Huo, no wonder Brother Yi deliberately let Yuan Jun rob the seventy jars of Dukang fine wine. Dare to love, the role is here!

No wonder, when they just entered Wuchao, there was no resistance. It turned out that the enemy's commander was drunk by this Dukang wine!

Ha ha…

The corners of Cao Cao's mouth grinned, and he smiled after a long absence.

Brother Yi is really predictable, and even the weakness of "Drunken Immortal General" Chun Yuqiong has been used clearly and thoroughly.

Ha ha…

For Yuan Shao, Brother Yi is not so terrifying!

With this in mind, Cao Cao laughed out loud, laughing for a full ten breaths.

Finally, he waved his hand.

"The whole army, come back to Guandu!"

The hooves of "da da da" resounded again...

Cao Cao is about to rush to aid Guandu with his victorious division...and fight with Yuan Shao's main force. Who will be killed in this battle?



Chapter [-] The decisive stroke of the battle of Guandu

There is a resort and an inn.

"Sir, this is wrong again!"

Lu Lingqi raised her eyebrows... "Even if Cao Cao captured Wuchao, his troops would not increase out of thin air, wouldn't it still be the tens of thousands? Returning to Guandu? Isn't it better to fight ten? How to fight this battle, it seems that the strength is hanging... You can't win it at all?"

Lu Lingqi grew up in a military camp. She knew too well that weapons were one inch long and one inch strong, and the more troops and horses they were, the more tyrannical they became... In a normal battle of coalition forces, one against ten, this kind of thing only exists in theory.

Not to mention, taking tens of thousands of people to fight against hundreds of thousands of people would have no chance of winning no matter what!

At first glance, Lu Lingqi's idea is really not wrong.

"Lingqi..." Yi Xiaotian waved his hands. "Mr. found out that he really underestimated you before. When it comes to fighting with the army, you are quite good at it!"

"Sir, don't evade the topic, answer me directly! Even if Cao Cao brings his victorious division to attack with the defenders of Guandu Port from inside and outside, but these tens of thousands are against hundreds of thousands? Where is the odds of winning?"

Instead, Lu Lingqi became aggressive...

Sure enough, this girl has grown up and has become fatter, so she dares to question her husband bluntly.

Yi Xiaotian shook his head lightly, then smiled slightly. "Let's put it this way, if you follow the normal way of thinking, Cao Cao will definitely not win!"

Hmm...normal thinking?

Cai Zhaoji and Diaochan raised their eyebrows, and they were more fascinated.

"Sir, don't give a shit, just talk about your abnormal thinking, we are all looking forward to it here!" Diaochan's soft and slow voice sounded...

"Irregular thinking, that is..." Yi Xiaotian didn't give a shit and answered directly. "Don't Yuan Shao still have a 'detailed work' of Cao Cao, such a key stall... This Lord Guo Tu should send a divine assist again."

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian recalled the decisive stroke of the battle of Guandu recorded in ancient books and documents...


Many keyboard historians will take the surprise attack on Wuchao as the turning point of the battle of Guandu, but this is not the case. Only those who really study this history will know that external factors have caused Yuan Shao to suffer a big loss at most, and the root of the real failure often comes from internal. , only the first internal collapse, the opponent can take advantage of the opportunity.

Kankan... Yi Xiaotian talked a lot...

However, it was clear that they didn't seem to believe whether it was the gentle Diaochan, the wise Cai Zhaoji, or the fiery Lu Lingqi.

Because what Yi Xiaotian mentioned is too unbelievable...

He even threatened that Guo Tu would force Zhang He and Gao Lan to lead hundreds of thousands of Yuan troops to surrender and defect...

And precisely... Yi Xiaotian knew that Guo Tu's persecution and Zhang He and Gao Lan's defections were the real turning point in the battle of Guandu.



Guandu battlefield.

Speaking of which, Zhang He and Gao Lan tried their best, but the Guandu Port could not be taken down.

Among them, there is the reason for the strong Guandu Port, the reason why Cao Hong and Xun You cooperated properly, and of course the reason why the hundreds of thousands of Yuan's soldiers are all focused on Wuchao...

What is the situation in Wuchao?

Has their food and grass been burned clean?

Will they be hungry?Shouldn't he end up starving to death?

These sentences come from the torture from the depths of the soul, and they surfaced on the foreheads of every Yuan Jun soldier again and again. The big guys are about to collapse, let alone attack, each soul is about to fly out, can barely maintain Losing is good enough.

On the other hand, Yuan Ying Zhongjun's large tent.

The news of the long-term attack on Cao's camp and the news of Wuchao's burning came back to Yuanying almost at the same time.

Guo Tu was the first person to get this news. To be honest, he, Guo Tu, is simply to blame for this passive situation...

If he hadn't obstructed Zhang He's proposal at the beginning, the situation in Guandu today would never be the same.

It stands to reason... The wrong decision has already appeared, Guo Tu should reflect on it, report the real situation to Yuan Shao as soon as possible, and try to save the defeat, at least minimize the loss as much as possible...

It's a pity... just as Yi Xiaotian said, Guo Tu is a "fine work" and a "wonderful work"!

How could he take the initiative to take this responsibility... Don't forget, he has a hand in infighting, framing, and blame.

After racking his brains... Guo Tu really found a way to dilute his responsibility.

The scapegoats here are naturally Zhang He and Gao Lan who are fighting on the front line...

With this in mind, Guo Tu rushed to the central army tent non-stop, and a conspiracy quietly emerged.


Yuan Ying, the main tent of the Chinese army.

Today's Yuan Shao is completely stunned. His mind is completely confused. After learning that Wu Chao was burned and Guandu was not shot down, he was completely panicked. He didn't even know what to do next.

At this moment, he desperately needs a sober person to advise him...

If at this time, Ju Shou and Tian Feng were standing beside him, then maybe... the battle of Guandu really turned a corner, but it happened that Guo Tu was the first to come!That abyss giant pit - Guo Tu...

"Master, come in quickly, come in quickly... You must have brought something in such a hurry to come here?"

Yuan Shao saw Guo Tu, as if he saw a life-saving straw, and eagerly wanted to hear his plan.

"My lord..." Guo Tu frowned... "Now that Wuchao is being burned, Zhang He and Gao Lan have not taken down Guandu. That's all, but I received a message from the front line..."

Um... news?

Hearing this, Yuan Shao's brows tensed. Now, he is eager to see any useful information.

"This is a stall that can't be posted, so hurry up..." Yuan Shao urged.

"My lord, it's Zhang He and Gao Lan... It was the two of them who heard that Wuchao was burned, not only did they not feel heartbroken, they gave it a shot, desperately attacked Guandu, but instead... they gloated over the misfortune, and they also threatened... that it was because the lord did not Listening to their advice will lead to the final consequences!"

As soon as Guo Tu said this...

With a "bang", Yuan Shao's hands clenched into fists and slammed heavily on the slip. "Boldly Zhang He, daringly high-profile! When they return with the army, see if I don't punish them severely!"


Yuan Shao was furious. His heart was as big as his little finger. How could he allow someone to speak ill of him?

Of course, if Yuan Shao at this time is a little more rational... a little bit of a lost mind!

He should be able to judge that Zhang He and Gao Lan are now fighting against Cao Jun on the front line, while Guo Tu is leisurely in Yuanying Dazhai. Did you know?

If you think about it with your toes, you know that this so-called news from the front line was just fabricated by Guo Tu...


Today's Yuan Shao can't think of this level. His biggest problem is to save face. If he loses, he loses. If he can bear it, it means that he has never lost.

But darn meow, if you dare to ridicule him, he will definitely play with your life... to the point of ruining your family!


Whether Zhang He and Gao Lan really spoke ill of Yuan Shao, and whether the bad words really spread to Yuan Ying, it doesn't matter anymore!

The important thing is that the news that Guo Tu slandered Zhang He and Gao Lan in front of Yuan Shao spread to the front line!

In an instant, it was like a thunderbolt.

Zhang He and Gao Lan felt that their brains were split open...

Nima, it's completely cold!



Chapter [-] Everything is the will of God, everything is destiny, it is destined after all

After following Yuan Shao for many years, Zhang He knew best what kind of person Yuan Shao was.

In some ways, that's just a pit...

Besides... Yuan Shao's words to Guo Tu are always just four words - no doubt about it.

What's more, the current situation, the headwind situation... and the villain's slander, it is enough for him to follow in the footsteps of Zhang He and Tian Feng, and he will be locked in prison for the rest of his life... If he goes back, he will be waiting for him. cold.

Although Zhang He was a martial artist, he was not so foolish as to die... Especially for such an unreliable protagonist.

I even think of the future of following Yuan Shao, which is like making heroes bleed and tears...

Gao Lan obviously also considered this question, so he asked Zhang He urgently. "General, now Guandu can't be attacked, and there are villains in the back making slander, what should we do?"

Speaking of this, Gao Lan's tone became firmer. "General, you just opened your mouth. I will follow you even if there is a sea of ​​swords and flames."

Phew... Zhang He exhaled.

He shrugged helplessly. "What else can we do now? The lord doesn't trust us, we can only defect before the battle. Since... Guo Tu's villain has already made a move first, so don't blame us for being unkind! Don't leave anyone here, we have our own. stay."

Zhang He seems to have made an important decision.

"Let's go, let's go to Cao Cao!"

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