This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 583: performance and audience

Uchiha Shisui didn't know what plan Sarutobi had planned, but he told Uchiha Kai completely what he knew.

This made Uchiha Kai suddenly realize that the next time will not be peaceful.

But beyond his expectations, in the additional time, although the whole Konoha seemed a little depressed, there was no real chaos from beginning to end.

Perhaps Sarutobi Hiizan was waiting for a better opportunity, or perhaps he was trying to figure out how to prevent himself from taking action?

However, Sarutobi Hizen didn't act, which didn't mean Hyuga Aya didn't act.

Almost a week after talking to Hyuga Hizu, she directly chose to act.

"Have you figured it out?" Uchiha Qi followed Aya Hyuga to the clan of the Hyuga clan, and he calmly looked at the girl in front of him and asked softly, "Don't worry, I really rely on your influence to forcibly kidnap the Hyuga clan? ? You know, you're really going to be part of the 'decision-maker' by taking this step forward."

"I thought about it, don't you want me to do this?" Hyuga Aya looked at Uchiha Kai calmly, and then she smiled a little: "Also, if Minister Kai really intends to control me like this, it seems like I There's no room for resistance, right?"

"Serious, okay?" Uchiha Kai reluctantly flicked Aya Hyuga's forehead guard: "I don't think this can be used as a joke at all."

"But you don't take the influence of the Hyuga clan so much at all, do you?" Hyuga Aya seemed to have a normal expression, she nodded and said, "Don't worry, I know how to deal with it. However, how do you plan to get in? Use the identity of 'Uchiha Kai' to stand up for me?"

Hyuga Aya doesn't seem to take this action too seriously at all. She seems to think that there is probably no problem with this action in essence.

Instead, she pays more attention to Uchiha Kai, because Uchiha Kai wants to go in with her, and his real identity does not apply.

Although the internal management of the Hyuga clan is somewhat looser than that of the Uchiha clan, this kind of 'pine' is not something that everyone can get in.

Especially the white eye thing, obviously it is not so easy to be fooled.

"I don't think I'm stupid, do I?" Uchiha Qi shook his head, and then said calmly: "Don't worry, I have my way. Konoha, I'm afraid there are not many people who can stop me. But a friendly reminder. Now, there may be many people who saw this scene today."

"Oh? I have other 'audiences'?" Hyuga Aya tilted her head, and then she smiled: "Well, I'm not really surprised. If there are really no other audiences, then The most outrageous thing."

Uchiha Qi gently patted Aya Hyuga on the shoulder, and said in a relatively soft voice: "Behave well, then I'll leave first."

"Don't talk to me in such a voice." Hyuga Aya frowned: "Every time you use this kind of voice, you are basically going to kill people. You are a pervert."

Indeed, every time Kai Uchiha's voice becomes softer, the result is often not very good. I am afraid that Kai Uchiha himself did not realize this.

But he didn't care, he smiled slightly and turned to leave.

This time Aya Hyuga's 'performance', the 'audience' is really not small!

Although this is an internal matter of the Hyuga clan, they have already affected some changes in the entire Konoha, and it can even be said to be the product of an internal fight within Konoha!

Uchiha Qi walked forward calmly, and soon he saw Imai Kenta hiding in the shade of a tree.

Imai Kenta smiled at him, then grabbed his shoulder, and the next moment the two disappeared together.

In one appearance, they had come to a room full of seals.

These seals are used to block the observation of white eyes, and the room they are in is actually an attic, and a large number of Hinata clansmen have gathered under the attic!

Since Hyuga Aya has decided to implement the plan, her preliminary work will definitely be done well, such as the screening and transfer of personnel.

The screening work was basically handed over to Hyuga Hizu and Hyuga Nisari, and the transfer was done by Uchiha Qi.

He let all the people from the Hyuga branch in the brigade of Hyuga Ripa have time to take vacations to cooperate with this plan.

This kind of work was arranged and scheduled many days in advance, and the purpose was for today.

"Captain Minato, Patriarch, Patriarch Sunzu, Minister Shikahisa." Uchiha Ki glanced at the people in the room, then nodded.

The people in this room are basically people from their small circle, including Kakashi and Uchiha Fuyue.

Kakashi looks a little indifferent, maybe he doesn't care too much about the great changes that are about to take place within the Hinata clan.

Uchiha Fuyue was also relatively calm, but Hyuga Hizu looked a little nervous, and when he saw Uchiha Kai, his expression also seemed a little unnatural.

On the other hand, Minato Namikaze and Shikahisa Nara were thinking about something, and they didn't come back to their senses until Kei Uchiha and Kenta Imai came in.

"You're here, Qi-jun." Minato Minato waved with a smile: "I didn't expect that you would actually do something like this. You should have told me earlier."

"I'm sorry, Captain Minato, because this matter involves the internal issues of the Hinata clan, and I don't have the right to speak." Uchiha Qi shook his head and said with a smile: "But whether it's sooner or later, at least this counts as In a good way."

"It is indeed an excellent method, but Minister Kai..." Nara Shikahisa said at this moment: "If Miss Aya has absolute support, you plan to..."

"Don't worry, the Hyuga clan is the Hyuga clan, and the Uchiha clan is the Uchiha clan." Uchiha Kai seemed to have known that this question would be raised by others, and his face became a little serious and said: "I will not because My relationship with Aya is to force some will over her. On this point, Aya and I have reached an agreement, please rest assured."

Uchiha Kai said these words with sonorous force and a firm attitude.

It's just that whether it's Hyuga Hizu or Nara Shikaku, in fact, they maintain a skeptical attitude in their hearts.

Because they know, especially Shikahisa Nara, who is very clear, I am afraid that it is sometimes necessary to lie in their line of work.

But compared to Hyuga Hizu, Nara Shikahisa is also much calmer, because he knows how terrifying Uchiha Kai's personal strength is!

Glancing at Namikaze Minato, who was sitting peacefully on the side, Nara Shikahisa felt that Uchiha Kei did this, although he also had selfishness, but this selfishness was probably more placed on Hyuga Aya.

After all, Aya Hyuga is a child of a separated family, and he also knows exactly how the family is separated.

Also, as long as Minato Namikaze doesn't make a statement, even he doesn't need to worry so much, right?

"Kai, how sure do you think Aya has?" Minato Minato looked at the more and more Hyuga clansmen below, and the Hyuga Aya who had walked in suddenly asked, "Also, how sure is your technique? ."

"In fact, I'm not very good at grasping this thing. I can only say that I won't write a bad check." Uchiha Qi thought for a while before giving his answer: "But this is also a good start. ?"

"At the same time, this will also be the beginning of an infighting, right?" Minato Namikaze sighed: "You said, how would you think in the heart of the three generations of Hokage-sama?"

"How he thinks, I don't know." Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly: "But there is one thing, you can rest assured."

"At least, you won't become him..."


Aya Hyuga looked at Kai Uchiha who was leaving, took a deep breath and walked into the clan of the Hyuga clan.

Today is a special day, at least for Aya Hyuga, for the branch of the Hyuga clan, this is a very special day.

All the way into the clan, Hyuga Ling walked towards the pre-arranged courtyard, but when she just walked to the door, she raised her head slightly and looked at an inconspicuous attic above the courtyard.

Although Uchiha Kai did not tell her who the so-called audience is or where it will be.

But she is a smart person after all, and she is not sure about the location but can guess.

And the identity of the audience is probably nothing more than those who participated in the small-scale meeting of Hokage together, right?

Smiling slightly at the place where the 'audience' were hiding, Hyuga Aya quickly adjusted her emotions, and then she walked into the courtyard with a cold face.

This courtyard is very large. It was originally a place for members of the branch to gather. It is not a problem to accommodate one or two hundred people.

At this time, there were already a lot of branch ninjas gathered in the other courtyard, and they had no idea what the purpose of Hyuga Aya's invitation to come.

Of course, they also have guesses in their hearts, I am afraid it is nothing more than hoping that they can support Hyuga Hizu.

With the current situation in the Hinata clan, I am afraid that except for the children, all members can clearly feel that kind of depression.

But they are willing to do this, and they are also willing to cooperate with Hyuga Hizu, because Hyuga Hizu gave them a chance to choose themselves!

"It's Miss Ling, you're here."

After Sun Xiang Aya walked into the courtyard, many ninjas from the branch warmly greeted Hyuga Aya.

Although Hyuga Aya's reputation is not very good in the split, but that is already a thing of the past.

Although there are still some people who still think with jealousy that Aya Hyuga's success depends entirely on Kai Uchiha, but at least on the surface they won't be saying such things.

Especially now in the Hyuga branch, many elites are subordinates of Uchiha Kai.

If he offends the Minister of the Security Department, I am afraid that his situation in the clan will not be much better.

"Aya, you called everyone here, what's the matter?" Hyuga also came over, and he didn't quite know what happened.

But he can be sure that this is definitely not easy.

Because all the Hinata members of the entire security department are here, this time he thought whether it was really going to start a war.

"Mr. Nisaba, you will know soon." Hyuga Aya bowed slightly to Hinata Nisashi, and then she said loudly: "Soon, everyone will know."

After Hyuga Aya said these words, the venue quickly became quiet, and although Hyuga Nisari was also surprised, she didn't say anything more.

All the members of the Hyuga branch quietly watched as Hyuga Aya came to the strongest side. Although they all had guesses in their hearts, no matter what the guesses, let's see what the 'legend of the branch' intends to say. .

Maybe it's something they didn't expect?

Like, what is Hyuga and Hizu going to promise them?

"Everyone, I know that everyone is very curious, why am I calling everyone here today, right?" Xiang Ling walked to the front that day, and after she glanced at everyone present, she used the A slightly cold voice said, "I'm afraid everyone has all kinds of guesses in their hearts now. Among them, I'm afraid that the patriarch is planning to borrow my mouth to pass some information to everyone?"

The venue was very quiet, and no one made a sound, but I could see that the eyes of the people from the Hyuga branch showed a little expectation.

Hyuga Aya nodded slightly and continued: "In some senses, it is true. some senses, it's not really."

Having said this, the members of the Hyuga branch all showed puzzled expressions.

What is this?

What does Aya Hinata want to say?

But this time, Hyuga Aya didn't answer, but slowly stretched out her hands to her forehead, and began to untie her forehead.

This move caused all the members of the branch to move slightly in their hearts. Could it be that it is really...  

"There is a piece of news that I must tell you the truth." Aya Hyuga said calmly while unbuttoning her forehead: "Even if I don't want to agree with the technique of caged birds, I have to admit one thing, that is, the caged birds are indeed us. The patron saint of the family. This technique has been passed down for thousands of years, and the original purpose was to protect the bloodline of our Hyuga family from being captured by others."

"But unfortunately, the desire for power has spoiled this plan. Originally it was the patron saint of the family, but now it has become a tool for some 'noble people' of the family to enslave us.

The clan, the division, in essence, we all have the same, but because of a curse mark, we have completely turned into a relationship between slaves and slave owners.

And the plan to unlock the curse of the bird in the cage is probably also discarded by them in the long river of history. "

Saying this, Hyuga Aya paused slightly, because as her voice fell, the originally quiet others suddenly became noisy.

They agreed with Hyuga Aya's words very much. For example, they themselves felt that they had become slaves of the clan.

But some have divided them internally, some agree but don't, and some don't agree at all.

That is, Hyuga Aya described the caged bird as the patron saint of the family!

In addition to this topic, there is another topic that makes them unable to calm down at all.

That is, Hyuga Aya actually said that the caged bird cannot be lifted at all!


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