"Hahahaha..." Cao Cao laughed out loud... "I didn't expect Xuande to be afraid of thunder, haha, you hero, I'm afraid it will make people laugh out loud."

"How can I be a hero? As for this fear of thunder, Cao Sikong can't spread the word. I can't afford to lose face."

This is the worst drink Liu Bei has ever had in his life...

Of course, this has nothing to do with the taste. Liu Bei was very nervous. He was afraid that something was wrong, and Cao Cao found a loophole, and he was in danger!

The wine also drank, and the weather changed color. Cao Cao left slowly with his entourage.

Liu Bei stretched out his hand to wipe off his sweat. He hid in the corner with his back to the crowd, gasping for breath.

Have a ghost.

Liu Bei has already felt that his hidden mind skills will not last long. Rather than being caught by Cao Cao and waiting to die, he might as well take the initiative to attack, and there is only one chance of life!

But...the ideal is very rich, and the reality is incomparable.

But at this time.

"Uncle Liu..." A voice came out.

Liu Bei Xunsheng looked over, and it was the uncle who came to deliver the food.

"Your Majesty has only checked the genealogy. According to the genealogy, Liu Shijun is His Majesty's uncle... Now, His Majesty has secretly assembled some people inside and out. I hope Uncle Liu Huang can help the Han family, escape from Xudu, and take charge of the overall situation!"

Hmm... one inside and one out?

Liu Bei's eyes narrowed. "What does your Majesty mean by outside?"

"Xuzhou..." The uncle who delivered the food lowered his voice even lower. "His Majesty, the officials stationed in Xuzhou, has secretly attracted him. Uncle Liu only needs to escape from Xudu and rush to Xuzhou. He will hold the banner and wait for Xu to change... Send troops to help, and the event can be determined!"

It turned out that the emperor Liu Xie had already deployed everything.

He first secretly attracted a group of loyal Han courtiers, and just waited for the imperial edict to be given to the father of the state, Dong Cheng, and passed out of the palace, and soon... he was about to revolt in Kyoto and kill Cao thief.

And another edict was brought to Liu Bei at this time...

This is an edict to let Liu Bei raise his banner to mobilize righteous soldiers to conquer Cao's thieves.

And the first stop, that is, the foundation - Xuzhou, the emperor Liu Hong has secretly planned it, and only Liu Bei can take over.

A good one took advantage of Cao and Yuan's struggle for hegemony, attacking from inside and outside.


To understand this, Liu Bei let out a long breath. Now, all he has to do is to find a way to escape from Xudu.

But well, escape, hehe, Liu Bei has never done anything else in his life at work, and this is what he is best at!



Chapter [-] Guandu Port, both the front line and the best resort

Xu Capital City, Sikong Mansion.

Cao Cao is almost "drunk"...

It's true that Brother Yi's predictions were largely fulfilled last time at Youjian Liquor, but as new troubles came one by one, it was stunned that none of them could be resolved.

Yuan Shao's public opinion war, the offensive of the diplomatic war, the rhetoric of the capitulation faction, the surging undercurrents in Xuducheng, and Liu Bei's mind-hiding technique... These are enough to cause headaches.

The most troublesome thing is that Sun Ce in the south is also uneasy. In just one month, he has already traveled north twice.

Fortunately, Chen Deng blocked his offensive in Guangling City, but again and again, again and again, in case, he attacked again, again, again, again, what should we do?

Cao Cao found that he really had no clue to deal with these problems.

"Alas..." He let out a long sigh... Cao Cao's expression was complicated and helpless.

at this time…

"Meng De, Meng De..." Cao Ren hurried over... "Something has happened, something has happened!"

Well?big deal?

Cao Cao frowned, these days, when will there be no major events?He's used to it.It's a big thing, huh, I'm afraid it's a bad thing, right?

Cao Cao just thought of this...

Cao Ren's words blurted out. "Sun Ce is dead, Sun Ce is dead..."

As soon as these words came out, Cao Cao suddenly stood up, his body was shaken, and his spirit was also shaken...

Sun?Sun Ce is dead?

The most... the most troublesome Sun Ce died?Cao Cao exhaled a long breath, especially since he couldn't believe it.

"Well, is this statement true?" Cao Cao hurriedly asked for confirmation...

"It's absolutely true." Cao Ren replied without hesitation. "Chen Deng sent back news from Guangling City, and our detailed work in Soochow also sent back news... Sun Ce was assassinated. I heard that he was assassinated by Xu Gong's disciple, a martial artist!"

Huo?A martial artist?

Such rhetoric seems to have been mentioned by Brother Yi...

The thought flashed by, Cao Cao waved his hand immediately, it doesn't matter who killed Sun Ce, it doesn't matter how Sun Ce died, the important thing is that Sun Ce is dead, really dead, the crisis in the south is resolved, Brother Yi Once again, a word becomes a proverb.

"Good... good!"

With a bang, Cao Cao slapped the table, and he jumped three feet high, and even danced with excitement.

"Meng De...but..." Cao Ren reminded. "Sun Ce is dead, your bet with Brother Yi and Brother Guo is just..."

Cao Ren didn't pick out the words clearly, the meaning couldn't be clearer.

You, Cao Cao, are still making a bet with Yi Xiaotian and Guo Jia... Sun Ce was really assassinated. Then, Yi Xiaotian and Guo Jia won. The bet was a resort!

Huh... Cao Cao recalled this incident.

He hesitated for a moment, but soon, hahahaha... He laughed wildly again.

“The resort is good, the resort is the best…”

Cao Cao let out a long sigh, and he hurriedly ordered Cao Ren. "Zixiao, you can do it yourself, then go to Guandu... Find a quiet and secluded mountain village along the Yellow River, buy it with a lot of money, and then... build a few more pavilions. It must be spacious and have a farmhouse charm! By the way, Don't worry about money."

Small village?Guan... Guandu?

Cao Ren was surprised.

Cao Cao is willing to admit defeat and lose a resort to Brother Yi. Cao Ren is understandable, but why is Guandu?

Who doesn't know that Guandu Port is likely to be the battlefield of Cao and Yuan's decisive battle...

Putting Brother Yi here, isn't that putting him in danger?

Cao Ren scratched his head, a little incomprehensible, he asked back. "Meng De, why don't you choose another place? Xuzhou, Yanzhou, Yuzhou, anywhere, why choose Guandu? This is the front line!"

"Frontline?" Cao Cao repeated these two words, and the corners of his mouth grinned. "Because it is the front line, it is the most suitable for a resort! Haha..."

After saying a word, Cao Cao burst into laughter again...

Cao Ren still couldn't understand for a while.

Of course, how could he understand Cao Cao's intentions...

But Cao Cao understands that the battle between Cao and Yuan is imminent, and Guandu along the Yellow River is very important, even the decisive battlefield...

At that time, the two sides were at war with each other. When Cao Cao hesitated, how could he have time to rush back to Xudu to ask Yi Xiaotian for advice?

For the sake of the overall situation, Cao Cao had to find a way to deceive Brother Yi to the front line. This resort near Guandu is really just in time, it couldn't be better!

With this in mind, Cao Cao raised his hand, "Zixiao, you should send someone to handle this matter immediately. The resort near Guandu Port must be repaired within ten days."

Speaking of this, Cao Cao was afraid that something would change, he added. "If there is not enough manpower, go to Xu Chu, Marquis of Guannei, and ask him to recruit all the troops from the Hu Ben army. The resort must be completed on time."

Cao Cao's words became more and more certain...

As he spoke, he walked out...

Cao Ren screamed. "Munde? Where are you going?"

"There is a villa." Cao Cao replied without hesitation. "It's time to tell Brother Yi about his resort..."

Saying so, in fact, Cao Cao is thinking in his heart, but now that these problems one by one, he can count on Yi Xiaotian to point out the solution to the situation! "

As soon as the voice fell... well, the war horse let out a neigh.

Immediately afterwards, the hooves of "da da da" sounded, and Cao Cao galloped towards Youjian Mountain Villa by himself.



There is a villa.In front of the counter of the tavern…

"Sir, Sister Diaochan brought you up again today." Cai Zhaoji said while flipping through the account books. "Speaking of which, since sister Diaochan came to the villa, you haven't seen her for more than ten days, right?"

"Sir, you're busy..." Yi Xiaotian leaned against the wall and replied while yawning.

It seems that he suddenly remembered something and asked a question. "What did Diao Chan mention about me?"

"It is said that Mr. is very mysterious, and everyone in the villa can't live without him, but she has not even seen him for more than ten days..."

Cai Zhaoji tells the truth...

Yi Xiaotian waved his hand. "After a while, I will naturally go to Qinfang."

After speaking, Yi Xiaotian yawned again.

During this period of time, although others did not go to Qinfang, the music scores sent to Qinfang did not stop for a moment.

Speaking of which, it is quite troublesome to recall and compose these piano scores, but Yi Xiaotian has spent a lot of energy on this!

As for...the reason why he didn't go to see Diaochan for a long time, it was because he deeply knew that the sense of mystery is very mysterious. One step ahead of the fiery...

To capture the hearts of beauties, it is not enough to just take the kidneys, you have to take the heart!

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand and ordered. "Zhao Ji, you should spend more time with Miss Diaochan during this time, and don't let her be too lonely."


I never thought that when Yi Xiaotian said this, Cai Zhaoji laughed out loud, her eyes raised faintly, and she asked half-jokingly.

"Sir? If I go to accompany Sister Diaochan? Then, who cares about the liquor store? Sir, since you have a beauty, don't you care about making a living?"

Hey... this girl.

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