This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 15 Commendation to the little expert who commits suicide for his bravery

Considering Daigo's character (mainly because he really had nothing to worry about), Zhou You finally released Eden from the elf ball.

"This is Eden, the evil fox Pokémon Zoroa. It's the Pokémon that caused so much trouble in the museum,"

"I wonder if that elf belongs to you or another kid who has the courage to come forward."

Realizing that he had guessed what happened, Daigo's expression was a little strange: "I didn't expect it to be like this. You two children are really brave to step forward, but don't take such risks next time and wait for the help of adults, okay?"

Waiting for an adult to help? Don't worry about Eden being able to transform, otherwise Arthur would have to be snatched away.

"Definitely next time." Zhou You obviously disapproved of this, "Mr. Daiwu, is there anything else you want to know besides this?"

After all, after learning about this incident, Daigo was still taking him to fly to the suburbs. In a while, he would probably be almost at Mount Tsukimi...

Faced with this problem, Daiwu just smiled mysteriously and said nothing.

In the end, the two of them landed on Yuejian Mountain.

"Is this the Moon Mountain? I seem to feel a special energy field?" Eden looked around for a moment, then created an illusion in Zhou You's ears.

"Yue Jian Mountain is a place where meteors fall. According to legend, the Pipis' spaceships from the universe crashed here. The fragments of the spaceships scattered around the world are what people call moon stones." Zhou You said to himself. Answered Eden's doubts.

"You are right. Are the Pipis really flying in the universe on meteorites as in the legend? That would be really fascinating."

Daigo, who thought Zhou You was introducing the customs and customs of Kanto to him, smiled and nodded, and then asked him a question: "Qiaoqiao, do you like elves?"

"Is there anyone who doesn't like elves?"

"That's true, so are you planning to travel in Kanto and collect badges to participate in this year's competition on the Quartz Plateau?" Daigo asked again.

"That's right, and I'm also assisting Dr. Oak in completing the Pokémon illustrated book." After a pause, Zhou You continued, "And I also plan to go to Chengdu, Fengyuan and other areas in the future to challenge other gyms and other areas. competition and beat other regional champions.”

"Challenge for the league championship..."

Daigo smiled and did not mind at all the boy's "unintentional" declaration of challenge to the rightful master. Instead, he encouraged him: "Then I will definitely wait for your heroic appearance in the Caiyu Tournament in the Fengyuan area."

"Then let's get to the main topic of today. Qiaoqiao, if you and another child hadn't stepped forward to delay the time, Team Rocket would have been able to steal the valuable amber and escape quickly, so Nibi City Miss Junsha would like to ask me to express her gratitude for your brave behavior."

Regardless of the outcome, the straw hat boy Xiao Huang and the new trainer Zhou You's stepping forward did delay Team Rocket's plan to a certain extent, and guided some of them to leave the most dangerous place (although they just left the wolf den and into the tiger's den).

The most important thing is that he accidentally saved the mysterious amber that Daigo cherished so much!

Considering that it was inappropriate to publicize the two children's bravery with great fanfare, Junsha and Dawu from Nibi City thought of another way to reward them.

"Not only that, Miss Junsha also asked me to give this to you."

After that, Daigo took out a red and white ball from his pocket, threw it to the ground and released the elf inside.

"(Excited) Woof!"

A puppy with orange fur, creamy yellow mane and tail, and black stripes on its body landed on the ground, waggled its tail and sat up straight, looking around curiously.

"Mr. Daiwu, why do you have a Cady dog? Wait, you just said that Miss Junsha gave it to me!?" Zhou You said in shock, who didn't react for a moment.

No wonder he was shocked. Although kadi dogs have existed with humans since ancient times and are quite common elves, it was still quite a contrast when they appeared in the hands of Daigo, a steel champion from Hoenn.

In particular, there are no wild kadi dogs in the Hoenn region.


"That's right." Dawu nodded, "I think this little guy is very suitable for you."

Because Zhou You left early last night, when Miss Junsha was recruiting someone to take a statement, she found that he was not at the scene, so she went to Nibi City's information management to check his registration record - a 10-year-old rookie trainer.

Considering that Zhou You was a child who went out touring Kanto just after turning ten years old, and his character of having the courage to fight Team Rocket, after Junsha and Daigo discussed it, they both agreed that the reward for bravery in righteousness should be chosen to be able to embark on the journey with him. The traveling elf is more suitable.

This kid is so reckless. He doesn’t know that one day his life will be in danger in the wild.jpg

So Junsha submitted an application last night and applied for a police dog reserve from the police dog base that has received professional police dog training, has a lively personality, excellent talents, outstanding strength and is friendly to people.

Only 1 year and 6 months old, he has a mischievous and harmless personality, and has the mysterious power to control fire and enhance himself.

This dog was so greedy that every time it heard other dogs leaving food, it would fly towards him at an alarming speed. Over time, the dog got the name "Leftover" and ended up in Dawu's hands overnight.

By the way, Dawu naturally paid for the adoption of the Kati dog from the police dog training base.

"Thank you, I will take good care of it!"

Zhou You solemnly thanked Dawu, and happily squatted in front of Kati Dog: "Hello Leftover, my name is Zhou You, you can also call me Qiao Qiao, from today on we are a family!"


Looking at the boy whose eyes seemed to be shining because of his pure love for elves, Daigo, the champion of the Hoenn region, smiled and said nothing.

Do you want to challenge for the championship? Then you have to come to Fengyuan as soon as possible to participate in the Caiyu Conference, otherwise in a few years...

After that, Daigo, who learned from Zhou You that he was going to challenge the rock gym before noon, sent his own armored bird in the Moon View Mountain to give him special training.

Before noon, Daigo took him to the gym in Nibi City. Then he left here due to busy business and went to the Quartz Plateau to take a private plane back to Fengyuan.

"Dawu is such a good person."

After waving goodbye to the other party and watching the Hoenn champion gradually fly away on Metagross, Zhou You suddenly realized something was not right.

Metagross...can he learn to fly?

Since seeing is believing, you must be able to learn.

Shaking his head to get rid of this sudden question, Zhou You walked in with brisk steps after using his Phoenix Flame to restore the injuries and physical strength of Eden, Arthur, and Zhanfan through the Poké Ball. This is a gym that I haven’t visited in more than 20 years.

Information currently known:

Name: Arthur (charmander/male)

Attribute: fire

Features: Fierce

Props: none

Personality: reserved

Birthplace: Charizard Valley

Moves: Sparks/Smoke Screen/Wisp/? /?

Name: Leftover (Katie dog/male)

Attribute: fire

Features: Fire


Personality: Naughty

Birthplace: Kanto Police Dog Training Base

Moves: Spark/High Speed ​​Movement/Help/Smell Detection/?

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