
In front of Cao Ying, the warhorse let out a neigh, and Cao Cao turned over and dismounted... Ignoring the arrows shot by Yuan Ying above his head, he strode towards the central army tent with bare feet.

He knew that Xu You had been waiting for him there for a long time, and he knew even more that the decisive battle between Cao and Yuan was finally coming.

He ran fast, which made Hu Ben's soldiers anxious... The big guys built a steel city wall around Cao Cao, braved the arrows, and escorted him to the central army.


When they met, Cao Cao didn't say anything, he laughed at first... Then, he respectfully bowed to Xu You.

Xu You hurriedly helped Cao Cao... "Meng De, you are a big Han Sikong, I am just a commoner, how can you salute me!"

Stupid, because you know the passcode to Guandu...

Cao Cao almost blurted out.

In the end, he swallowed the words when they reached his lips.Cao Cao said with a smile. "Ziyuan is far away, you are my old friend of Cao Cao, there is no Sikong between us, let alone a commoner!"

Because of Yi Xiaotian's reminder, Cao Cao knew that Xu You was very involved...

There is great value in him. Brother Yi's plan, without him, really can't be implemented!


Xu You was also very excited. Putting aside the opposing positions of the two sides, after all, Cao Cao also witnessed his youth. To put it in a fashionable phrase from before, Cao Cao was the brother who slept in his upper bunk. A childhood friend who was crazy and troubled... Thinking of this, Xu You and Cao Cao have already embraced.

Here, there are true feelings and interests involved...

I only heard Cao Cao muttering, "Ziyuan is here, my big thing is done!"

To be honest, Xu You really didn't expect Cao Cao to be so enthusiastic...

The arrogance in Xu You's bones seemed to collapse in an instant, and the excitement was over. It was time to talk about the business. Xu You went straight to the point, and he took the initiative to ask.

"Cao Sikong, the situation is not good for you now, Yuan Shao has just cut off your food and grass, dare to ask... your current food and grass are enough to last for a few days!"


Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that this old friend was quite skilled, and he pinpointed his weakness as soon as he came up.

Cao Cao smiled awkwardly and was about to answer for a year...

The words came to his lips, but they stopped immediately, as if... there is no need to hide it from Xu You!

Now that he's here, the last piece of the puzzle to the victory has been put together... Brother Yi is on the verge of a solar eclipse on September [-]st, which means... Even the day of Yuan Shao's funeral has been pinpointed, which is still a coward. Hammer?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao's body trembled, and he said with a grin at the corner of his mouth. "To tell the truth, our army's food and grass are only enough for three days!"

call out…

Xu You was startled, he didn't expect Cao Cao to be so sincere, not flickering, and there was no feeling of losing face at all. Xu You knocked on the forehead, which was a little different from what he expected. However, Xu You still admired Cao Cao very much. of candor.

"Cao Sikong is really honest."

Xu You nodded. "Actually, according to the information I have, I also know that now Cao's army is about to run out of food and grass, and it may take a month for the supplies from the rear to be delivered. For Cao Sikong, it is really the most critical time."

Speaking of this, Xu You changed his words. "Dare to ask Duke Cao, how do you plan to deal with Yuan Shao in this situation with no reinforcements outside and no food and grass inside?"

Xu You raised his eyes slowly. In his opinion, when Cao Cao heard such a severe question, he should have hesitated, or he should have shown a little hesitation...

never thought...

Contrary to Xu You's expectations, hahahaha... Cao Cao laughed heartily.

Cao Cao looked at Xu You, but pointed at Yuan Ying, he said with a smile. "The first day of the ninth lunar month, which is four days later, will be the day of Yuan Shao's funeral!"

With a firm tone, Cao Cao's words were firm...

Xu You is stunned, what are you?Where did the confidence come from?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help shaking his head, he wondered, Cao Cao, who are you fooling?The food and grass are frank, and when it comes to the war situation, is the dead duck's mouth stubborn?

"Cao Gong, don't you want to defeat Yuan Shao? Why don't you tell me the truth?" Xu You's tone turned cold, with some blame in his tone.

"Ziyuan, I'm telling the truth." Cao Cao's tone was still firm. "Four days later, Yuan Jun's [-] troops will be buried here!"

Hu... Xu You exhaled.

For a moment, he felt that Cao Cao was simply a feigned perpetrator!

He shook his head again. "Gong Cao, then I'll ask you."

Speaking of this, Xu You stretched out his hand and pointed to the earth slope that Yuan Shao had built up, and the arrow tower he had built. "These earthen slopes and arrow towers are not broken for a day, and Cao's army can't even get out of the tent. How can they defeat Yuan's army of [-] soldiers and horses?"

Xu You was also drunk. He thought about it, when is this going to happen? You, Cao Cao, don't pretend to be too compulsive. I'm here with a plan, so can't you beg me?Raise my value?

Just thinking of this, Cao Cao took out a scroll from his arms...

He slowly opened it, and the words "Thunderbolt Car" suddenly appeared.

At the same time, Cao Cao's words followed. "Look at Ziyuan, this thunderbolt car can shoot boulders with a range of up to [-] meters, which is much farther than those earth slopes and arrow towers. Today I have ordered the workshop to make them overnight, at most tomorrow night... these arrow towers in Yuan Jun's camp. , I will destroy them one by one for you to see! When the time comes, the Yuan Jun camp will definitely retreat a thousand meters! Morale has dropped to the bottom."


At first, Xu You felt that Cao Cao was very loud, but when he took a closer look at the manufacturing drawing, he couldn't help but become crazy. It used a lot of principles mentioned in the Taixue Baigong class, but took these principles further. Use, the end is ingenious.

Xu You suddenly believed.

Such a superb thunderbolt chariot can't be maintained properly... It can really throw a huge rock thousands of miles away, completely defeating Yuan Shao's arrow tower offensive.

But... even so, it seems that it still can't change the unfavorable situation of Cao Jun's position.

"Duke Cao, I underestimate these craftsmen under your command." Xu You first let out a sigh, and then he waved his hand gently. "It seems... it's not enough to just push Yuan Jun back a thousand meters!"

Ha ha ha ha…

As soon as Xu You's voice fell, Cao Cao let out a wild laugh. He felt that Xu You was like... a copy of him in front of Yi Xiaotian, very ignorant and confused!

However, Cao Cao stood up and pointed to a map in the central army tent. He pointed to the upstream where Yuan army was stationed. This was a canal with little water flow... but it was enough to flood Yuan army camp.

At the same time, Cao Cao's voice continued to come. "Ziyuan, if I open up this canal again and make it flood Yuan Jun's camp... Then... Yuan Jun will have to retreat ten miles, right?"

Huh...Xu You trembled all over...

There was an incredible look in his eyes, ruthless, so ruthless Cao Cao.

You must know that when you dig the canal, it will not only flood Yuan Shao's camp, but what is even more terrifying is that Cao Cao has even flooded his own Guandu Port!

This can no longer be described by words like "ruthless man", Cao Cao is simply a "wolf extermination"!

call out…

Xu You suddenly felt that this combat style seemed completely different from the combat style of Cao Cao in his impression.

Cao Cao should not have thought of such an idea...

Think of the Thunderbolt again?

Xu You asked urgently. "Brother lie, is there any expert around you? Or an extremely ruthless expert... Otherwise..."

Ha ha…

Cao Cao directly "hehe"!

However, there is an expert. Whether he is ruthless or not, then the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

The cruelty towards Yuan Shao is not the kindness towards him Cao Cao!



Chapter [-] is amazing, Duke Cao!Great job, Mende!

"Ziyuan, don't ask more questions if you're not a good person..." Cao Cao wielded a beard. "You'll know everything when you stay here for a long time."

Since... Cao Cao said so.

Xu You was too embarrassed to ask anything, he simply threw out the plan. "Duke Cao, I have a piece of secret information about Yuan Ying, and all Yuan Shao's food and grass are stored in..."

When Xu You said this, Cao Cao pointed his finger at the map and answered first. "Wuchao!"

uh... this...

If Xu You was only surprised by the previous conversation, now, his whole person has become extremely shocked.

Wuchao, Cao Cao actually knew?

Xu You's mind changed sharply. Could it be that... Cao Cao's scout came out?But... it doesn't make sense. The grain storage in Wuchao is the place that Yuan Shao discussed with countless military advisers. The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place. Besides, there are many checkpoints along the way, let alone Caoying scouts, they are just birds. They won't let it go, how can they be detected?

In fact, Cao Cao is also testing. After all, the Wu Chao proposed by Brother Yi has no one to verify it. He needs more reliable information!

And the extremely surprised expression on Xu You's face undoubtedly explained everything.

Wuchao must be Yuan Shao's place to store grain, and Brother Yi's judgment is as accurate and correct as ever.

Phew... Cao Cao exhaled, and a big stone in his heart finally landed safely.

"Cao Sikong, it seems that if Xu You doesn't come to you, you will be able to defeat Yuan Jun." Xu You said helplessly...

"Ziyuan, don't say that." Cao Cao waved his hand. "Even though I know that Wuchao is Yuan Jun's forage, there is still a shortage of medicine for this powerful medicine!"


Xu You is so smart, he immediately realized something...

"Haha" with a smile, "Gong Cao, Duke Cao, I'm sure there must be an expert by your side! As for this medicine guide... This is the pass code to Guandu, it's..."



In the past three days, a lot of things happened on the Guandu battlefield!

According to the manufacturing drawings designed by Yi Xiaotian, Liu Ye successfully transformed the catapult into a thunderbolt. Countless boulders rose into the sky and were thrown straight to the Yuan army camp...

Those mounds and arrow towers that annoyed Cao Cao were like cannons blasting earthenware, and they collapsed in an instant.

This is not the point, the point is... Cao Cao can throw rocks at Yuan Ying recklessly according to his mood.

The point is that these boulders are more powerful than arrows, and the entire Yuan Ying was smashed to pieces in half a day...

This time, Yuan Shao collapsed!

Dare to be affectionate, his tech tree is full, and Cao Cao's tech tree is not idle... The situation has changed drastically, and now, he has to step back and become Yuan Shao.

In desperation, Yuan Shao had to order the three armies to retreat a thousand meters and set up camp again...

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