This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 93: The Vision of 8 Badges

The courage badge shaped like the sun, the friendship badge shaped like two magatama, the honesty badge shaped like a cross, the heart-shaped love badge, the knowledge badge shaped like a solid hollow circle, the innocence badge shaped like a water drop, the hope badge like a shooting star that entrusts people's wishes, The bright emblem of a flower growing in the sun...

The badge of knowledge is the most puzzling because it symbolizes two things, one is infinity, and the other is the South African metal grooved ball in Opaz (referring to the unknown that transcends time and space).

However, no matter how reliable the concept of the badge designed (plagiarized) by Zhou You was, the Alliance would not allow him to act so randomly.

Is it okay to give you 8 badges?

"So, if I want to play like this, I have to go beyond the championship to make the league compromise."

Eden was silent and decided to defeat the champion just to make fun of him. He really made me cry to death.

At this time, Du and Qinglu still don’t know what they will face in the near future...

Travelers will use their full strength when it comes to making jokes!

Bang bang bang!

After Zhou You rarely revealed his ambitions and ideas, applause erupted from behind the "twins".

A blond old man dressed as a hippie came over: "Well said, young man, I admire your design of the badge and your ambition to fight for it. There are really fewer and fewer people with a sense of humor like you these days. ”

"So I want to ask you a question, what is the cold thing on the top and the warm thing on the bottom?" The old hippie looked at the two people expectantly.

Zhouyou/Eden: "..."

"Obviously it is an island famous for its volcanoes, but the people here are surprisingly good at making jokes." After two months of being out, Eden, who realized that he was very strong and had some success in illusions, began to gradually let himself go and reveal his true nature.

"The answer is undoubtedly a bald head! My head is cold but my body is warm!" Zhou You replied politely.

No, my default answer is obviously hot springs.

Damn it... why is Baldy's answer more accurate than the hot spring!

"Yes, the answer is correct, but there is no reward." The old hippie said unwillingly.

Thank you, I feel offended.

"Okay, no more joking." Zhou You looked intently at the old hippie in front of him, "Mr. Xia Bo, I came here specially across the sea from Ziyuan Town, hoping to challenge the Red Lotus Gym."

As soon as the other party opened his mouth, Xia Bo felt a chill.

Because he was dissatisfied with the tourists who came to challenge with a playful attitude, he did not accept the challenge for a long time, and even the number of public appearances became less and less. He usually only came back to the gym in disguise to observe if there was anything to do when he had nothing to do. A reliable trainer.

Could it be that the young man in front of him recognized his true identity at a glance! ?

Zhou You: After all, I’ve seen it on TV and in games.

Moreover, the only person in the world who grabs random people and asks them riddles is Xia Bo, who is known as the "passionate riddle-guessing uncle".

"No, I'm not Uncle Xia, I'm just an uncle who runs a hotel." Uncle Xia waved his hand and said, "The owner of the Red Lotus Gym, Uncle Xia, is dissatisfied..."

"But I've seen a photo of you and Dr. Fuji? You can't fool anyone with this level of disguise, Uncle Xia."

In order to stop Xia Bo from being pretentious, Zhou You decisively chose to talk nonsense.

A photo of myself and Dr. Fuji!

Uncle Xia suddenly realized that he could see through his disguise at a glance. It turned out that he had seen photos of himself from back then.

Those photos...are there any that have not been destroyed?

He suddenly recalled the days when Fuji's daughter was not dead yet, and all of their researchers were undistracted and obsessed with studying the technology of using gene fragments to resurrect ancient fossils.

It's a pity that things are fickle, and who could have predicted that the fossil resurrection plan studied back then would provide the basis for the birth of that monster?

Wait a minute, this guy knows I'm bald, did he answer like that on purpose just now?

Someone's perfect answer pulled Xia Bo's mind back to reality.

He looked at the twins in front of him, guessing that the twins might have come from Dr. Fuji - the twins had just said that they were from Aster Town.

Fuji has always judged people very accurately. In this case, it is not impossible to accept this gym challenge.

"Okay, then you come with me. The ruins in front of you are just appearances. The real Red Lotus Gym is still in another place."

Having said that, Xia Bo, who accepted the challenge, took the "twins" to a secret door in the hot spring hotel he owned and entered the battle arena leading to the interior of the volcano.

Unconsciously, the twin brother disappeared.

He thought that the other party probably had no intention of fighting and was waiting in the hotel, but Xia Bo didn't care.

Not long after, Zhou Yu came to the battle arena built inside the volcano and surrounded by hot lava.

"Haha, my challenge here is not that formal, so there is no need for a referee."

Trainers of the older generation are often not used to the league's fast pace of updating rules every now and then, and usually have their own set of rules.

"3 vs. 3, there are no restrictions on skills or anything. If you defeat the opponent's 3 elves first, you will win."

No limit on the number of skills?

Zhou You secretly thought that it was the restriction on the number of skills that the elves could use that made the battle competitive, fair, and strategic.

Veteran trainers like Xia Bo are different from new trainers. Even a mediocre bench elf must have extremely high proficiency in a variety of skills.

Wouldn't it be better if there was no limit on the number of skills?

Anyway, I have long been tired of the limit 4 rules in the game!

"No problem!" Zhou You said eagerly, "The one on my side is..."

"Quack!" Before he finished speaking, the green onion duck flew out of the elf ball.

Duck with green onions?

Xia Bo was thoughtful. I'm afraid that the battle later would increase his appetite. Let's go out to a restaurant tonight to eat oil-garlic crabs imported from Padiya and wild jellyfish cucumbers mixed with vinegar.

"Wait a moment, Green Onion Duck, I don't need your help." Seeing this, Zhou You stretched out his hand to stop Wang Green Onion, "If you don't use the elves you cultivated to challenge the gym, it would be meaningless. After my gym challenge is over, you How about directly challenging Xia Bo’s main team?”

"(nods) Gua."

It doesn't matter, Li Zhan Wang Da Onion Ya only wants to hone his swordsmanship through fighting, as long as he can fight.

"Isn't that your elf?" Xia Bo was a little surprised.

"This scallion duck is indeed a wild elf now. It only scored a goal so that I could take it across the sea."

As for whether there will be wild elves in the future, it depends on how diligently you travel around to gain favor.

Schaber declined to comment.

"It's the main force I'm going to send on the field. Leftover, it's up to you!"


Gouzi once again served as the starter in the gym challenge, acting as a player who can play a set of bursts and then return to the ball on a sunny day to recover his physical strength by relying on the fire of life stored in him.

"Katie Dog, then I'm going to send this guy out, go ahead, Wind Speed ​​Dog!"

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