The Dark Gray Gym is the official gym of the alliance established in Nibi City. Its gym owner is Wu Gang, known as "a man as powerful as a rock". He uses the rock elves and fossil elves who have been greatly favored by Mount Yuemi. The gym leader.

According to the information that Zhou You has learned through open competitions on TV in the past few years, Wu Gang...that is, there are a total of 7 types of elves used by Xiao Gang in the gym challenge, namely: Xiao Fist Stone and its evolved type, A giant rock snake, a one-horned rhinoceros, a spiny ammonite, a scythe helmet, a fossilized pterosaur, and a tree monster.

However, when facing trainers who have no or only one or two gyms, the elves Xiaogang sends are usually small fist stones and large rock snakes, and at most a one-horned rhinoceros.

In Nibi City, a slow-paced city near the rocky mountains, most of the trainers here are people who are interested in becoming trainers like insect-catching boys, but Xiaogang is a special case among them. According to rumors, he is as strong-willed as A man as strong and serious as a rock...

However, perhaps because of the animations he watched in his childhood, Zhou You didn't think Xiaogang was very serious.

In any case, Zhou You finally came to Xiaogang, a young man who was only a teenager at this time and had assumed the responsibility of the curator due to family reasons.

"Hello, I am Zhou You from Zhenxin Town, and I have come here to challenge the Dark Gray Gym in Nibi City."

After listening to his self-introduction, Xiaogang narrowed his eyes and took Zhou You to the challenge registration device: "Are you also from the gym in Zhenxin Town? In fact, I also accepted another Zhenxin Town gym at noon the day before yesterday. Young man’s challenge, you and he should be at the same time, right?”

"Green? He and I are indeed of the same age." Zhou You nodded and then stopped talking.

Including Qinglu himself, no one knows his strength better than Zhou You - he can be a half-hour champion.

So Zhou You is not curious about what happened to Qinglu who adopted Squirtle. There is no doubt that two water guns with four times the resistance directly killed the small fist stone and the big rock snake. It is estimated that there is no need to change people. Can I wear 1 and 2 directly?

that's the truth.

"You are a new trainer who started traveling at the age of ten. How wonderful..."

While sighing with envy, Xiaogang placed the travel guide on the registration device and scanned it. The more he checked his information, the more he frowned.

Time of departure: 4 days

Number of badges obtained: 0

Number of registered elves: 29 types

Number of elves captured: 2 types

Due to Dr. Oak's considerations, Zoroa was not registered in the traveling illustrated book, so his illustrated book only showed two other elves at this time: Charmander and Kati Dog.

"Are you serious?" Xiaogang frowned, "Kid, have you ever learned the restrained relationship between elves?"

"I am the leader of a rock-type gym. Rock-type attributes restrain insect, flying, fire and ice attributes, and your Charmander and Kati Dog are both fire-type attributes.

"Although it's normal that you are only 10 years old and don't understand these things, for a qualified trainer, the conflicting relationship between attributes is the foundation of the foundation. Your Charmander and Kati Dog are useless to me. "

Indeed, generally speaking, players who choose Charmander will be beaten by Xiaogang.

If you don't catch Rattata and Bobo who can throw sand, scream and other interference skills in front, or if you don't receive the fighting monkey monster on the left side of Joban City, Charmander must learn the metal claw and evolve. Only then can Xiaogang be defeated more smoothly.

But that's only in the game, Zhou You retorted silently in his heart, attribute conflict is not everything in the battle between elves.

"Despite this, I still want to challenge the Dark Gray Gym." He looked at Xiaogang and reiterated with great conviction.

"Oh, well, it is also the responsibility of the gym leader to educate new trainers. Bring your illustrated book and come with me here."

After walking a few steps, the two came to both sides of the battle field in the dark gray gym.

The battle field is about 20 meters long and 10 meters wide. Since it is not an "indiscriminate" level battle, there are safety areas/command seats dedicated to trainers on both sides of the field.

Standing on his own command seat, Zhou You took out his only three pokeballs before the battle, placed them in his palms and stared at them silently.

Different from his experiences in previous games, this is his first time participating in a regular league gym challenge in real life.

Nostalgic, moved, dreamed of, excited, worried?

Countless emotions kept flashing through my wandering thoughts, as if a spice plate had been knocked over in the kitchen.

"Jojo?" Probably aware of his emotional instability, Eden in the elf ball created an illusion and said, "Don't worry, we are so strong, we will definitely win the gym easily!"

"Well, there's no reason for me to lose."

More than twenty years of experience in animation and games, five years of living with Eden, my youth traveling around the earth, and my childhood here were all spent with elves.

For the love of elves and battles, Zhou You is confident enough that he will not be inferior to any new trainer participating in this competition!

"Wadokana!" At this time, Xiaogang finally took his place at the opposite command seat. "Challenging me with a fire elf is the biggest reason for your failure."

"Let me introduce myself again. I am Wu Gang, the leader of the Dark Gray Gym. My body is stronger than rock and my heart is stronger than rock. I am an expert in the properties of rock!

"The rock-hard willpower is also reflected in my elf. Slight attacks are meaningless to my elf. It is completely painless. Come here!"

At the same time, outside the dark gray gym, a boy with a hat and an electric mouse following him came here while bickering with a girl in a miniskirt and midriff-baring outfit.

There is no doubt that it is the super newbie Xiaozhi and his creditor Xiaoxia.

"Do you really think you can win?" the girl complained contemptuously.

"Of course!" Xiaozhi said this without thinking at all.

"The trainers in the gym are different from the trainers on the side of the road. They are very strong."

"So what, I'm definitely stronger than them."


"It's not like you're going to play by yourself! But if you're willing to come and ask me, I can't help you, right?"

"Here we are, Pikachu, let's go to the dark gray gym to challenge!"


Completely ignoring all the words of shock and frustration from Xiaoxia, a girl in a miniskirt and midriff-baring outfit next to her, another young man from Zhenxin Town pushed open the door of the gym with all his strength.

"Is anyone here? I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town. I'm here to challenge the Dark Gray Gym to get a badge!"

However, after opening the door, the sharp-eyed Xiaozhi spotted a familiar face inside the gym.

"Qiaoqiao? You're actually here too!?"


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