Huo... Ten wins and ten losses?

All the students could not help but prick up their ears for a while, and what they were most interested in came.

As for Cao Cao, his eyes suddenly became bright, and he was full of vision and expectations for Yi Xiaotian's upcoming "Ten Victories and Ten Loss Theory".


From the changes in the eyes of the big guys, Yi Xiaotian knew that sex was coming.

There is nothing more than this ten-win and ten-defeat theory, which can boost the morale of Cao Jun, and can make the most important shout for the war that is about to break out.

"First, Yuan Shao pays attention to pomp and etiquette; while Cao Cao treats people and things naturally and kindly, this is the victory of 'Tao'."

"Secondly, Yuan Shao sent troops with the motive of rebelling against the Han Dynasty; Cao Cao was ordered by the Son of Heaven to crusade the rebels. This is a 'righteousness' victory."

"Thirdly, since the two emperors Huan and Ling, the decrees of the Han Dynasty have been lax, and Yuan Shao has lacked legal discipline at all, and has no deterrent force at all; on the other hand, Cao Cao has severely punished and disciplined, and used heavy codes in troubled times. It's 'governance' to win."

"Fourth, Yuan Shao is lenient on the outside and jealous on the inside, and he appoints people to relatives; Cao Cao uses people regardless of their background, and only based on merit, regardless of kinship or proximity, this is the victory of 'degree'!"

"Finth, Yuan Shao is more resourceful and less decisive, and often misses the opportunity; Cao Cao's decision-making is decisive, his execution is efficient, and his adaptability is extremely strong. This is a 'scheme' victory!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian paused, coughed, cleared his throat and continued.

"Sixth, Yuan Shao likes to talk loudly and is humble on the outside, but in fact he is trying to make a name for himself, so most of the civil servants and generals under his command are flashy guys; while Cao Cao treats people with sincerity and is not greedy for vanity, his subordinates are all loyal and upright. , people of insight, this is the victory of 'de'."

"Seventh, Yuan Shao can see the hungry and cold people with compassion, but he can't take into account the invisible; while Cao Cao is not careful about the small things in front of him, but he never neglects the big things, even if the hungry and cold people are watching If you don't see it, you won't miss it because of carelessness. This is the victory of ren."

"Eighth, Yuan Shao's subordinates are fighting for power and profits, confusing the public; Cao Cao's subordinates are well-governed, and there is absolutely no intrigue. This is the 'Ming' victory."

"Ninth, Yuan Shao has no standards for doing things, and there is no distinction between right and wrong; Cao Cao's actions are clearly rewarded and punished. The right thing is rewarded to implement it, and the wrong thing is punished according to law to correct him. This is 'Wen' wins."

"Tenth, Yuan Shao likes to bluff, but he doesn't actually understand the essentials of the art of war. To unify the north is nothing more than a large army overrunning the territory and using the absolute superiority of his troops to crush it; and Cao Cao is good at using the weak to defeat the strong. Like a god, the soldiers rely on him, the enemy fears him, this is the victory of 'wu'!"

Almost in one breath, Yi Xiaotian explained the "ten wins and ten losses" theory and...

Tao, righteousness, governance, degree, conspiracy;

Virtue, Ren, Ming, Wen, Wu.

From these ten points to discuss, to corroborate... The words were eloquent, and the audience was full of uproar and shock...

The entire Shuixie study room was silent for a while...

After a long silence, everyone was tasting it, carefully tasting the meaning of Yi Xiaotian's words.

In the previous "Sun Tzu's Art of War", the five points of Tao, heaven, earth, general, and law were used as the five dimensions of victory.

But now Yi Xiaotian, he directly doubled the dimension of winning.

Killing and punishing hearts, this is killing and punishing hearts!

Not to mention Cao Cao's reaction after hearing these words, he is just an ordinary person. After they carefully taste it, the inherent cognition in their minds will collapse in an instant!

In the battle between Cao and Yuan, Yuan Shao has the upper hand!

Uh... this sentence seems to be... yes... yes... unbiased, to be more precise, it should be—Yuan Shao has the upper hand?

Why did you suddenly realize that Yuan Shao was no longer fragrant?



Chapter [-] The theory of ten wins and ten losses is another bowl of poisonous chicken soup

In the Shuixie study, Yi Xiaotian didn't teach for a long time.

But in this short period of time, all scholars, all Confucian scholars, and all clan descendants felt that they had benefited a lot.

A good Cao Cao has ten victories, Yuan Shao has ten defeats...

Mr. Yi's speech is sonorous and powerful, but his content is more precise, which makes people have to believe his words and admire his keen judgment on the current situation.

Even, many descendants of the clan have already made up their minds to suggest that the family stand on Cao Cao's side.

It can be said that Yuan Shao's public opinion war, in this waterside study, opened the altar and gave lectures, under the sonorous words of ten wins and ten losses, the losers were completely defeated, and the losers disappeared.

Cao Cao patted his chest lightly, Brother Yi really solved his big trouble inadvertently.

Then, he smiled and nodded, and said with emotion. "It's really amazing. I've heard this ten-win-ten-lose theory, and I suddenly feel more confident!"

Jia Xu on the side smiled and said nothing.

"Haha..." Cao Cao continued. "The ten-win-ten-lose theory is wonderful, but I, Cao Cao, can't be this good. Brother Yi is Miao Zan. However, I can spread this statement to the world... Haha, this is enough for Yuan Shao to eat a pot."

Hearing this, Jia Xu smiled slightly. "Cao Sikong, don't belittle yourself!"

Jia Xu raised his hand and explained further. "I'm afraid Cao Sikong doesn't know that, before you conquered Wancheng, Yuan Shao repeatedly recruited Zhang Xiu, recruited me Jia Xu, and even promised a high-ranking official."

Jia Xu talked eloquently. "At that time, between Cao Sikong and Yuan Shao, I made up my mind without hesitation that I must join Cao Sikong's command and enter Cao Sikong's decision-making circle. As for the reason..."

Speaking of this, Jia Xu's eyes slowly lifted, and a gleam of light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"It's because I have the same thoughts as Shopkeeper Yi, whether in Tao, righteousness, governance, degree, strategy, or in virtue, benevolence, intelligence, literature, and martial arts, Cao Sikong completely defeated Yuan Shao, and the future ruler of the world must be Cao Sikong."

Huh... Jia Xu blurted out these words.

Cao Cao's heart trembled, if Yi Xiaotian's ten-win-ten-lose theory gave him a lot of confidence, then... Jia Xu's further analysis will undoubtedly make this confidence even more!


Cao Cao himself is happy, I Cao Cao?Is it so good?

Cao Cao and Jia Xu chatting happily here...

The opening lecture in front of the Shuixie study also came to an end, Yi Xiaotian answered a few students' questions, then raised his hand and slowly retreated, ending the carnival in the student world.

Of course, his point of view, the ten wins and ten losses he put forward, will be spread in the land of China with the speed of thunder and lightning, with the help of the students and Cao Cao.


"Cao Sikong, this old man is leaving first."

Seeing the students disperse, Jia Xu waved his hand and gestured to leave...

"Since Wenhe is here? Why don't you leave in such a hurry to chat with Brother Yi with me?" Instead, Cao Cao took the initiative to invite Jia Xu to join him in the chat with Yi Xiaotian. "Wenhe can always think of a lot of things I overlooked!"

"No, no!"

Facing Cao Cao's gracious invitation, Jia Xu waved his hand and refused directly. He grinned wryly. "Did Cao Sikong forget about the bet half a year ago?"

call out…

Jia Xu reminded Cao Cao seriously.

At that time, Jia Xu and Yi Xiaotian really made a bet. The content of the bet was about how to obtain Xuzhou intelligence and how to seek Xuzhou?

Now, the outcome of this bet is clear, and Jia Xu is a complete loser.

Not only did Chen Deng surrender to Cao Cao, but even Xuzhou and Xiapi were completely captured by Cao Cao. According to the bet, Jia Xu would come to Youjian Villa to be a Fengshui Taoist for a year!

It's just... Jia Xu is very poisonous and slick, and he deliberately avoided Yi Xiaotian, as if he was nothing to do.

This time when I came to Shuixie Study, I had to come quietly, walk quietly... How dare Yi Xiaotian meet!

Uh...thinking of this.

Cao Cao shook his head, "Wenhe, I'm really embarrassing you."

Jia Xu has a moustache. "No embarrassment, no embarrassment. In fact, there is nothing wrong with being a Feng Shui Taoist. It's just... The battle between Cao Sikong and Yuan Shao is imminent. In any case, I have to help Cao Sikong finish this battle first! Haha...haha..."

As soon as the words fell, Jia Xu laughed and trotted onto the carriage, as if he was afraid of being discovered by Yi Xiaotian.

Cao Cao sighed helplessly...

Then he slowly left.

I made an appointment with Brother Yi before. After the Shuixie study opened for a lecture, they had to continue chatting and drinking!


With the conclusion of the opening lecture in the Shuixie study, Yi Xiaotian left.

The melodious sound of the piano gradually fell, and the whole villa was less embellished by the sound of the piano, and it seemed to suddenly become a lot more empty and lonely.

For all the scholars, Mr. Yi's ten-win and ten-defeat theory echoes in the chest and wanders in the mind...

And this moving qin song is also a reverberation that lingers in my heart for a long time.

This time, both voices fell, and the big guy had an inexplicable sense of loneliness.


One by one, they couldn't help but stop and ponder. Youjian Villa is really amazing. Mr. Yi is amazing, and Mr. Yi's point of view is amazing. This beautiful and moving piano sound is even more magical.


Next to the Shuixie study, in the Qinfang.

"Little girl... ah no, sister Diaochan, your piano sound is so beautiful!" Lu Lingqi couldn't help but boast...

"Is it?"

Diaochan moved the bead curtain with her thin hands, and through the window, she raised her head and looked out of the Qinfang, mumbling incessantly.

"No matter how good the sound of the piano is, how can it match Mr.'s three-inch tongue! With so many literati gathered here, it can be seen that Mr. has learned to be rich in five cars!"

Diaochan does not hesitate to praise Yi Xiaotian...

This gentleman who has never met before and seems to be haunting her ears every day makes her more and more fascinated and tugs at her heartstrings more and more.

"This is it?" Lu Lingqi spread her hands as if she was not surprised. "Sister Diaochan watched this waterside study open for the first time, and most of them thought it was new... But I've seen it many times, and I just feel it's ordinary, ordinary!"


With a faint breath, Diao Chan's eyes narrowed slightly, if it was just a mediocre lecture?Where will these students from all over the world be attracted?

Thinking of this, Diaochan wanted to meet this unremarkable gentleman even more.


As if suddenly, Diaochan remembered something, and she turned to look at Lu Lingqi. "Lingqi? You have always mentioned how much your husband takes care of you, so... how did he take care of you?"

Diaochan's pretty face was flushed, and she suddenly became very curious about how Yi Xiaotian got along with Lu Lingqi and Cai Zhaoji.

In fact, she wants to know more, is there any ambiguity in the husband's so-called care?

In other words, does the husband have any thoughts on the girl Lu Lingqi?

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