This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 209 The Destruction of Cuckold

Let’s not talk about Luna who was doing her own strategy here, Ling Yu had already sat in the armored car.

After a quick look, he found that the facilities inside were quite complete, but the space was a bit crowded.

If Aponya came to the driver’s seat, he should be able to feed the steering wheel directly.

“Just follow this road and you will arrive.”

Luna, who came to the co-pilot seat, pointed to the road outside the glass and said.

“Got it.”

“Owner, what are you going to do with her?”

Luna looked at Lelai who was sleeping in the back seat and asked.

The little girl was completely scared and fainted. Just in case, Luna woke her up and knocked her out with a stick, and then dragged her into the car with confidence.

“She is also one of the people who attacked you. I am only responsible for helping you get back your place. You can handle the rest yourself.”

Ling Yu said as he started the car.

Luna curled her lips in disdain after hearing this.

Let her handle it?

Who would believe it?

You killed all those men and left this female magician. She wouldn’t believe you if you said you had no ideas.

However, Ling Yu really had no idea.

Recently, Mijiu and Jianzi didn't know what was wrong. They didn't allow him to sleep unless he was exhausted.

Once, he didn't sleep all night.

So Ling Yu has no interest in looking at women now.

Can't get up, really can't get up!

As the car drove, the two soon saw a medieval European city wall, on which many soldiers were standing guard and patrolling.

Of course, there were also cuckolds mixed in.

"Shopkeeper, it's here!"

Luna pointed at the city wall and said excitedly.

She was defeated in this city, so she has a special obsession.

Ling Yu nodded, stopped the car, opened the door and got out.

The opposite side also found them.

After all, this dark green armored vehicle is still very conspicuous in this medieval world.

"Who is he? Isn't that the car of Ito's team?"

On the city wall, a cuckold looked at Ling Yu who got off the car with a telescope and asked in confusion.

And this clothing is obviously modern.

But the entrance to the two worlds is now controlled by the higher-ups, and no one except the cuckold can come to this world.

Then, the cuckold saw Ling Yu take out a light blue long sword from nowhere and put it in front of him.

"Spirit of truth and judgment, I command you to entangle and live in my body, and turn my body into a huge demon!"

As Ling Yu's voice fell, the eight stars in the center of the Ruoshui Sword lit up.

Then, a miniature airflow appeared at Ling Yu's feet.


As the real name of the demon god was spoken, a terrifying aura spread in all directions.

The strong wind instantly formed a tornado that wrapped Ling Yu, and when he appeared again, he had become a brand new look.

Ling Yu wore very little under the full magic suit, but his figure was great.

This was also a small benefit after transforming into a magic suit.

"Shop, shop owner?"

Luna looked at Ling Yu, whose appearance had changed drastically, in surprise.

If it weren't for that face, she would have thought she had made a mistake.

"Don't look at him stupidly, stay aside." Ling Yu waved his hand and said.

Luna reacted immediately after hearing this, nodded her head and left quickly.

As the saying goes, when gods fight, mortals suffer, and she is now that mortal.

After Ling Yu turned into a demon god, the Ruoshui Sword, which was the host of the demon god, naturally turned into a weapon in the form of a demon god - the sickle of judgment!

The green hat on the city wall was stunned.

At the same time

The death loli Mercury, who was sitting in the city, suddenly opened her eyes at the moment when Ling Yu turned into a demon god, and her eyes were full of madness.

"I feel the breath of death!"

She picked up her axe gun, jumped up, and quickly came to the city wall.

As an apostle of the god of death and war, she is a sub-god in this world.

She has the ability of immortality and is also one of the top combat forces in this world.

When she saw Ling Yu in full magic clothes, Mercury seemed to have seen some treasure, and she licked her tempting red lips while excited.

"This person is mine!"

After saying that, he jumped up without paying attention to the people around him, and the whole person was like a comet, crossing a distance of thousands of meters and smashing towards Ling Yu.


Luna, who felt the direction of the wind speed, shouted loudly.

Luna didn't need to remind him, Ling Yu felt someone approaching.

His eyes moved slightly upward, and he gently waved the silver sickle in his hand, blocking the diagonal space above.


The heavy impact sounded a harsh sound wave, spreading around.

As the strong wind spread, a small black figure appeared diagonally above Ling Yu.

Death Lolita widened her eyes, as if she was surprised that Ling Yu could block her attack.

Even if she didn't use all her strength, this attack was not weak due to the blessing of falling from a high altitude.

Even the scales of a dragon would be chopped off, but the opponent actually blocked it with one hand.

In other words, the person in front of him has a physique comparable to that of a dragon!

Thinking of this, an amazing light burst out from the pupils of Death Lolita.

As a priest of the God of Death, she longed for fighting and killing, but she also knew right from wrong. She killed those robbers who burned, killed and looted, so she was often, um, dissatisfied with Yuqiu?

But at this moment, the Death Lolita had a feeling that Ling Yu could fill this gap!

The look in Death Lolita's eyes made Ling Yu feel uncomfortable, as if he was being stared at by something unclean.

Lolita, Ling Yu doesn’t say he hopes, at least the more the better.

But Ling Yu really doesn't like this death lolita, she always has an aunty vibe.

Maybe Brother Meng De should like it.

The slate of divine power emerges behind him, and the powers of camels and bulls are superimposed.

The superposition of the two powers caused Ling Yu's body to increase in all directions.

With a little force of hand, the death loli was pushed out.

"Beliar's cut!"

Looking at the dead Lolita who landed smoothly, Ling Yu waved the Sinking Sickle in his hand, and a sickle of wind was swung out.

Death Loli smiled confidently, she could easily block this attack.

However, just when she wanted to take a step, her brain issued a warning.

This long-lost sense of crisis made Death Loli look solemn and she subconsciously avoided the attack.

The sickle wind wielded by Ling Yu cut an unusual groove in the ground.


Looking at Lolita, the God of Death, who chose to avoid the fight instead of forcefully attacking her, Ling Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Is this a flaw?

at the same time

Death God Loli stared at the sickle on the ground for a long time, but couldn't see anything wrong.

She could easily take an attack of this level.

But why did she subconsciously feel that she had to avoid this attack?

Not understanding, she turned her gaze to Ling Yu.

Speaking of which, the makeup of the person in front of me was also different from everyone else I had seen.

There is a very special aura exuding from all over the body, and the pair of demon flesh wings on the back are even more ominous.

Belial is the demon god of truth and guilt. Its ability is life magic that manipulates perception. Its specific function is to make living beings experience non-existent hallucinations, and it also has the application effect of rewriting other people's memories.

To put it simply, if you are struck by a sickle, although your body will not be damaged, it will be like having your soul cut off, your legs will be paralyzed and you will be unable to move.

This is the horror of Beliyar. It may not be useful against some natural disasters, but it is a first-class killer weapon for conscious creatures!

After all, if you don't have any feeling in your limbs, what's the difference between you and a cripple?

People in this world obviously don't know this, so Ling Yu was surprised that Death Loli deliberately avoided his attack.

"You were so powerful when you came here, why have you shriveled up now?" Ling Yu said with a smile as he looked at the Death Lolita.

"Although I don't know what's weird about your attack, I won't let you succeed."

Death Loli smiled charmingly and swung several pink slashes at Ling Yu.

Ling Yu did not avoid this, and crushed the slash with one hand.

Then he saw the Death Loli leaping high, holding a huge ax gun in both hands, and struck hard at Ling Yu!

There is a kind of overwhelming momentum.

Looking at the approaching Death Loli, Ling Yu's eyes narrowed slightly.

Logically speaking, this distance cannot be avoided, but...

The corner of his mouth curled up, and the phantom of [Phoenix] flashed past behind him.

The next second, Ling Yu's figure appeared directly behind Death Loli.

Its speed is so fast that it is impossible to react.


Death Loli was shocked.

He quickly looked behind him, but it was too late.

‘Swish, swish, swish’.

Belial's Sinking Scythe directly cut Death Loli's arms and thighs.

For a moment, Death Loli felt the sensation in her arms and thighs disappear.

In a 'Huh? ’, falling directly downwards.

No matter how much she struggled during this period, her arms and thighs seemed to disappear and she couldn't feel them at all.

In the end, there was a 'bang' sound and he fell heavily to the ground. If it weren't for his strong body, an ordinary person would have died long ago at this height.

"what did you do to me?"

In the small pit, Death Loli looked at Ling Yu who was gradually falling from the sky and asked.

She wasn't afraid.

Because she was originally the messenger of death, even if she died, she would only return to the embrace of God.

On the contrary, she felt very strange about this feeling.

This was the first time since she became a priest that she was crushed unilaterally.

"It just cut off your consciousness."

"Don't worry, I just want you to lie in bed for the rest of your life." Ling Yu said with a smile.

Death Loli was thoughtful and had no need to doubt Ling Yu's words.

Because she really couldn't feel her limbs, but her limbs were clearly there...

At this moment, Luna, who had been hiding in the distance, saw Ling Yu finishing off the enemy. She accelerated her magic and flashed directly to Ling Yu's side.

His eyes lit up when he saw the ax gun on the ground, and he immediately started picking it up.

This is the origin point, it must not be wasted!

In the past, she didn't dare to touch the priest's brow, but now, she also has someone to back her up!

So, Luna happily put the ax gun into the card in front of Death Loli.

"Am I always going to be like this?"

Death Loli was a little angry that her ax was taken away, but she still looked at Ling Yu and asked.

"Of course, you just lie down and die like this for the rest of your life!"

Luna said with a fierce expression of anger.

Yesterday, this guy had the most fun chopping down his own shadow soldiers. If she hadn't run so fast, she might have been chopped down too.

Death Loli didn't speak, but looked at Ling Yu quietly.

Ling Yu was too lazy to respond and harvested her with a sickle.

"Take her, she's a good fighting force for you." Ling Yu said to Luna.


Luna nodded quickly, and then pretended to be serious and shouted to the corpse of the death loli: "Stand up!"

Instantly, a dark figure stood up from the corpse on the ground.

The death loli, who turned into a shadow soldier, knelt on one knee respectfully in front of Luna.

With this, the sub-god priest completely became Luna's soldier.

"Here you go!"

Luna excitedly returned the axe gun to the death god loli.

Compared with the origin point, she still felt that it would be more dignified to let the death god priest be her subordinate.

"The trouble has been solved, then next..."

Ling Yu set his sights on the city.

At this moment, the cuckolds on the city wall had already set up machine guns and artillery shells, aiming at Ling Yu and Luna.

At the moment when the death loli was defeated, their vigilance was raised to the highest level.

Ling Yu had no good feelings towards cuckolds.

As for this so-called empire?

It was none of his business.

"Great magic!"

He flew to the middle of the air, waved his hand, and a huge Bafang Star magic circle opened behind Ling Yu.

The ferocious bone dragon appeared behind Ling Yu like a vine.

It was like a guard dog of hell, coveting the souls of the living, and Ling Yu was like the god of death who harvested life.

"The spirit of truth and judgment, I command you to concentrate your strength and bring a grand void to the earth!"

"The Roar of the Dead!"

As the calm voice fell, Ling Yu held the sickle and gently waved it at the city in front.

The next second

An invisible wave of air swept out and swept across the entire city in an instant.

In an instant, the originally bustling city suddenly became quiet, like a dead city.

Although they were not dead, their spirits were completely stripped away, and they became a vegetative existence.

It's just that although they are still alive, their five senses are sealed, and they will die physically after a long time.

"Okay, I've avenged you." Ling Yu, who had taken off his magic suit, said to Luna.

"Ah? Already done?"

Luna said in disbelief.

The shop owner just stood in the air and swung a knife, and all the people in the city died?

"Go by yourself next, I have somewhere to go."

"Okay, okay."

Luna nodded blankly.

Just like that, Ling Yu left Luna alone.

And Luna glanced at the death loli next to her, and her heart was relieved immediately.

Although the shop owner left, she was not without the ability to protect herself.

I just don't know where the shop owner is going. Is he looking for those cuckolds?

With doubts, Luna took the death loli towards the city. She wanted all the weapons and good things in the treasure house!

At the same time

At the entrance through the door

"What did you say, lost contact?"

"All the stationed teams lost contact?"

A cuckold who seemed to be of a high level roared at his men.

Everyone was trembling with fear.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the contact with the team had been completely cut off since just now.

In the imaginary space

Ling Yu looked at the tanks and military camps arranged in front of the crossing gate, and showed a thoughtful look.

"How should we fight?"

"Forget it, just burn all these pests with fire."

Ling Yu said, and an orange sword appeared in his hand.

Skyfire Sword!

It's not that Ling Yu didn't want to use Jiemie.

This is Luna's home after all, and you can't go too far. It would be bad if the whole planet was blown up.

In the imaginary space

Ling Yu held the Skyfire Sword with both hands and raised the sword high at the military camp below.


A light shout fell, and Ling Yu swung the sword.

Instantly, a huge imaginary space opened in the real world.

The flames were like the skyfire of Somalia, pouring down from the imaginary space!

With a 'boom', the whole camp was affected.

The cuckolds were burned to ashes by the flames before they could react.

Some cuckolds who were not in the tents looked at the sea of ​​fire, their eyes were dazed.

It was as if they saw a nuclear explosion that only their grandfathers could see.

But today, they not only saw it, but also experienced it in person.

The ruthless flames devoured everything.

The weapons and ammunition of the cuckolds in the camp turned into help, adding a little more strength to the destruction of the cuckolds.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The explosions continued to sound on this plain, and the vibrations could be felt even by Luna, who was thousands of miles away.

However, no matter how big the fire was, it could not wash away their sins.

"Should we play a song of good luck at this time?"

Looking at the scene below that was already like purgatory, Ling Yu not only felt no burden in his heart, but also a little regretful.

He was still too kind! (End of this chapter)

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