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Chapter 61: Imaginary Slash

"What a strange ability this is."

Wu Ke was also puzzled at this moment.

Where does this kind of power, which is not a vampire technique and is completely impossible to be possessed by humans, come from.


As the explosion sounded, five huge holes appeared in the middle of the evil ghost.

Dozens of evil ghosts died under the five wind blades.

Wu Kuai was stunned when he saw a little girl with unknown white armor on her hands waving her arms towards the evil spirits.

But the wind blade swung out by the arm can easily tear the ghosts into pieces.

Although Wu Kuan doesn't care about these low-grade ghosts, he even hates them.

But seeing such a carnage, he still felt ashamed.

In his mind, ghosts are the evolution of human beings.

But what does that count now?

"How long do you want to play? Hurry up and kill them!"

Wu Mei's angry voice sounded in Infinite City.

In an instant, the twelve ghost moons that were originally fighting against the pillars were shaken.

Then he started attacking like crazy.

He quickly broke through the siege of the Demon Slayer Squad and headed towards Miku and Miku, who was in the middle of the Pojun Diva.

But just when the other party was about to approach Meijiu for more than fifty meters, a voice suddenly sounded.



A violent tornado roared out.

In an instant, he minced several waning ghost moons into minced meat.

Because ghosts turn into ashes after death, there is no sight of flesh and blood flying everywhere.

Wu Kai looked quickly.

I saw that the attack was coming from the man who fought with Hei Shimo before.

"Looks like we've caught up."

King Douya smiled.

"King Douya, you have taken away all my origin points!"

Luna's voice suddenly sounded, and she looked at King Douya angrily.


King Douya smiled apologetically and turned around again.

Hei Shimo, who had been blasted away by his sword before, also rejoined the battlefield.

It's rare to meet a good human swordsman, how about a few tricks?

"It seems like everyone is getting used to it."

Ling Yu looked at Miko who was attacking in an orderly manner, Miku assisted by the Angel of Sound, Luna the archer, Tanjiro who was gradually adapting to the Breath of the Sun, and King Douga who looked happy.

Almost all of the Twelve Ghost Moons were killed by Bakuro just now.

Now, except for Black Death Mou, several of the top strings are being restrained by the pillars.

"The welfare period is almost over."

Ling Yu looked at Ghost King Wuhan.



Esther held Ling Yu's hand.

Under the bright white light, a platinum holy sword appeared in Ling Yu's hand.

The next second, the originally platinum holy sword lit up with a dark golden light. This was because Ling Yu had added imaginary powers to it.

Therefore, the current Demon-Destroying Holy Sword can, in a sense, cut through space and dimensions!

The power of [Strong Wind] was activated, and Ling Yu's figure disappeared from the place as the breeze blew.


Sensing something was wrong, Wuhan turned around and saw a big hand reaching out and grabbing his head.

The next second.

Wu Ke was thrown away by Ling Yu holding his head.


With endless crashing sounds, a house in Infinite City began to collapse one after another!

"Lord Wuhan!?"

The ghosts were shocked when they heard the noise.

Among them, the fallen princess who was fighting against Mitsuri Kanroji was even more panicked.

"Watching the game and actively participating are indeed two different feelings!"

Looking at the dusty area in front of him, Ling Yu flicked the sword flower.

Holding the sword in one hand, facing forward, he slashed with one sword!

The next second, a crescent-shaped dark golden imaginary sword energy was slashed out by Ling Yu.

All the dust from the sword energy that came into contact was swallowed into the imaginary space.

Wherever it passes, it leaves behind a complete section that has been cut off in a spatial sense.


At a step hundreds of meters away, Wuhan looked at his empty right shoulder, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

His right arm and the house on the right were cut off by Ling Yu's sword energy.

"What kind of power is this? My body is gradually collapsing!"

Wuxian didn't know or understand, but he could indeed feel a very terrifying energy constantly eroding him.

The eroded cells are directly turned into ashes.

If it hadn't stimulated the cells to regenerate infinitely, they would have been killed by that energy in an instant.

It wasn't until the pieces of meat with remaining Honkai energy were cut off that Wuhan breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the pieces of meat that instantly turned to ashes on the ground, he felt a sense of fear that he hadn't seen in a long time.

That power can kill him!

Faster than the efficiency of sunlight!

"Damn it!"

"How can there be monsters in the world?"

"It turns out you're not dead. I saw you hadn't made any movement, so I thought you were dead."

Just when Wu Kuan raised his head to look at where Ling Yu was before, a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Like a devil's whisper, Wu Mei's pupils suddenly shrank.

'How can it be! ’

'When did he come behind me? ! ’

Wuhan was kneeling on the ground, sweat dripping from his forehead, and his brain was running wildly.

But there was no time for him to think too much.

He slammed his hands toward the ground.

In an instant, countless black thorns rushed out from the ground and strangled Ling Yu, while Wu Mei rushed forward without looking back.

He wants to distance himself from this monster!

"Don't bring out such boring attacks."

Ling Yu grabbed the thorn that came from him.

A golden light shone between the palms, and with the sound of evaporation, the thorns withered.

"who are you!"

Wuhan, who was more than ten meters away from Ling Yu, asked. At this moment, his right arm had completed regeneration.

But his face looked very ugly.

"I think you should think about how to escape now." Ling Yu showed a mysterious smile.


Wu Kai was stunned.

The next second, the shadow under his feet suddenly burst out.


Amidst the roar of the dragon, a ferocious giant mouth opened from under Wu Kuan's body, biting off Wu Kuan's arms and head in one bite.


In the strong wind, Ling Yu's subordinate Shadow Flame Dragon rushed out of the shadow, flying in the sky with its headless body.

The appearance of Gu Long instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.


Both ghosts and humans are confused.

This is a fantastic creature that has never been seen before.

"They are the shopkeeper's relatives!"

Jianzi said in surprise.

"Can you even control a dragon?"

"It's really a monster more terrifying than Wuhan."

Snake column sweated on his forehead when he heard Mianzi's voice.

"So handsome!"

However, Mitsuri Kanroji has a different view.

If she could ride this dragon and fly freely in the sky, she would do anything!


The sword blade pierced Wu Mei's head that fell to the ground. Under the erosion of Honkai energy, the head easily turned into ashes.

"Stop playing, that's my prey."

Ling Yu looked at the shadow flame dragon flying in the sky and said calmly.

In an instant, the flying ancient dragon spat out the body that was in its mouth.

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