What's wrong with the old cow eating the grass? Before crossing, it was no problem for an eighty-year-old to marry an eighteen-year-old. As long as he had the ability to "money", as long as he had a good waist, he could find him no matter how young.

What Yi Xiaotian actually wants to express is another layer...

"Brother lie, you want to be crooked..."

"Then..." Cao Cao then asked...

Unexpectedly, Yi Xiaotian filled three bowls of wine directly. "Come, come, lie brother, you drink these three bowls of wine in one go, and I will tell you!"


Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, and dared to wait for him here!

It turns out that Brother Yi is a very vengeful person...

"Brother Yi? You didn't tease me, did you?" Cao Cao asked.

"It's absolutely true, I can tell you that my information can not only help Cao Cao clean up the dynasty, but also help his brother to make a plan to succeed and achieve this unparalleled feat!" Yi Xiaotian patted his chest, and said one sentence with great certainty.

Huo ... Cao Cao's eyes moved down, looking at the three bowls of wine that were about to overflow, and immediately said nothing, "I'm done!"

Talking, eat three bowls of wine!

Today, there is a restaurant here that should change its name to "Jingyanggang". The so-called question is, three bowls are not enough!



Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Nine Outstanding Conspirators

The problem is also thrown, and the drink is also drunk.

Drunk on top... Cao Cao, who was slightly drunk, swayed a little.

However, he is a strong-willed person, as long as it is about matters other than women, especially important matters, even if he is drunk, he will never be confused.

"Brother Yi, I've finished drinking this wine, should you open your mouth too?"

"Brother Concealer is refreshing!" Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly, and while helping Cao Cao fill up the wine, he replied: "Brother Concealer, I'm afraid that you don't know, this little lady who Yang Biao continued, her surname is Yuan..."



Yi Xiaotian's words were like a thunderbolt, and in an instant, Cao Cao's drunkenness was dissipated. At this moment, Cao Cao's body was shaken, and his spirit was also shaken.

Yuan... Yuan...

Cao Cao couldn't help but ask. "Brother Yi? Is this young lady of the Yuan family Yuan Shao's Yuan? Or Yuan Shu's Yuan?"

When he asked these words, Cao Cao's eyes were extremely urgent, and his whole body was about to fall on Yi Xiaotian.

Looking at his eager eyes, Yi Xiaotian raised his hand and asked in a low voice. "Which Yuan does brother lie hope to be? Which Yuan is it!"

"It's Yuan Shu, the pseudo-emperor..." Following Yi Xiaotian's words, Cao Cao said without hesitation.

clap la la...

Suddenly, Cao Cao's whole person is transparent.

Dare to love, Yang Biao's weakness is here. He really has nowhere to go after breaking through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it...

Yang Biao, ah Yang Biao, you have been cautious all your life, but you are going to make a big mistake in the matter of continuation!

Of course, how could Yang Biao think that he would dare to marry Yuan Shu's daughter in the front, and Yuan Shu would become the emperor himself in the back!

It is for this reason that Yang Biao's entire marriage has become extremely low-key, for fear of causing trouble.

Phew... Cao Cao let out a long exhale.

have fun...

Taiwei Yang Biao's deceased wife's surname was Yuan, but the wife of this continuation string was also surnamed Yuan, and she was Yuan Shu's daughter. This old cow ate young grass, and she was stunned to eat herself in the cemetery.

"Brother Yi, this matter is very important, you didn't make fun of me, did you?"

Cao Cao couldn't help reconfirming that this was too big.

If it is true, then Yang Biao is a relative of Yuan Shu, a traitor recognized by the great Han. You must know that the reputation of the pseudo-emperor Yuan Shu is smeared for thousands of years.

With such a relative, Yang Biao was afraid that no matter how much he washed it, he would not be able to clean it.

To make a fuss around this, let alone arrest Yang Biao and remove his high position as the head of the three princes, is to put him to death.

"Do I need to lie to brother?" Yi Xiaotian spread his hands. "Well, even though Yang Biao is keeping a low profile, there are still some people in the court who know about it. If you lie to your brother or not, then rely on your brother's relationship to investigate and determine the authenticity? Isn't that easy?"

Hearing Yi Xiaotian's words with certainty, the big stone in Cao Cao's heart finally fell...

Unexpectedly, the problem that had been bothering him for a long time after being spared such a big circle was solved so easily.

Taking advantage of Yang Biao's kinship with the traitor Yuan Shu, he was imprisoned, and then he was removed from the title of Third Duke. In this way, the entire courtiers of the Han Dynasty would be left without a leader.

At that time, Cao Cao can make drastic adjustments in the personnel of the court, placing his cronies in important positions. In this way, isn't it just a matter of deterring the ministers and coercing the emperor to lead the way!

As long as the method of this matter is not so ruthless and dark, it will not provoke particularly great resistance...

After all, Yang Biao, the backbone of the pro-Han faction, has fallen. Who else can afford it, dare to carry the banner of opposing Cao Cao?

"Brother Yi, you can solve Cao Cao's urgent needs this time!" Cao Cao's voice was high, and his heart was extremely disappointed.

His appearance is a little floating!

"Hidden brother!" Yi Xiaotian continued to remind. "I think you have misunderstood. The fact that Cao Cao is holding the emperor to lead the way is not about whether he catches Yang Biao or not, but whether he releases Yang Biao or not!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian put his hands up and dragged his chin. "Hidden brother, your taste, your careful taste."


Cao Cao suddenly fell into deep thought, and the surging in his heart was also reduced by a point in time.

After calming down, he became that wise hero again...

As Brother Yi said, arresting is not the point. The point is that after arresting, there will be countless Han ministers to intercede, countless celebrities from all over the world will definitely pay attention, and countless aristocratic families will definitely pay attention to this.

How to punish Yang Biao?is the crux of the matter.

In this regard, Brother Yi mentioned the word "release"?


It was so hard to put him in jail?Is it so easy to let it go?

Could it be that the release of Yang Biao has weakened the deterrence of the imperial court so much?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao couldn't help but continue to ask. "Brother Yi, do you mean to let Yang Biao go? What if he goes out with Cao Operation? Then..."

"Brother, listen to me." Yi Xiaotian nodded, then raised his hand and continued to explain.

"Tianwei Yang Biao still has a bit of backbone. If he is imprisoned on the charge of fornicating against the traitor Yuan Shu, then, whether it is to coerce a confession by words and deeds, or to serve with a severe punishment, he will definitely not admit this trumped-up crime... Don't look at his old age and frail body, he can really withstand severe punishments again and again!"


According to Yi Xiaotian's analysis, Cao Cao thinks it's reasonable, but isn't his purpose just to subdue and force Yang Biao to submit, so as to rectify the rule of law?

If you don't fight?No trial?Do not ask?So...what else could it do?

"Brother Yi?" Thinking of this, Cao Cao asked anxiously. "Brother Yi means not to fight? Not to be tried?"

"No... I still have to fight, and I have to fight hard, it hurts, and it hurts him to die." Yi Xiaotian waved his hand directly. "But, the purpose of this fight has to be made clear."

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian paused for a while, and then sighed. "Some people can withstand all severe punishments in prison, not because they are tough, but because they feel that there is no hope. When you let him experience despair and give him a glimmer of hope, then... he will know. The fragility and preciousness of life."

"Brother lie, I dare to be sure that after the severe punishment of Yang Biao, as long as you release him, he will definitely resign the title of Taiwei as soon as possible, return to his hometown, and withdraw from the general disputes of the court..."

"In this case, Yang Biao was punished and his official position was removed, which also created enough deterrence for Han Chen; in the end, Yang Biao was released, which can be regarded as an explanation for the famous people and powerful clans in the world, letting them know that Cao Cao is going to purge. At the same time as Chaogang, he is not a big devil who kills without blinking an eye!"

"It's still the same sentence, with a lollipop and a mace in one hand, with both grace and power, there is nothing that can't be overcome!"

Brilliantly, Yi Xiaotian said a lot...

But every word here, Cao Cao remembers it with all his heart.

Wisdom is appropriate, planning is meticulous, and behavior is black. In Cao Cao's view, Brother Yi is really an outstanding conspirator...

Phew... Cao Cao took a long breath.

While amazed at Yi Xiaotian's second plan...

For a moment, he was even a little scared.

Fortunately, I was the first to get to know Brother Yi, otherwise if Sun Jian, Lu Bu, Liu Bei, Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shu were the first to get there... Then now, Cao Cao would be left with a cool song!



Chapter [-]: Golden Horn, Silver Edge, Grass Belly

Cao Cao, who was in a good mood, took the initiative to drink two bowls of wine...

By being drunk, he turned out to be a bit of a drunkard.

Think about it too.

The attitude towards the Han court became clear, and Taiwei Yang Biao also took care of it.The next step is nothing more than a heavy blow to the courtiers of the pro-Han faction, and then a vigorous and resolute personnel change, replacing all important positions with their own people, completely emptying the emperor and the imperial court.

All of this seems to have become logical.

Cao Cao couldn't stop the ecstasy in his heart, and he took the wine and took the initiative to respect Yi Xiaotian.Brother Yi, drink, drink...

Without too many words, Cao Cao wanted to drink at this time, and he wanted to drink three hundred cups!

Brother lie, since Cao Cao has been mentioned, let me ask one more question, what is Cao Cao's next strategy?

Yi Xiaotian remained awake, and he asked curiously...

After all, Yi Xiaotian's purpose is to quickly end this troubled world and become a rich man in a peaceful and prosperous world. Every step of Cao Cao's strategy can have a profound impact on this result.

Well this...

Hearing this, Cao Cao hesitated.

In fact, the next step of the strategy, this is the second question he is going to discuss with Brother Yi this time.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao raised his hand, Brother Yi, to tell you the truth, this is the problem that Cao Cao has discussed with a group of advisors many times, but there is still no result.

Cao Cao didn't hide it either...

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