This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 507: asshole! Let go!

Time moves forward slowly and rapidly, and it does not change according to human will at all.

The cold of winter has also completely left Konoha with the passage of time, and all things have begun to appear their own vitality and activity.

Uchiha Kai was sitting in the office, looking at the documents in his hand, while almost subconsciously observing Hyuga Aya who was helping.

It was the first time he noticed that his attention was sometimes drawn to other people, especially if it had been going on for a month or two.

A month or two gave them a good buffer and relaxation period.

They don't seem so embarrassed now.

That's right, after the night when Kei Uchiha admitted that he was the unlucky one.

The relationship between the two of them started to seem a little awkward.

In such a situation, they themselves don't know why and what happened, as if they can't deal with each other with normal heart.

Fortunately, both of them are well-trained and tough-minded ninjas.

Even with a brief period of incompatibility, the two of them have excellent self-regulation abilities.

It only took a week for the two of them to adjust to each other's changes.

And now, a month or two later, they can face each other's everything fully, and no longer have that inexplicable feeling.

"What are you doing again?" At this moment, Aya Hyuga's slightly cold voice reached Kai Uchiha's ears: "Stop pretending, are you really looking at the document?"

"Okay, I'm looking at you while I'm looking at the document." Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "You know, it doesn't matter to me."

"Your attitude will cause problems sooner or later." Hyuga Aya crossed her arms around her chest and looked at Kai Uchiha flatly: "I don't want to see your jokes at the time."

"Please, if you are concerned, you should say it with concern." Uchiha Qi shook his head helplessly: "Also, why do you think I transformed the interior of the Security Department into this way?"

For the renovation of the interior of the Security Department, Uchiha Kai had an idea before building the Security Department building.

And when the Security Department building sat next to the Hokage Building and started to build, he completely determined to set up a complete and systematic office chain in his department.

Let the professionals do what they do best, and keep executive and management separate.

The way up the executive level is still the team leader, or even the leader of a team.

In fact, before this, the management did not have a rigorous promotion channel.

To this end, Uchiha Qi also specially opened up an 'office promotion channel' that is in line with the management.

This was originally just his experimental project, which was carried out within the Ministry of Guards.

It's just that he didn't expect that he just started to use it and ran to Wuyin, and this project was excavated by Minato Namifeng, and finally started to use it in the Hokage office.

After so many years of development, the management's 'office promotion system' has become relatively complete.

Every manager has corresponding positions and rights, at least for the captains and sub-captains of the corresponding executive level, they can be regarded as having a clear position.

With these preliminary work, those ninjas who are not good at fighting seem to have found their belongings one by one.

Almost every time the security department recruits people, they all rush to sign up.

And this system has also begun to be imitated in various departments of Konoha.

"You, the top decision maker in the security department, have such an attitude, what do you think other people will think?"

If others are afraid of Uchiha Kai and dare not say more, then Hyuga Aya is definitely the kind of person who is not afraid of him at all.

"I think I'd better leave your office, save the trouble, but it will fall on my head later."

"Come here." Uchiha Keicai didn't bother to pay attention to her, he put the document in his hand and said.

"What?" Hyuga Aya raised her brows, but walked over anyway.

It was just the next moment that she heard an exclamation, because the **** Uchiha Qi directly stopped her in his arms, and then picked up the document and read it.

"You're sick!" Hyuga Aya frowned, and she began to struggle to pull out her claws.

"Don't move, what do I think if you move around?" Uchiha Qi said flatly, and then he hugged the person in his arms even harder.

"Actually, I really don't need me to read these reports one by one, these guys have handled them well.

They can be regarded as copying the system I have here in the past, as long as it is strictly implemented, there will be no problem. "

After a long period of expansion, the Security Department has almost completed all the work it needs to do.

But now they have also encountered some problems, that is, their office space is really small, and they can't fit so many people!

Even if it is a shift system, their workplaces also need to be large enough to satisfy those managers who are on duty.

To this end, Uchiha Qi could only communicate with Nara Shikahisa and Namikaze Minato, and got the approval, allowing these teams to start to figure out their own way.

The most difficult approval documents have been obtained for you. Do you still need his minister to help them find a way to expand the office space?

Uchiha Chuan, Uchiha Ryukage and others are naturally aware of these things.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai just showed them the approval, and they immediately knew what they should do.

After such a long time of construction, especially relying on ninjas to do these things, it is basically done.

On the one hand, the reports that Uchiha Qi has seen are their plans for their future work.

Uchiha is not interested in these things, because the work plan is their own business, and what Uchiha wants is the result.

How is the process, to the point where he no longer cares too much.

For him, all he asked for was a result that he needed, and a result that would not cause any trouble.

On the other hand, is the staffing list of the Ministry of Guards.

He was a little interested in this. Although he might not be able to see people he was familiar with, it seemed that it was not bad to know the work ability and work experience of these people.

Just like the guy Nara Lucheng, Uchiha Kei remembered him recommending this person like Uchihagawa.

But Uchihagawa has now directly made this guy the administrative director of his area.

This is more powerful than Yuchiha Kai imagined.

"It seems that this kid from Nara Lucheng is really capable." Uchiha Kai couldn't help laughing after seeing the list: "Also, some acquaintances were unexpectedly discovered here, really..."

"Acquaintances?" Although Aya Hyuga felt uncomfortable being held by Kai Uchiha, her eyes turned to this list: "Your classmates?"

"Yeah." Uchiha Qi nodded: "Red, Akai, it's really interesting that these two people entered the security department. The most interesting thing is that these two people actually passed the assessment..."

Akai and Hong joined the security department, which was really something Uchiha Kai didn't expect.

It's just that after these two joined the Guard, do they still have a future story?

Touching his chin, Uchiha Qi felt that there should be more.

As long as they become the Jōnin as scheduled, then those who do not have a job need to bring students to meet the requirements and conditions.

When the time comes to let them out, it won't be a big deal.

However, all this has a long way to go.

They enter that time period, and the ghost knows how the world has become.

In the future, although Uchiha Kai hopes that he will develop according to the original line.

But he has changed so much, and some things are at best thought out.

Things in the future, the future is talking, he can't help but feel that he will always stay where he is.

Maybe when Madara Uchiha, who he deliberately indulged in the future, came back to life, what would he be scared of when he saw him?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai's hand around Hyuga Aya became a little tighter...


"Are you trying to strangle me?"

Feeling Uchiha's increasingly forceful hand, Hyuga Aya complained slightly dissatisfied.

However, she also knew that it was obviously impossible to cause any harm to her with such strength.

But at work, Uchiha Kai actually played such a hand shamelessly, which was completely beyond Hyuga Aya's imagination.

But Hyuga Aya herself was quite surprised, because she felt that apart from the fact that she didn't seem to be able to save face...

She was not so resistant to this approach as she imagined.

"Is it possible? I'm afraid I was strangled by you, and you are all right." Uchiha Kai was unmoved, and then he put down the document in his hand: "Speak, do you have a plan for your own strength growth?"

"Are you planning?" Although Hyuga Aya knew that Uchiha Kai was diverting the topic, she still cooperated.

"Don't move your hands, it's okay to plan. After all, it's just following your shadow to keep trying and moving forward, but it seems to be a lot worse than you."

"Although Hinata and Uchiha are somewhat related, the paths they take are very different."

Uchiha Qi thought for a moment and said, "After all, according to the information, you don't have the stage of 'kaleidoscope'."

Hyuga Aya turned on Uchiha Kai's lap, so that she was not facing the guy, so that she could better observe the guy's emotional changes.

Hyuga Aya had nothing to refute what Uchiha Kai said.

Indeed, after such a long experiment, she could basically be sure of one thing.

That is Uchiha's genetic sequence, which really has a certain similarity with Hyuga's genetic sequence.

But there is a huge difference in such similarities, or in other words, Uchiha Kai's genes and Hinata's genes have a high degree of similarity.

It's not that Hyuga Aya didn't have any doubts whether the Hyuga clan had any connection with the Uchiha clan before, but this kind of thing can only be thought about.

There is no necessary evidence to maintain and contact, and she can't make a judgment.

In particular, the impact of this incident is really huge, which may subvert some of the cognition of the entire ninja world.

In particular, the current genetic structure of Kai Uchiha is not the structure of the pure Uchiha clan.

"Of course, so my plan is also very clear."

Hyuga Aya thought about it, but she said her plan directly on her mouth.

"Since I can't find the power to continue unlocking genes, I plan to focus all my energy on the fairy mode.

In addition, I have been continuously strengthening and learning the key to chakra deformation and qualitative change of various attributes.

The information you helped me find also contains such an elaboration, and I believe you no matter what, so I plan to proceed according to this progress. "

"This progress should be considered the most ideal and the best." Uchiha Ki nodded, then he smiled slightly: "But don't worry, although Orochimaru is unreliable, I know what he thinks. , and I know what he wants, so I'm sure I can get him to obey."

"Really?" Hyuga Aya sighed: "But how many shackles do you have in your hands? Are you planning to use the kaleidoscope's secret to exchange with him?"

"Don't think about this." Uchiha Kei buried his head forward, but was blocked by Hyuga Aya's hand.

"The kaleidoscope is not a secret that he can touch now, but if he has learned something, I will not be stingy to tell him some information, after all..."

After all, my eyes are not just kaleidoscopes!

Kaleidoscope and Eternal Kaleidoscope, although it seems that there is only a difference in the name.

But how big the gap is in essence, only the owner knows.

Such a gap is unimaginable!

The current Uchiha Kai can conclude that if he met himself a year or two ago.

Then the battle mode presented is definitely one-sided crushing and slaughter!

The most important thing is that the use of pupil technique is considered here.

How terrifying Uchiha Kai's pupil technique is, UU reading is completely conceivable.

Even for a second, it is fatal to the ninja system!

But Uchiha Qi is not afraid of such a pupil technique, because he also has the same power.

Of course, using the past self as an imaginary enemy is somewhat inappropriate.

However, comparing with Uchiha Fuyue to the cluster seems to be even more inappropriate.

And Madara Uchiha's words...

Forget it, Uchiha Kai doesn't think he can really deal with the Five Shadows, he is not in Uchiha Madara's state.

You must know that Uchiha Kai already had the reincarnation eye at that time, and it was still in the state of infinite chakra.

Even if he can't exert his full power, he can deal with the so-called five shadows like a baby!

And Uchiha Qi can't, his chakra is not unlimited, his pupil power can be restored but there is a time limit.

It might be fine to break them one by one, but it's better to take down five against one server at a time.

"Are you confident enough?" Hyuga Aya raised her head slightly: "I can only say, is it worthy of Uchiha Kai?"

"He is not my opponent, and it has never been possible." Uchiha opened and closed his eyes and leaned his head forward again, but unfortunately he was stopped: "I have a way to deal with him."

"I'm really confident." Hyuga Aya chuckled: "But... eh? Let me down."

"What's the matter?" Uchiha Qi didn't listen to her easily, but hugged her tighter: "Isn't it good?"

"Idiot, someone is coming!"

"Really? Why didn't I know?"

"Bastard! Let go!"




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