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Chapter 62: The Hateful Amber Sky vs. the Demonized Douya King

Wuhan's face looked quite bad after he recovered.

If he hadn't had enough heart and brains, he would have passed away just now.

Seeing the dragon flying to Ling Yu's side like a pet and being caressed by him, Wu Mei recalled the fear of being dominated by Jiguo Yuanyi.

Ever since he experienced the battle with Ji Kunoyuan, he has continued to make himself more perfect, so he now has a body with seven hearts and five brains.

Even if the body is cut into pieces, it can be easily and completely restored.

But the man in front of him made him feel death again!

"I think we can talk."

Wuhan forced himself to calm down, and an ugly smile appeared on his face.

Infinite City is Naru's vampire technique. No one else except Naru can master it, not even him.

Unfortunately, Naru-nu is still missing.

The current situation makes him very passive.

Failure to find Naruko means that he cannot leave the Infinite City, and once he is trapped in the Infinite City, he will be a trapped beast!

Nor can the body be dispersed and escape.

Ling Yu's previous energy that could easily swallow cells made him extremely afraid.


After hearing Wu Kuan's words, Ling Yu showed an interested expression and even touched the hand of Shadow Flame Dragon.

"What kind of leverage do you think you have to talk to me?"

"Infinite life!"

Wuxian said immediately.

"As long as you are willing, I can let you have unlimited time!"

"Human beings have their limits after all, but ghosts are different."

"As long as you become a ghost, there will be endless time for you to continue to become stronger and make breakthroughs!"

As he said that, Wu Mei's face showed a look of madness.

As strong as Jiguo Yuanyi, wouldn't he die of old age in the end?

As long as you are human, you will fear death.

This was the bait he used to lure Hei Death Mo into becoming a ghost in the first place.

If you want to become stronger, you need enough time. Obviously, Hei Shimo accepted it.

Faced with the fear that if he turned on his markings, he would not live past the age of 25, Hei Shimo chose not to be a human being.

"I think you must have misunderstood."

Ling Yu's calm voice came from the other side, making Zheng Zheng furious.

Immediately afterwards, Wuxian heard words that stunned him.

The corner of Ling Yu's mouth curled up: "I didn't say I was human."

From the moment he possessed the core of the Herrscher, he was no longer a human being!


Wuhan was stunned when he heard Ling Yu's words.

But before he could react.


A huge explosion suddenly sounded, which made Wuhan subconsciously move his eyes away.

Five huge wooden dragons were seen rising into the sky, and they were crisscrossing the crowd of demons and demon slayers.

Crush a large number of ghosts and humans to death.

Facing the sudden appearance of the wooden dragon, everyone was confused for a moment.

Because the wooden dragon is really too big.

In this era of bungalows everywhere, a skink over fifty meters high would still have a huge impact on the Demon Slayer Team.

"Why bully the weak!"

A majestic voice sounded.

The members of the Demon Slayer Squad were stunned when they saw a man wearing golden armor, with five taiko drums with the word "hate" on his back, and an "S" shaped drum stick in both hands, standing on top of the wooden dragon, overlooking Attracting everyone.

Hate Botian, he is one of the clones of Shangxianzhisi Half-Tengu.

He possesses extremely powerful power, and this wooden skink is his masterpiece.

"so big!"

Luna, who was holding two guns, was also shocked when she saw the rising wooden dragons.

This was the first time she had seen such a huge wood-type ‘magic’.

The five-headed wooden dragon raised its winding and huge body. Compared with it, humans looked like ants.

"Oh, my subordinates are not as weak as you think."

Seeing the appearance of Hate Potian, Wu Ke regained a little confidence.

After all, humans are weak and fragile beings.

Even if you train your body to the extreme, it will not change the fact that your body is fragile.

In front of such a huge wooden dragon, everyone in the Demon Slayer Corps is just a little harder glass.

It breaks when touched!

"This thing looks really like Mu Dun."

Ling Yu said while looking at the five skinks.

I’ve felt this since I watched anime before.

It's a pity that there won't be thousands of hands, otherwise the power can be even higher.

Hate Potian controlled the huge skink to take off, and the power of changing the terrain directly disrupted the formation of the Demon Slayer Team.

Even if the pillars tried their best to cut off the attack, it was inevitable that a large number of Demon Slayer members would die under the attack.

What's more, there's more than just one winding here.


Suddenly, amid a cry of surprise, Jianzi was lifted up into the sky by the wooden dragon.

After flying into the sky, Miko looked at the huge wooden dragon below and felt that her mind was blank.

But just when she was about to fall due to weightlessness, a dark figure suddenly hugged her.

"Who are you?"

Jianzi looked at the fox-like blue figure in surprise.


The figure did not speak, but carried Miko to a safe place and put her down.

After taking one look at Mianzi, he disappeared into Mianzi's shadow.

"Is it the shopkeeper?"

Miko looked at his dark shadow and murmured.

In her knowledge, only Ling Yu can control these magical creatures.

"You are all going to die!"

Standing on top of the wooden dragon, Sen Botian glanced at Hantengu, who was shivering in the trees, and roared at everyone.

‘Boom! ’

He used the drumstick in his hand to hit the drum behind him, and the drum made a buzzing sound.

The next moment, the five skinks flew into the air under his control and opened their mouths to the Demon Slayers below.

Blue lightning gathered in their mouths.

“Everyone, pay attention to retreat!”

Giyu Tomioka saw this scene and immediately realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted to everyone.

After hearing the words of the water column, the members of the Demon Slayers had no time to think about it, and immediately dropped the battle in their hands and began to look for cover.

“Too late!”

Looking at the humans fleeing everywhere below, Sen Botian snorted coldly.

“Repent under the lightning!”


The vibration sounded, and just when the skinks were about to launch the ‘Thunder Kill’, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from the sky.


With a loud bang, a giant white dog demon rushed down from the air.

In the shocked eyes of Zeng Botian, he crushed his skink with one foot!

In an instant, the earth shook.

Everyone's lower body was unstable and fell to the ground.


Zeng Botian was stunned, but looking at the body in front of him that was as big as a mountain, his eyes showed solemnity.

"Uncle Dou Ya Wang?"

As the dog demon as bright as the bright moon came, Jianzi was stunned.

Having watched "Inuyasha", she naturally saw the true face of the dog demon.

In front of her was Dou Ya Wang's demonized form, or the original body.

"Leave this guy to me!"

The demonized Dou Ya Wang grinned at the horrified Demon Slayers.

This scene made the Demon Slayers confused.

When did such a huge dog appear in the world, and it has two tails!

Is it the secret weapon raised by the lord?

"Hey, hey, hey, isn't this kind of battle a bit too unreasonable!?"

The Sound Pillar Uzui Tengen, who stood up from the ruins, felt that the scene in front of him was extremely absurd.

It was as if a creature from mythology had descended into reality.

I originally thought that the stone dragon of the Apokalypse was big enough, but now Touga's body, which was comparable to a mountain, was even heavier.

"Could it be the dog god in mythology?" Uzui Tengen thought in a daze.

He, who didn't believe in God, was about to collapse.

"What a big dog!"

Unlike Uzui Tengen, Kanroji Mitsuri's eyes were full of little stars.

The snow-white hair and the majestic figure.

She liked everything so much!


Kanroji Mitsuri's words were said excitedly, so the voice was not loud.

Almost everyone in the Demon Slayer Corps heard it.

And for Touga, who had a keen hearing, this was no less than shouting in his ear.

His dog face couldn't help but cross.

He looked deeply at the pink-haired girl.

He decided to help her distinguish between dogs and canines after the battle was over!

"Do you think you can stop me like this? Naive!"

At this time, Zeng Botian also reacted from his surprise.

Although the appearance of Dou Ya Wang was indeed shocking to him, he also had enough confidence in his own strength.

After a cold snort, Zeng Botian began to beat the drum with both hands.

As the drumsticks continued to beat, countless wooden dragons rose from the ground.

"Blood Demon Art·Uninterrupted Karma Tree!"

The cold voice echoed in the Infinite City.

The next second, these wooden dragons, under the control of Zeng Botian, all rushed towards Dou Ya Wang.

He wanted to shred this huge white dog that came from nowhere into pieces!

"Die, white dog!"

"It's a dog, bastard!"

Dou Ya Wang roared and pounced on the stone dragons.

Blood Demon Art·Uninterrupted Karma Tree is a terrible move of uninterrupted impact, which is equivalent to a weakened version of the uninterrupted bombardment of Zhen Qianqian Hands.

But the Toga King in front of him was also a rare monster!

He was surrounded by a terrifying gust of wind.

The wooden dragon was torn into pieces by the gust of wind just after contact.


Seeing his attacks being destroyed, Zeng Botian's brows gradually frowned.

The hand that hit the drum surface was getting faster and faster.

'Where did that white dog come from? '

Seeing Toga King's appearance, Muzan was shocked in the distance.

He had traveled for thousands of years and had never seen such a creature.

Then, he saw Kokushibo nailed to the ground by a huge nail in the distance.

And Toga King, who had fought with him before, was nowhere to be found.

"Wait, could it be that."

Suddenly, an absurd idea appeared in Muzan's mind.

Was that dog demon the one who fought Kokushibo before?

Looking at it this way, the smell of the two is indeed very similar, and because of the wind, he can also smell it here!

"What are you looking at? The battle here is not over yet."

Just when Wuzan was lost in thought, a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

The next second, Wuzan's neck was cut, and his head fell to the ground and turned into ashes.

The headless corpse in front of Ling Yu quickly retreated. After pulling away from Ling Yu, Wuzan's neck moved and his head grew back.

It's just that he looked a little pale.

"You don't look too good."

Looking at Wuzan's distorted expression, Ling Yu teased.

Wuzan gritted his teeth.

After falling twice in a row, it would be strange if his face was good.

And the other party's attitude made him even more angry.

He looked calm and as if he could kill him at any time.

This feeling of humiliation was the first time that Muzan experienced it.

Even the former Jigoku Yoshiichi did not dare to underestimate him!

"I will kill you!"

Nine blood vessels protruded from his back, and Muzan completely activated his ghost king form.

"It doesn't look like it will end so soon over there."

Ling Yu glanced at Douya Wang who was fighting with the hateful amber sky blood ghost art, and finally set his sights on Muzan.


"I'll ask you to help me kill my boring time."


Muzan snorted coldly.

'Bang! '

The air exploded, accompanied by a terrifying sonic boom, and Muzan attacked Ling Yu recklessly.

Now he has no way to retreat.

In this case, why not give it a try!

He stretched out one hand, like an eagle's claw, and reached towards Ling Yu's chest.

He wanted to crush this human's heart!

But the next second, Muzan's hand actually went straight through Ling Yu's chest.

But there was no joy on Muzan's face, because he didn't feel a piercing touch on his hand.

It was as if his hand hit the air.

This made Muzan's pupils shrink suddenly, just when he wanted to withdraw.

'Puff! '

Accompanied by the sound of penetration, Ling Yu's hand pierced through Muzan's chest.

But compared to Muzan's lonely piercing, Ling Yu really pierced through his heart in his chest.


Pain came, Muzan wanted to break free, but saw the corner of the person in front of him with a devil-like smile.

"Don't leave in a hurry, I still have a lot of heartfelt words to talk to you."

"Ghost King, Muzan Kibutsuji."

"Go to hell!"

In Muzan's shocked and angry voice, the nine blood vessels behind him turned into sharp blades and chopped towards Ling Yu's head!

The damage of one heart is naturally no big deal for Muzan who has seven hearts.

But he dared not have too much contact with Ling Yu.

Once he was eroded by the mysterious energy (Honkai energy) before, it would be really over!

But the next second, the madness on Muzan's face froze.

It was because the blood whip he used for attack was caught by two huge mechanical arms.

A dark purple light lit up behind Ling Yu.

The two blood-red mechanical arms began to exert force outward.

With a "swish", the nine blood whips connected to Muzan's back were directly pulled out!

The severe pain almost made him scream.

Enduring the pain of his heart and lungs being torn, Muzan forcibly broke free from Ling Yu's hand that pierced his chest.

But the next second, his body was hugged by Ling Yu's mechanical arms floating on both sides.

While lifting it high, it slammed heavily towards the ground.


The powerful impact directly cracked the ground, and gravel flew everywhere.


Muzan's eyes rolled back, and he was dizzy after being thrown by Ling Yu.

Then the huge mechanical arm clenched its fist and shouted "Ula Ula Ula" to the fallen Muzan.

The blood and flesh were all over the place, but Muzan was resurrected with his powerful regeneration.

In this way, Muzan died and was reborn, and was reborn and died again.

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