This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 75 New Guest, Cecilia

"Then he must be a great hero."

Luna, who heard this, recalled the village burned by dragon flames.

If such a hero appeared at that time... No, the hero has already appeared, and even she was saved by him.

"Yes, he is indeed a great hero." Ling Yu responded to Luna's words.

In the following time, after dinner, the few people went to the city at night, bought some clothes for Esther, and went home.

The next day

As the sun was about to reach the middle, Ling Yu led the three people to push open the door of the store.

The moment the door was opened, a familiar face was revealed.

"Ling Yu, didn't you go home last night?"

Looking at Ling Yu who opened the door from the store, Yan Yiyue asked in confusion.

"I came back a little late yesterday, but when did you come?"

"Your business hours today are ten minutes later than you said." Yan Yiyue said expressionlessly.

Then he raised his mobile phone, which showed 10:42.

"I'm here now."

As he said that, Ling Yu glanced around her: "Are you alone?"

"Yes, my parents wanted to come too, but they couldn't because of something unexpected."

"Okay, come in."

Ling Yu turned and walked into the store, and Yan Yiyue followed him naturally.

But when she saw two figures in the store, she was startled.

"Welcome to the Dimension Store."

Meijiu smiled at the pretty girl.

"Ah, hello."

Yan Yiyue said quickly after reacting.

Then she paused and looked at Meijiu with a little curiosity: "Miss, have we met somewhere before? You look so familiar."

"I look very ordinary, the customer must have remembered it wrong." Meijiu smiled gently.

"Is that so? Sorry, I'm so presumptuous."

"It's okay. What kind of drink would you like to drink? The store above provides them all."

Meijiu smiled and handed Yan Yiyue an exquisite tea recipe.

There are all kinds of drinks provided by the store.

"Just a cup of green lemon tea."

After looking for a while, Yan Yiyue chose and returned the tea recipe to Meijiu.

"Okay, please wait."

After that, Meijiu left.

"This back figure looks familiar."

Yan Yiyue scratched her head.

It's very familiar, but she can't remember it.

"Why do you look so bitter? Did you eat bitter melon this morning?"

Ling Yu looked at her expression and asked in confusion.

"I don't eat such unpalatable things. After all, who likes bitter melon?" Yan Yiyue said speechlessly.

"That's different. In my memory, a certain silver child likes it very much and even squeezes juice to drink."

"You mean Esther?" Yan Yiyue asked in confusion.

Among the silver dwarfs she knows, there is only Esther.

"No, it's another one, two centimeters shorter than Esther."

Ling Yu compared his height with his hand.

"It's not big, but the taste is quite bold." Yan Yiyue said with emotion.

"Speaking of which, Ling Yu, are these two your new employees?"

"Yeah, the one who just talked to you is my neighbor, and the one wiping the table over there is my neighbor's roommate."

Yan Yiyue: "???"

What does this mean, catch them all in one fell swoop?

"Let's not talk about this, aren't you here to open cans?"

Ling Yu brought Yan Yiyue to the edge of the counter, looked at her and asked, "How many do you want to open?"


Yan Yiyue said.

I have tried a single draw last time, so let's do a ten-draw this time.


After crossing out a thousand origin points on the card, Ling Yu put ten cans in front of her.

"It's been almost a month since the last time I opened a can."

Pick up the can and feel the familiar texture.

"I've suffered a lot to save these origin points."

With a sigh, a flame lit up in his hand.

Instantly covered the can.

"It's already orange-red, it seems you are developing it seriously." Seeing the color of the flame, Ling Yu smiled.

"Of course, I put all my energy into the A-level ability I finally got."


At this time, the jar broke.

A blue ball of light appeared in her hand, and before the ball of light could rise into the air, it was grasped.


A blue object appeared in the sound of breaking.

[Magic Broom]: This is a broom that has been enchanted, which can be used to sweep the floor and fly.


Looking at the big broom in her hand, Yan Yiyue had a question mark on her face.

"Magic broom is a standard for witches."

"The ability to fly can also make up for your lack of air resistance."

Ling Yu explained seriously.

"So that's how it is. Although it looks a bit strange, it's OK as long as it can be used."

"When it can't be used, it can still sweep the floor. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?" Ling Yu smiled.

"Yeah, wait, you're talking about flying, right?"

"What else?"

Ling Yu looked at her innocently.

Giving him a suspicious look, Yan Yiyue put away the magic broom and looked at the next jar.

The second one, white; the third one, white; the fourth one, white.

"No, why are they all white?"

Looking at the items she opened, Yan Yiyue felt a little confused.

Dolls, oil paints, these are things that can be bought in ordinary stores.

Can't you prescribe something unusual?

"Don't worry, as the saying goes, you are a late bloomer. You may also fall into this category."

Ling Yu comforted him.

"Then Ling Yu, you are a late bloomer, right? After all, you didn't even have superpowers before."

"Indeed, I am quite big."

Ling Yu groped his chin and said thoughtfully.

Yan Yiyue: "???"

"Forget it, just guarantee the bottom line. If this continues, my mentality will almost collapse."

Who can hold on to their hard-earned origin points and open up some things that can be bought in stores for ten or twenty yuan?

The fire appeared in his hand and he threw it at the remaining jars in front of him.

next second

The flames instantly covered the remaining six jars and burned them all.

Click! Click!

Amidst the sounds of shattering, a purple ball of light flew out like stars over the moon, surrounded by other balls of light.

"It's shipped!"

Seeing this, Yan Yiyue quickly held the purple ball of light.

next second

The temperature in the store suddenly rises

A delicate green fire lotus bloomed in the palm of Yan Yiyue's hand.

The fire lotus has eight leaves, and the eight green petals are as natural as perfect sapphire. At first glance, they are flawless and crystal clear.

And this exquisite appearance also attracted the attention of everyone in the store.

[Green Lotus Earth Core Fire]: This fire was born in the center of the earth. After thousands of years of tempering by the fire of the earth, it was shaped into the shape of a green lotus.

"The compatibility between you and the flame is not very good."

After staring at the green fire lotus for a while, Ling Yu spoke to Yan Yiyue.

The last one was a fire-type superpower, but now it's better, just fire out special fire.

"Is this item very powerful?"

Looking at the delicate fire lotus in her hand, Yan Yiyue asked.

"The so-called strange fire is a rare treasure bred by heaven and earth."

"There are all fires in the world, and the different fires are respected. The different fires appear, and all the fires surrender."

"In other words, when the other flames encounter the inner fire of the green lotus in your hand, they will be pulled by it like worshiping the emperor."

After doing some popular science first, Ling Yu gave some advice.

"As I said before, I advise you not to expose yourself until you have enough strength."

"I see!"

After listening to Ling Yu's introduction, Yan Yiyue also roughly understood the power of this strange fire and nodded heavily.

After all, there are too few people who can withstand temptation these days.

"That's great. My dream when I was young was to have a strange fire."

Looking at the fire lotus in the former's hand, Ling Yu admitted that he was a little envious.

Although he can make it himself, it is just like a pirated version and a genuine one. Even if your imitation is better than the genuine one, a pirated version is still a pirated version.

"Ling Yu, can't you open the jar yourself? Maybe you can do it too."

Looking at Ling Yu's appearance, Yan Yiyue was a little curious.

Speaking of which, she had never seen Ling Yu open a jar.

"My rules for opening cans are different from yours." Ling Yu waved his hand.

"Oh well."

Seeing this, she said nothing more.

End of can opening

Yan Yiyue came to the sofa and sat down, quietly admiring the delicate fire lotus in her hand.

After merging with it, she could indeed feel the power of the flame.

In order to try it out, I even borrowed a lighter from Ling Yu and witnessed with my own eyes what surrender to all fire meant.

At this time, Meijiu also placed the brewed tea in front of Yan Yiyue.


"You're welcome."


After sitting down opposite Yan Yiyue, Ling Yu picked up the kettle and poured a cup into his own cup.

"Is this my tea?"

Yan Yiyue said doubtfully.

Ling Yu glanced at her: "The store belongs to me, I can drink whatever I want."

After saying that, he picked up the tea and took a sip.

Yan Yiyue: "..."

It’s really hard to argue with.

"The space crack we were in yesterday was blocked, did you know?" Yan Yiyue said suddenly.

"After something like that happened, it would be strange not to block it."

"Did you respond to the tower's call?" Ling Yu asked.


"I was busy helping Xiaoyan save his contribution. Fortunately, I finished it yesterday, otherwise I would have had to go to the E-level space rift."

Yan Yiyue shook her head and said.

"What the hell is that tower? It suddenly fell from the sky."

"I've never encountered anything like this before."

Yan Yiyue said confused.

The space crack has been open for more than ten years, and this is the first time this has happened.

"Who knows, there's nothing you can do about it even if you think about it." Ling Yu looked out the window and said.


Yan Yiyue also nodded.

This is simply not something she can worry about.

After continuing to chat for a while, Yan Yiyue left.

"Aren't you going to tell her about the magic tower?" Luna walked over and asked.

"Telling her won't solve it, we just do what we have to do."

After drinking all the tea in the cup, Ling Yu stood up and said.

"There are new guests coming, be prepared to welcome them."


Luna said, walking quickly towards the door.

At this moment, a girl who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old appeared at the door.

She has long hair as bright as the stars and the moon.


Ling Yu, who originally just wanted to see who was coming, glanced towards the door subconsciously, but this glance made him unable to hold back at all.


He called out the name.

The girl in front of her was exactly the same as the person in her memory, both in appearance and clothing.

Luna, who was about to greet him, also paused and looked at Ling Yu in confusion.



The girl holding an ordinary standard spear at the door heard someone calling her name and looked towards Ling Yu.

The unfamiliar face made her look confused.

She opened her lips lightly and said in a gentle voice: "Hello, do you know me?"

"Also, where is this place?"

Ling Yu came back to his senses, noticed the girl's confused gaze, and invited her: "Come in first."

After hearing this, the girl who was already confused thought she could ask Ling Yu for information about this place, so she walked into the store.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Ling Yu. I am the owner of the Dimension Shop. Welcome, Cecilia Shaniat."

After hearing the other party say her last name, Cecilia's pupils shrank and she subconsciously clenched the black standard spear in her hand.

But then I thought about it, the other party already knew his name, and his last name must have been known to him for a long time.

"Relax, no one here has any ill intentions towards you."

"This is a transfer station for dimensions. Not everyone can get here."

"It's fate that you are here."

"Looking at you, you must have been through a battle. Come and sit down first."

Ling Yu pointed to the sofa opposite him and extended an invitation to Cecilia.


After a moment of silence, Cecilia walked over.

Ling Yu made a cup of tea for her.

"Warm your stomach first, the cold air is about to enter your lungs."


Staring at the tea in front of her, Cecilia thanked her but did not drink it.

"Don't be so nervous."

"If it really goes against you, you have no chance to resist."

Ling Yu snapped his fingers into the void.

next second

The black ordinary standard spear in her hand appeared in Ling Yu's hand.

Cecilia: "!!!"

Even the bishop would find it difficult to snatch the weapon from her hand. This person just snapped his fingers...

"I see."

Cecilia understood her situation, and she took the initiative to drink the cup of tea that Ling Yu brewed for her.

"If you have any requests, just ask, and please don't hurt other people!"

Ling Yu: "???"

Listening to Cecilia's words, Ling Yu was stunned.

Did she...think of him as a terrorist?

"Do I look like a villain?" Ling Yu looked at Luna and asked.

Luna scratched her cheek, her eyes wandering: "It's not so much like it, it's better to say it is, hey."

Ling Yu: "..."

"Salary deduction."

After staring at her for a long time, Ling Yu suddenly turned his head after leaving three words.

"Hey! Wait, wait, shopkeeper, you are not a villain, you are a decent person! You are the most righteous existence in my heart, yes! Those who exercise justice, shopkeeper, you are the just person!"

When she heard that her salary would be deducted, Luna lost her composure and said hurriedly.

"The righteous people are here, I'll just throw you to Mondstadt."

Ling Yu was speechless.

Opposite, Cecilia looked blankly at the two noisy people opposite.

For some reason, there is a warm feeling.

This was something she had never experienced before.

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