This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 94 Are you here? Borrow a seed?

Probably because Zhou You had angered him by answering his riddle before, Xia Bo ruthlessly sent out Wind Speed ​​Dogs that completely suppressed his opponents in terms of level, stage, and level of training.

After all, this is already the fifth gym, Xia Bo is a veteran trainer, and even his three teams of elves are undoubtedly over forty levels...

Hit this with the head.

The Gundam was as majestic as a lion's wind, and it immediately raised its head and roared, causing a faint riot of flames around it.

Just from this voice, Zhou You could tell that this was a wind speed dog that had developed both intimidating and fire-inducing characteristics!

Hit this with the head.

Just when Zhanfan, who had been scared since childhood in the police academy, was unmoved by his playful smile, Xia Bo directly issued the command: "Wind Speed ​​Dog, Flash Charge!"

When the wind speed dog heard the sound, it suddenly erupted into scarlet flames, using the violent flame energy in the volcano to crash into the opponent!

The natural sunny environment inside the volcano, coupled with the bonus brought by turning on the fire igniting feature, even if the opponent's Kati Dog, who is also a fire element, is resistant to this move, it is still enough to defeat him with one move!

There are mad dogs all over the world. As long as they can't be hit to death, they will hit them to death.

At the same time as Xia Bo gave the order, Zhou You also made the same choice: "Leftover, we will also charge with the Flare!"


Katigou screamed excitedly when he heard this, and also used his fire-generating properties with all his strength. The golden-red flames suddenly raised a scorching wind in the volcano site!

This time, he was fighting against a fire-type gym that suppressed his level and still had resistance, so Zhou You charged up his fire-catching dog with flames before challenging the gym.

"This, this is!" Seeing this, Uncle Xia couldn't help but stop breathing.

Wind Speed ​​Dog is Xia Bo's representative elf in the game. When he participated in PWT during Black and White 2, Wind Speed ​​Dog must be Xia Bo's starting elf no matter how he changes the team.

He is a fan of Old Wind Speed ​​Dog!

The same is true in reality. In the past few decades of his life, Xia Bo has raised not only a thousand but also hundreds of katy dogs.

Intimidating, fire-inducing, and righteous, he has even hatched heterochromatic katy dogs and atavistic katy dogs. Most of the Kanto police dog training bases are 4V katy dogs provided by Xia Bo. .

(Zhou You: I would like to call it Danyu.)

Unlike Nazhi's father, who is just a layman watching the show, as an expert specializing in fire, Xia Bo has developed the ability to accurately identify the status of each fire elf and the nature of their flames over the past few decades. .

It can be said that Xia Bo is one of the people who knows Kati Dog best in the world, so when he first saw the leftover rice erupting into the golden flames accumulated in his body, he instantly judged that the flames were extraordinary!

The golden-red flame is hot and active, full of vitality but extremely restrained and will not lose any trace to the outside world.

Unlike Xia Bo's own Wind Speed ​​Dog, which uses lava flames to create flames as violent as volcanoes, it converts its own energy into fire energy with extremely high efficiency.

The flames of the opponent's dog were like pure vitality. Almost none of them were converted into fire energy, but all of them were used to strengthen the dog's physical performance.

The nature of the flames possessed by Xia Bo's wind speed dog and the traveling Kati dog are actually completely opposite.

The holder's body is being tempered and strengthened every moment, just like the "fire of life" of King Ho in the legendary Pokémon!

This is simply not a flame that can be cultivated through formal channels!

Xia Bo couldn't help but lose consciousness for a moment.

At this moment, the wind speed dog wrapped in volcanic flames and the Kati dog wrapped in the flame of life were already charging towards each other.

The moment the two dogs collided, the two extremely condensed flames burst out into a violent explosion. The mysterious purple light engulfed everything and swept the entire volcano battlefield!

Zhou You and Xia Bo frowned at the same time.

When a physical move like Flare Charge collides, it logically shouldn't cause an explosion like an energy attack.

They also saw some clues.

The main component of the Fire of Life is not flame, but life force compressed to the extreme.

But I don’t know if it’s because Kati Dog is not yet very skilled in controlling it, and its Fire of Life is not yet stable.

Therefore, at the moment when the two collided, the volcanic flames of Wind Speed ​​Dog actually ignited the fire of life of Kati Dog, transforming this condensed vitality into the ultimate destructive power!

[Due to being violently attacked by powerful flames, Kati Dog, who was overloaded with accumulated energy, passively used Big Explosion. 】

Zhou You: "..."

Why did you blow yourself up while you were fighting?

This time, the move Big Explosion (modified in Zhuzi as Burning Stone Together) seems to be indeed an illegal skill, although it is not something Zhou You took the initiative to ask leftover to master.

No, leftover, how can you become a magician by imitating bad habits?

Fortunately, relying on the bond between the two, Zhou You could feel that Zhanfan's life was not in danger, but that he simply lost his ability to fight.

"In addition to healing and increasing physical energy, can vitality also be ignited..." This accident brought some inspiration to Zhou You.

Is it possible that the sacred fire uses its own flame as a guide, igniting the enemy's vitality to cause continuous burning and explosion to attack?

Otherwise, why is Holy Fire not a special attack, but a physical attack skill?

Xia Bo also reasoned in his mind that if he could actively control this power, he might be able to defeat an enemy that was much more powerful than himself.

Xia Bo analyzed the general principle of the sacred fire.

But the problem is that this trick first requires an elf who has mastered the fire of life...

Who knows how that katy dog ​​opposite has mastered the fire of life!

Leftover: If Wang really mastered it, he wouldn't be forced to self-destruct.

After a moment, the light and smoke dissipated, and what came into view was an unrecognizable and devastated battlefield, as well as the Wind Speed ​​Dog and Kati Dog who collapsed on the ground at the same time, unable to move.

It was actually a situation where we all perished together.

It's no wonder that both sides suffered from the opponent's full-power Flash Charge, as well as the counter-injury from their own Flash Charge, plus the combined power of the two accidentally caused a big explosion.

Fire elves are like this, even if they only meet one person, they can do their best to maximize their output.

"The battlefield has become like this, and it will be inconvenient to fight again."

Looking at the ruins of the "battlefield" in front of him, Xia Bo thought for a moment and then took back his Wind Speed ​​Dog.

"But this Katy dog ​​has been trained very well, and you are indeed an excellent trainer, so this crimson badge is given to you."

He ran up to Zhou You in three steps and eagerly put the crimson badge into his hand. Xia Bo rubbed his hands in embarrassment: "Haha, Qiao Qiao, I see you are just a Katie." The dog is about a month and a half old, right? His talent is so good, do you want to share your feelings and master the fire energy with my uncle’s female dog?”

exist? Borrow a seed?

"Uncle, I didn't lend you your Kati dog for nothing. How about I give you a fire stone from Honglian volcano when I finish the exchange?"

Zhou You was speechless.

"Uncle Xia, how could I be the one who sold the body of an elf for a fire stone?"

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