Cao Ren understood, stood up immediately, and took the wine for an excuse and retired first.

Today, only Yi Xiaotian and Cao Cao are left in this chic elegant room.

"Brother Yi? Can you tell me now?" Cao Cao asked anxiously...

"Brother Hide, I have three sentences here that you need to examine!" Yi Xiaotian stood up slowly, put his hands behind his back, and then muttered three sentences in his mouth. "The first sentence is to obey the Son of Heaven to order no ministers; the second sentence, to welcome the Son of Heaven to order the princes; the third sentence, to hold the Son of Heaven in order to lead the court, just these three sentences, hide your taste from your brother, and take care of your taste."

call out…

Cao Cao's brows froze all of a sudden, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was chewing these three words carefully!

Feng Tianzi, welcome Tianzi, hold Tianzi!

One "Feng", one "Welcome", and one "Bei" seem to have completely answered Cao Cao's deployment on the issue of the Son of Heaven in the past, present and future.

Cao Cao is a smart man, he immediately understood the meaning of Yi Xiaotian's words.

Let's talk about the word "Feng" first...Feng the emperor to make no ministers, cultivate and plant to store military resources, this is the core strategic plan mentioned by Yi Xiaotian after Cao Cao became the shepherd of Yanzhou.

The aim is to gain a great reputation.

Even if the emperor suffered at that time and was not in the Central Plains, Cao Cao still needed to lower his stance towards the emperor and the court, and follow the emperor's edict to conquer those chaotic ministers and thieves, and step by step to gain the recognition and support of the court.

It is precisely because of this decree that Cao Cao has the ability to conquer the Yellow Turbans, enrich his troops and horses, issue a decree to seek talents, obtain a group of civil servants and generals who can be used, and have the hearts of the people under his rule belong...

It can be said that Yi Xiaotian's strategic plan of "follow the emperor to make no ministers" laid a solid foundation for the rise of Cao Cao.

And the second sentence, welcoming the Son of Heaven to order the princes...

This is also the big policy and big strategy proposed by Yi Xiaotian three years ago...

Taking the Son of Heaven in his hands and borrowing his orders, he can accomplish many great and difficult things.

For example, after Cao Cao welcomed the emperor, most of the counties and counties in Sili and Yuzhou surrendered to Wangfeng, and the taxis in the southern Jiaozhi area also expressed their support and paid tribute. All the way to help…

It can be said that it was Ying Tianzi's strategy of commanding the princes that allowed Cao Cao to rise rapidly and even grow into a behemoth second only to Yuan Shao.

As for the third rule in Brother Yi's mouth - relying on the emperor to lead the way, this is a bit, inheriting the meaning of the first two strategies.

And the most critical of them is precisely the word "coupling"...

Hold, hold... Brother Yi meant to remind Cao Cao.

Now, there is no need to be so respectful and humble towards the emperor. Instead, we should show our own attitude and let the court and the pro-Han courtiers take a stand, knowing who has the final say in this Xuducheng, and even when it is time to treat the court. The original crew started...

"Brother Yi, I can understand the first two sentences you said, but this third one... relying on the emperor to lead the way? I hope Brother Yi will talk about it in detail..."

Cao Cao took the initiative to ask questions, although he had his own understanding.

However, he is more willing to listen to Brother Yi's interpretation. Since he knew Yi Xiaotian, Brother Yi has never made any mistakes in the general strategy.

"Brother lie, there is a saying in my hometown - put on socks first, then put on shoes, be a younger brother first, then be a master. Although this is a bit rough, it's not rough..."

"Cao Cao? From the beginning of the Weimo to the present step by step, the princes of Yingtianziling have mastered sufficient territory, and have brave generals under their command to fight against the chaotic ministers of the great Han. This journey is full of thorns, and there are nine deaths!"

"And what about these Han court officials? How many of them stood up when the emperor was at his worst? No... this is a bit biased. The group who really stood up was probably already slashed by Dong Zhuo with a knife. It's gone!"

"What's the matter? Came with Cao Cao behind the blame? Send Cao Cao to death? In the end, they wanted to use fame and sophistry to control Chao Gang? How is that possible?"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand, but his tone was a little bit for Cao Cao.

"That's why I said, Cao Cao has been soft for so many years, and now it's time to be hard. The so-called soft when it should be soft, and hard when it should be hard! If I were Cao Cao, I would definitely be more confident, and I would definitely treat the important people in the court. The position is replaced by one's own person. Just use this stall to teach all the Han court officials a good lesson, let them know, who is the younger brother? Who is the master! "

"Besides, if there is no Cao Cao in the world, I still don't know how many people are called emperors and how many people are called kings!"

Huo... How many people are called emperors, and how many people are called kings!

Brother Yi's words are domineering.

Cao Cao's heart was very shocking and hearty. Originally, he had concerns about tearing his face with the pro-Han faction.

However, now that Brother Yi has said so, there is nothing to worry about.

But think about it, what Brother Yi said makes sense. Put on socks first, then shoes, and be a younger brother first and then a master. You have been a younger brother for a long time, and it is time to turn over!

Thinking of this, a sharp cold light suddenly appeared in Cao Cao's eyes!

"That's right, if there is no Cao Cao in the world, I still don't know how many people are called emperors and how many people are called kings!"



Chapter [-]: The Pentecostal Old Ox Eating Young Grass

"Brother Yi, I understand!"

Cao Cao seemed to have made up his mind that it was time to purge the Chao Gang.

Unexpectedly, Yi Xiaotian raised his brows.

"Hidden brother? What's the use of understanding it?" Yi Xiaotian raised his hand. "It takes Cao Cao to understand!"


This sentence directly caused Cao Cao to cough out loudly. "Brother Yi... I mean, I will definitely tell Cao Cao what you said. I can understand it if I'm so stupid. How can Cao Cao not be so smart?"

Cao Cao was smiling, but his hands were unknowingly wiping the sweat... He was almost exposed.

But it was the effort of wiping sweat that Cao Cao suddenly thought of something.

No...what's wrong!

It's one thing to make up your mind to rectify the Chaogang, but it's another to actually implement it.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao's cheeks darkened again. "Brother Yi, it's right to rectify the Chao Gang, but the specific operation doesn't seem to be that simple!"

"It's not easy?" Yi Xiaotian raised his head, thinking in his heart, isn't this a matter of capture, Cao Cao has soldiers in his hands, as the saying goes, power comes from the barrel of a gun!

With this in mind, Yi Xiaotian asked back. "Brother lie, tell me, where is the difficulty?"

"Brother Yi, you don't know something..." Cao Cao explained carefully with his chin in one hand. "The emperor's faction in the imperial court is mostly controlled by a group of old officials, and the leader of them is Yang Biao, the captain of the Hongnong Yang family."

Um... Yang Biao.

Hearing this name, Yi Xiaotian began to search his memory for information about him.

It seems, very rare, that this old minister of the emperor, the leader of the pro-Han faction, finally got a good death...

Just recalling this, Cao Cao's words followed.

"Brother Yi, if you really follow your strategy and reorganize the court system in a drastic manner, then Cao Cao, or Cao Cao's faction, will inevitably collide with the Grand Commander Yang Biao. Terrace!"

"Yang Biao is a man who doesn't like hard and soft. He is also a famous family, a noble family, and a leader of pro-Chinese courtiers. He is low-key and cautious. Whether it is in life or officialdom, there are no flaws at all. Ordinary reasons are still It's not good to catch him!"

"If you make up a random reason, it's hard to convince the public..."

When Cao Cao said this, his eyes were full of confusion.

Te Miao wanted to move Yang Biao, but couldn't... This feeling was very aggrieved and uncomfortable.


Cao Cao sighed helplessly and continued.

"Even if he is charged with a crime under pressure, how to deal with it in the end is still a problem."

"All eyes are staring at him. If it is handled lightly, it will not have the effect of deterring the court. If it is serious, it will cause public outrage in the world because of his identity and status!"

"If you really want to kill it, it will be troublesome. Those censors will definitely join forces with famous people in the world to give Cao Cao the infamy of 'killing innocent people'. Killing one person and losing the hearts of the world is not worth it!"

Cao Cao explained his troubles word by word, and at the end, his voice was almost choked and hoarse, and he was almost speechless.

For a moment, he felt that it would be more enjoyable to fight with a group of warlords on the battlefield than to fight with these literati-bureaucrats.

Hearing this, Yi Xiaotian nodded thoughtfully...

He could understand that there were two problems before Cao Cao. One was that Yang Biao, the captain, was upright, with good character and high status, so it was hard to catch him!

The other is that even if he is arrested, with the status of Hongnong Yang's family and Yang Biao's reputation, it is not easy to judge...

I never thought that such a pro-Chinese leader could really cause a series of troubles to Cao Cao.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian shook his head slightly...

Seeing Yi Xiaotian's appearance, Cao Cao's brows furrowed even tighter.

"Could it be that even Brother Yi has nothing to do?"

Cao Cao is about to fall into a deep depression... It's not a big problem, but it's not a small problem, even Brother Yi has no solution, alas...

Just as Cao Cao's voice fell...

Yi Xiaotian's face suddenly had some expressions, it was a smile, a smile to be precise, a smile full of confidence from the inside out.

Accompanied by a confident smile, it is Yi Xiaotian's words in his heart.

"How can there be no way!"

Yi Xiaotian slowly lifted the wine bowl, took a sip, and then reminded. "First of all, let's talk about the problem that Tai Li Yang Biao is not easy to grasp. It is true that Yang Biao has a good character and good character? It doesn't mean that the people around him are all good and have good character! If you can't deal with him, you can let the people around him have good character. Implicated in him, for example..."

Yi Xiaotian deliberately sold out, Cao Cao's ears were not allowed to stick to his mouth, Cao Cao asked anxiously, "Like what?"

When he asked this sentence, Cao Cao also carefully recalled the people around Yang Biao.

How could he not have thought of this level, but whether it is Yang Biao's son or Yang Biao's deceased wife, there is no big problem.

Whose name will Brother Yi come up with?

"Brother, I remember that two years ago, the old man who was over fifty years old in Xuducheng continued the role of a big girl who was only thirty years old!"

"The marriage of the continuation was very low-key. Only a few friends attended and attended, and if I have a good impression, this [-]-year-old girl ended up marrying into the Hongnong Yang family's mansion!"

It's good to open a wine shop. Don't worry about big or small matters in the entire Xuducheng, there will always be people talking about it...

It can be said that Yi Xiaotian always has all the information about Xu Ducheng.


Hmm... continuation?

Cao Cao also knew that two years ago, Taiwei Yang Biao took over a big girl. At that time, he even ridiculed him as an old cow eating grass...

But?If someone loses their wife in middle age, it's okay to have another string, right?Taking this as a fuss is not a bit detrimental, a bit unconvincing!

"Brother Yi means..." Thinking of this, Cao Cao frowned and asked anxiously. "Make a fuss about this kind of thing? Saying that he is disrespectful to the old? The old cow eats the tender grass?"

"No no no..." From Cao Cao's suspicious eyes, Yi Xiaotian knew that he had misinterpreted his meaning.

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