This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 506: I'm the unlucky bastard

The bright moon in the sky, I do not know when it has quietly buried in the clouds.

The sky looked gray, and the surrounding street lights looked a little dim.

Aya Hyuga raised her head and stared at Kai Uchiha, her white eyes looked a little blurry.

Uchiha Kai's words have been lingering in her ears, how could she forget what she once said, those words that seemed a little 'look down on people', but more of them were angry?

And what does Kai Uchiha mean now?

What does he want to do?

Doesn't he know that the words he said in the morning were all angry words?

In other words, his mind is completely clear, but he deliberately wants to do something under this pretext?

Uchiha Kai stared at the girl of the Hyuga clan in front of him. If you really want to say what is the most attractive thing about the members of the Hyuga clan, in fact, everyone has their own ideas.

Maybe it's character, maybe it's appearance, or maybe it's their eyes.

For him, what attracted him most about Hyuga Aya was that he might not be able to tell for himself.


In this respect, because the attitude that this woman has shown many times, really has too many similarities and overlaps with him.

In the beginning, such similarities and overlaps made them extremely disgusted with each other.

But they entered into a further mode of cooperation.

All of this has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it has become a tacit understanding, an indescribable fit.


There is also this aspect, Hyuga Aya's coldness is as always.

Maybe this has something to do with her growing environment, right?

However, for strangers, this kind of coldness is an excellent way to distance themselves.

But for acquaintances, such coldness is too cold to appear indifferent.

Because everyone knows her situation, and this kind of performance has a unique charm.

In addition to this coldness, in fact, the most attractive thing for Uchiha Kai is that she is in the state of immortal mode.

In such a state, the strange coldness seemed to be highlighted to the extreme.

In addition, there is a unique kind of noble temperament that is probably attributed to Otsutsuki.

To be honest, this kind of temperament seems to have a fatal attraction to Uchiha Kai.

Uchiha Kai actually doesn't know it himself, this is because he really has a unique idea of ​​​​Hyuga Aya.

Or this is a kind of situation, which is caused by the resonance of ancient blood.

But now, Uchiha Kei feels that no matter what it is, he likes this feeling very much.

For him, appearance is really no way to raise his interest.

What he prefers is something more ethereal, but emanating from within a person.

Staring into Aya Hyuga's eyes, Uchiha Kai suddenly realized that he seemed to like looking into this girl's eyes.

Such pale white eyes normally give people a special sense of indifference.

But at this moment, these smart eyes seem to have a lot of different emotions.

This kind of emotion is very complicated and chaotic, but it melts Uchiha Kai deeply in it as if it can **** people's souls.

In the cold night street, there were occasional cries of babies and some barking dogs in the distance.

Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya looked at each other, as if they could see the meaning in each other's eyes.

It was a special kind of feeling, and some people couldn't help it.

"Your lips seem to be a little dry." Suddenly, Uchiha Kai said softly.

"Don't...don't talk nonsense." Hyuga Aya retorted immediately after hearing this.

Her long eyelashes blinked, and suddenly her eyes suddenly darkened, and she saw Uchiha Kei approaching her face.


Hyuga Aya was breathing rapidly, but in the end, she slowly closed her eyes.

Everything seemed so natural, everything seemed so natural.

The breeze was blowing, and this time the slightly chilling breeze was not making them wake up. Maybe they really waited for a while at this moment.

Maybe they should have done this a few hours ago, but...

But fortunately, no one is disturbing them this time, at least no one is disturbing them at this moment.

Suddenly, Uchiha, who had closed his eyes, opened his eyes.

As if completely inconceivable, she looked at the girl with her eyes tightly closed in front of her.

After a little hesitation, he planned to push the girl away from him with both hands, but the girl moved faster than him.

"What are you doing?" Uchiha Qi covered his mouth, he felt a fishy smell on the corner of his mouth: "Are you really a dog? You bitten again!"

"With your physique, I'm afraid it won't be long before you will be fine." Hyuga Aya wiped the scarlet on the corner of her mouth, and suddenly showed a smile: "The traces on your hands should also disappear, right? This is a gift for you. Let's teach you a lesson."

"Lessons?" Uchiha Qi was a little puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"You want to tame me, just like the little prince and the fox?" Hyuga Aya raised her head slightly, her white eyes revealing a special pride: "Stop dreaming, you can't tame me, just like I did to you ."

"But..." Uchiha Qi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his lips had begun to heal: "'The fox said, you tamed me, you are my one and only'."

"Then go find your uniqueness." Hyuga Aya turned around, her voice was particularly cold: "That uniqueness, the uniqueness after being tamed, I don't want it."

After speaking, Hyuga Aya walked directly into the clan, and it seemed that she didn't stop at all.

Staring at Hyuga Aya's back, seeing her unrepentant appearance, Uchiha Kai suddenly understood something, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Indeed, tamed animals lose their wildness.

They only please people without the characteristics they should have.

The same is true of people, the unique character creates a person's characteristics.

If they lose such characteristics, then they are the same as those of Uchiha Kai's previous life, and the "beauties" that came out of the assembly line can even be said to be "dolls". What is the difference?

"Yeah." The smile on Uchiha Kai's face became thicker and more sincere: "It's really useless to be so tamed and unique."

Hyuga Aya stopped, but she did not turn around, but quietly listened to Uchiha Kai's words.

"If you're really tamed, then I might be happy, but then I may feel boring and empty."

Uchiha Qi slowly walked forward, and then gently hugged her from behind.

"Besides, after being tamed, the only one who is unique is the one who looks like you.

But without character, without soul, you are no longer unique. "

"Let go of me..." Hyuga Aya's voice became a little cold, but she didn't resist when she said so: "Then what is truly unique to you?"

"Now yours." Uchiha Kai said softly.

"A person who has lost his soul has no inner and essence that belongs to her, which means that he has lost what I love.

I like you, your coolness, your character, the way you hide your embarrassment, and your never 100% obedience.

Maybe a lot of things in here are actually not suitable for me, but these are the unique ones that make up you, a person full of your own characteristics, you are Hyuga Aya. "

At this time, the moon in the sky has quietly revealed its face from behind the dark clouds.

It was still so bright, and the two long shadows combined reflected on the ground.

"Really..." Hyuga Aya fell silent, feeling the body temperature from behind her, and she sighed slowly: "But, I remember something you said."


"If the girl you like doesn't like you, you will use illusion directly."


"Also, whoever you say is with me is the unlucky one."


"Why didn't you speak?"

"I haven't researched that kind of illusion, and...

I'd like to be the unlucky one. "


"Hello? Hello?" Imai Kenta waved his hand a few times in front of Kai Uchiha.

Seeing that Uchiha Qi seemed to come back to his senses, he opened his mouth and asked, "What's going on, what are you thinking so deeply?"

"Ah? Oh, nothing." Uchiha Kai shook his head, and then he smiled a little: "Probably, something to be happy about?"

"It's weird, you look a little weird all day today." Kenta Imai shook his head, and then he showed a little smirk: "Last night, did you gain a lot?"

"You guy..." Uchiha gave him a blank look: "Yeah, it's really big. It's unimaginable to gain a lot, are you satisfied with this?"

Are you satisfied?

Imai Ken tilted his head too much, as if he had some gossip?

However, this kind of emotion just went around in a circle in Imai Kenta's head, and it was simply filtered out by him.

As teammates, as collaborators, and most importantly, as friends.

It doesn't seem like a big deal to take care of your friend's situation, right?

Especially these two friends were more important to him than he imagined.

In fact, Kenta Imai didn't expect that these two guys, whom he wished to die earlier, would actually have such a relationship with him.

In other words, the relationship between yourself and them can actually develop to such a point, will it be better?

But no matter what kind, he would never have thought about it four years ago.

It's not that he doesn't have friends. For example, in the Qianshou family, he has some pretty good friends.

Among civilian ninjas, he also has some pretty good friends.

It's just these friends, to be honest, he really didn't take it too seriously.

Maybe because of the influence of the war, he didn't want to let himself bear too many fetters?

Even though the situation has improved now, these former 'friends' of his are slowly drifting away from him.

Maybe it's a question of his status within Konoha, maybe it's a question of status within the family, those friends of his are really not really close friends.

Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya did not have such a problem at all, they were teammates during the war.

Even if they really hated each other and gnashed their teeth at that time, all this has passed.

They even became collaborators, and as the experiment progressed and they got to know each other better, the bond between them became deeper and deeper.

Before they knew it, they were already the people who knew each other best and trusted each other the most.

And they won't have any differences because of each other's identity issues.

This identity is not a surname, the surnames of the three of them are enough nonsense.

One Hinata, one Senju, and one Uchiha.

The three surnames together are the same, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

In addition, it is the status of Konoha, Uchiha Kei is the minister, and Imai Kenta is also the minister.

Aya Hyuga may be weak, but this woman has already shown her worth elsewhere.

Shaking his head, Imai Kenta was not thinking about these messes.

He stretched out his hand and patted Kai Uchiha on the back: "Please, is this a concern for friends? Because your attitude is too weird today, okay?"

"Caring about friends is not your concern, you should be concerned about whether I have enough money or not." Uchiha Kai showed a smile: "Minister Kenta, should you support the poor, it is very likely that it will make me worse in the future. Woolen cloth?"

"Sorry, I don't have money." This time, it was Imai Kenta's turn to roll his eyes: "You are so rich and worry about these things?"

"So stingy, no girl will like you." Uchiha Qi spread his hands: " The biggest is you, and you..."

"Please, is it difficult for me to find it? That's not a problem, okay!" Imai Ken was too lazy to pay attention to Uchiha Kai.

Indeed, for Imai Kenta, maybe he really wants to find it is not a problem.

With the status and status there, the popularity of this guy is completely conceivable.

But this guy doesn't seem to move, as if everything is more casual.

And as a practical speaker of the Thousand Hands Clan, no one would say anything about him at all.

Therefore, he is not as well known as Uchiha Kai.

"Okay, that's true." Uchiha Ki nodded, which was considered Kenta Imai's words. After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly asked slowly, "By the way, let me ask you a question."

"Okay, except for borrowing money." Kenta Imai glanced at Kai Uchiha a little warily.

"Don't worry, I'm not short of money." Uchiha Qi sighed helplessly, and then he said, "If you were asked to find a woman... What kind of person do you want her to be?"

"Women?" Imai Kenta was a little surprised, but he seemed to understand something, and said with a smile: "Actually, I don't think so much about women, although I hope to be someone who can fit into our circle, but the reality does not allow it I won't force it."

"Okay, one more question, do you want her to be a tamed and unique person, or an untamed, unique person?"

"This question? For me, I prefer the first one. Of course, your situation is not easy to say."


"Because, I can do whatever I want!"



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