Cao Cao is also laughing...

In addition to laughing at Liu Bei for being too cowardly, he admired Yi Xiaotian's judgment even more in his heart.

Because, just now he got the information... Yuan Shao's army did not move, and there was no news that he would use Liu Bei's restraint to move forward.

Sure enough...

In today's world, in this part of analyzing and judging opponents, in this part of mind reading, in this part of using opponent's weaknesses to capture fighter planes, no one can be as accurate as Yi Xiaotian.

So... next...

The situation in Xuzhou has stabilized, and there is only the last lonely city in front of you—Xiapi City.

Speaking of which, Guan Yu, the defender of Xiapi City, is still a little capable.

However, after all, there are not many soldiers under his command, and his combat effectiveness is not strong. That is what Yi Xiaotian mentioned - not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs, he really can't bring them along!

Continuing to garrison the city is tantamount to the mayfly shaking the tree and the man's arm as a chariot.

However, Cao Cao did not choose to attack, but used Liu Bei's news... to lure Guan Yu out of Xiapi.

Now, the city of Xiapi is about to be captured, and Guan Yu has been surrounded... Cao Cao immediately sent Zhang Liao, who had a good personal relationship with Guan Yu, to persuade him to surrender...

He was thinking about Brother Yi's instructions, Cao, Yuan Zhizhan, Guan Yu, the god will be very important!

I don't know, what was the result of the persuasion?

You are a genius, remember for a second:

Chapter [-] Be calm and calm

Da da da…

One person and one horse quickly drove into Caoying Dazhai, and the knights on the horses were like a whirlwind, heading for the central army.

The knight exhaled again and again, and his face was also very solemn. It seemed that he had something on his mind. The crescent halberd in his hand seemed to have lost its soul, as if it had lost its former edge.

He was Zhang Liao... one of the eight generals under Lü Bu's command, who surrendered to Cao Cao and was widely used.

This time, he has taken on the important task of persuading Guan Yu to surrender, but the expression on his return doesn't seem to look good... It seems that persuading Guan Yu to surrender is not a complete success.

"Wenyuan? How is the situation?"

Seeing Zhang Liao... Cao Cao, who was sitting in the tent of the central army, hurriedly stood up, and he was suddenly refreshed. He was also very concerned about Guan Yu's return.

"Cao Sikong..." Zhang Liao bowed. "Guan Yu said that if he wants to surrender, he has three contracts!"

Cao Cao raised his eyes and narrowed his eyes slightly. "Tell me, I'll listen."

"First, he only belongs to Emperor Han, not Cao Sikong..." Zhang Liao said loudly...

call out…

Hearing this, Cao Cao was shocked.

He seems to have heard these words somewhere, right... In a restaurant, Brother Yi specifically mentioned Guan Yu's loyalty and righteousness, only surrendering to Han and not Cao...

With this in mind, Cao Cao waved his hand. "It doesn't matter, I am the Imperial Court Sikong, and if I belong to the Han Dynasty, it belongs to me. This is accurate!"

"Second..." Zhang Liao continued. "Guan Yu wants Cao Sikong to treat his two wives well, and sergeants at all levels are not allowed to enter without authorization."

"What's so difficult about this?" Cao Cao laughed. "Not only will I treat the two Mrs. Liu well, but I will also doubly support them, quasi..."

Speaking of which...

Zhang Liao's expression suddenly became much dignified. "Guan Yu's third rule... is... is..."

As if the words had reached his lips, Zhang Liao's throat was choked up, and he couldn't even say it, and finally he let out a sigh.

"Guan Yu's third rule is that once he knows Liu Bei's whereabouts, even if it is at the ends of the earth, he will throw him away..."

uh... this...

Cao Cao had a dull feeling for a while. If so, why should he be Guan Yu?

He shook his head... just as he was about to speak, he suddenly recalled what Brother Yi had told him when he was parting in a liquor store—

——"Guan Yu is very loyal, he must surrender to Han but not Cao Cao. His loyal object in this life is only his good elder brother Liu Paopao! Even if he joins Cao's camp, it is only temporary, short-term... But well ...Shortness is not necessarily bad, sometimes being "short and powerful" can actually give the opponent a heavier blow!"

Yi Xiaotian's words entered Cao Cao's mind...

Cao Cao didn't realize the meaning of "short and powerful" at the time, but at this moment, he had a deeper understanding.

Brother Yi mentioned several times that Guan Yu was very important to Cao and Yuan Zhanchang.

Thinking of this "short and powerful" again, doesn't that mean very clear... He was persuading himself that he had to draw Guan Yu to his side no matter what.

No matter how short or small... Guan Yu can still play a vital role.


The more Cao Cao tasted Yi Xiaotian's words, the more he felt that there was so much flavor.

But at this moment, Zhang Liao sighed again, he persuaded. "Cao Sikong, I will think about it at the end, Liu Bei is nothing more than a kindness to Guan Yu. If Cao Sikong is more generous to Guan Yu, it will take a long time... Guan Yu may not be influenced. Besides, Liu Bei escaped in panic, and now Life or death is unknown, not necessarily still alive... Cao Sikong, please take a look!"

Zhang Liao's words coincided with Cao Cao's thinking...

Cao Cao nodded heavily.

Although Yi Xiaotian suggested that Guan Yu would leave sooner or later, Cao Cao felt that he could keep Guan Yu.

In this world, apart from Brother Yi, there is no one who can bear Cao Cao's series of kindnesses.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao nodded. "Wenyuan, what you said makes sense. The world only knows the power of Cao, but how can they know that the grace of Cao is more than the power, this third covenant is right!"

Phew... Grace is more than majesty.

As soon as these words blurted out, the other generals did not feel anything, but Jia Xu and Cao Ren beside Cao Cao both nodded their heads.

Cao Cao's kindness to Yi Xiaotian is in front of him.

The first thing to do is to conceal your identity, not to mention the wine shop, the medical office, the study, the blacksmith shop, and the private school... Nowadays, even the best villages near Guandu Port and Dukang Village, the holy place of winemaking in the Central Plains, are lost. gave him...

This kind of bet to send money, land, and heads... Jia Xu and Cao Ren see it, they are really heavy, but Yi Xiaotian is not necessarily happy that he is Cao Cao... Thinking this way, why is it somewhat embarrassing!


"The last general will thank Cao Sikong for Guan Yunchang." Zhang Liao bowed and bowed...

"Okay." Cao Cao raised his hand. "Send the order to retreat for ten miles, withdraw all the soldiers from Xiapi City, and let Guan Yu go down the mountain and return to the city!"


As soon as this statement came out, Cheng Yu, the advisor beside Cao Cao, was shocked.

He repeatedly persuaded. "Cao Sikong... This is absolutely impossible. Guan Yu will come down if he wants to. Cao Sikong can't let him go back to the city? In case Guan Yu takes the opportunity to escape... That would be a dragon entering the sea and a tiger entering the forest!"

Ha ha…

Cao Cao laughed out loud, he stretched out his hand and said loudly while laughing.

"This is the first grace that I, Cao Cao, gave him to Guan Yu, to let him return to the city. Someone told me that Guan Yu and Guan Yun are unparalleled in loyalty and righteousness... A loyal and unparalleled general will never break his promise to escape, right?"

Cao Cao asked a question...

The crowd was dumbfounded.

Only Jia Xu Qianxiao was born, and while he was laughing, he wore a beard. "Since 'someone' has said that Guan Yunchang is unparalleled in loyalty and righteousness, then Guan Yunchang will definitely not break his promise to escape. Cao Sikong's words are fine!"

Speaking of which...

Cao Cao and Jia Xu looked at each other and understood each other, and they both laughed out loud.

Jia Xu's heart is like a mirror. Isn't this "someone" the owner of Youjian Villa, Yi Xiaotian? His words have always been accurate, so how could there be any mistakes?



Lost, Liu Bei lost.

Down, Guan Yu down.

Cleared, the hidden dangers behind Cao Cao's rear are completely cleared.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves... Cao Cao defeated Liu Bei in a storm, and it took less than ten days before and after, and a time difference was skillfully completed.

Successfully solved the worries and avoided the two-front battle...

At this time, Yuan Shao was still in a meeting!


On the north bank of the Yellow River, Yuan Jun Dazhai, the Chinese army tent.

"Oh, everyone, my Shang'er has finally recovered, but it scared me to death. Most of you have experienced the worry of being a father, right?"

Yuan Shao, who was sitting in the head coach position, let out a long sigh...

The Shang Er mentioned in his mouth was his most beloved third son Yuan Shang.

In the past few days, Yuan Shao has always been absent-minded in his discussions with the advisors. The source of this is Yuan Shang. The youngest son Yuan Shang fell ill a few days ago!

Huh... Yuan Shao's military advisor, Tian Feng, let out a long breath.

In Yuan Shao's camp, he was the one with the sharpest judgment on the current situation.

More than ten days ago, when he heard that Cao Cao was going to fight Liu Bei, he immediately judged that the time had come, and he persuaded Yuan Shao to take advantage of this time to move his troops south, and a battle could be done in the Central Plains.

But it just happened... Yuan Shao didn't even think about this proposal after hearing it. He didn't even think it was a historic opportunity, so he rejected it outright.

And the reason for refusal is quite shocking - "My third son Shang'er is sick? I want to take care of him, how can we fight at this time?"

At that time, Tian Feng was so angry that a mouthful of old blood spurted out...

Yuan Shao was not in a hurry at all.

In the end, Tian Feng had no choice but to face the Yellow River and sigh. "I encountered such a good opportunity, but I lost it because of a child's illness... The trend is over, the trend is over!"

I never thought... It has only been more than ten days since Tian Feng persuaded...

Yuan Shao's youngest son has recovered from his illness, and even Yuan Shao's mood has improved. This time, his tone was much firmer.

In the large tent of the Chinese army, Yuan Shao raised his voice. "I think now is the best time to attack Xudu, what do you think?"

As soon as this statement comes out…

Tian Feng almost spit out another mouthful of old blood.

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