Haha...drink, drink.

Yi Xiaotian didn't answer his words, he just kept trying to persuade him to drink...

The so-called, born Guo Fengxiao, you love the wine in the cup... The protection is not complete, so that this brother can drink well, so there are not so many ghosts.

Yi Xiaotian drinks here, flirts with girls, and gambles.

On the other hand, on Cao Cao's side, the situation was changing.

Xuzhou, Xiapi City.

Thank you Cao Sikong for not killing...

As the sun sets in the west, a dilapidated farmhouse outside the city of Xiapi.

Cao Cao came in micro-clothing, Jia Xu accompanied him, and Cao Ren escorted him.

In front of him, an eight-footed man like ooze was lying on the bed, You Zi couldn't stop gasping for breath.

The eyebrows are still the pair of sword eyebrows that merge into the sky and insert into the temples;

The eyes are still those handsome eyes;

It's just that the door inlaid with pearls, the two dragons fighting treasures, the shining silver crown in his usual attire is gone, the halberd in his hand, and the pride of his feet on the red rabbit and horse are gone, even with his arrogance and character. gone.

That's right, he is Lu Bu, a cripple who has been completely abolished from martial arts - Lu Bu.

At this time, his posture was lower, and he shouted Cao Sikong one by one, as if... in order to save his life, everything is not so important.

Fengxian, don't blame me, you are a tiger.If I don't pull out my fangs, I can't sleep well.Cao Cao whispered... He seemed to enjoy this feeling of standing proudly in front of his opponent after defeating him.

Hahaha...Tiger?Hahaha... Lu Bu laughed out loud.In front of Cao Sikong, no matter how fierce the tiger finally belongs, I am afraid that it will become a house cat, right?

A few chats...

Lu Bu struggled to prop up his body, but at this moment his body was limp.

This is the reaction after breaking the tendons. It takes a month to get some strength. As for practicing martial arts, it is impossible to practice martial arts again in this life.

Lu Bu opened his eyes and looked around at the people in front of him. Except for Cao Cao, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, and Zang Ba were all brought over...

For their loyalty, Lv Bu was unexpected. These generals he had never really valued turned out to be the most loyal and brave people, and the people who never gave up on him...

On the contrary, Wei Xu, Song Xian, Hou Cheng, whom he valued so much, eventually turned their backs on him.

Hehe, Lu Bu himself felt that his eyesight was really bad.


Lu Bu looked at Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and the others...cough...he seemed to have a touch in his heart, and even his body and bones exerted strength...severe pain all over his body came one after another.

The generals... Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, and Zang Ba Qiqi handed over their hands, looking at Lu Bu's appearance, they were both heartbroken and heartbroken.

You must be loyal to Cao Sikong in the future...

Lü Bu comforted him and said that this was sincere. The so-called good birds choose wood for habitation, and loyal and righteous people should be loyal to the lord who is more worthy of their allegiance. In this regard, Lv Bu knew that he was far from Cao Cao.

This is not only for you to achieve fame and fortune, but also... also...

After all, Lu Bu was hesitant to say anything...

What he actually wanted to say was that Cao Cao had experts around him to give advice. Wasn't the purpose of keeping Lü Bu alive for the loyalty of these minions?If you are not loyal to Cao Cao, his Lv Bu's life will be meaningless!


It seems that he realized that this remark might arouse Cao Cao's disgust. It seems that Lu Bu is also unwilling to expose the existence of this master behind the scenes.

Simply, he closed his mouth and waved his hand gently.Go, go and meet your true master.

Now... Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, and Zang Ba surrendered, this is the last loyalty to the former protagonist Lu Bu!

To tell the truth, seeing that Cao Cao did not kill Lu Bu, the big guy admires Cao Cao, and he can save the life of his mortal enemy, what kind of mind does it take...

Coupled with Lu Bu's exhortation... What kind of grievances do you have in your heart!Now that you have fulfilled your loyalty and followed the wise master, why not do it?

After thinking about this section, they turned their heads in unison and bowed to Cao Cao.meet the lord...


Cao Cao raised his brows, and he hurriedly helped the three in front of him.

Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, and Zang Ba, these are the generals he has admired for a long time and dreamed of taking them back under his command.

Cao Cao's mind changed quickly...

Sure enough, Brother Yi has a good plan. This is almost at the smallest price, in exchange for the greatest loyalty of Lu Bu's followers. Now that he likes to mention the three generals, Cao Cao's heart is extremely disappointed.

Hehe, Cao Cao thought he had done a great job in convincing people's hearts, but Brother Yi did a little trick and achieved results that even Cao Cao would admire.

Get up quickly, get up quickly... Cao Cao's tone is very polite, and he is very friendly. In a short while, he has been hanging on his shoulders with Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, and Zang Ba... a look of intimacy.

Finally, he turned his head to look at Lu Bu.

Fengxian, I have already arranged that here, there will be someone to protect you and take care of you... You can rest assured here, don't miss the world's disputes.

In this sentence, Cao Cao's meaning is very obvious, you should be honest, and live with your last breath...

As for your commander, your woman, don't even think about it... I, ah no, my brother Yi and I have taken it for you.

Ha ha…

The dust has settled.

The battle of Xuzhou was completely settled, and Lu Bu disappeared into the long river of history.

His most valiant soldier, his wife, Mrs. Yan, will follow Cao Cao and continue their journey of dominance in Wei and Wu...

As for Diaochan, Cao Cao had already ordered people to settle down. As long as the affairs here are completed, he will return to Xudu. When the teacher returns to the dynasty, it is time for Brother Yi to hold the beauty back.

It seems that everything is back on track.

But what Cao Cao didn't know was that Youzhou in the far north...

The battle between Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao is also over...

Gongsun Zan, who had finished fighting the last troops, was defeated, and Youzhou was completely occupied.

He made the final and most pertinent evaluation of Yuan Shao—Yuan Benchu ​​used his troops like a ghost like a demon.

Afterwards, Yuan Shao ruthlessly took off the head of his Gongsun Zan, put it into a carriage, and quickly transported it to Xudu... to the emperor, and to Cao Cao...

This is not a mere head, this is deterrence... it is deterrence from big brother Yuan Shao.

The north has been decided, and the battle that will determine the situation in the next five hundred years is about to strike!

In the government office.

Meng De, Xuzhou City has a lot of fine iron!

Xiahou Dun couldn't stop laughing... If we use these fine irons to build the halberd, then the combat power of our three armies will definitely be improved by another level.

It's no wonder that Xiahou Dun is so happy, iron, especially the best iron, is priceless.

Extremely difficult to buy even on the black market...

Butterfly... It seems that Cao Cao is not very interested in mentioning it...

understood.He made a perfunctory sentence and avoided the topic.

Xiahou Dun scratched his head, he was a little stunned... Wasn't it just for this iron?

He couldn't help but whispered to Jia Xu next to him.

military adviser?you say?Mande what happened?Why is he not enthusiastic at all when I mention iron?

Well... Jia Xu narrowed his eyes... and then shook his head.Can't say, can't say... General Xiahou don't ask any more, this old man won't say it!Ha ha…

The big fool Jia Xu is playing a riddle, and Xiahou Dun is getting more and more foggy...

Of course, Jia Xu's mind is as clear as a mirror on this matter of iron... It's impossible to say.

I can't tell the generals that I finally captured Xiapi and finally got this good iron. But now, this truck of iron is being transported to Youjian Villa... I don't take a penny, and I have to pay the freight myself.

Well, that's not the point...

The point is, it is estimated that one day in the future, Cao Cao will have to spend a lot of money to buy this batch of fine iron from Youjian Villa.

Huh... Jia Xu let out a long breath.

He pondered, it seemed that apart from Cao Cao, the big fat sheep, there wouldn't be any leek... How could he do such a thing?

Is Cao Caohao inhuman?

Or Yi Xiaotian has no humanity, Jia Xu is stupid and can't tell.

You are a genius, remember for a second:

Chapter [-] There are three loves in life - wine, women, bet

On the outskirts of Xudu, there is a wine shop.

Another bowl... It seems that Guo Jia is quite forthright when it comes to drinking.

He has always liked to drink. In history, whether he was on an expedition or strolling in the courtyard, he had to have a wine gourd around his waist, and after a period of time, he had to take a sip...

It seems that his thoughts are the clearest when he is half awake and half drunk.

Shopkeeper Yi, your wine is good.Guo Jia pointed to the wine jar and asked with a smile.I've drunk a lot of wine, but I've never had such a refreshing wine... Shopkeeper Yi, tell me, where does this wine come from?

When talking about wine, Guo Jia seemed to have forgotten about the bet... The chatter started.

Speaking of which, Guo Fengxiao, a talented Yingchuan talent, has three favorite things in his life: wine, women, and betting...

If you really want to be careful about Lunlun, this bet is the last, but drinking is the first.

Yi Xiaotian's heart is like a mirror. No, he is planning to use wine to seal this clever mouth.

This wine is called Jiu Nianchun wine, which was lost to me by a friend of mine... Yi Xiaotian pointed to the wine jar and explained.It comes from Qiao County, Peiguo, and it is a famous local wine. Brother Guo probably doesn't know that this wine is a tribute wine now, and even the old emperor drinks this wine!

No wonder...so mellow.Guo Jia said with emotion...

Yi Xiaotian shook his head involuntarily, where is this mellow?

Where did this go?

This ancient winemaking process is far worse than that of later generations. In terms of degree alone, let alone Maotai and Wuliangye, any bottle of Niulanshan Erguotou is enough to kill the tribute wine in ancient times.

Talking here... Yi Xiaotian is planning to bring the topic to wine culture and talk about China's drinking heritage for thousands of years.

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