If Yuan Shu had been prepared, he would wait for work and be familiar with the terrain, on the contrary, Cao Cao would travel a long distance and marched a long distance.

huh... huh...

Thinking of these difficulties in conquering Yuan Shu, Cao Cao's brows furrowed even tighter again and again.

Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, and this act was killing him, but even if he wanted to die, he was still a tough bone to crack.

Not to mention Cao Cao's southern expedition against Yuan Shu, he still faces the risk of being in a place of four battles. If Lv Bu steals his home again, or Zhang Xiu of Wancheng covets the emperor and attacks Xudu in the morning and evening, then... the consequences are unimaginable!


Thinking of this, Cao Cao's brows were dripping with sweat.

It seems that this drop of sweat can't stop Cao Cao's troubles!

Facing Yuan Shu and proclaiming himself emperor?

What should be done?

How to deploy?is the best solution?

With this in mind, Cao Cao slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were confused and helpless.

But unfortunately, with the pupils still open, he saw Yi Xiaotian, who had a relaxed face in front of him, tasting the wine.


Cao Cao was instantly overjoyed, he had a problem looking for Brother Yi!

Brother Yi is not by his side, these problems are not easy to solve, so you can ask him for advice!

Brother Yi has no choice but to find the best solution!



Chapter [-] is a friend not an enemy, the little overlord Sun Bofu

"Brother Yi..."

Cao Cao restrained his mind, put his hand on Yi Xiaotian's shoulder, was shocked, and immediately asked:

"The news of Yuan Shu's proclamation as emperor is about to spread. If you think about it, Cao Cao will definitely ask me what to do? Brother Yi, you have to tell me about it first!"


Yi Xiaotian waved his hand and said with a smile. "There's nothing to say, if Yuan Shu is killed, Cao Cao can just bring his soldiers to fight, and even buy one get one free, and he can take the opportunity to take the land of Huainan! What is there to say?"


Cao Cao's eyes were stunned, he even felt like he was about to hold his breath, Yi Xiaotian's confidence gave him a sudden dizziness!

Dare to love, Brother Yi is really watching the fun and doesn't think it's a big deal. He Cao Cao is about to have gray hair here.

As long as you close your eyes, a lot of problems to conquer Yuan Shu will come one after another, and Yi Xiaotian is completely fine. In the eyes of others, Yuan Shu seems to be vulnerable.

"Brother Yi?" Cao Cao knocked on the forehead, wiped off his sweat, and then said. "It seems that Cao Cao conquered Yuan Shu? It's not that simple, is it?"

Speaking of this, he paused, raised his hand and placed the wine bowl in front of Cao Ren in the middle, his own wine bowl in one corner of the table, and Yi Xiaotian's wine bowl in the other corner.

After everything was placed, Cao Cao preached. "Brother Yi, look, the Shouchun City where Yuan Shu is located is like a bowl of wine in the middle. His northwest is Xudu, the northeast is Xuzhou, and the south is Soochow..."

Yi Xiaotian pondered and seemed to be missing a wine bowl.

But it doesn't matter, Yi Xiaotian can understand the sand table set by Cao Cao.

At this time, Yi Xiaotian nodded, stretched out his hand, and signaled Cao Cao to continue.

Cao Cao pushed the wine bowl at the corner of the table to the middle and said in his mouth. "If Cao Cao raises his troops to attack Shouchun, it will be like a bottle of these two bowls of wine. It seems to be a direct confrontation with Yuan Shu, but in fact..."

Having said this, Cao Cao moved the wine bowl at the other corner of the table and slowly pushed it to the middle, his voice floating at the same time.

"If Lu Bu of Xuzhou and Sun Ce of Soochow also rushed to Shouchun to help Yuan Shu, it would not just be the collision of these two bowls of wine, but the collision of four bowls of wine, and Cao Cao's soldiers and horses would definitely fall into the situation of being attacked by the enemy on their backs. ?"

Having said this, Cao Cao glanced at Yi Xiaotian, and seeing that he was listening carefully, he continued to preach while tapping the table lightly.

"And other princes along the way, such as Liu Bei of Xuzhou? For example, Chen Guo, who has [-] troops between Xudu and Shouchun? What about the warlords around Xuchang City? Their attitudes are unknown!"

It was another sand table setting and another eloquent explanation. Cao Cao's face even showed tiredness. He was tired, and his heart was tired...

It is true that now he has more territory, more soldiers and more power.

However, what comes with it is that he needs to consider and worry more, and going on an expedition is not a trivial matter. The so-called "one-shot move" is what it means.

In terms of military operations, today's Cao Cao did not dare to act rashly, for fear that if he moved, he would be overwhelmed.

Yi Xiaotian listened very seriously.

But at the end, he yawned, apparently not tired.

Because, in his opinion, the questions raised by Cao Cao were not really a problem at all.

What Lv Bu, Sun Ce, Liu Bei... According to Yi Xiaotian's analysis, they are all Cao Cao's new forces, and they are Yuan Shu's big problem.

Yi Xiaotian looked at the sand table and pondered for a while, organized the language, and explained with a smile. "Brother lie, why is your business getting bigger and bigger now, but your courage is getting smaller and smaller?"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian greeted the restaurant staff and brought up a few wine bowls...

Since it's a sand table, then simply prepare more props, so that you can speak more clearly and understand.

Cao Ren is more upright, and thought that Yi Xiaotian called the wine bowl for drinking, and was about to pour the wine, but was stopped by Cao Cao.

At the same time, Yi Xiaotian had already taken out the first wine bowl and pushed it straight into the middle.

"Let's talk about Sun Bofu, the little overlord of Jiangdong who hides his brother's greatest concern!"

Sun Bofu…

As soon as the name was blurted out, Cao Cao's body was shocked. Speaking of which, he had a good relationship with the Sun family. It was the deep friendship he established with Sun Ce's father, Sun Jian, when he was fighting the golden thief.

In the past, when the princes of the Eighteen Routes were begging for Dong, when they parted, Cao Cao specially gave Sun Jian a gift. At that time, he saw Sun Jian's eldest son, Sun Ce, Sun Bofu, and his second son, Quan Sun Zhongmou.

At that time, Cao Cao was not particularly impressed by the eldest son, Sun Ce and Sun Bofu.

On the contrary, he was deeply impressed by Sun Quan. He felt that he was smart and alert at such a young age, so he sighed: having a child should be like Sun Zhongmou!

Now, with the passage of time, Cao Cao never imagined that Sun Jian's eldest son, Sun Ce, whom he was not optimistic about, would bring the rest of his troops to pacify Jiangdong. The big man was also very resounding.

Brother Yi wants to talk about this little overlord of Jiangdong first, Cao Cao is refreshed and very interested.

"Brother Yi, I would like to hear the details!"

"Sun Ce, the little overlord of Jiangdong, has heard of it if he wants to lie to his brother."

Yi Xiaotian took a sip of wine and moistened his throat before speaking aloud. "His father is the famous Sun Jian. Speaking of the Sun family, they are descendants of Sun Wu, the 'sacred in military science' during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. They have been loyal and good for generations. Take the lead and attack Luoyang first."

"Then the question is, Sun Jian is begging for the Yellow Turbans, and he is taking the lead in breaking Luoyang? Doing this? What is his purpose?"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian paused.

Immediately, he raised his hand and asked himself, "Actually, it's for the big man! It's for helping the big man!"

call out…

Hearing the point of "helping the great Han", Cao Cao's heart was touched. He knew Sun Jian too well. The only people who really helped the Han family were Sun Jian and Cao Cao.

On this point, Cao Cao and Sun Jian can resonate.

and many more…

After Yi Xiaotian's suggestion, Cao Cao suddenly came to his senses.

A righteous man who has been loyal and good from generation to generation and takes it as his duty to help the great man?How could his son support Yuan Shu to become emperor?Not to mention supporting Yuan Shu, I am afraid it would be good not to send troops to conquer Yuan Shu.

The word "loyalty" is more than just words.

Even now, Sun Ce is nominally dependent on Yuan Shu, but in the face of right and wrong, Sun Ce will definitely make a wise choice.

The Sun clan, at least the Sun clan so far, will definitely inherit the legacy of their fathers and kill the usurpers to the end. Sun Ce, the eldest son of Sun Jian, should know this clearly.

What's more, to sit firmly in Jiangdong, the Sun family also needs a banner to support Han, an excellent reputation.


Got it, totally got it.

Cao Cao's eyes rolled straight. In this way, the little overlord Sun Ce he was worried about was not only an enemy, but an ally!

Thinking of this, Cao Cao's eyes slowly opened, and his mind was finally calm.

He looked at Yi Xiaotian silently, as if waiting for the next analysis from Brother Yi.

Cao Cao believes that Yi Xiaotian's analysis must be a piece of good news!



Chapter [-] Two powerful aids, defecting to each other

"Hidden brother, hid brother..."

Looking at Cao Cao's dazed appearance, Yi Xiaotian patted him on the shoulder.


Cao Cao came back to his senses and realized his gaffe. He was so happy that he was a little off.

"Cough cough..." Cao Cao cleared his throat and spread his hands. "Brother Yi, go on? I'm listening carefully here..."

"Jiangdong Xiaobawang is here? Brother Hide, do you understand?" Yi Xiaotian asked.

"Understood, I understand." Cao Cao repeatedly said yes, it was because he solved the problem of Sun Bofu, the little overlord of Jiangdong, that he became a little carried away, from the original opponent to the most reliable ally. The odds of winning this battle are at least [-]%!

"Then let's talk about Lu Bu." Yi Xiaotian took out another tea bowl and pushed it into the middle of the table. "Brother lie was worried that Lu Bu would rush to help Yuan Shu, nothing more than hearing the news that Yuan Shu came to propose marriage, and wanted his son to marry Lu Bu's daughter."

Hearing this, Cao Cao nodded.

That's right, Yuan Lu's marriage is no trivial matter.

If Xuzhou and Shouchun were each other's horns, even if Cao Cao had Sun Ce's help, Shouchun City might not be easy to attack.

Seeing Cao Cao frowning slightly, Yi Xiaotian smiled lightly. "Brother lie, this is, you are worrying too much, it is absolutely impossible for Lu Bu to help Yuan Shu!"


Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, with some doubts in his heart.

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