cao's letters, isn't it just a Zhong Yao? If he sees me, he will have to kneel down and do the teacher's ceremony!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian blinked...

Hehe, others think Zhong Yao is unattainable, but in Yi Xiaotian's opinion, he is even more unattainable than him!

Who is afraid of whom?

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian grinned, and a confident smile suddenly appeared.

Zhong Yao, steady as a dog!

The situation in Guanzhong is as stable as a dog!

There is a new horse source at the horse farm, and it is still as stable as a dog!



The three hundred and fortieth chapter is false and true when true and false, and true and false when false is true

Phew... Cao Cao finally caught his breath.

Brother Yi promised to go to Guanzhong, which made a big stone in his heart crash to the ground!

It was a little out of breath at first.

Cao Cao, who was in a better mood, suddenly thought of something, and he hurriedly added a sentence. "Brother Yi, I almost forgot to tell you..."

The corners of Cao Cao's mouth grinned slightly and said with a smile. "Yuan Xi, who dared to miss the Zhen family's daughter, had already been scratched by Cao Jun on the battlefield, but..."

Cao Cao was laughing, his tone was a bit mocking, and he continued. "It's just that he doesn't look good in the first place, even if it's scratched, it seems... it doesn't seem to have much effect on his appearance!"

Um... scratched?Yuan Xi's face is broken!

Yi Xiaotian was slightly taken aback.

Hey, brother lie really does what he says.

However, speaking of it... concealing my brother is also a matter of justice. Dare to miss Zhen Luo, the fifth daughter of the Zhen family?He Yuan Xi is not just an old sow climbing a tree - an ugly flower!

Well now, it's become a fart in the bed - I'm asking for my own guilt!

"Brother lie, do I have to thank you so much!" Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly, and his entire cheek was filled with four words - beautiful work!

Cao Cao waved his hand, and his voice was deliberately lowered. "I'm nothing, Brother Yi, you're amazing, that's not... The little girls of the Zhen family took the initiative to embrace them!"

Huo, it's not right again.

Yi Xiaotian shook his head slightly, Brother Concealed suddenly mentioned Zhen Luo, which reminded him suddenly, the top priority... and the problems of the Zhen family!

His eyes narrowed slightly, thinking carefully in his heart. "Guo Fengxiao, who is far away in Dukang Village, is it time to leave? This Zhen family's problem is still waiting for him to come out... Let's resolve it!"



Dukang Village.

Located between Luoyang and Runan, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it was a famous winemaking place in the Qin and Han Dynasties... Its status, in the 21st century, can be compared to Maotai Town.

Guo Jia is in it.

Now, he has been awarded the title of Dukang Village Chief by Yi Xiaotian and the title of Head of Youjian Shanzhuang Winery. He likes it very much and enjoys it.

The so-called natural Guo Fengxiao, especially the wine in the cup...

Once upon a time, when Xi Zhicai was suffering from the incurable typhoid fever, Guo Jia once made a promise in front of his bed - "Zhi Cai will not die, Guo Jia will not leave".

However, because of the book "Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases", and because of Zhang Zhongjing's wonderful hand, Xi Zhicai, who was terminally ill with typhoid fever, really didn't die!

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