never thought...

As soon as the words blurted out, Lu Lingqi immediately understood, and she waved her hand hurriedly.

"Ah... take care? Sister Diaochan is not what you think..." Lu Lingqi hurriedly explained.

"Huh?" Diao Chan's beautiful eyebrows curved slightly. "Isn't what I thought? Then... Lingqi? Tell me, what do I think?"

It seems... When Yi Xiaotian was mentioned, many topics were added to Qinfang.

Of course, for Diaochan, this is not only a topic, but also more dignified and infinitely curious.



Chapter [-] Ants Day Elephant - Unable to use energy

There is a wine shop and a private room.

"Brother Yi, I'll give you another bowl!" This is already the third bowl of wine Cao Cao has drunk...

The way he showed his whole person seemed to be saying, after drinking this bowl, there are three more bowls...

"Brother lie, let's drink slowly, this sauce-flavored drink has a lot of stamina, you can take it easy." Yi Xiaotian advised repeatedly...

"It doesn't matter how old he is!" Cao Cao raised the wine bowl and wanted to respect him again, but he said something in his mouth. "Brother Yi, your ten-win-ten-lose argument is so wonderful, even if I was a businessman, I felt a scorching flame rise up all over my body..."

"Isn't it, there is still a feeling of domineering in it?" Yi Xiaotian asked back.

"Brother Yi? How do you know?" Cao Cao was taken aback...

Hahaha... Yi Xiaotian laughed out loud and waved his hand. "Brother lie, don't take it seriously, I'm just looking at your face to help Cao Cao save some face and win this battle of public opinion. As for this ten-win-ten-lose argument, it is at best a flag-waving shout before the war. , you must not take it seriously!"

ah... ah...

In an instant, Cao Cao's mood fell from the top to the bottom. Why did he suddenly have the urge to cry?

What?What's the matter?Cao Cao has ten victories, Yuan Shao has ten defeats, isn't this what Brother Yi really said!

Gudong... a sound, as if choked.

Cao Cao hurriedly asked. "Brother Yi, aren't you telling the truth?"

"It's true and false, what's false and true!" Yi Xiaotian waved his hand, "It's the same as his Chen Lin's "Worrying a Thief", there are falsehoods, and there are truths in falsehoods, isn't this just the dog lifting the curtain—— It's all about one mouth!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian snorted. "Actually...seriously, ten wins and ten losses is a bit too much, Yuan Shao is not so unbearable yet, but well, Cao Cao completely defeated Yuan Shao in four aspects, and it is precisely these four aspects that determine the outcome of the two sides. The key of the key!"

Hmm... Changed from ten wins and ten losses to four wins?

Cao Cao suddenly became more curious.

"Brother Yi, don't make me mad, what four wins did Cao Cao have?" Cao Cao's ears perked up...

It's not clear what Yi Xiaotian means. The ten-win-ten-lose theory is just a scene, used to wave the flag, and the actual content is condensed into this "four wins theory".

Looking at Cao Cao's expectant eyes...

"Brother lie, in fact, there are not so many twists and turns in the war... It is not a higher moral character than anyone else, the core things... only these four."

Yi Xiaotian took a sip of his wine and said aloud.

"First, Yuan Shao respects talents, but he doesn't know how to use people, he only suspects. But Cao Cao uses people casually, and he only chooses his talents. This is the victory of 'degree'!"

"Secondly, Yuan Shao was indecisive in his work and missed the opportunity. Cao Cao's work was resolute and decisive, not sticking to one pattern. This is a 'conspiracy' victory."

"Thirdly, Yuan Shao's army is not strict. Don't look at his [-] men. He has no fighting power. On the contrary, Cao Cao is rewarded and punished. Although there are few soldiers, he is very strong in combat, not to mention well-equipped. This is a 'martial' victory."

"Fourth, Yuan Shao loves vanity, and the people around him naturally love vanity, but Cao Cao is practical and frugal. The people around him are practical talents. This is the victory of 'virtue'!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly and then concluded. "Actually, ten victories are not needed at all, and four victories are enough to beat him Yuan Shao!"


Brother Yi, this is simplified!Cao Cao tasted it carefully, and it seemed that he had a taste. Although it did not sound as domineering as ten wins and ten losses, in terms of pragmatism, the four wins theory seemed to prevail.

Of course.

That being said, the theory is the theory, but the theory has to be linked to the reality, isn't it…

Yuan Shao's public opinion war has been cracked, so... Cao Cao is also worried about Yuan Shao's diplomatic war?How to deal with it?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao's eyes narrowed, and he took the initiative to ask.

"Brother Yi, now Yuan Shao and Chen Bing the Yellow River, the three armies have not yet crossed south, but this diplomatic war has already started, he contacted the Qiang people and Hu people to the west, and the Guanzhong area colluded with Han Sui and Ma Teng, and joined Liu Zhang and Liu Biao to the south. ...and the Sun family, even if Sun Ce dies, his brother Sun Quan, who is the new successor, has a high opinion of him. It seems that this Sun Quan is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Facing these foreign enemies? What should Cao Cao do? How to deal with it?"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao paused.

Because the stakes are high, he added. "If Yuan Shao's diplomatic war starts, in that case, I can use the land of Yanzhou, Yuzhou, Xuzhou, Sili, and four states to fight against two-thirds of the princes in the world. This situation is extremely unfavorable."

Hmm...diplomatic warfare?

It is true that there was too much hype before the Battle of Guandu, and diplomacy was the most important part.

Yi Xiaotian frowned slightly, and he recalled a little about the attitude of the princes before the Battle of Guandu.

It's okay not to recall, but when I really recall it, Yi Xiaotian wanted to laugh immediately...

Because this problem is not a problem at all, there are many princes in the world, and there are also many princes who threaten Cao Cao, but most of them are taking a wait-and-see attitude towards the battle of Guandu. In other words, the princes in the world are watching the excitement. !

Thinking of this, hahahaha, Yi Xiaotian burst out laughing.

laugh?Brother Yi laughed?

Cao Cao was immediately puzzled, this... what's the situation?Well done, why is Brother Yi smiling?

Don't wait for him to think about it...

Yi Xiaotian's words have already come out.

"Brother lie, I think you're an eagle burping - you've eaten too much chicken. Now the various princes and they won't help Yuan Shao!"

"Among them, some of them are not strong enough or have a long way to go, but they have the heart to conquer Cao Cao, but they are also ants and elephants - they can't use their energy! Honestly... and there are a lot of things in my own family, how can I help Yuan Shao?"

Uh... Brother Yi said that Cao Cao was... an eagle burping -- eating too much chicken?

Cao Cao is a little confused...

Brother Yi means that he Cao Cao eats radishes and worries about it...


Cao Cao hurriedly asked. "Brother Yi, you have to make it clear! Who is too energetic? Who is physically honest? Whose family has a lot of troubles?"

"Hahaha..." Yi Xiaotian laughed out loud, he drank half a bowl of wine, moistened his throat, and said it immediately. "The ants and the elephants—the ones who are too energetic are Liu Zhang from Yizhou, the Qiang people, the Hu people... How far are they from the Central Plains, when they send troops over, the day lily will be cold? What's more... Long distance marching, This is a big taboo in the military, there is simply no supply of food and grass, and they will weigh it again and again."

"As for...the one who promises with his mouth and is very honest in his body is naturally Liu Biao. He is handsome, has a good family background, has a good reputation, and is famous for his politeness. He is simply a model representative of all the princes. 'Three good students'."

"But... these 'three good students' tend to only read, learn, and talk, and fighting is not their specialty. Besides, Liu Biao's character is as soft as a persimmon, Yuan Shao kneeling when Cao Cao beats him. After singing 'conquer', he must still be as motionless as a mountain, just like a Hengshui old man who has been drinking for [-]!"

"And there are a lot of things in my family. Naturally, it is the Sun family of Soochow. Sun Ce's younger brother, Sun Quan, is still in the rainy season when he was eighteen years old. Even if he is more mature in his heart, he can hold his hand However, except for Kuaiji, Wujun, Danyang, Yuzhang, and Luling, other areas in Jiangdong, especially the grassroots of Wuyue, have not been fully managed. In the past, they were afraid of Sun Ce's bravery, and the boundaries of Soochow were still Pick up the tail, now the soft persimmon is out, who doesn't want to pinch it."

"Besides, the talents under Sun Quan's command are only willing to assist Sun Quan because of the face of his father and brother. They rely on the old to sell the old, and they are proud of their merits. Sun Quan wants to be the number one in Jiangdong. His first priority is not To open up the territory and expand the soil, but to check and balance the internal... To destroy the mountains and the mountains in the outer peace, all this must be done. It is impossible to achieve it in seven or eight years. Therefore, as long as Cao Cao is not stupid at this time, he will give it to him in the name of the emperor. For an official position, it is too late for Sun Quan to be grateful to Dade, where would he go north? Not to mention..."

Yi Xiaotian wanted to make fun of the history... Sun Shiwan never passed Hefei in his life.

After thinking about it... it's still a bit of a stretch.

He immediately waved his hand. "That's it... By the way, it seems that one of the princes has been missed, Han Sui, Ma Teng... Strictly speaking, they are also ants and elephants - the type that cannot be used with strength."

"Kanxi is not very peaceful. There are many warlords there, attacking each other... If Cao Cao would immediately give Han Sui and Ma Teng high officials a lot of money, I would draw them closely to the side of the court."

"In this way, Han Sui and Ma Teng must be ecstatic. After all, there is an edict from the imperial court. They are pacifying Guanxi, that is, they are famous! In this way, not only will they not become Cao Cao's constraints, but they will be transformed. , and became Cao Cao's watchdog guarding the west gate!"



Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Fourth Hours

Just...that's it?

Yuan Shao's diplomatic war was solved so easily?

Cao Cao listened carefully, tasted carefully, not to mention... the situation and current situation of the external princes, one by one, really let Yi Xiaotian explain it. Not only was he right, but... it was actually very reasonable.

Cao Cao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he vaguely felt that using the methods proposed by Brother Yi, such as using the imperial edict to win over Han Sui, Ma Teng, and Sun Quan; This soft persimmon?The guy who only talks loudly is also tossed aside, just ignore it.

Of course, if other people say these comments on the characters and the analysis of their weaknesses, Cao Cao must think it is unrealistic, but it is from the mouth of Yi Xiaotian...

With Zhuyu in the front, Brother Yi has never made any mistakes in understanding people's hearts!He said that all the princes are watching the lively, and the princes of all kinds must be watching the lively.

Phew... Cao Cao let out a long exhale.

It's cool, with Brother Yi's words, this diplomatic battle problem that made him quite helpless was solved so easily...

Cao Cao suddenly felt unsteady!

"Brother Yi, I've done it, you can do what you want..." Cao Cao raised his wine bowl, as if he could only express his current mood when he drank it all.

"Brother lie, drink slowly, you can drink a lot today."

Yi Xiaotian is still persuading...

To tell the truth, he wasn't really afraid that Cao Cao would get drunk, but he was thinking about the wine that he had finally brewed, and he had let Brother Concealer drink it up. Is it still good?

This cellared wine is incomparably precious in this era, and it is worth thousands of dollars for every additional year of storage.

"Brother Yi, I didn't expect that in your eyes, all the lords who are mighty and mighty in the eyes of others are just a bunch of chickens!" Cao Cao let out a sigh of relief!

Hearing this, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand. "Low-key, don't tell me if you know what to do, brother. People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. I still plan to keep a low profile."


Cao Cao suddenly laughed.

The two drank again... Cao Cao seemed to be in a good mood.

Yuan Shao's public opinion war was cracked; Yuan Shao's diplomatic war was based on Brother Yi's analysis, and it must be in vain... Then, Cao Cao can concentrate on how to fight against Yuan Shao.

But...before that.

Cao Cao suddenly thought of something, this external problem has been solved, but the internal hidden danger cannot be ignored!

For example...the surrendering faction headed by Kong Rong and the peace faction faction, how to deal with it?

For example... what is the mysterious power that is constantly surging in Xu Ducheng?

And... Liu Bei is so good at hiding his mind?He Cao Cao read Liu Bei's heart, but Baiguan did not read it?How to expose Liu Bei's ambitions is also a big problem.

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