Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 16: Battle (below)

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Seemingly feeling the strong hostility, Ma Yuan turned his head to look at the two cyborgs who had found a common goal, and laughed.

"That's what makes sense." Ma Yuan nodded in satisfaction. Although there was some attention in his heart, there was still no defensive posture on the surface.

On the 16th, he turned his head, with a bit of vigilance in his eyes. He couldn't help but worry about it. Ma Yuan's strength was really beyond his expectation, and obviously the 17th and 18th won't beat him together. He wanted to kill Sun Wukong but it was even more difficult.

The more he thought about it, the faster the brain circuit transported on the 16th. His eyes slowly began to congest, and then turned into a red. The muscles on the body had swelled again, and the green muscles were like The strong mountains generally shook.

"What's the matter?" Sun Wukong said doubtfully, and he could feel that the momentum of No. 16 began to grow, and overwhelmed himself.


Suddenly the body of No. 16 disappeared, and Sun Wukong's eyes flicked left and right. Suddenly he felt a gust of air appear on his left side. He quickly made a blocking gesture with his arm, but this impact far exceeded him. Expected.

Sun Wukong only felt that his breath was stagnant, as if hit by a giant beast, his body flew out directly, and a throat of blood didn't hold back, overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

But this time, No. 16 did not intend to give Sun Wukong a breathing opportunity, and rushed towards him again. If he wanted to use a word to describe his state at the moment, it would be... crazy!

Ma Yuan, who was about to start his hands, frowned slightly, and then looked at No. 16 where the state was very wrong at the moment, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"Although the setting of No. 16 is the most powerful man-made man except Sharu, he is unwilling to kill the other innocent people because of his good heart, but he has never appeared in this state."

"No!" Ma Yuan suddenly thought of a thing, that is, the 16th was originally not prepared to be released. At that time, Sun Wukong and others were too strong, and Dr. Gro had to release him.

The explanation given in the plot is that there was a crazy thing before the 16th, which caused a lot of casualties, and this sealed him up. Now that the appearance of the 16th is greatly advanced, maybe it is time for him to go crazy!

"Where are you looking!" Suddenly, the sound of No. 17 sounded, and Ma Yuan remembered that he had two opponents that had not been resolved.


Ma Yuan stepped back a few steps. The attack by the two did not cause much trouble for him, but only caused him to shake his body.

On the 17th, with a sneer on his hips, "The two of us shot against you, do you think you can still hold on?"

Ma Yuan shook his head helplessly: "Shouldn't this time be pursued by victory? By the time you show it off, I have already eased."

Suddenly on the 17th, apparently did not expect Ma Yuan to say such a thing, but on the 18th, he wouldn't think about it at all, and he rushed towards Ma Yuan when he was bored, and on the 17th, he quickly followed.

Although Ma Yuan was interested in observing the situation of Sun Wukong, he faced No. 17 and No. 18. If he didn't care, he might lose some money. He could only solve the battle in front of him.

Sun Wukong did not expect a sudden increase in the strength of the 16th, so that he has always fallen into the downwind, and it is not easy to display inside the mountain wall, he simply blasted the mountain wall directly towards the outside Fly away!

On the 16th, he had basically lost his mind, and he followed without hesitation, except that he banged it out directly. The hard mountain wall was like tofu and was easily broken by him.

Ma Yuan didn't think about going out. For him, dealing with No. 17 and No. 18 is the best choice. He doesn't worry about Sun Wukong. After all, Sun Wukong is also a person with a protagonist aura.

The 17th and 18th were originally brothers and sisters, so the cooperation between them is quite tacit. It is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two. Rao is Ma Yuan’s strength is much higher than theirs. People quickly resolved.

Ma Yuan knows that his current strength is around Super Saiyan II. Such strength may be able to cope with Sharu, but what about the devil Buu? After this, BOSS came out one by one, I am afraid it is not immune.

However, Ma Yuan did not want to kill the 17th and 18th. He looked forward to the birth of Shalu. Shalu forced Sun Wukong to sacrifice himself to destroy him, and this did not die. To say that Ma Yuan did not want to follow It is impossible for him to make two moves.

The attack actions of No. 17 and No. 18 are not the same. The frequency of this disorder has a better effect. At least they have been able to come up with Ma Yuan a few times.

But the two wanted more than that. They glanced at each other, and a light flare appeared in their respective hands. When Ma Yuan reached out to block their fists, he slammed into Ma Yuan's body!

Ma Yuanyan didn't seem to be able to avoid it. He growled and rallied to form a protective shield, which directly flew out the 17th and 18th bombs, making their attack invalid.

"Sure enough, I can't carelessly." Ma Yuan was not afraid of being attacked by those two light flares, but he now had a pair of pants left!

"Huh, failed." No. 17 moved his hands and feet, preparing to continue to rush over, but was stopped by a white and tender hand.

"No. 18, what do you mean?" No. 17 frowned, even if it was No. 18, blocking him at this time would also make him a little unhappy, after all, he has already played up.

On the 18th, he shook his head gently, and then looked at Ma Yuandao: "You are strong, even if the two of us are added together, there is no way to beat you."

On the 17th, his face changed, he was about to speak, but on the 18th, he said again: "I can see that you don't mean to destroy us, then we don't have to fight with you anymore? Our purpose is to kill Dead Sun Wukong."

"Oh? I came with Sun Wukong. What evidence do you have to say this?" Ma Yuan touched his chin with great interest. The girl was more delicate, and she was a strong woman. The character of No. 17 was still too crazy. Proud.

"Just because of the momentum you broke out just now, I knew that both of us were no match for you, and you could clearly take advantage of that backhand attack at that time. We can't escape it, but you didn't." The hair in the ear said lightly.

"Smart." Ma Yuan nodded. "But even if you don't want to kill you, but if you want to do something with Sun Wukong, I can't just stand by. This..."

"We understand this, we will have a battle in the future!" After the 18th was finished, he pulled the 17th and flew out of the hole that was hit by Sun Wukong.

"Alas." Ma Yuan touched his head and looked at Vegeta who had not awakened on the ground, and smiled bitterly, "Is it good or bad to do this?"

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