Cao Cao's eyes kept blinking, as if he was looking forward to the answer.

"What are their personalities?" Yi Xiaotian snorted. Although he was studying the history of the Later Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms, it seemed that he paid very little attention to Yuan Shang, Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, and high officials...

If you really want to talk about their characters and methods, to be honest, it's not accurate.

Therefore, Yi Xiaotian hesitated for a long time, and he knocked on the forehead.

"Brother lie, how can I tell you? The boss, Yuan Tan, has a fierce temperament and loves to kill. He is very unpopular in Qingzhou, and he is also the most coveted for the position of the prince, so the battle with Yuan Shang must be the most turbulent;"

"As for... the second eldest Yuan Xi, he is cowardly and has no opinion. Whether it is the eldest brother Yuan Tan or the third younger brother Yuan Shang, he will not dare to offend him, and he will please both parties. In this way, if the brothers Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang turn against each other, he will It must be the other way around..."

"This Yuan Shang is handsome and handsome. His martial arts and strategy are superior to his elder brother Yuan Tan. Besides, he is the legal heir, so he is the most proud. If there is a real feud, the most fierce one must be the pair of Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian paused.

It seems that there is only one person left... Yuan Shao's good nephew - Gao Gan!

Speaking of which... Among Yuan Shao's three sons and one nephew, Yi Xiaotian admires this high cadre the most, and the one he despises the most... As for the reason, that's a long story.



Chapter [-] Water can carry a boat, and it can also capsize

Yi Xiaotian admires Gaogan the most because he is capable of both literature and martial arts, and his reputation is also very resounding.

It was also because he judged the situation and was the first in the dilapidated Yuan clan to offer Bingzhou and surrender to Cao Cao.

I despise him most because he thinks too much.

But...his strength can't match these thoughts at all, it's a bit like a toad jumping off a cliff, wanting to be Batman!

According to the development of history, after being the first to sacrifice Bingzhou and surrender to Cao Cao, within two days, this high-ranking cadre regretted it...

The sky was clear, the rain stopped, and he felt that he could do it again!

Compared to surrendering, being the local emperor of Bingzhou was "really fragrant", and then he rebelled and was killed by Cao Cao...

Another guy who died of his own greed...

The so-called human heart is not enough to swallow an elephant, and the mouth is too wide to swallow, and it will be held to death.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand, thinking in his heart, it really is a textbook on the reverse side of "greeting for a knife on the head"...

He coughed and continued.

"Brother lie, as for this high-ranking cadre, don't worry about him for the time being. This guy has a lively heart and a shrewd head. He will neither send troops to help Yuan Shang's second battlefield, nor will he do everything in his power to help Yuan Shang guard Yecheng, and more I won't have too much involvement with Yuan Tan... Quan Qi treats him as a salted fish, not to mention... Bingzhou is a frontier land, it has always been barren, and it can't make any waves for a while, so let him do it. The earth emperor for a while was not well protected, and when did he surrender on a whim!"

uh... surrender...

Cao Cao was stunned, Brother Yi really dared to think, if this battle was as easy as talking to him, how could Cao Cao be used to break his heart.


Yi Xiaotian's analysis of Yuan Shao's three sons and one nephew, Cao Cao wrote down everything.

Brother Yi never tells lies, and he speaks so solemnly. If you think about it, Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, Yuan Shang, and Gao Gan's temperament and skills are so different.

Phew... Cao Cao exhaled.

It seems... there are no other problems, the next step is to follow the steps, if it is time to retreat, if it is time to reuse Zhong Yao, go to reuse Zhong Yao.

Then... wait for the situation in the north to change, then... Brother Yi's plan of "watching the fire from the other side" and "taking advantage of the fisherman" can be completely put into practice.

With this in mind, Cao Cao nodded...

When he nodded like this, he suddenly felt a little lost.

Hey, just withdraw from Liyang City like this?I'm a little unwilling, how much should I leave something behind?


Cao Cao rolled his eyes. "Brother Yi, next, I will persuade Cao Cao... withdraw from Liyang City? I thought, Cao Cao will probably be a little unwilling, right?"

With a slight wave of his hand, Cao Cao moved closer to Yi Xiaotian. "Brother Yi? Do you want to leave something behind?"

what is left...

This is very meaningful.

According to the ancient rules of marching and fighting, anyone who abandoned the city had to loot the people in the city.

In this way, we can not only obtain military rations and military salaries, and realize the purpose of fighting to support wars, but also exhaust the potential of the city, so as not to leave too many enemies with wealth and materials.

Of course Yi Xiaotian can understand it, there is something in this brother lie...

Of course, Yi Xiaotian has reason to believe that the so-called looting and looting of the people by his brother is definitely not because of lack of money... but to make the acting a little more realistic and make a full set of acting, since he went south to attack Liu Biao... There should be an appearance of giving up the north, and this kind of wanton looting can make the children of the Yuan clan feel more at ease.


From Yi Xiaotian's point of view, Brother Concealed seems to have overestimated the wisdom of the Yuan Brothers, so they wouldn't care, has Liyang City been looted?

As for... Cao Cao, Yi Xiaotian felt that his brother was cheating Cao Cao, and it was a huge pit in the abyss.

"Brother lie, are confused!" Yi Xiaotian slapped the table abruptly.

With a bang, under the silent night, the inn seemed to suddenly become extremely discordant.

Uh... Cao Cao was a little surprised, but Yi Xiaotian's sudden reaction surprised him.

rob people?It's such a good idea to be able to play the tricks more realistically and to support the war with war?It doesn't seem to be so exclusive, does it?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao scratched his head, and a big question mark appeared between his eyebrows.

At this moment, Yi Xiaotian's words came next.

"Brother, do you know... what was it like when the North was under Yuan Shao's rule?"

"This..." Cao Cao just wanted to speak, but he didn't want to, Yi Xiaotian directly asked and answered himself.

"It's brutal!" Yi Xiaotian frowned, and he told in detail. "Yuan Shao, for his own self-interest, united big clans and tyrants, and exploited the people again and again. The people complained about him and wanted to get rid of them quickly, so...whether it was the battle of Guandu or the battle of Cangting. , or attacking Liyang, or asking for help from the villagers and people along the Yellow River, everyone treats Cao Cao with the help of the top, what are they doing?"

"It's nothing more than to find a wise master and lead them to end this chaotic world... Let them live a good life!"

"That's why I lied to my brother... Be kind! Cao Cao can carry the admiration and expectations of all the people in the north. Besides, he sent soldiers from the north to return home, and reused famous generals from Hebei. This series of actions has repeatedly added to the north. The people have a good impression of him. The so-called water can carry a boat and capsize it. The people of Hebei are water... As long as the people's hearts can be captured, which of the [-] Yuan troops under Cao Cao's army will not give allegiance to the death? How can the morale of Cao Cao not be high?"

Yi Xiaotian explained it in detail, and ruthlessly refuted Cao Cao's original idea word by word...

Phew... Cao Cao sighed, and for a while, he felt that Brother Yi's words were very reasonable.

Simple, really simple!

Cao Cao couldn't help shaking his head, he felt that he still thought about this matter too simply, too pure...

If Brother Yi hadn't mentioned this time, he might have suffered a big loss in the hearts of the people, and the goodwill of the northern people he finally created would have disappeared immediately...

Ha ha…

Cao Cao smiled bitterly, dangerous, really dangerous!

Fortunately, Cao Cao has such insurance as Brother Yi. No matter what kind of mistake, Brother Yi can always point out easily, which is very precious to Cao Cao.

"Brother Yi, I have been taught this time." Cao Cao suddenly stood up and bowed his hands. "Your saying that water can carry a boat and capsize it is really thought-provoking..."

For a few breaths of time, Cao Cao's forehead was filled with the phrase that water can carry a boat and capsize it.

Even, because of this sentence, Cao Cao's admiration for Yi Xiaotian increased a lot.

In this regard, Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly...

Of course, brother lie will feel unfathomable, and don't look at it. Who said this to whom in history?

As for the origin, this a dialogue between Confucius and Duke Ai of Lu...

In terms of carrying forward, it is mentioned in Wei Zheng's "Ten Thoughts of Remonstrance Taizong", which is his "mirror" admonition to Tang Taizong Li Shimin.

It is true that in the Tang Dynasty where Wei Zheng was located, the role of water, that is, the people, was more and more valued by the rulers.

However, in the Han Dynasty...especially at the end of the Han Dynasty, when aristocratic families monopolized official careers, they were able to say words like "water can carry a boat and capsize it" and put the safety of the people in such an important position. God is really the first person.

Cao Cao's heart is incomparable admiration...

Even with Yi Xiaotian's reminder, he plans to do more things for the northern people, such as...

Just thought of this...

The sound of hooves of "da da da" came from outside the inn.

Cao Cao frowned. It stands to reason that the gate of Youjian Mountain Villa has the handle of a tiger and a beast. It is impossible for ordinary people to step in in the middle of the night, let alone come on a horse...

Can be…

Immediately, Cao Cao had an ominous premonition in his heart. Did something happen?

That's right... Cao Cao's hunch was right.

Something really happened, something big happened.



Chapter [-] What is money?Money is a bastard

"Hidden master, Ren master, it's not good..."

I saw a tiger Ben soldier hurriedly dismount and break into the inn. Because it was late at night, he deliberately lowered his voice, but it was obvious that because of his nervousness, the sound of his footsteps could not be completely suppressed. thump" sound,

"What's the matter?" Cao Ren responded quickly, he asked urgently.

"Guanzhong... The princes of Guanzhong are against it, they are all against it..." Hu Ben's soldiers' tone was hurried, and their expressions were even more nervous...

No matter who received such information, his heart could not be calm.

"The Guanxi princes headed by Han Sui and Ma Teng have raised their troops to besiege Chang'an. Now Zhong Yao has been trapped in Chang'an City. Yuan Shang even dispatched the general Guo Yuan, the provincial governor Gao Gan, and... and Nan The Xiongnu Shanyu, they...they also led various troops to kill from the Kansai direction...The situation in Guanzhong is not optimistic!"

Very fast, tense tone...

During this period, the Hu Ben soldier paused several times, and it was visible to the naked eye that a drop of sweat the size of a bean dripped down his forehead, and his face became more and more pale.

call out…

Hearing this, Cao Ren was shocked, and so was Cao Cao.

However, in just an instant, Cao Cao came out of his surprise. The rebellion of Han Sui and Ma Teng, and the three-way army sent by Yuan Shang went south from Bingzhou to open up the second battlefield. The Yuan clan surrounded Wei to rescue Zhao, trying to attack Cao Cao's weakness of being incapable of being a clone...

Fortunately, Brother Yi has already made plans and deployments for these.

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