Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 254: Pretend to fight

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"...Yadabawa, right, I know. My name is Feifei. As she said, it's a steel adventurer."

Regarding the unpleasant attitude of the devil, Yadabavo, Ma Yuan continued the dialogue with the same attitude.

It turned out to be so, Ivel mourned. As long as it is to ask the other party's information, even the most obvious insult, he can still breathe. From this incident, she glimpsed Ma Yuan as a part of the first-class adventurer.

At the same time, Evela also felt ashamed of her emotional behavior, and she hid behind. This is because although she intended to help Ma Yuan fight, she had a hunch that she might be in the way.

It happened that Ma Yuan didn't look back and said to the three people behind: "Hide farther away."

Andre and Ankar pulled the mourning image of Evil back without any objection.

Ivel was surprised this time. Wasn't the two of them stainless steel grades? Just when she thought that, Andrea answered her question: "This is not a battle we can participate in." It’s only Ma Yuan who fights with monsters in Lili.

The two didn't seem to take Evil mourning in their eyes, and while Ivel mourning moved, they continued to carry out a breathless intelligence war.

"It turns out so. So can you ask why you are here?"

"It's a commission. A nobleman called me in the pretext of protecting his mansion... happened to see the offensive and defensive warfare here. I thought it was an emergency, so I jumped down."

The noble should refer to Lei Wenhou. Otherwise, it will not pick the steel-level adventurers to Wangdu at this time. She speculates that Lei Wenhou should do this in order to invite him to participate in the fight against the Bazhi under the premise that it does not violate the unwritten rule of "the adventurer's union does not interfere with the country."

"What is your purpose?"

"The powerful props we have summoned and used as envoys seem to have flowed into this city. Basically, I came here to take back that prop."

"If we give you that prop, will the problem be solved?"

"No, there is no way. We can only fight for the enemy and fight for your life."

"Is this the conclusion? Di-Yada Bavao. We only have one way, we are incompatible, right?"

"Yes, that's right."

Evela felt a little abrupt and leaned his head.

This is not so much an intelligence warfare, it is more like exchanging intelligence with each other, but she thinks this is impossible and changes her mind.

"I generally understand. If that's the case... let me beat you here. Is that alright?"

Ma Yuan opened his arms slowly. The bone sword is like an extended arm, shining with cold light.

"This will make my brain hurt, so please allow me to resist."

"--I'm going to go."

Ma Yuan took a step. No, it should be said that it seems to have taken a step. Once back to God, Ma Yuan, who was standing in front of him, was far away, approaching Yadababo, and the two sides started a fierce conflict.

Evel is unable to explain such a high degree of offensive and defensive, but can only say what happened.

I saw countless swords and swords crisscrossing each other, Yadabawo flicked them out with their elongated nails.


There are so many words of praise. However, after witnessing the knife light, Evela said the simplest and frank words.

That kind of slash surpassed any fighter in memory. He looked like a warrior who beheaded evil with the dark night that enveloped the world.

She even began to feel that she was like a princess in a bard song. The knight who rescued the princess dashingly overlapped with the warrior in front of him.

From between the legs to the spine, a galvanic sensation passed through, and Evel's body shook slightly.

Iver mourned the heart that had not moved in two hundred and fifty years, as if a beat.

She raised her hand and tried to put it on her flat chest. She was as young as before, and she didn't jump at all. But she still began to think that it was not her psychological role.

"... Come on, Master Ma Yuan."

Evela prayed with his hands together.

May your knight overcome the powerful demons.

With a thud that didn't seem like flesh and skin, Yapon Bava was violently flew out. Although he did not fall, he glided violently all the way, as if he wanted to wear off his soles on the stone floor. After walking back several meters, Yadabawo patted the dirt on his clothes.

"It's brilliant. It might be my only fault to deal with a talented warrior like you."

With a loud click, the sword held in Ma Yuan's hand pierced the slate floor. He turned around his neck with his free hand, as if to relieve his soreness, and answered in a dull tone:

"Polite words are free. Don't you still have a hand?"

Hearing this, Evel was dumbfounded.

That ground-breaking offensive and defensive attack has not yet exerted its full strength, which is too common sense.

"Is it... God-man?"

Among those who have inherited the existence of the "player", sometimes there are characters awakened by powerful forces. The Christian Church calls this kind of person a god-man. No, it is more correct to say that people who have inherited the bloodlines of the six great gods by the name "God-Man" have different names for those who inherit other bloodlines. Now regardless of these, in short, Feifei this character is likely to inherit the player's lineage. No, it must be so, otherwise ordinary humans cannot have such a powerful force.

"No, I can't compare with you. I remember you called Mr. Ma Yuan, right."

"Yes, Yadababo."

"I understand. Then I'm going to move! Devil's phases: Wings of the wrist."

Yadabavo had wings on his back. Each feather-like part is unusually long and looks like a flat tentacle. He said gently to Ma Yuan, who was on the alert and ready to fight:

"You are strong. Really strong. You must be stronger than me. So although I don't like it, please allow me to use this method. If you are defending, you must easily stop this trick, but the latter one You can only give up the small role. Well, what would you do? Persuade you to protect her."

At the end of the talk, the flat, thin feathers stretched like a shot. The front end of the feather is very sharp, which can easily cut off human skin and bones.

Watching the high-speed approaching wings surround him, Evel was helpless. However, in the next moment, Evela knew that she underestimated the soldier again.

Hearing the sound of hard gold iron, Evel looked up and saw a strong and strong shield standing there.

The severed feathers fell gently. Even if it can easily cut human feathers, the falling appearance is still quite beautiful. ,, ..

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