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Chapter 76: Emperor-level Honkai Beast Rajel

"What's the use of just talking without doing anything? Come and massage my shoulders."

"Come now!"

Luna replied, and her delicate hands fell on Ling Yu's shoulders and began to massage.

"Are you satisfied with the strength?"

"Yeah, not bad."

"What about the salary?"

"Press for half an hour, and it will be as if it never happened." Ling Yu said with narrowed eyes.


"By the way, where were we talking just now?"

"Righteous man." Luna reminded in a low voice.

Ling Yu: "..."

"Don't mention this word in front of me in the future!"


After getting the answer, Ling Yu looked at Cecilia: "Mother-in-law, bah, Miss Cecilia, can I ask you a question?"

"You say."

"What year is it now?"

Cecilia looked at Ling Yu in confusion. How could someone not even know the year.

But she still replied: "1991."


Ling Yu exclaimed softly.

He is familiar with this timeline.

Isn't this the time when Kiana's parents first met?

In 1991, Cecilia was only 15 years old, no wonder she looked so young.

"At this time..." Ling Yu muttered, looking at Cecilia and asked: "Do you know Siegfried?"


Cecilia murmured softly and shook her head: "I'm sorry, I don't know the Siegfried you mentioned, I'm afraid I can't provide any information."

"It's okay, I asked too abruptly."

"Seeing that you are carrying standard weapons, are you going to perform a mission?"

"Well, because an emperor-level Honkai beast suddenly appeared in Australia, I was ordered to go and subdue it." Cecilia nodded.

"You should be only an A-level Valkyrie now, let you go to subdue the emperor-level Honkai beast alone?" Ling Yu was puzzled.

"No, there are several members, I am just one of them."

"Did it succeed?"



Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Ling Yu was puzzled.

No way, there will be a time when my mother-in-law will fail?

At this time, Cecilia, who was sitting opposite, lowered her head, slightly grasped her skirt with both hands, and said with a slightly red cheek: "I, I'm lost!"


Ling Yu, who was holding a porcelain cup, was stunned, and Luna, who was pinching her shoulders, also looked at her.

As if prepared, the store fell into silence.


"Yes, because the helicopter was attacked by a charging type Honkai beast while rushing on the way, and accidentally fell from the helicopter into a residential area, so..."

"Falling from the helicopter?"

Hearing this, Luna couldn't help but look at this weak-looking girl again.

"So that's it."

"In other words, your original mission was to help other Valkyries defeat the emperor-level Honkai beast, but you were attacked on the way and got lost, right?"


"Then who is responsible for restraining the emperor-level Honkai beast that hasn't died yet?"


Hearing this, Cecilia sat up suddenly.

Yes, she still has a mission to complete, and can't stay here for long.

"Are you planning to go out?"

"If you don't know the way, by the time you arrive, the whole army will probably be wiped out."

Ling Yu's voice came, and Cecilia's body froze.

"But if you just sit here..."

"I'll go with you."


Ling Yu's shocking words stunned Cecilia.

Luna and Mijiu were also confused.

Ling Yu sat up from the sofa and went straight to the back of the counter and took the crystal flower placed on the shelf.

"Not just to help you, I also have someone I want to see."

Putting the crystal flower into the system space, Ling Yu smiled at Cecilia.


Collapse world


When Ling Yu arrived, there was heavy snow in the sky, and the world was white, as if it was a city buried under the snow.

Australia is now the coldest time.

Ling Yu closed his eyes and began to feel the collapse energy around him.

Under Cecilia's gaze

The next second, Ling Yu suddenly opened his eyes.


A flat voice sounded, and the dark power like liquid condensed in Cecilia's shocked eyes, turning into a huge shadow dragon.

"Let's go."

Greeting Cecilia who was stunned, Ling Yu took the lead in jumping on the dragon's back.

Cecilia: "..."

"Ten o'clock."

After everyone came up, Ling Yu began to give orders to the ancient dragon.


The wings vibrated, and with large pieces of snow being swept away, the ancient dragon king Tagoyenis flew into the sky, leaving a dark blue arc in the sky.

The residents who heard the movement went out one after another, and after seeing the ancient dragon flying away, their faces showed absurdity.

"Is this... Honkai beast?"

Cecilia, standing on the back of Tagoyenis dragon, asked with her own cognition.

"This is the owner's shadow soldier, you can understand it as a dependent." Luna explained.


"Just think of it as a kind of Honkai beast."

Looking at Cecilia's cute appearance, Ling Yu smiled.

The shadow dragon flew very fast in the sky. After a few minutes, Cecilia's alert nerves were sensed.


Following the direction pointed by Cecilia, Ling Yu looked.

It was snowing heavily, but the place was bare.

Not only that, there was a fire burning on the ground, and in the center of the fire was a huge fiery red Honkai beast.

There were several knight-level Honkai beasts around it, guarding their king.

Across from the Honkai beasts were more than a dozen Valkyries holding weapons. They all had injuries of varying sizes, and some even lost their legs and hands.

"The Emperor-level Honkai beast of the fire system - could it be Rajel?"

Standing on the back of the dragon, Ling Yu looked at the huge Emperor-level Honkai beast and murmured.

It was the core used to make the Cross Fire Angel, the four-star weapon that Otto sent to his granddaughter as a toy, the Emperor-level Honkai beast with no face?

"Mr. Shopkeeper, please remove the protective shield and let me go down."

Cecilia's voice came from the side.

She looked determined.

It looked like he was trying to jump off the Shadow Ancient Dragon.

"There's no need to bother with a Honkai Beast of this level."

Ling Yu rejected the other party's words, and a faint blue light flashed in his eyes.


As soon as the voice fell, the Shadow Ancient Dragon Tagoyenis, who received the order, swooped down.

"Captain, something is approaching rapidly!"

A Valkyrie holding a detector shouted to the Valkyrie in front.



Before the captain could react.

A huge dust swept in, and the compressed wind almost blew them away!

"That, that is?"

The captain, who was forcibly stabilizing his body with a spear, saw the picture in the dust, and his pupils shrank sharply.

The emperor-level Honkai Beast that they had been struggling to defeat was now being pressed down by an ancient dragon that was emitting dark power and burning blue flames!

The bodies of the knight-level Honkai beasts were pierced by a silver-black spear.

The ancient dragon slowly opened its mouth.


The blue flame comparable to the core of the sun instantly gushed out towards the head of the emperor-level Honkai beast.

The ruthless flame quickly spread to the surroundings due to the compression when it touched the ground.

Looking at the sea of ​​fire coming towards them, the Valkyries subconsciously covered their faces with their hands.

But after waiting for a long time, they didn't feel any pain. They secretly opened their eyes and found that a blue protective shield had appeared in front of them.

And looking around, their vision was covered by the blue flame lock.

Just like the stones under the magma, they are now completely standing under the blue sea of ​​fire!

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