This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 620 A very good boy, but it’s a pity that he has bald hair

Before you know it, Zhou Yu's third qualifying tournament has come to an end.

There wasn't much to note about the entire battle. The last two players were Leftover Rice and Qing Ming, who defeated their opponents without much effort.

Three battles, three lineups, the one thing that remains unchanged is the tactic of quick attack without any brains.

At this point, all the battles for this day are over, and all subsequent battles will be a long tug-of-war, one game a day.

"Three battles reduced all contestants to only 32, and then there will be five consecutive days of long all-out battles."

After reading the game arrangement, Zhou You felt helpless. It would be much easier if the 66 singles could be changed to the 64 doubles.

At least the doubles, which emphasizes zone attack rather than zone defense, will end soon...actually, it's not too different.

After a whole day of fighting, he unexpectedly received a text message from Dr. Ohmu——

"Qiaoqiao, can you help me find Dr. Odamaki at the venue? His phone number cannot be reached, but I have something very important to talk to him about."

Dr. Odamaki?

Eden seemed to have heard this name somewhere.

"It's the one who was chased by a pack of coyote dogs in the wild when we went to Weibai Town last month."

Hearing this, Eden immediately remembered that it was the doctor who was about the same size as Yahida!

"It seems almost..."

After that, Zhou You called Zhanfan out of the elf ball. It probably still remembered the smell of the other party.

Not long after that, Gouzi took him to the wild and found Odamaki.

At this time, the doctor was lying on a tree, trying his best to hold on to the trunk to prevent him from falling, and fell into a group of cocoa Dora under the tree.

Seeing the doctor's assistant who had only visited the institute last month suddenly appear, the doctor in casual clothes waved his hand quickly: "Qiaoqiao! Come and save me!"

Isn't Cocodora a rare elf that rarely lives in a specific cave?

Arthur: Did the Doctor escape from the road of champions all the way here?

It's really hard for Zhou You to understand why every time he sees the other person, he is in a similar situation...

A few minutes later, Dr. Odamaki, who was rescued, leaned against the tree without any strength, closing his eyes tightly and breathing heavily, his whole body was very peaceful.

"Dr. Odamaki, Dr. Ohgi said there is something he wants to talk to you about."

"I understand... ha... ha... it's... the matter of... the unknown totem... before."

The doctor, who was almost exhausted, gasped for a long time before continuing to explain: "I noticed the phone when I was running away just now, but I just didn't have time to answer it. Jojo, do you still remember the Ascana lock you unlocked last year? "

Zhou You nodded, those were the seven ruins on the seventh island of the Seven Islands.

It was precisely because he solved the puzzle and released the unknown totems of the seven ruins that indirectly led Dr. Xiuli to investigate and was eventually sucked into another dimension.

"Not only has the Ascana Stone Chamber changed, but there have also been changes on another island, the outer island of the Sixth Island."

Outer islands?

This touches on the blind spot of traveling around.

Seeing that the other party had not yet understood this matter, Dr. Odamaki began to talk about the changes in the outer islands.

After the Crystal Tower incident, tourists traveling to the Sixth Island discovered that a new cave suddenly appeared on the outer island between the Fourth and Sixth Islands.

It is obviously an isolated island in the sea, but there are spirits living in the newly appeared cave that must not be able to haunt there——

Bailai Sheep, Long-tailed Monster, Hazelnut Ball, Baby Bear, Delubi, Scary-Antlered Deer and Tutu Dog, etc.

What these elves have in common is that they can neither fly nor swim. Theoretically, the only possible reason for appearing there is that they were artificially released.

"What about the actual situation?" Eden heard the implication of Dr. Odamaki's words.

"In fact the investigation heard there was no evidence that anyone was there to release these elves."

The Kanto Alliance and local ecologists originally thought this was a supernatural phenomenon caused by an unknown totem, but not long ago, something with the same structure as the outer island cave appeared on Route 103 in Hoenn.

And because the elves appearing in the two caves would change every once in a while, people named them "Changing Cave".

According to the researchers who went to investigate, the two caves may be connected to different time and space.

"Sounds like another mystery that can never be solved." Zhou You sighed.

There will always be some strange phenomena in this world.

Dr. Odamaki was helpless after hearing this, but perhaps Dr. Oki had already made a major breakthrough. At least he believed that the general direction of investigating unknown totems was the right one.

After informing Zhou You about the recent puzzling puzzle in the academic world, he took him to his car and drove back to his residence in the contestant village of the Aiyu Tournament while calling Dr. Ohki back.

When the two arrived at their destination, someone was already waiting for them outside.

"Dad, why are you back so late?" complained a boy who looked like he was young and white-headed. "We agreed to watch the conference together."

A very handsome boy, but it's a pity that he has bald hair, Zhou You thought to himself.

"Oh, I was chased by the elves all the way from the Champion Road to the suburbs, and I was only rescued just now."

Zhou You, Eden and Arthur secretly thought in their hearts that indeed, he was indeed Dr. Odamaki. Even the white-headed boy had an expression on his face that he was here again.

After parking the car outside, Odama introduced to Zhou You, who was looking at him strangely in the passenger seat: "He is my son Xiaoyu. He is eleven years old like you. He wants to become the Pokémon Doctor." , I have been studying in the institute for the past two years.”

By the way, help Dr. Odamaki subdue the elves or rescue him from the siege.

They are different from Dr. Oki, who is excellent in both personal martial arts and combat abilities, Dr. Kuangmu, who seems ordinary at first glance but is proficient in egg moves, and Dr. Yamanashi, who masters ancestral fighting skills and family heirloom armor.

Odamaki was surprisingly a doctor who was not good at fighting at all.

Having said that, the pinnacle among doctors is probably Hep, who physically withstood the attack of the Shield King and subdued it with red and white balls, right?

"Wait a minute, Dad, isn't this person..."

Before Zhou You could mentally rank the doctors' combat prowess, Xiao You noticed the boy who came back with the doctor.

"That's right! He is the winner of the Quartz League that you didn't see last time. It is said that he is expected to challenge Jojo of the Champions League this year!"

Xiaoyou's eyes were filled with excitement when he heard the doctor's introduction. He was the senior who helped Dr. Omu collect illustrations last year!

"Hello, I'm Zhou You, just call me Qiaoqiao."

It wasn't until he communicated with Xiao You at close range that Zhou You noticed the blind spot that he had never noticed before (for more than ten years): "It turns out that you are not young."


Xiaoyou took off the hat on the spot: "This is just a knitted hat that is not white!"

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