The two armies were too close, and Yuan Jun's soldiers were unknown. So, even if he saw Xu You, he didn't stop him. Who would have thought that the advisors under his boss would defect before the battle and escaped so openly!

From the moment Xu You's seed of revenge was planted, the scale of the Battle of Guandu was reversed again.



At this time, there is a resort, a luxurious inn.

Cao Cao is slapping his forehead...

Just now, Yi Xiaotian told him an incredible piece of news—his old classmate, former close friend, and Yuan Shao's core adviser Xu You would come to defect to him in the next few days, and he would even tell him the customs clearance along the way of Guandu. code word!


Cao Cao doesn't believe it...

Why did Xu You come to defect to him?

This thing is too evil... No... It's too evil to talk to Brother Yi today.

From what Brother Yi predicted... Yuan Shao's location for storing grain was in Wuchao, that's all, there is still some theoretical basis.

But it's special, the solar eclipse on the first day of September, Xu You has defected in recent days, who is going to make sense of this?

Really?Still fake?

Now Cao Cao is a little confused... He feels that he is in a resort today, and his whole person is in a state of fog.



Chapter [-] Don't listen, don't listen, Wang Ba recites the scriptures

"Brother Yi, I wonder if Yuan Shao treats Xu You well..." Cao Cao asked curiously. "Why should he abandon the strong and seek the weak, and abandon Yuan Shao to join Cao Cao?"

Cao Cao still couldn't understand, this was against common sense, and he couldn't understand it the most.

"Brother lie... He is an old classmate of Cao Cao, an old friend, so-called fellow villagers see fellow villagers with tears in their eyes..."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little serious, Yi Xiaotian made a joke directly. "Isn't it a matter of course to go to an old classmate!"

"Brother Yi, don't make fun of me."

Cao Cao's expression almost condensed into a word of embarrassment. "Just tell me, why did Xu You vote for Cao Cao?"

"Ha ha…"

Seeing Cao Cao's impatient look, Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly, then stopped joking, and his tone became meticulous.

"Hidden brother, this Xu You, you know one thing and don't know the other..."

Uh... Cao Cao was taken aback.

He pondered, one of the words of Brother Yi...mostly said that he had an old relationship with Cao Cao and Xu You.

Speaking of which, the two have a good relationship!

Back then, Xu You had done a very awesome thing. He formed a golden triangle with Wang Fen, the governor of Jizhou, and Zhou Jing, a native of Pei. coup d'état.

At that time, Xu You also brought Cao Cao to join the team, but Cao Cao felt unreliable and did not agree. Later, the coup was stillborn... After Xu You was quiet for a while, he went to Yuan Shao to find an errand.

Of course Yi Xiaotian knew about the relationship between Xu You and Cao Cao!

Speaking of which, Xu You can always think of pulling Cao Cao into the water when he engages in a coup, which shows that the two have a close relationship.


He likes to hear it, Xu You often gives Yuan Shao advice, Yuan Shao's attitude is always the same - don't listen, don't listen, bastard recites the scriptures!

Even Xu You's suggestion to Yuan Shao for the most reliable surprise attack on Xu Capital was rejected by Yuan Shao...

If that's the case, that's fine. It seems... Yuan Shao will take a while to fail completely, but, the next development is beyond everyone's expectations...

Studying this history, how could Yi Xiaotian not know.

In the end, it was none other than Xu You's nemesis - Shen Pei!


"Brother Yi, don't betray you, I'll be waiting here." Cao Cao urged.

Yi Xiaotian smiled lightly, and then opened his mouth. "Brother lie, I'm afraid he doesn't know Xu You's character... He is greedy for money, and he can't be disciplined for the sake of money! The so-called upright and downright crooked, he himself does not abide by the law, and his family is naturally not a good person, this family... do The cases of corruption and perversion of the law are one basket after another, and the number is endless..."


Cao Cao nodded, what Brother Yi mentioned, I didn't know about it, but Cao Cao knew about it.

Who is Xu You?What temperament?As an old classmate, how could Cao Cao, an old acquaintance, not know it?

To describe it with one word is "greed", to describe it with four words, it is "greedy!"


Is there any connection between Xu You's corruption and his defecting to Cao Ying?It seems... this is something irrelevant!

Cao Cao just thought of this, and Yi Xiaotian's words came out.

"Brother, if it's just Xu You who is greedy and perverts the law, and his family is acting indiscriminately under his protection, that's all! At most, there is a bully in Yecheng, but precisely, there is an unselfish guy in Yecheng!"


... Cao Cao was stunned, he pricked up his ears, and his whole person became very curious.

"It's a trial."

Yi Xiaotian said his name immediately.

"This guy has a very similar temperament to Xu Duling Man Chong, he's just unselfish and unreasonable... In terms of governing the world, he is definitely an honest official, but he has a little less overall view than Man Chong. In troubled times, before the big situation, Sometimes the sentencing can not only be based on the laws and regulations, but to a certain extent also depends on the situation and the impact!"

Yi Xiaotian's words are more and more meaningful...

Between the lines, Cao Cao seemed to have read something. Could it be that the trial court sentenced Xu You's family heavily, and even reported Xu You's crime to Yuan Shao?If so...then...

Cao Cao just gave birth to this idea...

Sure enough, Yi Xiaotian's words confirmed his conjecture.

"Brother Hide, recently... a guest from the north really mentioned this point. Xu You's family was arrested by Shen Pei, and together, Shen Pei dug down along the clues, only to find this family. The umbrella of underworld forces."

Speaking of this, Cao Cao blurted out. "It's Xu You..."

"Yes, it's Xu You!" Yi Xiaotian nodded. "Brother lie, you taste, you taste carefully... What kind of bulls, ghosts and snakes are the advisors around Yuan Shao? I have said it many times. Guo Tu and Feng Ji's planning level is average, but the level of infighting is simply top-notch."

"Now that they hold Xu You's handle, they will definitely wait for the opportunity to exclude dissidents and completely marginalize Xu You... As a result, their family members are captured, and they are also marginalized. In such a miserable situation? Narrow-minded , Xu You, who is arrogant and arrogant, will definitely be thinking about revenge, but... if you want to be ashamed, who can he look for if he doesn't come to join this old acquaintance Cao Cao?"

call out…

Cao Cao suddenly woke up, he gave Cao Ren a look, the meaning could not be more clear, let Cao Ren write down this matter.

It’s fine for Xu You to come to vote. If there is no movement, then you have to send Xiao Zuo to investigate the crime committed by Xu You’s family in Xiaye City as soon as possible. This is very important for Xu You’s defecting.

Cao Ren also nodded heavily, and he silently wrote down...

He planned to walk out of the inn quietly, and he wanted to pass the book on flying pigeons as soon as possible to find out the truth.

Of course, neither Cao Cao nor Cao Ren knew that Xu You had slipped into Cao's camp at this time, and even...he was waiting for Cao Cao's return!

Phew... After arranging this, Cao Cao let out a long breath.

From the bottom of his heart, how much he hoped, today's Yi brother is as usual, and everything is right.

Now that there is a shortage of food and grass, this time... Brother Yi's plan, whether he is sure or not, Cao Cao must put it into practice... There is not much time left for him.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao wants to continue to ask some details...

But at this time.

"Hidden, Master Ren..."

The sound of "da da da" hooves resounded outside the inn, and a tiger soldier came galloping on a fast horse...

His chest slumped and heaved up and down, and he was a little out of breath.

But even so, he still shouted, as if he had important news to disclose.

"Master Concealer, Master Ren... A guest came to Cao's camp, claiming to be Duke Cao's old friend, surnamed Xu Mingyou... Mr. Cao is not here, I dare not make the decision, so I specially came to ask Master Concealer to go back and preside over the overall situation."


The language of Hu Ben's soldiers has been trained. They avoided the important and covered up the name and identity of "Cao Cao".

But... his voice fell!

Cao Cao shrank his neck subconsciously, and he was shocked... His entire face was full of surprise.

During the Little Ice Age, the sky in August was not warm, even a little cold, but at this time Cao Cao felt the long-lost spring!

Xu You is here?He... really came!Brother Yi has once again become a proverb...

Cao Cao cried out in his heart, his mind was spinning rapidly.

If the prediction this time is accurate, then... Brother Yi's other predictions this time are also...

Inexplicably, Cao Cao added countless points of confidence, which is full of faith in Yi Xiaotian!

It's not too late...

In ancient times, people often took off their shoes and socks and sat barefoot to chat. At this moment, Cao Cao and Yi Xiaotian were no exception...

At this time, Cao Cao couldn't care about so much anymore. He hurriedly said goodbye to Yi Xiaotian. Immediately, he didn't even bother to wear shoes and socks, so he ran out barefoot, and directly got on his horse...

It's true... Seeing that Xu You is not bad for a while, it doesn't take much time to put on a pair of shoes.

However, there were ancient rules in ancient times, welcoming guests barefoot is a kind of respect for the guests, and it expresses the respect for the guests who can't wait to meet...

And Cao Cao must make this gesture at this time.

Brother Yi's words are true, Xu You is coming to vote... Even with the pass code, it is about to surface, Cao Cao's mood is simply beggars picking up gold - it's too happy!

At this moment, Cao Cao's eyes were flickering constantly, and among them were four big characters - great things can be accomplished!



Chapter [-] Kindness to yourself is cruelty to the enemy

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