Let's talk about the first one - eat old chicken in summer.

It's about someone who ate an older chicken in the summer and died suddenly...

As for the reason, it is because the old chickens that are free-range in the summer will eat centipedes and other insects, and the toxins in the body will accumulate for a long time...and therefore fatal!

As for the Jinghua stewed fish mentioned in the second and third articles, and eating the Moon Moon meal, they all point the finger at the eel, which is the eel soup in Zhen Luo's mouth that Zhen Jiang poisoned her husband.

The same is the eel soup?Will it have something to do with the three quick death strategies?

Miss Zhenluo, don't cry yet, tell me in detail... the whole process of your sister making this meal soup and giving it away.

While comforting Zhen Luo, Yi Xiaotian carefully understood the clues hidden everywhere in this matter.

Is such that…

Zhenluo told the eldest sister Zhen Jiang how to make eel soup, how to put it into a can, a Jinglin forest along the way, the situation of Jinghua in full bloom, and the pain in the lower abdomen after my brother-in-law ate the eel soup, Then Qiqiao bleeds to death.

She also pointed out that after repeated tests, it was determined that her brother-in-law was poisoned by arsenic.

Speaking of which, in order to help the eldest sister overturn the case, Zhen Luo did not hesitate to walk several times along the way. She scrutinized every point and every detail, but she did not find the slightest flaw...

Zhen Luo explained in detail, not only Yi Xiaotian, but also many guests in the entire restaurant listened carefully. It seems that this case is a case of stolen goods and cannot be changed.

Yi Xiaotian's expression was stunned. He repeatedly asked about the species of eel and determined that this was not Mochizuki meal...

Speaking of which, this Moon Moon meal is also a kind of eel. Its size and length are larger than ordinary eels. Legend has it that when the sixteenth full moon of the first month is full, it will leave the water with its head up and watch the moon and swim more and more...

And this kind of Mochizuki meal is highly poisonous and will die immediately after eating it.

Now that this one is ruled out...then...

By the way, arsenic!

Yi Xiaotian suddenly remembered something, since Zuo Zuo found out that Zhen Jiang's husband was poisoned with arsenic, isn't this... the testimony of Jinghua stewed fish?

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian is finally enlightened, understands, fully understands!

Miss Zhenluo, I know what's going on!Yi Xiaotian's eyes widened in vain... There was more and more confidence in his eyes... It was as if everything was seen through.

Indeed, your sister is innocent.

Yi Xiaotian immediately turned to look for Cai Zhaoji.Zhao Ji, does our restaurant have eel?

Yes... Cai Zhaoji's little head moved again and again, it was about saving people, she didn't dare to hesitate.

Alright, stewed an eel and made soup... After instructing Cai Zhaoji, Yi Xiaotian did not forget to greet the restaurant staff.Go to a medical office and ask Dr. Zhang Zhongjing for some Jinghua.

The wattle is a flower that falls from the wattle tree. It is a perennial medical medicinal material. I think there will be some stocks in the medical department.

After Yi Xiaotian instructed, naturally a restaurant guy hurried to pick it up...

Shopkeeper Yi, what kind of medicine do you sell in this gourd?

Guo Jia put his chin in one hand, and Yi Xiaotian's behavior was somewhat incomprehensible.

Yes, that's right...

Zhen Jiang is cooking eel soup. You found eel... It makes sense to reproduce the scene once, but is it just because Zhen Jiang passes through a Jinglin that he will find Jinghua?What's the point of this?

Yi Xiaotian didn't answer...

Guo Jia looked into his eyes, as if he wanted to find some information in his eyes, but Yi Xiaotian's eyes were as calm as lake water, and as deep as autumn water... Guo Jia didn't see any useful information from it. .

Waiting for Jing Hua's work, Yi Xiaotian saw that Zhen Luo's eyes were still full of tears, and reached out and patted her back gently... and comforted her in a low voice.Don't worry, your sister will soon be reconciled to Zhaoxue.

The voice just fell...

Here, shopkeeper, Jinghua is here.The restaurant clerk came running quickly... He took an exquisite box, and in the box were the wattle flowers specially picked by Zhang Zhongjing two days ago.

it is good.Yi Xiaotian nodded, then turned his attention to Cai Zhaoji.Is the eel soup ready?

Cai Zhaoji looked up at the back kitchen, but saw that a cook had come out holding a small pot of eel soup...

Yi Xiaotian's expression finally became serious.

Look... this is eel soup, it's non-toxic.Yi Xiaotian's tone became meticulous.While speaking, he did not forget to take a sip, smiled and added.Not only is it non-toxic, this eel soup is delicious!


Man Chong, Guo Jia, and all the guests who were watching were a little confused...

How could they not know that the eel soup itself is non-toxic.

But how can this prove that Zhen Jiang did not add poison to the soup?

Shopkeeper Yi, are you trying to excuse Zhen's parents?Guo Jiadang first questioned... but this... doesn't explain anything!

Brother Guo, don't panic, and listen to me finish... Yi Xiaotian's expression was calm and indifferent, he raised his hand and raised a piece of wattle.If everyone knows medical skills, they should also know that this wattle is also non-toxic...

As he spoke, Yi Xiaotian held Jinghua in the palm of his hand.Does anyone dare to try it and prove it?

I come!Unexpectedly, Zhen Luo seemed to be very courageous. At the stall where the big guy was hesitant, she had already stuffed Jinghua into her small mouth, chewed it for a while, it was a bit bitter, and finally... she swallowed it.

After a while, there was no response, just like no one else...

Now everyone knows that eel soup is non-toxic, and Jinghua is also non-toxic... Yi Xiaotian continues to guide everyone's thinking.

Suddenly, his hand shook, and he poured all the Jinghua in the small box into the eel soup...

At the same time, he asked.So, let me ask everyone, if this eel soup is added with this Jinghua?Is that poisonous or non-toxic?

uh... this...

The crowd pondered slightly.

According to normal logic, even if two non-toxic ingredients are fused together, it seems that they should not be poisonous, right?

No poison, it must be no poison... Some guests raised their heads, and then many guests shouted with great certainty.not poisonous...

Good... Yi Xiaotian didn't argue with them either.

He slowly raised his hand, took a silver hairpin from Zhen Luo's head quietly, and then inserted the silver hairpin into the eel soup under the gaze of everyone...

Gum, Gum...

Because the eel soup was just out of the pot, especially since it was boiling, it was still bubbling, and the aroma was compelling.

But an incredible scene happened, this silver hairpin turned black, and the whole body was pitch black.

Is this... this soup... poisonous?

All of a sudden, everyone was shocked, including Guo Jia, including Man Chong... Their eyes widened, it seemed that they were completely transparent in a short period of time.

Zhen's parents are innocent...

Guo Jia and Man Chong's hearts invariably floated such a sentence.

But at this moment, Yi Xiaotian's voice came out one after another.

Ladies and gentlemen, eel soup is non-toxic, and Jinghua is also non-toxic, but when these two come together, they can become the most poisonous arsenic in the world...

In my impression, Yi Xiaotian also saw from a public account that eel is rich in the chemical element pentavalent arsenic (AS20s), and Jinghua is rich in vitamin C.

Speaking of which, these are harmless to the human body.

But when the two are heated together, a chemical reaction will occur, and it will be converted into arsenic trioxide (AS203).

After I figured out this section, Yi Xiaotian's words added a bit of confidence.

So, the girl Zhen Jiang boiled eel soup and gave it to her husband, which is nothing in itself... But the problem appeared when she passed a Jinglin, a Jinglin in full bloom, and a piece of Jinghua fell on the Jingshu. Down, it just fell into the eel soup, and when the two phases meet, the soup that is rich in nourishing turns into a soup that is poisonous...

Miss Zhen Jiang's unintentional loss adds to the infinite coincidence. So, does the big guy think she is guilty?

Some clear words, some sonorous testimony...

Yi Xiaotian's words echoed in the wine shop, and everyone was shocked.

I see…

It turns out that the eldest lady of the Zhen family is kind, but because God is not beautiful... by chance, she poisoned her husband.

In this way, the eldest lady of the Zhen family did not know in advance, nor did she intend to murder, the so-called ignorant is innocent... She should be punished!

Xu Duling, if you speak justice, if you come to sentence?Miss Zhen Jiang, are you guilty or innocent?Yi Xiaotian turned around and asked Man Chong...

Not guilty!Man Chong replied without hesitation.This is not the intention of the eldest Miss Zhen family, it is a coincidence, naturally innocent!

As soon as he said these words, it was like letting Zhen Yao and Zhen Luo eat a plan to reassure him...

Mister... Zhen Luo kowtowed to Mister.

Zhen Luo, who had regained her senses, fell to her knees again... Knocked her head to the ground.

Yi Xiaotian rescued her sister, then... that is her lifelong benefactor of Zhen Luo.

Yi Xiaotian hurriedly helped Zhen Luo up.Don't be like this, I'm just repeating the case for a hundred years. Miss Zhenluo has your kowtowing skills, why don't you go back with your brother to save your sister... to restore the reputation of your Zhen family in the north?

While speaking, Yi Xiaotian handed back the silver hairpin of Zhen Luo to her...

Hmm, um... Zhen Luo murmured for a moment... She took the silver hairpin and kept it carefully, she wanted to say a thousand words to Yi Xiaotian, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't say a word.

Okay, don't be stunned, let's go back to Jizhou.Yi Xiaotian reached out and touched her little head.Your sister is still waiting for you to rescue her...

Sir, I... I'll go save my sister first.Zhen Luo's big eyes blinked again and again.After saving my sister, I... I will definitely come back... to be a cow and a horse for Mr.!

After all, it is a girl, and her face is still quite thin, so it takes a lot of courage to say these words.

Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly, without too many words.

It's just a little effort, not to mention, betting with the smart Guo Jia.

This second bet, Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao once again failed to return!

You are a genius, remember for a second:

Chapter [-] Is the "Hao" inhuman, or is it inhuman?

Shopkeeper Yi, I didn't expect you to be very good at solving cases.

Guo Jia praised...

Yi Xiaotian still looks humble.I understand a little, I understand a little...

Shopkeeper Yi should not be modest. Shopkeeper Yi was the first to make me, Guo Jia, lose three times in a row.

Guo Jia raised the wine bowl and took the initiative to offer a bowl to Yi Xiaotian.Although I admire Guo Jia, but this day is still growing, I will not admit defeat.

Don't look at Guo Jia's unruly style of life on weekdays, but he is still very stubborn when he really makes a bet, and he is also a person who refuses to admit defeat.

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