They are enemies of [-] people, fierce generals who kill thousands of people, how can they be willing to be in such a dish?

"Big brother... Our brothers should be fighting on the battlefield, but you are here to grow vegetables and cultivate the land. What does this mean...?" Guan Yu couldn't bear it any longer.

"Yes, yes..." Zhang Fei shouted. "My snake spear is for stabbing thieves through a hundred transparent holes, not for turning wild vegetables!"

The two brothers were so irritable, but Liu Bei seemed to turn a deaf ear, he hurriedly grabbed a handful of dirt and preached to them. "Look, two brothers, how fertile this soil is! Come and help me weed..."

Uh... Guan Yu and Zhang Fei both want to cry, big brother, is this a stun?

However, he saw that Liu Bei had already started to call his servants to weed together, and after the weeding was finished, he had straightened the green onions in the ground.

Zhang Fei was almost dizzy, who would help the green onions when they had nothing to do?Can't you eat it if it grows crooked?

He was short-tempered and tried so hard that he even pulled the onion by the roots. Liu Bei was very angry, scolded him a few words, picked up the onion and planted it back.

Inadvertently, Liu Bei's corner of the light glanced at the door. He knew that there were many eyeliners watching him closely in the crack of the door!

But at this time.

The door was pushed open with a "Boom", and Liu Bei was taken aback as he thought he had discovered the hidden mind technique.

At the same time, he heard a loud laughter that shook the sky.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Besides Cao Cao, who else could have such a devilish laughter?

But seeing Cao Cao strode in. "Xuande? What about growing green onions? It seems that you not only have a set of weaving mats, vendors, and street stalls, but you are also good at cultivating crops!"


Liu Bei raised his eyes and saw Cao Cao was laughing. The big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

As for Cao Cao's sarcasm, it was mediocre, mediocre!

"Ha ha…"

Liu Bei laughed in agreement, and then waved his hand. "Cao Sikong, this is a troubled world, life is not easy, and you are versatile!"

"Hahaha..." Cao Cao laughed again. "Come in, come in and have a drink!"

There is no good wine without wine, and there is no good feast for feast.

Yi Xiaotian said something first, and Cao Cao took action later. At this time, he, Cao Cao, must inject the "[-]" green wine into his soul, and thoroughly inspect Liu Bei's ambitions and ambitions...

The sky was overcast, and it seemed to be raining.

It also seems to herald that the drama of "Boiling Wine on Heroes" has entered the **!



Chapter [-] There are three heroes in the world, only Liu Shijun, Yi brother and Cao Er

Xuducheng, in a house ten miles north of the city.

"Xuande, I remember that you were a plum tree some time ago!" Cao Cao asked casually...

"Yes." Liu Bei nodded, and he kept his head down, as if to show Cao Cao's dignity.

"When I mention this plum, I think of a past event." Cao Cao raised his hand and pointed to the vegetable field. "A few years ago, I sent troops to conquer Zhang Xiu, and when I was halfway through, the sun was scorching hot, and the soldiers were thirsty, so I came up with a plan..."

Cao Cao's tone raised a point. "I pointed to the front and shouted, 'There is a piece of Merlin in front of me!' When the soldiers heard this, their saliva was drooling, and all of a sudden, they were all thirsty. Hahaha..."

When the story of Wangmei quenching thirst was told, Cao Cao burst out laughing.

Even if he smiled, his corner of the eye was still glancing at Liu Bei, trying to observe his expression.

To Cao Cao's disappointment, Liu Bei's expression did not change at all, as if the story of "seeing plums to quench thirst" had nothing to do with him planting plums!

This is... a terrible mind-hiding technique.

The atmosphere in the entire house suddenly became a little awkward.

"Duke Cao." Liu Bei stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture. "Wang Mei to quench thirst, Cao Gong's wisdom is unmatched in the world. If you come to me, then invite Cao Sikong to taste the green plum bar I brewed!"

While talking, Liu Bei had already placed the green plum wine on the table, and there was fire on the table, and Liu Bei seemed to want to warm up the green plum wine.

"Hahaha..." Cao Cao laughed, "Okay..."

The two were drinking happily, the wine was half full, the sky was dark and cloudy, and it looked like it was about to rain...

Cao Cao simply borrowed the theme to play.

"Xuande, look at the dark clouds lying in the sky, like a continuous long dragon, and like a hero in the crowd. In your opinion, today's world? Who is a hero?"

Brewing on Heroes…

Cao Cao threw this question directly, his mind suddenly changed, can't you pretend to be Liu Bei?Aren't you good at hiding your mind?When it comes to heroes, I'll see if you can keep your composure as an ambitious guy.

"I'm mortal with naked eyes, how can I tell who is the hero?" Liu Bei hurriedly waved his hand...

"What modesty?" Cao Cao took Liu Bei's arm, the corners of his mouth grinned, and he seemed to be smiling, but he was actually smiling. "Even if Xuande has never seen the faces of these heroes, he should have heard of their names, right?"


Liu Bei frowned slightly, and he felt a killing intent.

"Yuan Shuyuan, the direct son of the Yuan family of the fourth generation and the third prince, who sits in Huainan, should be called a hero, right?" Liu Bei asked.

"Hahahaha..." Cao Cao replied with a smile. "Yuan Shu has become the ghost of my sword. He is arrogant, arrogant, and worthy of being a hero?"

"Then..." Liu Bei continued. "Yuan Shao, Yuan Benchu, occupied the north, and commanded an army of [-] people. He should be regarded as a hero."

"Hahaha!" Cao Cao laughed again. "Yuan Shao is scheming and unprovoked, and his courage is only as small as sesame and mung bean, so he doesn't deserve to be called a hero!"

"Then Liu Biao, Liu Jingsheng, who is sitting in the nine counties of Jingxiang?"


"Sun Ce and Sun Bofu?"

——"Relying on the foundation laid by my father is not a self-made man, nor a hero!"

"Yizhou Liu Zhang and Liu Jiyu?"

- "It's just a watchdog."

"Then it's Han Sui, Ma Teng, Zhang Lu..." Liu Bei called out the names of all the princes in the world.

But obviously, Cao Cao didn't buy it, he continued to wave his hand. "These are mediocre people, and I never put them in my eyes."

"Then..." Liu Bei was stunned, what do you mean, Cao Cao?I say one or not one...

Liu Bei was helpless, and he simply threw up his hands. "Is this all over for Cao Sikong, I really don't know who the hero is?"

Ha ha ha ha…

Liu Bei's voice just fell, and laughter that shook the rubble followed one after another.

Cao Cao was laughing, and the laugh was very disappointing, and the lingering voice lingered in his ears.

Almost ten breaths passed.

Cao Cao just stopped smiling, he raised his hand and looked at the sky. "Heroes, who have big ambitions and good plans, can see the mystery of the universe above, and can handle the opportunities of heaven and earth below. There are only three people in the world who can do this..."

"Which three?" Liu Bei asked anxiously, and he was also curious, who has such great ability to deserve such a high evaluation from Cao Cao.

Cao Cao seems to be drunk...

He took the case. "The heroes in the world today, apart from my brother Yi, are the only envoys and Cao Er..."


This sentence blurted out, and Liu Bei was shocked. He was startled, as if the ** in his heart was exposed on the spot.

The meaning of Cao Cao's words is clear. The heroes of the world are Brother Yi, Liu Bei, and Cao Cao...

Of course, Liu Bei is also curious, who is this heroic character who can be called "Brother Yi" by Cao Cao?

But... now he can't care so much.

Liu Bei began to think more, what does Cao Cao mean?

Comparing me with him, this, this, this, this is not good, you must know that there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and there is no room for others to sleep on the side of the couch. Is it not obvious that Cao Cao wants to kill me?

These days, Liu Bei cultivated the land, planted plums, and kept his head down, just to keep a low profile, a low profile, and a low profile, so that Cao Cao completely ignored him. Could it be that all these days of concealment were in vain?

Thinking of this, Liu Bei's hands trembled involuntarily, the more he trembled, the more severe the chopsticks fell to the ground.

Ka… Ka, a crisp sound sounded.

at the same time.

Cao Cao exhaled a long breath, his smile solidified, his eyes stared coldly at the chopsticks at Liu Bei's feet, and the killing intent in his eyes gradually condensed.

Cao Cao's heart is elusive, I've finally caught you.

You are so alarmed, isn't it precisely because I have spoken out about your aspirations, your ambitions, and your disobedience?

Now that your ambitions have been exposed, I, Cao Cao, have something to say to the court and the world. I can't leave you as a threat now, I must get rid of it!

Hmph, your mind-hiding skills are amazing, and my Cao Cao's mind-reading skills aren't beyond me.

Just as the killing intent in Cao Cao's eyes quickly condensed...

Boom, boom... boom boom.

A thunderclap fell.

Speaking of which, the weather is not very good these days, it is windy and rainy, and a thunderstorm is normal.

However, Liu Bei suddenly found a turning point. He thought of a way to deal with it. He leaned over to pick up the chopsticks that fell on the ground, and said with a smile.

"The sage said that people began to change their faces when they encountered thunder and storms. It turned out to be the case. The thunder just shocked me a lot."

Liu Bei actually covered up all his gaffes, his ambitions, and the thunder and lightning that happened by chance.


Hearing this, Cao Cao paused. He raised his head and looked at the sky. The clouds were dense and the rain was pouring down.

However, in this case, the murderous aura in his eyes gradually dissipated.

The Lord of Heaven is not beautiful. If Liu Bei was forcibly killed at this time, I am afraid that because of the weather, the ministers would also excuse Liu Bei.

It seems that looking for Liu Bei's ambition, he has to find another opportunity.

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