This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 621 The Beginning of the Wishing Star War

After returning to his residence, Dr. Odamaki, who seemed to have heard some key information from the phone, returned to the room to have in-depth phone calls with Dr. Oki, while Zhou You went to a nearby restaurant with Xiao Yu for dinner.

During this period, he learned from the other party that the reason why Xiaoyou did not travel like other ten-year-old children was not only that his goal was to be a doctor instead of a master, but the more important point was that various alliances had recently considered changing children's adult status as appropriate. Increased years of service.

The ten-year-old adult system originally proposed by the alliance was affected by the war in many aspects. However, now that the psychological, intellectual, physical and other factors of minors are taken into account, it is no longer appropriate to consider the issue from a post-war perspective.

For example, the Hoenn Alliance believes that 12 is a relatively appropriate age, while the United Alliance believes that only 14-year-olds are capable enough to go out and take risks.

Zhou You thought about it carefully and found that with the change of generations, the age of the protagonist did seem to be gradually increasing.

Except for those generations with clear age settings, the most obvious one is probably Serena in XY. Can anyone really say to her that this girl is 10 years old?

It is imperative to increase the years of education and the age of adventure. Perhaps in the near future, it will be normal for teenagers to study in academies until they graduate, like Orange and Blueberry Academies.

Then the championship level will be worthless...

Zhou You shook his head and no longer cared about these trivial matters that had little to do with him. Zhou You was even more curious about Xiao You's research direction.

"My research direction is the connection between the myths and legends of Hoenn and the changes in physical geography."

When asked this question, Xiaoyou actually showed a maturity that was inconsistent with his age: "According to my research, a large part of the sea and land legends in the Hoenn region may be the result of geological movements."

With this sentence as a summary, Xiaoyou talked about the independent research he conducted while helping at the research institute in the past two years.

It was a huge concept related to primitive continents, geological movements, extraterrestrial meteorites and the Leonid meteor shower.

Zhou You was surprised to find that the other party's idea coincided to a certain extent with his idea some time ago!

So he informed the other party of his ideas and the information that could only be obtained by a large number of relevant people.

"I see... the meteor shower and meteorites that occur once in a thousand years are probably the key to the entire legend!"

After learning about the super giant meteorite and the legend of Jirachi from the other party, Xiaoyou's eyes became particularly bright: "Xiao Zhou, maybe we can ask Jirachi to ask about the truth of history. It wakes up every thousand years. Aren’t we stuck in the same period of meteorites falling from the sky and land and sea wars?”

Jirachi, who has nearly eternal life, probably knows all about it!

He and Zhou You can definitely find each other to confirm their guesses and learn more about the truth that disappears over time!

"It's better to call me Qiao Qiao. I'm not used to it, Xiao Zhou."

I always felt that this kind of title was weird, Zhou You shook his head unaccustomedly: "And strictly speaking, the time when Jirachi woke up was 4 months different from the meteorite and the land and sea war. Besides, you already know how to find Jirachi." ?"

※Jirachi wakes up on Tanabata, while the Leonid meteor shower falls in November.

It's in the Farnes area, and the time to wake up is exactly in the second half of next year.

But Xiaoyou obviously didn't know.

"And you have to think clearly, Jirachi's power comes from the comet that happens once in a thousand years. It can be used to fulfill all wishes. It is an almost omnipotent wishing star."

Zhou Youxing, who had vaguely had some idea during the cheering cup last year, said: "If you think about it carefully, what would be the consequences if the news that Jirachi was taken out of the place of sleep was leaked?"

Hearing this, Xiaoyou's face suddenly darkened. He could already imagine the scene where countless careerists would swarm in for their own selfish desires, asking Jirachi to fulfill their wishes.

Although he also wanted to ask Jirachi some questions, he should be different from those people... At least Xiaoyou didn't want Jirachi to be troubled by this.

How painful it would be to sleep for a thousand years before waking up in seven days. Every time you open your eyes, everything you encounter will be changed.

"Then we will defeat everyone who wants to find Jirachi to fulfill their wishes!" Xiaoyou said in a shocked voice, "Then make a wish to it to lift this curse and let Jirachi live freely!"

Without commenting on Zhou You, will it be so smooth?

Jirachi's sleep is to transfer the energy of the Millennium Comet to the land of Hoenn. If it no longer sleeps forever, what will Hoenn become?

"Qiaoqiao, do you want to say that Jirachi is voluntary?" Eden couldn't understand it at all.

Arthur: But even if it’s just sacrificing an elf to gain vitality for a region, it’s still wrong.

It cannot endorse this practice.

"Haha, how can things in this world go as planned?" Zhou You felt that nothing would change simply by talking.

Jirachi, the People of the Meteor, the Guardians of the Orb, the ancient Hoenn people, the sealed legendary giants, and some things that have not surfaced yet... The Hoenn region is world-renowned for its abundant resources, diverse environment, and livable climate. It is built on many sacrifices.

Could it be that an 11-year-old kid like you can solve a problem that no one has been able to solve for thousands of years?

Zhou You categorically denied: "Xiao You, you just want to solve all this by making a wish, but even the omnipotent wishing star cannot solve this fate that has lasted for thousands of years."

Whether Xiaoyu subdues Rayquaza, crushes the meteorite and kidnaps Deoxys, or frees Jirachi by making a wish, he has no doubt that the other party can do this, but these can only treat the symptoms and not the root cause.


"Then you should at least give it a try!" Xiao You protested with a blush, "The decline of natural energy is something that everyone and the elves are responsible for. How can it be left to Jirachi alone?"

And even if energy fails, it will only happen in about a thousand years. Could it be that humans still can't find any solution after such a long time?

At least Xiaoyou thinks this is impossible.

"Then this matter will be easier to handle."

Seeing that Xiaoyou's determination and enthusiasm didn't seem to be fake, Zhou You crossed his hands and held his chin and gave an inside message: "Jirachi is sleeping in the Farnes area and will wake up on Chinese Valentine's Day next year. You only have a whole year to live." Time to prepare.”

"Really!?" Xiaoyou was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

"Why am I lying to you? The inheritors of the Meteor People and the Glazed People are all acquaintances of mine. The granddaughter of the inheritor who sent me to the Awakening Ancestral Hall of the Holy Mountain was chatting with me this morning!"


After receiving extremely accurate inside information, Xiao You immediately and cheerfully finished off the leftovers and made preparations in advance.

And Zhou You was thinking about who to invite to next year's Wishing Star Battle?

If Sakaki can be contacted, he must be pulled over, and then there are two local snakes, Red Flame Pine and Shui Wutong.

Even if Red Sun Giratina is impressed by him, he must find another way to do it. It would be good to travel around and look at the wishing star.

As for N, he still hasn't left the castle at this time next year, but it doesn't mean he can't try to invite him and Quechis.

Then there is the lion head, the mother-in-law, President Roz...

What a great opportunity for Pokémon All-Stars Battle!

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