Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 15: Fight (on)

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On the 17th, a person who was frivolous in appearance, but very proud in heart, heard Ma Yuan so humiliated him, how could he hold back the anger in his heart?

"Take your life!" No.17 roared, the energy in the body surged, the momentum was already vaguely approaching Sun Wukong, but Ma Yuan didn't pay attention to him at all, and looked at Sun Wukong and No. 16 duo. fighting.

On the 17th, he rushed towards Ma Yuan, and his figure disappeared instantly. But in the next second, he appeared in front of Ma Yuan again. He punched hard against Ma Yuan with a fierce punch. enemy!"


On the 17th, he felt the fist hit the flesh, with a touch of joy on his face. When he saw the situation clearly, he was stunned again.


Ma Yuan grabbed the fist of No. 17 with one hand, his eyes were still looking at the other battlefield, and the contempt was clear at a glance.

On the 17th, he withdrew his hand. This action didn't make much effort, because Ma Yuan didn't do much to suppress his hand. How can the 17th endure?

"Go to death!" No. 17's eyes widened, his murderous intentions flooded into his face, his hands flicked a few times, a light spot appeared in his hand, and then flew towards Ma Yuan under his control.

The light spots could not see any danger like fireflies, but when they got to Ma Yuan's side, they suddenly approached Ma Yuan, which caused an amazing explosion. This force is more powerful than the attack on Vegeta just now. The move is even more terrible.

"Ha...ha..." No. 17 gasped heavily. He was still not able to use his breath skillfully, so this trick had already exceeded the effect he wanted to achieve before. Of course, the consumption was quite large.

However, on the 17th, the few of them who have permanent energy are the least afraid of consumption. As long as the other party uses qi to attack themselves, he can absorb these qi to supplement energy for himself.

" can't be spared an attack like this." Thinking of the devastating blow he could make with such a powerful move, No. 17's corner of his mouth couldn't help but pick up slightly.

After the terrifying explosion effect came to an end, No. 17 looked back there, only to see that Ma Yuan was taking off his clothes, with an unpleasant look on his face.

"I came here with just one piece of clothing, and I haven't had time to buy a new one." Ma Yuan looked at the hole in the clothing and was quite speechless.

On the 17th, Ma Yuan looked straight and well-proportioned, his muscles showed a beautiful streamlined body, he could hardly believe his eyes, and he stuttered: " are!"

Ma Yuan frowned, throwing away the clothes on his hands angrily and said: "Is this okay? It's a waste, a good piece of clothing will be broken by you!"

On the 18th, I was surprised by the movements here. The strength of the 17th was above her, but this person actually took the 17th full blow. Is this person really an earthman?

"Nothing to say?" Ma Yuan raised his eyebrows. At this time, he had no intention of watching Sun Wukong's battle with No. 16 and walked toward No. 17 with a fire in his heart.

On the 17th, his face tightened, and he immediately sneered as if nothing had happened: "Huh, I thought it was a master, even if he used a gas to emit a light bomb or a light wave skill, he wouldn't expect it."

"Come on, this radical method is of no use to me!" Ma Yuan waved his hand. "If you want to say that, you are too naive, and you will be able to absorb the anger of others for your own use." "" Ma Yuan pouted, and his body gradually spread out, covering the audience.

No. 16 and Sun Wukong were also shocked by this momentum. After the two collided quickly, they separated and looked at Ma Yuan who walked towards No. 17 step by step.

"If this man is Sun Wukong's helper, it will be very troublesome." No. 16's face is very serious. He is more like a soldier. He is always thinking of executing the commands in his brain. Compared with him, 17 No. 18 is more like negligence of duty.

Sun Wukong's thoughts were very different. He felt the momentum of Ma Yuan's body. He excitedly shivered. "Ma Yuan's qi is really strong. I really look forward to playing with him!"

Ma Yuan finally came to the front of No. 17 and threw a fierce punch at No. 17's front door, directly knocking No. 17 down and flew out.

On the 17th, he struggled to stop his body in the air, and his mouth sneered with a sneer: "Is this attack tickling me?"

With the body of the No. 17 anthropomorphic man, such a punch is indeed very easy to block, but he still secretly shocked Ma Yuan in his heart. He didn't hide in this punch at all, so he was beaten so far.


Before waiting for the reaction on the 17th, Ma Yuan appeared in front of him again. This time, a punch hit his stomach fiercely, and then a heavy hammer smashed him down to the ground!

"Damn!" On the 17th, he quickly adjusted his position and looked for Ma Yuan's traces. This feeling of being crushed was too suffocating, but must there be a goal to fight back? The problem is that he can't keep up with Ma Yuan's speed!

"No. 17, behind you!" No. 18 suddenly shouted towards this side.

Even if No. 18 is not reminded, No. 17 also felt the terror that appeared like a ghost behind him, and then the body flew out uncontrollably towards the front.


The nightmare is far from over.

On the 17th, he just eased from the pain, but he saw a figure with his head hanging down in front of him. Because of inertia, he was flying towards Ma Yuan little by little, and he saw that Ma Yuan suddenly raised his head. A red light flashed in his eyes!


Ma Yuan looked at his fists and seemed to be not very satisfied with his strength. If he could learn Sun Wukong's Realm King Fist, his physical strength would be greatly improved.

"No, World King Boxing can't provide a big increase or how could Sun Wukong never use it after he became a Super Saiyan." Ma Yuan rubbed his head and sighed, "It's hard to make progress." "

When Ma Yuan was thinking about his own affairs here, the other side stood on the 17th and 18th, and there were two long gullies in front of them. Obviously, that punch just now, the 18th gang Blocked on the 17th.

"It's really a palpitating power." No. 18 shook her own sore hands, she couldn't help but say that she was a man-made man, but this power made her body respond to it, showing how powerful it is.

"It seems that this time, we have to deal with him together." No. 17's face was unwilling, and he slowly stood up and rubbed his face fiercely, his expression more solemn. ,, ..

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