He clutched his chest... as if he wanted to speak, but the pain in his chest made him unable to speak.

Yuan Shao thought to himself, Tian Feng must have been agitated, right?

He is the main fighting faction, and he proposed last time that he would take advantage of Cao Cao's expedition to Liu Bei to take advantage of his hometown and copy his old nest.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shao personally patted Tian Feng on the back. "Teacher, speak slowly if you have something to say, this is happiness, but you can't be too excited, you have to be calm and calm..."

Yuan Shao also advised Tian Feng to calm down.

Without thinking, he turned his head and Tian Feng's words made Yuan Shao uneasy.

Not only was he not calm, but it was almost a pain in the face of Yuan Shao's old face.



Chapter two hundred and fiftieth

Just like Yi Xiaotian's judgment...

To offer advice to someone like Yuan Shao, the heart of counselors is often very tired.

Not only do they have to consider how well their strategies are in place, but also carefully measure their tone, sentence pattern, and context in the process of offering their strategies.

You have to offer a plan without losing the slap on the horse, and don't forget to give your plan while slapping the horse...

It's hard enough to be able to do these two things, but you have to pick on Yuan Shao's strengths. You must not expose his weaknesses. Once Yuan Shao feels the slightest offense, he will definitely kill you!

In the conversation between Yi Xiaotian and Cao Cao, when talking about Tian Feng, an enemy camp counselor who Cao Cao was quite scruples, Yi Xiaotian specifically mentioned that Tian Feng had just committed a crime, and the morning and evening would be cool...

This is not made up out of thin air...

According to historical records, Tian Feng was too upright, so when he offered advice, he only considered the gain and loss of the situation, and didn't care about Yuan Shao's mood at all.


Today's Tian Feng looks like a drooping, frustrated and annoyed... He only thinks that Yuan Shao is a pit, an abyss pit, because of a child's illness, because of his procrastination, he has lost the best fighter!

Thinking of this... Tian Feng's words were extremely cold and merciless.

"Yuan Gong, Yuan Gong, you missed the best opportunity to defeat Cao Cao before. Now that the fighter has been lost, but you want to fight Cao Cao decisively, such a great situation has become like this..."

"Now that Cao Cao has defeated Liu Bei, he will return to the army in two days. Now the capital of Xu is no longer empty, and the south bank of the Yellow River is also full of troops... Cao Cao is a cunning and cunning man, he is good at using troops, and his troops are very strong. Don't take it lightly, don't move it rashly!"

Although Tian Feng's words are cold, he can state the truth... In terms of the situation, his judgment has always been accurate.

"Yuan Gong, Yuan Gong, instead of going to a decisive battle, it is better to fight a protracted war and see the form. When it comes to a protracted war, Cao Cao is determined to be no match for us. Yuan Gong can slowly revitalize the four major states in his hand and open up wasteland. , develop business, hoard food and grass, and engage in diplomatic activities on the other side to win more allies and form a united front against Cao Cao..."

"Then select elite soldiers and divide them into several groups to constantly harass Cao Cao, making him unable to take care of him... It will make his field system impossible to continue. In my opinion, within three years, our combat power will become stronger and stronger. , Cao Cao's side will be tired and tired, and at that time, we can completely drag him down and win without a fight."

Speaking of this, Tian Feng waved his hand, and the conversation changed. "On the contrary, according to Yuan Gong's ideas, now concentrate on fighting Cao thief to the death. If it succeeds, it will be the best. If not, then... the situation is in danger, and Hebei is dead."

Hit the nail on the head…

Tian Feng's strategy amplifies Yuan Shao's strengths and Cao Cao's weaknesses infinitely. The word "drag" can almost completely drag Cao Cao down in three years...

Under such "tired Cao" tactics, Cao Cao didn't have to play at all.

However, Tian Feng's words were extremely unpleasant, as if he was blaming Yuan Shao's strategy!

Speaking of which, although Yuan Shao is indecisive, once he decides something, no matter if it is right or wrong, the nine-headed ox will not be able to pull it back.

Yuan Shao reprimanded loudly. "Tian Feng? Are you teaching me to do things?"

Ah...ah...are you teaching me to do things?

The crowd was horrified...

Judging from Yuan Shao's tone, the tone of voice... he was angry, and he was furious.

All the advisors and generals in the big tent know Yuan Shao's temperament too, too, too, too, so don't contradict him in his anger, or he will surely die miserably!

At the moment, one by one kept silent, and the entire military camp was filled with a strange atmosphere.

But... Tian Feng is very persistent.

Yuan Shao did not accept his suggestion. He refused to forgive him. He continued to tell the reasons why he could not enter the army... "Yuan Gong..."

Yuan Shao's face was red with anger.

You must know that he is not an ordinary person who wants to save face. Now that Tian Feng has made him unable to get off the stage in public, Yuan Shao can make him unable to get on the stage for the rest of his life!

"Bold Tian Feng, you are disturbing the military's heart!"

Yuan Shao directly waved his hand to summon the bodyguard. "Put him in jail, and when I come back in victory, let's see how I deal with him! Hmph... At that time, I'll see if you, Tian Feng, still want this old face!"

Full silence...

When the big guys saw that Tian Feng, who was blunt and persuaded, ended up like this, no one dared to say anything again.

Yuan Shao is very satisfied with this...

He waved his hand. "Notify the entire battalion, three days later, march towards Liyang..."

Liyang was the only fortress on the north bank of the Yellow River occupied by Cao Cao, and its location was extremely important.

Speaking of which, in order to defend against Yuan Shao, Cao Cao set up a total of three lines of defense.

The first route is Liyang on the north bank of the Yellow River, and the second route is the south bank of the Yellow River. The east route is Baima, the west route is Yanjin, and the third route is Guandu.

Of course, the reason why Cao Cao only heavily guarded these four strongholds was actually helpless.

In any case, he has few soldiers. Although he welcomes the emperor's lords and holds the emperor tightly in his hands, he is also a farmer, and he is also a great businessman, but these cannot hide the fact that his strength is obviously behind Yuan Shao at this stage. …

Concentrating troops to guard the four strongholds can form a local superior force, so that the already insufficient three armies will not be more scattered!

Of course, Cao Cao is also very worried...

In case Yuan Shao doesn't take the usual route, he will send a surprise army to attack Xudu while confronting it head on;

Whenever any one appears, Cao Cao's wishful thinking will be empty.

to this end…

Today's Cao Cao is also carefully weighing.

In the end, should we concentrate our forces to form local advantages and guard these four lines of defense?

Or should they spread out their troops, stretch the front, and defend against Yuan Shao's surprise attack?

...it's a very contradictory point, or...it's a bet at all!


Guandu port, Cao's camp in the army tent.

Cao Cao stood with his hands behind his back. He was holding a military book and seemed to be reading a book, but in fact his mind was all on the northern defense line.

"Cao Gong..."

Dian Wei, the commander of the Hu Ben army, hurriedly entered the tent... "According to the report from the scout, the main force of Yuan's army was found seventy miles north of Liyang City. The direction of their advance was Liyang City, the stronghold on the north bank of the Yellow River. Liyang City is in a hurry... How to fight? Please Cao Cao. Make a quick decision!"

The voice didn't fall...

"Cao Gong..."

Xu Chu, another commander of the Hu Ben army, walked in quickly. "It's not good, I found a small group of troops assembled in the north of Luoyang, and it seems that there are signs of smuggling the Yellow River and surprise attack on Xudu..."

The two battle reports came one after another, and Cao Cao's brows furrowed even tighter...

There is a saying that good fortune and misfortune do not come singly, and two thorny problems have appeared together.

Facing the main force of Yuan's army, is it north of the Yellow River?How to guard Liyang City?

In the face of Yuan Jun's sneak attack on Xudu, should the defensive front be stretched... Should the sergeant's defense be scattered?


Cao Cao exhaled a long breath, it is difficult, this battle is too difficult to fight!

But at this time.

"Big brother, big brother..." It was Cao Ren who rushed into the tent this time. At this time, Cao Ren's expression was solemn and seemed a little nervous, but he was nervous with a bit of excitement and ecstasy...

Cao Cao subconsciously felt that most of the time... it was another unfavorable piece of information!

But seeing Cao Ren wink at him, Cao Cao understood and immediately ordered Xu Chu and Dian Wei to retreat.

In the entire Chinese army, only Cao Cao and Cao Ren were left.

"Zixiao? Such serious information?" Cao Cao asked frowning. "Even Xu Chu and Dian Wei don't know?"

It stands to reason that Cao Ren is in charge of the intelligence of both Cao and Yuan. First-hand information often needs to be reported to the Hu Ben army first, and the Hu Ben army will be commanded to forward it to Cao Cao. Unless it is... particularly important information, it can be submitted directly.

"Bad news, good news." Cao Ren didn't hesitate and hurriedly spoke.

"Let's hear it..." Cao Cao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he had made sufficient preparations in his mind. He felt that his psychological endurance could handle it!

"The bad news is... that Liu Bei defected to Yuan Shao!" Cao Ren continued nonstop. "The good news is... Brother Yi has arrived at Guandu!"

As soon as this statement comes out…


Cao Cao stood up abruptly, the first news was indeed bad news, it was really bad news!

When Liu Bei joined Yuan Shao, the impact was nothing short of enormous. For example, it filled the void that no one in the world supported Yuan Shao, and satisfied Yuan Shao's vanity and confidence to be the "leading brother".

More importantly, Liu Bei brought first-hand information about his confrontation with Cao Cao. The battle was imminent, and even the information about losing to Cao Cao was precious.

Besides, Liu Bei didn't come for nothing, Yuan Shao could use it as a shield and cannon fodder for himself at the Guandu front, blocking Cao Cao's advance.

These, no matter which one seems to be, are extremely unfavorable to Cao Cao.

However, this unfavorable news suddenly became eclipsed in front of another "good news".

As for the reason, there is no other - Yi Xiaotian is here, Yi brother is here in Guandu!

When he came, Cao Cao's heart was stable, he was as stable as a dog!



Chapter [-] Diao Chan's dance is only blooming for Mr.

Five miles south of Guandu Port is a quiet and elegant village.

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