"Done!" Looking at Zhang He's extremely firm eyes, Gao Lan agreed and nodded meaningfully!

Exactly at this time...

Cao Cao's elite cavalry was on its way back. Zhang He and Gao Lan saw the dust flying in the distance and knew that it was Cao Cao's surprise team that had returned triumphantly!

Under such circumstances... it would be meaningless to fight again, at most it would be a lose-lose situation.

"The whole army stops the attack!"

Zhang He immediately ordered... "Push all the siege equipment to the front!"

Huh... All of a sudden, Cao Jun in Guandu Port was stunned...

How can you fight so well, you were still alive and dead just a moment ago, and suddenly you stopped fighting?

... When things go wrong, there must be demons, and Cao Jun's soldiers suddenly became confused.

In fact, Cao Hong and Xun You were also very nervous. Zhang He had worked so hard to attack, but they had also worked so hard to defend. They had been fighting all night long.

But at this time...

An even more surprising thing happened. I saw Yuan Jun's soldiers set a fire and set the siege equipment on fire... The fire spread in front of Guandu Camp all at once!

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Jun's soldiers took off their armor one by one and threw their weapons to the ground. They shouted: "We surrender... We surrender!"

The development of the situation is simply beyond everyone's expectations...

Cao Hong is stunned...

Xun You is also a little confused...

Is this Yuan Jun's new tactic?What kind of trick is this?Fraud?

But meow, I've never seen such a desperate surrender. Not only did he take off his armor and weapons, but he even burned the siege equipment. It's really enough to fight.

"General? What should I do?" On the Guandu Walled City, many Cao Jun soldiers were also very confused, and they asked Cao Hong one by one.

Cao Hong waved his hand, he was sure. "It must be a fraud!"

No wonder he thought so, Yuan Jun came to attack the city this time, more than [-] people... Each person spit, and Cao Ying had to use a shield to block it.

Why did you suddenly surrender?It's not...no...it shouldn't be!It must be a fraud, a conspiracy, a hypothetical surrender, and continue to counterattack while our army is caught off guard!

Embarrassing now...

Cao Hong did not accept Zhang He and Gao Lan's surrender.

And right now.

Cao Cao arrived... In the face of the surrender of hundreds of thousands of Yuan troops, he hesitated, and he gave birth to the same idea as Cao Hong.

But soon... Cao Cao's mouth grinned, hahaha... He laughed out loud, this laughter was very magical, people who didn't know it thought he was crazy!

Speaking of which...the reason why Cao Cao smiled so relievedly!

Precisely because... he thought of the second paragraph of small words on that crucial letter when he was about to set out on the expedition——

——"Yuan Shao has an indecisive personality, and there are many internal conflicts between civil and military. Hearing that Wuchao was robbed, he would definitely abandon Wuchao and choose the main force to attack Guandu and surround Wei to save Zhao! However, Wuchao is where Yuan Jun's food and lifeline are located, and the battle at Wuchao is unknown. , Yuan Jun on the front line is determined not to be able to fight with all his heart. Although there are few officers and horses, as long as the news of Wuchao's victory comes back, the enemy's morale will definitely collapse. The whole army will take advantage of the situation and induce Yuan Jun to turn against each other!"

At first, Cao Cao didn't take all of these words to heart, but now that I think about it, it seems... Brother Yi's predictions are all correct...

Now is the final moment--

——The morale of the enemy army is bound to collapse... The whole army's attack can be guided by the situation, which can induce the Yuan army to turn against each other!

Phew... Flip on!

Cao Cao quickly extracted the most crucial information.

He realized that the main force, the Yuan army led by Zhang He and Gao Lan, did not swindle to surrender, but took advantage of the situation, and they really surrendered.

Huo...if so...then...

At this time, Cao Cao has been unable to suppress the power of the flood in his chest!

"Meng De? What should we do?" At the same time, Cao Ren asked urgently.

"Haha... let's go, I will personally go to accept the two generals!" Cao Cao laughed...

"Meng De... But, they..." Cao Ren was a little stunned when these sudden words came out... His words were stumbling, but Cao Cao could understand the meaning.

He is still worried that the other party is cheating!

"Hehe." Cao Cao had already raised his whip. "Zixiao, don't worry... There must be civil strife on Zhang He's side. Yuan Shao guessed that he had listened to the villain's slander again, so he made Zhang He want to defect. Otherwise, they have the upper hand and the number of people is large, so there is absolutely no need to deceive! It's still so hard to deceive!"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao rolled his eyes and pouted. "What's more, I didn't say that Zhang He and Gao Lan would surrender, Brother Yi predicted it early on!"

Huo... Brother Yi predicted it in advance!

Cao Ren was stunned for a moment, and then, the big stone he mentioned in his heart fell to the ground.

With Zhuyu in the front, the entire Guandu decisive battle, Yi brother's plan can be regarded as an exhaustive plan, one after another is incomparably accurate, this helps Cao Cao, and helps Cao Jun gradually grasp the situation...

From this to the other, since he proposed that Zhang He and Gao Lan would surrender, then Zhang He and Gao Lan would definitely surrender!

This point... Not only Cao Cao, but also Cao Ren is extremely confident.


Before Cao Cao rode his horse, he suddenly called out Cao Ren's name.

"Big brother..." Cao Ren scratched his forehead, thinking in his heart, what's wrong with this?

"Ha ha…"

But he heard Cao Cao laugh out loud, and then murmured in his mouth.

"I suddenly have a feeling that today's situation, today's every move, in fact, brother Yi has all been counted early in the morning... Our Cao army defeated him Yuan Shao, I'm afraid that in the eyes of brother Yi, that was a sure thing. Son!"

Ha ha…

Speaking of this, Cao Cao smiled again. "Thinking about it this way, I suddenly feel that this battle is much more interesting!"

In a word, Cao Cao galloped his horses and quickly drove towards Zhang He and Gao Lan's army...

You dare to lead hundreds of thousands of Yuan troops to surrender, and I, Cao Cao, dare to come alone to accept the surrender!

Anyway... the final result is not all in Brother Yi's plan, isn't it all doomed early in the morning?

Everything is God's will!

Everything is destiny!

It's finally doomed!



Chapter [-] The most beautiful wine, the most important person

The black nest was burned, and the food and grass were cut off.

The main force of Zhang He and Gao Lan had surrendered. When the news came back, the entire Yuan army camp was filled with a terrifying atmosphere.

Up to the generals, down to the soldiers, everyone is suffering a huge blow in the depths of their hearts.

It seems... in the Han Empire, the end of the Yuan family of the fourth generation and the third prince, the behemoth, is just around the corner.

beat?It's hitting your sister too!

In this situation, the main force is gone, the food and grass are gone, who is still in the mood to be cannon fodder here, and the girl slipped away.

Yuan Shao's camp is in chaos...

Oh my god, the earth... Yuan Shao was full of grief and anger. Yesterday there were thousands of troops, but today there is no one available... Soldiers are devastated, this battle is no longer possible!

Zhang He and Gao Lan mistake me, Zhang He and Gao Lan mistake me!Yuan Shao kept shouting, even now he didn't realize it, the real reason for his failure was Guo Tu, the strategist of the abyss, and Yuan Shao, the master who reused the abyss!

However, Yuan Shao was still awake after all.

Now, the main force has surrendered and he is still staying in Guandu, which is no different from waiting for death.

withdraw... withdraw...

The only thing Yuan Shao could do was to clear the eight hundred pro-militaries, take a few sons, and flee in a rush with the defeated generals.

Speaking of which, Yuan Shao has always been hesitant to do things, like a turtle...

On the matter of escape, he carried forward the spirit of the rabbit, as fast as a gust of wind.

It's just... the [-] soldiers came, and there were only [-] left when they left. It's really embarrassing to be in this situation!


Watching Yuan Ying's defeat, watching Yuan Shao flee, watching [-] Yuan troops vanish into ashes... Even, hundreds of thousands of Yuan troops defected and joined Cao Cao's camp.

At this time, Cao Cao, the big stone in his heart finally fell safely, he turned over and dismounted, and looked around the entire Guandu.

Happiness comes so suddenly...

Cao Cao closed his eyes, enjoying this moment of disappointment... At the same time, he also recalled the general manager here.

In the entire Guandu battle, there were too many, too many foreshadowings, and too many, too many inconceivables.

He asked Brother Yi for advice countless times, obtained the optimal solution in complex situations and desperate situations, and looked back at Guandu.

Brother Yi's plan is simply a game of gambling, a game of perilous dangers, and a game of death and survival. Fortunately, he won the bet, and Cao Cao also won the bet.

Ha ha…

Cao Cao laughed out loud, and his heart was fascinated.

If Cao Cao didn't use Brother Yi's strategy to pacify Wancheng first, causing Zhang Xiulai to surrender;

If, he Cao Cao did not adopt Yi brother Sheng's plan of attacking the east and west, and reused Guan Yu to kill Yan Liang;

If he, Cao Cao, didn't believe Brother Yi's analysis of Wen Chou's weakness, he attacked while his subordinates were robbing money and grain;

If it wasn't for the thunderbolt car designed by Brother Yi, it destroyed Yuan Jun's mound and arrow tower;

If Brother Yi hadn't poured down a bowl of poisonous chicken soup, he would have Cao Cao stick to Guandu without retreating;

If it wasn't for Brother Yi's calculations, from the first day of the September eclipse, no one Xu You would come in the middle of the night;

If it wasn't for the letter of victory sent by Brother Yi before the expedition...then...the outcome of the battle of Guandu would be completely reversed.

Ha ha…

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