Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 255: Tempted

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"You are fine without being hurt."

She heard the clear voice of the man. The sound was calm and normal, unlike the one-handed sword that had just waved at a high speed and knocked down all the approaching wings. There was no trace of disorder in breathing.

"Uh, uh-ah! Your shoulders! It doesn't matter!"

A feather was pricked on Ma Yuan's shoulder. Because it was cut off halfway, the feathers drooped weakly, a bit like a decoration on the armor.

"I don't care. The degree is not a problem. Don't worry about me. If you are not injured, I will rest assured."

The tone sounded as if smirking at Evel.

Thumping. Eveluere once again felt his heart jump inside him. His face is hot. The mask seemed to be heated.

"It's brilliant. I never expected to protect her from a little harm. My Yadababo expresses my heartfelt appreciation. It's really brilliant."

"No need to talk politely. Compared to this, Yadababo...Why are you pulling away from me?"

As Ma Yuan spoke, he stretched out his hand to Evel, and lifted her up like he was going to hug her.


The immobile heart almost didn't pop out of his mouth. She never took the story of the minstrel's creation seriously, but now those chapters are repeated in her mind. Especially the scene where the knight hugged the princess. According to common sense, only a fool will fight with cumbersomeness when facing a strong enemy. but--

Sorry! All bards in the world. The true knight will indeed hold the weak girl and fight while protecting her. Wow, this is so blind! So embarrassed!

However, Yville's excitement fell to the bottom in one breath. What she dreamed of was a princess hug. But the reality is-


——She was held under her left armpit like a luggage by Ma Yuan. No, this posture is of course correct. Compared to adult women, Evel is sad and small. From the point of view of easy body balance, this posture is more reasonable.

She knew she was not qualified to complain. And she still harbored the hatred of her companion being killed. She also knew very well that there was no such idle time. Even so, she still couldn't suppress the dissatisfaction in her inner corner.

If you take the initiative to hug him, maybe you can make him easier, but if he is involved in the high-speed battle just now, Evel is sad that he can grab him without being thrown away, so he didn't say it.

Facing the upcoming battle again, Ivir secretly observes Ma Yuan and Yadababo. The distance between the two is farther than before. But for the super warrior and the extraordinary demon, this distance can be crossed in one step.

"So should it start?"

"No, I want to stop here. I also said just now that my purpose is not to overwhelm the two. Next I will let part of the Wangdu area fall into flames. If the two dare to break in, I promise that the fire of purgatory will Send you to hell."

After leaving this remark, Yadabava turned and ran. It doesn't seem to be running at full strength, but the distance is farther and farther away, and it soon took part in the night.

"Oops, horrible, Master Ma Yuan. You have to eliminate him quickly."

Evil hurriedly stated that he should pursue the enemy before he had lost his trail, but Ma Yuan shook his head.

"No way. That guy chose to retreat in order to complete the plan. If he catches up, he will definitely come up with a real skill. Then come -"

Ma Yuan said it again, but Ivel sadly knew what he was going to say later.

That way you will be affected and die. He should have wanted to say this. Even if Ma Yuan keeps himself here, thinking of the devil's vicious personality will surely cause an attack that will affect Evel.

Ma Yuan had protected Evelia just now, but unfortunately proved that Evelia has the value as a hostage.

She failed to help Shangyuan, the life-saving benefactor, but dragged on Mayuan, making her feel disgusted with herself. It's ridiculous that I am so embarrassed to tell Clem.

"So, Andre. What do you think we should do next?"

Andrea recovered from the state of watching the drama.

Even though Evel is just wondering why Andre could not be used as a fighting force, it is probably clear that after such a battle, Andre and the two of them could not protect her from the demon at all, if they did not hide quickly Farther will be affected.

"How about going to the client's mansion according to the original plan?"

"Well, just do it."

"But before that, should you put this lady down?" Andrea looked at him with a smile.

"Huh? Oh, it's rude. I'm afraid you will be affected by the demon's attack." Ma Yuan slowly lowered Evel.

"No, you--don't care. I know you are worried about me."

Yver mourned her head deeply and thanked her.

"Thank you for taking the ribs. Allow me to introduce myself again. I am Evelia of the steel-level adventurer squadron."

"Thank you. I am also a steel adventurer named Ma Yuan. The elves and warriors over there are my companions Ankar and Andre. So what are you going to do next? The two over there are Your companion? If yes, I can help move..."

He pointed to Gagelan and Tiah.

"Thank you for your kindness. However, this is not necessary. Wait a minute, my other companions will also come over. Maybe she will directly launch the resurrection magic here."

The resurrection magic that Rajus can sing is the fifth-order magic "Resurrection of the Dead". Because this magic consumes a lot of vitality when resurrected, almost all adventurers below the iron level will be reduced to dust. The two are steel grades, and there is no problem in resurrection, but the physical body will not listen for a while because of the disappearance of vitality, and it may take some time to restore vitality.

If the words of Yadabavo are true, not only have they not yet escaped the crisis, but their combat power has dropped significantly.

No, since the only one who can fight the demon is this adult, there is no difference even if the two are resurrected. In this case, it is better to let them take a good rest after the resurrection, maybe it is wise...

"So before they come, can you please tell me what happened here?"

"Before that, I can't bear to put my companion's body, can I go there?"

"Of course." Following Ma Yuan's answer, Yver mourn came to the bodies of the two.

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