Yi Xiaotian's words floated one after another.

"First of all, Lu Bu suffered a loss in dealing with Yuan Shu."

Yi Xiaotian talked about it in detail. "I remember when Lü Bu and Yuan Shu attacked Liu Bei and sought Xuzhou, Yuan Shu had promised Lü Bu [-] dendrobium forage, but what was the final result? Yuan Shu also detained the dendrobium food and grass! Because of this, Lu Bu felt extremely disgusted with Yuan Shu in his heart."

Speaking of this, Cao Cao nodded.

This is Xuzhou's intelligence. Yuan Shu betrayed his promise and withheld [-] dendrobium grains for Lu Bu. Cao Cao also heard about this from the intelligence.

It was because of this that Yuan Shu and Lu Bu had a big fight. No, it has only been eased for a month.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao was about to ask a question, but Yi Xiaotian's voice sounded again.

"There are already cracks between Yuan and Lu. This is just one of them; the second is that reputation is a good thing. Even if it can't have a good history, no one will be willing to leave it behind for thousands of years!"

Yi Xiaotian said with a smile, the person he was referring to was obviously Lu Bu.

"Brother lie, what do you think, Lu Bu's execution of Dong Zhuo was driven by his own interests, but it cannot be denied that he did a real thing for the big man, killing the thief."

"For this reason, the Han court thinks of Lu Bu's goodness, the emperor also thinks of his goodness, and Lu Bu always considers himself the benefactor of the big Han..."

"Just imagine, a guy who claims to be a benefactor of a big Han, what would he do in the face of a fake emperor? He would easily drop his previous reputation as a helper? Just to support a perfidious villain who had deceived him. Well?"

"What's more, even if Lu Bu is simple-minded, he hesitates and makes wrong decisions. The advisors under his command are not stupid, but his brother thinks that Yuan Shu wants to form a family with Lu Bu, betray the Han family, and bear infamy on his back. Will your chief advisor, Chen Gong, agree?"

"In the face of great right and wrong, with Chen Gong's wisdom, he can handle it clearly, even he will not only persuade Lv Bu to break with Yuan Shu, but also persuade Lv Bu to send troops to conquer Yuan Shu, after all, this is a person who expresses himself in front of the emperor and wins a good reputation in the world. It's a perfect time, not to mention..."

Yi Xiaotian deliberately sold out, he slowly raised the wine bowl, took a sip, said a lot, and his lips were a little chapped.

Cao Cao pondered for a moment.

Chen Gong, he is familiar.

Cao Cao also felt that Chen Gong would definitely make the most sensible decision to break with the pseudo-emperor Yuan Shu if he really wanted to meet Da Fei.

There is no doubt about this.

After thinking about this, Cao Cao's mood became clearer, and he pricked up his ears and continued to listen.

Brother Yi seems to have mentioned it?What's more?Is there anything else to ignore?

Seeing Cao Cao's humbly look, Yi Xiaotian put down the wine bowl and continued talking.

"What's more, it's not that I don't know about my brother, Lu Bu has a daughter named Lu Lingqi, and now she is playing iron in my villa! Yuan Shu's son-in-law wants to marry her? How is it possible? Even if Lu Bu would agree, he would also I can't give you this baby girl!"


Cao Cao slapped his forehead abruptly, thinking about other things all the time, but he forgot about this most crucial part.

Brother Yi is right, is Lu Lingqi currently in Youjian Villa?

Yuan Shu wants to marry, and marry his sister?

Ha ha ha ha…

Thinking of this, Cao Cao couldn't help laughing.

The so-called concern is chaos, he is too concerned about the decisive battle with Yuan Shu, so he ignores the general details...

Darling, this marriage has been stillborn before it even started. Yuan Shu is afraid that he is dreaming of eating stars—what a surprise, right?

Cao Cao couldn't help shaking his head. Through the window, he faintly saw Lu Lingqi sweating like rain in the blacksmith shop next to the wine shop...

This girl has a lot of strength, and she has a good forging blade. She probably hasn't realized that a thief has moved her mind?

However, in a restaurant, this is very safe, very comfortable, very stable, except for Brother Yi, I definitely don't have to worry about anyone thinking about her body!

Come on, after a few words from Brother Yi, the problem of Sun Ce and Lu Bu, which had troubled Cao Cao so much, was solved at once.

Without Lu Bu and Sun Ce, the two powerful aids, or in other words, these two great aids defected to Cao Cao's side, Yuan Shu was already half cold.

As for the other princes...

Cao Cao just thought of this, and Yi Xiaotian happened to mention another prince.

"Brother lie, in fact, if Cao Cao attacked Yuan Shu, he would not only be able to use Sun Ce and Lu Bu, but also one person, who only needs an imperial edict, and he will definitely lead his army to attack Shouchun as soon as possible and lead our army!"

Hmm... there are people like this?

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, and then asked curiously. "Which prince is Yi brother talking about?"

"Liu Bei, Liu Xuande, who is stationed in Xiaopei, Xuzhou!" Yi Xiaotian took out the third wine bowl and pushed it to the middle...

Yi Xiaotian knows Liu Bei very well.

To study the history of the Three Kingdoms, it is indispensable to study Liu Bei in depth.

Of course, this can't get around a topic - can Liu Bei do it?

This topic is enough for keyboard historians at all times and at home and abroad to argue for three days and three nights.


Yi Xiaotian's understanding of Liu Bei is obviously deeper. The reason why he is sure that Liu Bei will attack Yuan Shu is because he understands Liu Bei's thoughts too thoroughly.

Liu Bei, a self-proclaimed descendant of the Han family, always paid attention to his reputation, which was also his best weapon in the Central Plains.

Whether it is for his own reputation or his status as a descendant of the Han family, even if Cao Cao does not take the initiative to invite Liu Bei, Liu Bei will definitely attack Yuan Shu, and he will never die with Yuan Shu. Even if it is defeated, even if it is defeated.

Of course, in fact, Liu Bei didn't have many soldiers at all, and he didn't have much weight to lose.

However, he still has fierce generals under him. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are enemies of ten thousand people. With their help, the attack on Shouchun can add an extra boost.


Huh, Liu Bei and Liu Xuande?

Hearing this name, Cao Cao was also taken aback.

To be honest, Liu Bei was too weak. According to reliable information, he had no more than [-] troops in Xiaopei City. Cao Cao didn't take him seriously.

But even if he had few soldiers and little food, he had not missed the annual tribute since the emperor returned to the east.

The food and utensils dedicated to the emperor are the best among the best. With such feelings, Brother Yi said that he can help conquer the false emperor Yuan Shu and help the Han family. It is really possible!

Cao Cao nodded heavily...

Immediately afterwards, he looked around the table, and now the four big bowls had surrounded the big bowl in the middle, and Cao Cao could feel that the big bowl in the middle was out of breath.

And these four big bowls correspond to Cao Cao, Lü Bu, Sun Ce, and Liu Bei, and the one lingering in the middle is the pseudo-emperor Yuan Shu...

Surrounded by so many people, how could Yuan Shu have any hope of surviving?

Huh...Cao Cao took a long breath...

It seems that this battle does not have to be fought.

However, Cao Cao is a thoughtful person. He went through Yi Xiaotian's deployment in his mind again. It was this time that Cao Cao really found a point he ignored——

——Chen Guo…

That's right, it was this Chen who had a hundred thousand soldiers in his hand, never participated in the disputes between the feudal lords, but was still friendly with Yuan Shu.

It is sandwiched between Xudu and Shouchun. It not only occupies the most favorable food route, but also shows its bloodthirsty fangs at any time. If this point is not solved, even if it is to conquer Shouchun, Cao Cao will not feel safe!

With this in mind, Cao Cao's eyes slowly opened, and he stared blankly at Yi Xiaotian with a bit of urgency in his eyes.



Chapter [-]: In times of turmoil, the day when troops are dispatched

"Brother Yi, we have solved the problem of support from other forces, but we have also overlooked one point - the front line from Xuchang to Shouchun City!"

Cao Cao held his chin, as if he was thinking and asking.

"Brother Yi, there is still a Chen country sandwiched between Xuducheng and Shouchun City. If the front line and supply line bypass Chen country everywhere, the front line will be stretched for a long time, and there will be many unstable factors in the supply transportation line. In addition, the hundreds of thousands of mercenaries in the Chen state cannot be underestimated, and the relationship between the state lord Liu Chong and the state minister Luo Jun and the traitor Yuan Shu is quite close!"

When it comes to Chen Guo, it's no wonder that Cao Cao's expression is serious.

In his opinion, Lu Bu, Sun Ce, and Liu Bei may have some ability, but when it comes to hard power, they are really nothing compared to Chen Guo.

The Lord of the State of Chen - Liu Chong!

Chen Guoguo - Luo Jun!

These two names came out through Cao Cao's mouth, and Yi Xiaotian searched for their names in his memory.

Speaking of which, it is precisely this Chen Guo, who was unknown in the "interpretation", who played a pivotal role on the battlefield from Xuchang to Shouchun.

It can even be said that it influenced the battle between Cao Cao and Yuan Shu.

Thinking about it, if Cao Cao got Chen Guo, it would be equivalent to opening up the grain route, shortening the front line and supply line all at once, without worrying about the transportation of grain and grass, and at the same time picking up a large granary for nothing.

The impact of this on the situation of the war is decisive.

At that time, even if Yuan Shu was completely shameless and huddled in the city to fight against Cao Cao, Cao Cao would not be afraid because of Chen State.

On the other hand, if Yuan Shu obtained Chen Guo, it would be too close to Xudu, and it would be a huge threat to Cao Cao's good base.

Of course, as a historian who studies the history of the Three Kingdoms, Yi Xiaotian cannot just study the characters in the deduction.

In "Book of the Later Han" and "Records of the Three Kingdoms", Yi Xiaotian is well acquainted with the Chen country, its every move, every word and deed, and its future trend...

Not to mention, in the eyes of Cao Cao, Chen Guo, who had hundreds of thousands of mercenaries, strong strength, and a close relationship with Yuan Shu, in Yi Xiaotian's eyes, was like a free gift.

The reason is that Yi Xiaotian knows that Liu Chong, the lord of the State of Chen, and Luo Jun, the Prime Minister of the State of Chen, are about to get cold...

The light is cool, and the coolness is translucent!


"Brother? Are you worried that Chen Guohui will unite with Yuan Shu?"

Figured out the twists and turns in the middle, Yi Xiaotian asked Cao Cao with great interest.

"Forget it!" Cao Cao's tone was a little hesitant. He was not sure about Chen Guo, so he only shook his head. "The so-called defense against others is indispensable!"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

I never thought that Cao Cao was in a complicated mood, but Yi Xiaotian laughed openly.

The laughter was not loud, but it was very comfortable, as if this mighty Chen Guo could not make waves at all...

"Brother Yi? You... are you?"

This demonic laughter made Cao Cao a little surprised, what does Brother Yi mean?

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