This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 582: The storm is coming

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

Early the next morning, Uchiha Qi walked out of the house on time, and then walked towards the security department.

He has rested for three days after returning to Konoha. Although it is only two days off to be precise, since he has returned, he will naturally have to deal with the affairs of the security department.

This guy, Uchihagawa, visited him personally long after he knew that Uchiha was back, but unfortunately he was still on vacation, but Uchihagawa had already begun to hand over things.

In fact, strictly speaking, the handover of things in the Security Department is not troublesome, because its mechanism is destined to be an agent, and Uchiha Kai is the real master of the Security Department.

"I don't know how Aya handled it, or what she imagined."

Walking on the street, looking at the bustling crowd, Uchiha Kai couldn't help thinking of Hyuga Aya.

Yesterday, Uchiha Kai told all his thoughts and actions without any concealment.

Even if it is told in the form of a story, I am afraid that the impact on Hyuga Aya is definitely not small.

But he didn't regret saying these things, instead of waiting for other people to realize his thoughts, and then using these past things to make a fuss.

It would be better if he took the initiative to say it, it would be more honest.

Of course, he didn't think there was anything wrong with him doing this. Lies really depended on the target.

Some people he doesn't mind hanging with lies all his life, but there are some people he doesn't want to tell lies to deceive now.

Back then, he really wanted to protect himself, to strengthen the confrontation with the three generations of Hokage and its interest groups, and to give Namikaze Minato a greater right to speak.

He had to make all kinds of decisions, using all the people or things at his disposal.

As for his use of 'human body research' and 'first-generation Hokage cells' to kill Danzo and dealt a deep blow to the third Hokage for the first time, his thinking has also changed a bit.

That is to use the alliance between the Hyuga clan and Uchiha to form a powerful interest group, so as to hide behind Namikaze Minato and support him.

But such an idea was the right choice under the circumstances and circumstances at the time.

It's just that he didn't expect that the progress of his experiment and the improvement of his strength would be so fast!

Soon, he can ignore the threat of the three generations of Hokage and others, I am afraid that the only thing that makes him feel troublesome is the reincarnation of dirty soil, right?

The people who were reincarnated from the dirt didn't necessarily pose any threat to him, but the identities of those people might be a problem.

Other than that, there doesn't seem to be anything to worry about.

Seriously, Uchiha Kai can really let go.

In fact, he did let go a little, but considering the situation after Hyuga Aya lifted the bird from the cage, he had to think about it.

Besides, some things are really hard to stop once you get involved.

To be honest, after Aya Hyuga unties the bird from the cage, she really needs a higher status to show herself, and Kai Uchiha really hopes that she can become the minister of the medical department.

So the final result has naturally developed to this stage.


While thinking about Uchiha Kai, he walked forward, but what he didn't expect was that he actually saw a familiar figure at the turn of the mouth.

Hyuga Aya, she stood there as if she was waiting for someone, which surprised Uchiha Kai, but at the same time, a slight smile appeared on her face.

"Morning." Uchiha Qi walked over and stood opposite Hyuga Aya: "Waiting for me?"

"What do you think?" Hyuga Aya glanced at him, then walked straight ahead.

"It seems that your meeting with Hyuga Hizu was more productive yesterday?" Uchiha Kai said with a smile.

Although I don't know what she is thinking now, I don't know that she seems to want to understand what Uchiha Kai said yesterday.

But from the current point of view, it seems that the effect is not too bad. Maybe she has already figured out the key to the problem, right?

Hyuga Aya glanced at Uchiha Kai, then sighed slightly: "It's okay, I told him that I want to be the 'Uchiha Kai of the Hyuga Clan', and he asked me some questions unexpectedly."

"When did we start cracking the caged bird? When did I want you to infect the power of the Hyuga clan?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head slightly, then shook his head indifferently: "He can detect it, it's not surprising, in fact You don't have to tell him my name. Of course, even if you don't say it, I'm afraid he can think of it, after all, he is also a patriarch."

The existence of the patriarch, in addition to its importance in the family, also has a very important task, which is to lead the family to prosperity.

No patriarch is really stupid. It can only be said that there are huge differences in the way they view things and judge their own strengths and weaknesses.

Of course, some of them are really weak, and they can't collide with other people who hold power in the family, so they can't really control the family at all.

Although Hyuga Hizu also encountered a lot of troubles, but this does not mean that his ability is not good.

"Have you really thought of it ahead of time?" Hyuga Aya's mouth showed a radian, looking like she was mocking: "As expected of Qijun, you can see everything clearly."

"It's okay, in fact, for me, I really don't care what he thinks." Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly: "The important thing is, what do you think?"

"What do I think?" Hyuga Aya stopped, raised her head and frowned, as if she was thinking. After a while, she said, "I seem to have come out in a hurry and haven't eaten yet."

"Have you eaten yet?" Uchiha Kai looked at Hyuga Aya's remarks, and he couldn't help showing a smile.

If he can't see the meaning behind this gesture, then Uchiha Kai can really consider being lonely for life.

Although for him, it's not a big problem whether he is single in this life, after all, he has experienced too many killings in this life, and his heart has long been numb.

But Hyuga Aya is really different, just like the story he told, this girl has already entered his heart.

He cherishes this feeling, and likes it, after all, no one wants to be truly alone.

Reaching out his hand, he naturally held Hyuga Aya's hand, and Hyuga Aya didn't struggle either.

Uchiha Qi smiled slightly: "Yi Le? It seems that you haven't eaten in a while?"

"Will it be too greasy to eat this kind of thing early in the morning?" Hyuga Aya thought for a while before she said, "You guy, you have such a strong taste, you put a bunch of peppers every time, so you're not afraid of eating a bad stomach."

"If I eat this kind of food, I would eat it badly, wouldn't it?" Uchiha Qi shook his head: "Besides, it's really not spicy."

"I don't deny that we often eat raw food on the battlefield, but Kenta has been roasting things since then, so don't make such excuses." Hyuga Aya said calmly: "Yi Le is okay, but don't eat too spicy, otherwise we will Go for fish and rice."

The tradition of Japanese breakfast is generally sea fish, rice with flavored soup and eggs, etc. Uchiha Kai does not like such a combination.

I tried it before when I was young, but after going to the ninja school, he used to bring rice balls.

When you are on the battlefield, you will basically eat whatever you have, and you will not be picky eaters if you have no chance at all.

But now he is more free, basically no one will say anything about him, and he does not have a strong demand for breakfast, basically he has no meal, or he just chooses what he likes.

Shaking his head helplessly, Uchiha Qi could only sigh and say, "Okay, Yile, less spicy, okay?"

"It seems that you don't like traditional breakfast very much?" Hyuga Aya looked at Kai Uchiha with some amusing: "Do you not like that kind of food?"

"I'm not a picky eater, I just don't like to eat so much early in the morning." Uchiha Qi bumped her shoulder before continuing: "Let's go, Yile, I haven't been there for a long time."

"Yeah." Hyuga Aya nodded: "I haven't been there for a long time..."

"Last time, it seemed like four years ago, my seventeenth birthday..."


While Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya were discussing what to eat in the morning, in an underground base in Konoha, Sarutobi Hizen was sitting in his seat thinking about something.

Uchiha Kai is back, he already knew it. And when this dangerous man comes back, he doesn't know what he will do, but he knows it will not be easy!

Uchiha Kai has long since become an extremely troublesome and dangerous guy in his eyes.

If possible, Hiruzen Sarutobi really doesn't want to go head-to-head with Uchiha Kai.

Sarutobi Hizan has seen everything that the country of vortex has caused. Although he did not go to the battlefield in person, the members of the root group also brought back the pictures there.

Such a terrible guy, no matter who is facing him, will feel a sense of powerlessness.

Even Sarutobi Hiizhan felt that the moon was not involved with Uchiha Qi.

Of course, this kind of thing was quickly thrown out of his mind.

If the moon is not suddenly reshaped like a time-lapse, he can seriously consider it.

But seeing that scene, Hiruzen Sarutobi stopped thinking about it.

Reshaping the moon is definitely not something a human can do.

Destruction is always easier than 'build'!

Uchiha Kai's strength lies in his destructive power, but his strength is not enough to 'rebuild' everything.

"Three generations of Hokage-sama." Just when Sarutobi Hizan was thinking seriously, Uchiha Shisui suddenly appeared in front of him, he half-knelt on the ground and said in a low voice: "Uchiha Kai yesterday and Hyuga Hizu, Uchiha Fuyue, Kenta Imai, Kakashi Hatake, and Aya Hyuga have been to the Hokage office to meet the fourth generation. However, the Fun Office is being watched very strictly, and we can't get more information."

"It's not surprising, it's true that not everyone can enter the Hokage office." Sarutobi Hiruzen came back to his senses and nodded calmly: "Thank you for your hard work, Shisui. You have to keep an eye on Ki Uchiha's recent actions. Some, but you have to keep that in mind."

"I understand, Lord Sandaimu." Uchiha Shisui lowered his head and said calmly, "You must not be discovered by him, even if you give up the mission."

Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded and said nothing more.

Although he didn't trust Shishui 100%, at least it was many times better than before.

And Uchiha Kai's identity is too special, and Uchiha Shisui's identity is also special.

Once discovered, both ends are huge troubles.

Surveillance Konoha can be said to be the highest and largest minister of the law enforcement department. Once this kind of thing is discovered, it will definitely be a huge crisis of confidence.

In addition, Uchiha Shisui is a member of the Uchiha family. Once his identity is confirmed, the trouble will be even greater!

"Lord Sandaime, according to Nightingale's report, they are ready." Seeing that Sarutobi Hizan didn't speak, Shisui continued, "Furthermore, it is said that there was a secret meeting between Hyuga Aya and Hyuga Hizu."

"Hyuga Aya and Hyuga Hizu met?" Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded slightly: "Do you know what they said?"

"Sorry, they don't seem to have received any valid information either." Uchiha Shisui shook his head: "It is difficult for Yeying and the others to get real news. After all, the Hyuga clan is not an ordinary place, especially the patriarch's mansion."

Nightingale is a member of the Hinata clan. He was originally a member of the Hinata clan, and he was a ninja recruited by Danzo before his death.

This guy, Danzo, left a very rich legacy, and almost every family has been dyed by his fingers.

Except that he couldn't be as blatant as in the later he really didn't do anything he should do.

The Hyuga clan was originally not just the Nightingale, but it was a pity that the last time they attacked Tutai, they were killed by Uchiha Qi.

Even because of the Tutai incident, he directly blamed Mito Menyan and Koharu.

It is claimed that their negotiation mistakes caused Tutai to return to Yunyin, thereby ruining their reputation and losing all their positions.

This is disgusting, but the effect is outstanding.

Sarutobi Hiizhan rubbed his head, he really didn't want to participate in some things, but he really couldn't.

Now that he has joined in, he has to do what he should do.

"Is that so?" Sarutobi Hizan thought for a while and finally nodded: "Let Nightingale stand by, and at the same time have his tactical team ready at any time."

"I understand, Lord Sandaime." Uchiha Shisui nodded, and then asked calmly, "We are preparing..."

Sarutobi Hizan didn't speak, but looked at Uchiha Shisui quietly. And Uchiha Shisui bowed his head very simply: "It is the subordinate who has overstepped, then the subordinate will retire first."

After saying this, Uchiha Shisui stood up without the slightest hesitation, bowed slightly, and immediately turned to leave.

Sarutobi Hizan saw this scene and didn't make any statement. When Shisui opened the door and walked out, he suddenly spoke.

"Actually, it's nothing to let you know." Sarutobi Hizan's voice was very calm, he looked at Uchiha Shisui lightly and said, "But I won't let you participate in this matter, I will let you stay by my side. , to deal with another matter, understand?"

"Yes." Uchiha Shisui nodded: "I understand, Lord Sandaimu."


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