"Stop!" Cao Cao hurriedly called to stop him... "You come back to me."

Is this the time to be pissed?

Is this a Yang Biao question?

This is basically a sharp confrontation between the pro-Han faction and his Cao Cao camp. Through this confrontation, the pro-Han officials expressed their attitude. They defended the Han family and the attitude of the emperor, which made Cao Cao quite embarrassed.

It also made Cao Cao deeply understand that the officials of the court should also make a drastic adjustment, and they must eliminate dissidents...

speak up.

Cao Cao is now the Marquis of Sikong and Wuping. It is reasonable to say that the official position is not low. However, there are still threats in the court, such as Yang Biao's position as the captain.

Strictly speaking, the Taiwei was the highest official in charge of the military in the ancient court, in charge of the military and political affairs of the world...

Even if Yang Biao has no soldiers, as long as this title is in place, Cao Cao's military actions can be directed at him, even the rectification of the imperial court and the drastic personnel adjustments cannot avoid the title of Taiwei!

It can be said that the title of Taiwei has seriously affected the formulation and implementation of Cao Cao's military operations and personnel appointments and removals.

"Brother, I just can't figure it out, why are you so used to that Yang Biao!" Cao Hongyou was angry. "Kill him directly, or assassinate him if he can't, I don't believe the whole court who dares to say more?"

Cao Hong has a hot temper, and when his temper gets up, he doesn't think much about the consequences when he does things.

However, he did not consider the consequences, Cao Cao had to consider it.

Killing Yang Biao is simple, but what about the impact afterward?

The first to bear the brunt is the complete break between Cao Cao and the emperor of the Han family. Now, depending on Cao Cao's strength, he has to rely on the court everywhere.

At least now, he can't bear the consequences of a complete break with the Han family.

In addition, Yang Biao is the patriarch of the Hongnong Yang family.

The Yang family of Hongnong, that can rival the existence of the fourth and third princes, Runan and Yuan family. In the past [-] years alone, the Yang family has produced concubines and ministers, two slaps can't be counted...

The ghost knows how many famous families the Hongnong Yang family has close relations with, and the ghost knows how intertwined their relationship network is. This is a major event that affects the whole body.

What's more...

There is another one, Yang Biao is a clear stream, a celebrity.

These days, celebrities have a very unique position in the circle of scholars, in the circle of Confucian scholars, and in the circle of common people.

Cao Cao once killed a famous person named Bian Rang in Yanzhou, which led to the betrayal of Chen Gong and Zhang Miao, and was almost succeeded by Lu Bu stealing his home.

The past is vividly remembered, celebrities cannot be killed!

But... if you don't kill him, then let Yang Biao go against him?

Or they could be locked up, but it's a special meow, this group of party members, this group of pure temperament Cao Cao knows too well, even if they are beaten to death, they will not give in, and even cause even greater public outrage.


Thinking of this, Cao Cao took a long breath, annoyed, upset...

Taking Yuzhou, subduing Chen State, and subjugating Yuan Shu, he was not so upset when faced with many difficulties.

Today, the position of the captain of the three princes is simply a mountain above Cao Cao's head, a mountain that is difficult to cross, and Cao Cao, who is directly pressed, can't breathe!

"Big brother? Don't worry, I will do this villain!" Cao Hong really pulled out his sword this time.

Speaking of which, there are not many people in Cao Cao's camp who can stab Cao Cao in both sides, and Cao Hong is one of them.

"Don't talk about this." Cao Cao waved his hand, feeling a little confused, "If you have extra energy, it is better to think about how to raise food and grass, what Yang Biao said is right, we are indeed running out of food! "

Speaking of this, Cao Cao let out a sigh and then let out a sigh. "Hmph, if our annual harvest can be doubled, he, Yang Biao, wouldn't be able to propose a recuperation for the past two years! He wouldn't make a fuss about it either..."

Speaking of this, Cao Cao sighed again...

But at this time.

"Father, father..." The voice of Cao Cao's eldest son Cao Ang came from outside the door...

Listening to the hurried footsteps, it seems that there is something important to report.


"Father, my husband has successfully planted winter wheat in Youjian Mountain Villa. The husband said that if we vigorously promote it, our annual grain output can be doubled!" Before he came to Cao Cao, Cao Ang had already blurted out...

During this time, I was very excited and excited!

Um...this... double the food?

This time, it wasn't just Cao Ang who was excited, Cao Cao instantly turned from sadness to joy, and also became ecstatic.



The [-]th chapter is true or false, you will know at a glance

Winter wheat, double the grain.

Although Cao Cao doesn't know yet, what is Cao Ang's doubling is because the yield per mu has doubled?Or some other reason?

Cao Cao didn't even know how true this bold statement was?


When I noticed what Cao Ang said, the cultivation of this winter wheat came from Youjian Mountain Villa, then...

Since it was cultivated by Youjian Villa, it is naturally Brother Yi's idea. Since it is Brother Yi's idea, it is naturally very reliable!

I think that more than a year ago, when Cao Cao set out on his expedition, he saw the so-called winter wheat in the fields of Youjian Villa. I didn't expect it, but I didn't expect that in just two cycles, Brother Yi really succeeded in cultivating it.

"Hahaha... God helps me, God helps me too."

Cao Cao couldn't hide his excitement and ecstasy...

Of course, compared to his excitement, the expressions of the clansmen in Sikong Mansion were very cold, so they wouldn't believe it, what kind of winter wheat?What double the food!

Planting in spring and harvesting in autumn, the farming concept that has been passed down for thousands of years has been deeply ingrained into the minds of everyone in the world. Is farming against the season?How is it possible to harvest real wheat?

What's more, how do you hear this, how do you think it's a conspiracy, Bao Buqi is the group of courtiers headed by Taiwei Yang Biao, who came up with some crazy ideas and moths to confuse the eldest son, Cao Ang...

The eldest son is still young, so he can easily believe this boundless lie!

"Eldest nephew, are you serious? This is not a joke!" Cao Hong walked up to Cao Ang with a serious expression and asked seriously...

"Yes, yes!" Xiahou Dun echoed. "The so-called hearing is false, seeing is believing, eldest nephew, you must not be deceived by people with ulterior motives..."

Speaking of this, Xiahou Dun waved his hand, and the next voice was deliberately lowered.

"Think carefully about how this is possible! If it is possible to grow winter wheat that is out of season, then the fields in summer and autumn can be reused again, and the grain will be doubled by then, and it will only take one year. Our grain depot Isn't there enough food and grass in the middle?"

Xiahou Dun was in charge of the military colony. He was right and very professional.

Farming against the season, doubling the grain and grass, what does this mean?

It means that, under the promotion, the necessary consumption is eliminated, the same farmland, the same farmers and soldiers, can store twice or even three times more grain and grass in a year...

This is a timely rain for Cao Cao, who is now short of food and grass because of the war between the South and the North.

"Several uncles, this winter wheat was cultivated by Ang'er himself, and it was only planted at the end of September last year. It has crossed the cold winter and cross-country spring. Just today, Ang'er said with his own eyes that the grains of wheat on the wheat are full and plump. Ordinary spring wheat probably doesn't have such large grains."

Speaking of this, Cao Ang looked around at everyone, and saw the big guy still had a questioning expression on his face.

Cao Ang added. "By the way, I'm not the only one who farms with my own hands. The students from the private school have all participated in the process of farming. Today's harvest is witnessed by everyone. If the uncles don't believe it, they can call them to study in the private school. Clan brother, clan brother, or rushing to the depths of the peach forest in Youjian Mountain Villa, if it is true or false, you will know at a glance!"

call out…

As Cao Ang's words came out, at first, these big men of Cao and Xiahou didn't feel anything, but with the testimony of the eldest son, Cao Ang, a series of witnesses were drawn.

The big guy is a bit of a believer.

Is it?The problem of grain reserves that plagues the expansion of power?It turned out to be solved by a small restaurant?

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Just when everyone was stunned, Cao Cao's laughter came out, "I believe what Ang'er said is true!"

Cao Cao only said this sentence, and did not testify in detail.

In his opinion, everyone is drunk and I wake up alone, there is no need to explain so clearly...

After all.

Subconsciously, the "trust" in Yi Xiaotian has long been deeply embedded in Cao Cao's mind.

Don't say that he still knows a thing or two, even if he doesn't know anything, as long as it's Brother Yi's tinkering, as long as it's about a liquor store, Cao Cao will only believe and support it without reservation.


Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, and Cao Hong still wanted to say something.

However, before he could speak, he saw that Cao Cao had walked out of the Sikong Mansion quickly, and he was talking while walking. "You have the right to wait for half a day, until I fetch the ears of winter wheat and grind it into flour. I invite you to taste it together!"

The voice hasn't fallen yet...

Cao Cao has disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Not far away, Cao Ren had already prepared two fast horses...

It turned out that Cao Cao had been pondering since this morning that it was time to visit Brother Yi.

Not because of the winter wheat problem...

Mainly because he wanted to chat with Brother Yi about the next strategic plan.

Of course, it is also indispensable to talk about the rank of captaincy, the head of the three princes standing proudly above his head!

This is a big mountain that is pressing Cao Cao a little bit out of breath.



The sound of "da da da" hooves resounded throughout the official road.

Thirty miles south of the city, a three-hour journey, during this period, Cao Cao and Cao Ren did not stop for a moment, they galloped wildly, not even taking a sip of water.

It's not that they are in a hurry...

It was because Cao Cao issued a decree before that, except for a liquor store, no taverns and homestays were allowed to open within thirty miles south of Xudu City.

As for the reason, whenever, Cao Cao is always thinking about helping Brother Yi to eliminate unnecessary competition and do more business appropriately.

Three hours later, Cao Cao and Cao Ren had arrived at Youjian Villa.

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