It was noon at this time, and the sun was still warm. This kind of weather is very suitable for inviting two or three friends to taste wine and brag...

Sure enough, no surprise, today's Youjian Villa is very lively...

Today, this villa is not just a wine shop, it includes a series of projects such as forging, medical treatment, education, and entertainment, and is highly respected by the people and clans around Xudu.

In this era, literati and writers from all over the world also like to draw inspiration from the ten-mile peach forest, recite poems and write fu...

Of course, this kind of liveliness is what Yi Xiaotian likes to see.

Now, one of his few hobbies is to check the accounts with Cai Zhaoji to see how much money he has made recently!

"Brother Yi..."

Across the distance, Cao Cao saw Yi Xiaotian...

At this time, he was lying on the reclining chair, leisurely holding a roll of account books, carefully checking...

"Sir, you are here!"

Cai Zhaoji noticed the arrival of Cao Cao and Cao Ren, and reminded Yi Xiaotian in a low voice...

On the contrary, Yi Xiaotian turned a deaf ear, still keeping his eyes fixed on the ledger, and asked in a low voice. "Zhaoji? The blacksmith's money is wrong. I spent more than a dozen five baht money. Go to girl Lingqi and ask her to see if she is careless and negligent..."

Yi Xiaotian is a very serious person. Now that the business has grown, he has to personally verify every account and revenue of Youjian Villa, so that he knows what he knows.

"Sir, I'm here to hide..."

Cai Zhaoji raised her voice this time, but when she reminded her, Cao Cao and Cao Ren had already approached...

At this time, Yi Xiaotian reacted, raised his head and probed towards Cao Cao, beckoning.

When the tiger's body shook, he wanted a carp to stand upright.

However, in the past year, the food has been good and the food has been a little too much, and even after a few times, I can't stand up...

For a moment, there was a bit of embarrassment.

"Hidden brother... laugh at me, laugh at me!"

"Brother Yi, I haven't seen you for a year, you're getting fat!" Cao Cao laughed "haha", hurried forward, pulled Yi Xiaotian up, and teased. "It looks like Brother Yi has two beauties by the side this year, and the days are very nourishing!"



Chapter [-] Winter wheat, transformed into a cash cow

Long time no see, much younger.

This is Yi Xiaotian's subconscious feeling towards Cao Cao.

Speaking of which, the two have not seen each other for over a year.

Cao Cao's body added a bit of domineering and majestic temperament, while Yi Xiaotian looked a little lazy and got a little fatter...

No wonder…

This year, Cao Cao marched south to Shouchun, annihilated Yuan Shu, the false emperor, and took the entire Jianghuai generation as his own.

There is a saying that people are in good spirits when they are happy, and now his whole person is radiant, and the legendary black fat man seems to be thinner and stronger.

On the contrary, Yi Xiaotian has a feeling of retirement and old age this year.

Think about it too...

Cultivating winter wheat, some unlucky students face the loess and their backs to the sky, sweating profusely; the restaurant has a world-famous talented woman Cai Zhaoji to help look after it; Lv Lingqi from the blacksmith shop is gradually able to withstand the banner of forging, and even herself Received many orders.

On the contrary, it was Yi Xiaotian. He was completely reduced to a relaxed shopkeeper. In addition to feeling the increasingly plump gold and silver jewelry, he could only read books and bask in the sun, which was very pleasant.

Of course, Yi Xiaotian knew deeply that such a ** life would kill his will.

But there is no other way. Apart from counting the money, there is no need for him to intervene in the affairs of the villa, which is a bit embarrassing.


"Brother lie, we haven't seen you this year, where did you go to make a fortune?"

Yi Xiaotian greeted him kindly, and immediately shook his head, with a bit of scorn in his tone. "Hidden brother, next time you encounter something about making a fortune, remember to bring your brother with you. The so-called "Lele alone is not as good as everyone's Lele."

Speaking of which, Yi Xiaotian is really bored. If he doesn't engage in other businesses, he is afraid that he will only be able to eat and eat every day on this beautiful day and wait to die.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Listening to Yi Xiaotian's ridicule, Cao Cao laughed out loud. He hadn't seen each other for a year, but Brother Yi was still the same, humorous and at ease.

"Brother Yi, I went to Jianghuai this year!"

"Huh? Jianghuai?" Hearing this, Yi Xiaotian asked back... "Brother Concealed, did you go to Yuan Shu with that Cao Cao?"

"That's right!" Cao Cao didn't hide it, "It's just that Cao Cao is attacking the rebel Yuan Shu, and I'm investigating Jianghuai, and by the way, I will spread my business in Jianghuai..."

Speaking of this, Cao Cao raised his hand. "Speaking of which, the fall of the pseudo-emperor Yuan Shu and the prosperity of the Jianghuai generation are all great opportunities to make money!"

Hearing this, Yi Xiaotian nodded, extended a thumb and said with a smile. "It's still like a torch to hide my brother's wisdom. Where is the money, I must be hiding from my brother!"

In a word...

Cao Cao and Yi Xiaotian looked at each other, and immediately laughed "haha".

After all, they are so familiar, and the two of them don't need too many words. When the old friends meet again, it is natural to go to the wine shop to get the good Jiu Niu Chun wine, drink it happily, and rest when you are drunk.


There is a restaurant, a private room on the second floor.

Among them, there are flowers and grass, antique, fresh and elegant, unique.

This is a guest room specially transformed by Cai Zhaoji. In the past few years, the operation of the wine shop has made this talented woman more sophisticated about the world.She wondered that Mr. Concealed was a big customer in the tavern, couldn't he just let Mr. Concealed have a bar with his husband in the lobby of the tavern?

Speaking of which, I am very sorry for the poor reception.

So, she specially remodeled this private room for the husband and the master to drink and use.

"Brother Yi? This elegant room is chic!"

Cao Cao looked around the whole room, the wooden tile and brick walls, the carved gatehouse, and many fine ornaments were carved and cast in them. These were all carved and played by Cai Zhaoji and Lu Lingqi when they had nothing to do. They were very small but very unique.

"I lied to my brother." Yi Xiaotian was very modest, he raised his hand and explained. "It's all that Zhao Ji's little girl who has nothing to do with her own tinkering. I thought that if it wasn't just right, I could drink with my brother, so I didn't stop you..."

"Oh..." Cao Cao nodded with great interest. "Brother Yi? It looks like the proprietress of our restaurant has settled down, right? Miss Zhaoji is very thoughtful, and Lu Lingqi is carefree. When choosing a lady, you have to choose someone who knows the general situation and cares about the overall situation!"

When he said these words, the corners of Cao Cao's mouth grinned, and he couldn't stop laughing, full of ridicule!


All of a sudden, Yi Xiaotian's throat was choked up, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't open his mouth...

Thinking about it too, Cai Zhaoji has been with you for several years, and she works hard without complaining. Should she really consider taking her away?

"Brother, don't talk about this..."

Yi Xiaotian immediately changed the subject. "This trip to Jianghuai? Hiding brother's business must be a lot of money, right?"

Yi Xiaotian pondered, let's talk about money... talk about money really!

"Haha..." Cao Cao saw Yi Xiaotian's thoughts, he waved his hand, and simply didn't talk much about women.

As for JAC's business, Cao Cao rolled his eyes. "Brother Yi, don't make fun of me. If it wasn't for Xu Ducheng, I still don't know, Brother Yi has already cultivated a cash cow!"

Ah...a cash cow?

Yi Xiaotian was stunned for a moment... Why didn't he know that there was still a money tree planted in this villa?

"Brother lie? You said it clearly... If I have a money tree, what kind of villa would I open? I've been to Guiyuan Farm long ago, picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and seeing the life of Nanshan leisurely!"


I also picked chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and leisurely saw Nanshan.

Cao Cao was slightly taken aback. Brother Yi really spoke well, and any sentence could be regarded as a masterpiece of poetry.

"Brother Yi, the cash cow I'm talking about is not a real cash cow, but..." Cao Cao put his mouth close to Yi Xiaotian's ear and deliberately sold it off. Seeing his curious expression, he said just now. "Winter wheat!"

Uh...winter wheat?

How can winter wheat become a cash cow?Yi Xiaotian patted his forehead, this time he was really puzzled.

To be honest, his original intention of planting winter wheat was not for the common people, but only because he was from the Central Plains before crossing the border. Because of the problem of living habits, everyone there eats winter wheat...

And flour made from winter wheat is sweeter and more delicious.

Yi Xiaotian is very simple to satisfy his taste buds...

I never thought that today this thing has become a cash cow in the mouth of my brother-in-law!

"Brother, don't make fun of me? How can this winter wheat become a cash cow?" Yi Xiaotian asked curiously...

"Brother Yi, drink three bowls of wine first, and I'll tell you!" Cao Cao also became naughty, and while talking, he lifted the jug and filled Yi Xiaotian with three bowls of wine.

Yao remembered that when he asked Brother Yi for advice, he was so full of three bowls of wine. At that time, Brother Yi's attitude was so clear - if you want to break the game, drink first!


At this moment, Yi Xiaotian is a little stunned, but he dares to be affectionate. Ah Hui, who used to be honest, has become a lot greasy after not seeing him in a year!

This trick is to use his own way to return to his own body?

"Hidden brother? Don't you want to lie to me!" Yi Xiaotian asked solemnly...

"Who dares to tease Brother Yi?" Cao Cao replied solemnly. "I've said it before, Brother Yi? Once your winter wheat becomes a cash cow, I'm afraid your revenue will not be less than that of Youjian Villa."

Huo ... such a big tone.

Yi Xiaotian is moved, isn't it a winter wheat?Can you have such a large amount of energy?



Chapter [-] This money is not enough

The so-called three bowls are not enough...

Yi Xiaotian drank the three bowls of wine in front of him in a row, his heart was burning hot, but soon.

He got used to this slightly drunk state.

After all, the alcohol in ancient times is not high.

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