This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 208 Luna: Wow, shop owner, I got beaten.

"We've been out too much lately, I think we should take a break," Fia said.

"So that's it. Of course there's no problem. I'll do whatever Feia wants to do with you."

Qiong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face again.

It doesn't matter if you're tired, as long as you don't hate her.

"Thank you, Qiong, you are my best friend." Feiya's voice was soft.

But this made Qiong, who was still smiling, suddenly look a little unnatural.

Looking at Feiya's back, Qiong bit her lip lightly.

What she wants is not just friends, but a relationship beyond that!

That night, although Kasugano Qiong still shared the same bed with Feiya, she had trouble falling asleep, so that she had a dark circle under her eyes the next day.


Ling Yu, who had been exercising all night, yawned and came to sit down at the table.

After a few days of getting along with him, he clearly understood one thing.

There is no plowed land, only cows killed by plowing!

Here, as soon as Ling Yu sat down, Feiya trotted over, serving tea and water, which confused Ling Yu.

It seems to have been a long time ago since the last time Feiya was like this...

Glancing at Qiong who was being left aside, Ling Yu asked softly: "Feiya, are you still going out to play with Qiong today?"

'coming! ’

After hearing this, Feiya suddenly became nervous.

This is what her brother is trying to say to her!

Feiya, whose heart is now fixed on Ling Yu, said without hesitation: "I won't go, I will spend time with my brother from now on!"

Feiya's words stunned Ling Yu and subconsciously looked at Qiong.

I saw the latter looking equally confused.

This made Ling Yu confused. What could change a lesbian? Is it true love?

"Brother, don't worry, Sister Feiya will never leave you alone again."

At this time, Xilin, who was nestled in Ling Yu's arms, raised her head and said, her golden eyes full of smiles.

When Ling Yu heard this, he understood everything instantly.

The feeling is because of you!

Although I don't know what method Xilin used, but... Ling Yu cast a look of pity on the confused Qiong next to him.

What a miserable little loli.

After working hard for so long, my house was robbed overnight.

But Ling Yu was happy with this kind of thing, after all, it was not good for his little sister to always pin her heart on others.

He picked up Xilin and kissed her fiercely, making her little white face covered with saliva.

She is indeed his good sister!

And Xilin didn't dislike it and kissed them one by one.

What a brother and sister.


Dimensional store

"Ci Lin, starting from today, my sister will tutor you in math."

Looking at Xilin sitting in front of him, Mianzi took out the textbook with a complicated expression.

Originally this reason was used to fool her mother and brother, but she didn't expect that she actually became a tutor now.

It feels like shooting yourself in the foot.

Letting Jianzi teach was the result of Ling Yu's discussion with her last night.

Not only because of the unique blessing of the islanders teaching ‘liquid’, but also because Mianzi himself is a student.

Students understand students best.

How to study without getting tired and to relax whenever you can.

As for why it is mathematics, it is because if Xilin wants to use her powers skillfully, she needs a certain amount of thinking and logical space.

Mathematics is what helps her expand the most.

"Okay, sister Jianzi."

Xilin straightened her posture and looked like she was listening carefully.

She is not against learning. On the contrary, in Xilin's view, learning used to be a privilege only for those noble children. It is a great blessing for her to enjoy this treatment now.

Ling Yu is very open to Xilin's education. His main teaching concept is two words: be cautious!

In addition to being cautious, be extremely cautious!

As we all know, the biggest shortcoming of Xilin is that it is easy to expand. Apart from this, the other places are simply full of moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor development.


Soon, Jianzi's classes began, and Ling Yu was not in a hurry to start business.

I've made a little money recently, so I don't have to be as busy as when I first started.

Isn't the life of a salted fish just a life?

Sitting on the sofa, holding a little loli in each hand.

Wouldn’t it be nice to eat snacks with them and watch videos at the same time? Why are you so tired?

Xilin is studying, and the only ones Ling Yu can hold are Esther and Feiya.

In addition, Feiya wanted to get close to Ling Yu, so Qiong could only watch helplessly.

Just when everything is moving in a warm and harmonious direction, some people always show up presumptuously.


"Water~Give me water~"

Along with the sound of pushing the door, a weak voice came.

I saw Luna walking in from the door with a tired look on her face, her steps staggering as if she might fall down at any moment.

She stretched out her hand towards Miku and made a hoarse sound.


Looking at Luna who looked like she had returned from an escape, Miku was startled and quickly poured a glass of water and helped Luna drink it.

After drinking a glass of water, Luna regained consciousness, but because she drank too quickly, she choked a few mouthfuls in the middle.

"Are you going to scavenge? You are so embarrassed."

After taking a look at Luna, who was looking miserable, Ling Yu frowned and asked.

My hair is not as soft as when I left it, but rather like a bird's nest, covered with dust and leaves.

"Shop, shopkeeper...I was beaten, wuwu."

After seeing Ling Yu, Luna fell to the ground as if she had seen her backbone, hugged Ling Yu's thigh and started crying.

She looked like a wronged child.

"Who beat you?" Ling Yu was puzzled.

"It was those cuckolds! They joined forces with the human kingdom in my world and launched an attack on me!" Luna gritted her teeth.


Ling Yu knew who it was at once.

Although those people had weapons, they should not have made Luna so embarrassed.

"Then why didn't you send me a message?" Ling Yu asked curiously.

"This, this is not in time." Luna moved her eyes away with guilt.

Not to mention Ling Yu, Meijiu had already noticed something strange and asked immediately: "Why did they beat you?"

"I, that, this..."

Luna's eyes were erratic and she hesitated.

"Sister Luna, just confess. You should know the consequences of lying to your brother." Feiya said.

When Luna heard this, a piercing pain suddenly appeared on both sides of her head.

She recalled the days when she was dominated by Ling Yu, and simply revealed her cards: "I, I want to test my legion, so I organized them to attack a city to see their combat capabilities."

"As a result, those people regarded me as an evil necromancer, and then joined the priests to attack me."

Luna's voice became smaller and smaller, like a child who had done something wrong.

But her eyes kept glancing at Ling Yu, observing his face.

The reason why she was so embarrassed was not only because she was besieged, but also because her magic power was exhausted.

Not everyone has endless energy to support the consumption of the Shadow Legion.

Luna's own magic power can only support four or five people at the same time, but she still wants a large army.


Several people looked at each other, looking at Luna with contempt in their eyes.

This is pretending to be a plant instead of a plant.

"No wonder you haven't come back for so many days."

"So you want me to help you get revenge?" Ling Yu asked her with his arms folded.


Luna nodded her little head frantically.

"Sure, I'm happy to help you, but what can I get?"

Ling Yu squatted down gently, lifted Luna's chin, looked at the face that was a little dusty but still beautiful, and smiled.

" are really hungry."

Ling Yu, who thought the other party would say something, almost fell down.

Hungry, what are you hungry for.

You don't know how fragrant you are!

Giving her a blank look, Ling Yu said: "One month's worth of dishes and clothes."

"Okay, okay."

Luna agreed without thinking.

Just when Ling Yu was wondering why the other party was so straightforward, Meijiu pulled the corner of Ling Yu's clothes and whispered: "Have you forgotten that she broke more than a dozen plates and broke the washing machine before?"


When Meijiu said this, Ling Yu's dusty memory was awakened.

Looking at Luna who was eager to try and had light in her eyes, the corner of her mouth twitched.

After the previous incident, Meijiu forbade her to enter the kitchen and touch the washing machine. Now she probably wants to touch those things.

"Then deduct two days' salary!"


Instantly, Luna's beautiful eyes widened.

She said puzzledly: "No, you can propose conditions, why talk about deducting salary!"

"Because you were absent from work for three days without reason." Ling Yu said expressionlessly.

"I have a reason." Luna retorted.

"Are you referring to the time when you went to beat someone up and got beaten to a pulp?" Ling Yu had a strange expression.

Hearing this, Luna smiled awkwardly, and then whispered: "But two days is too much."

"One day, one day is okay?"

Raising a little finger, Luna looked at him pitifully.

"One day, then I won't go." Ling Yu said casually, and was about to sit back on the sofa.

But the next second after he turned around, his thigh was hugged by Luna again.

Her face fell slightly, she tried to suppress her heartache and gritted her teeth and said, "Two days is two days!"

Ling Yu patted her head with satisfaction: "I still like your unruly look before."

Luna: "..."

Next, Luna told what happened in the past few days.

"Brother, let me go this time."

After listening to Luna's general description of the situation, Feiya said.

"No, those people's blood is too dirty, I'll go." Ling Yu waved his hand.

The purpose of this time is mainly to help Luna find a place, anyway, it's also a fight with Xiaohongji, he has no pressure at all.

Hearing this, Feiya also nodded obediently.

And Luna, who moved to the rescue, stood up instantly, with her slender waist, and took Ling Yu back to her world.

In the jungle

As the space channel closed, Ling Yu looked around.

This is Ling Yu's second time in this world. He has never been here since he came to destroy the ancient flame dragon last time.


Suddenly, Ling Yu's pupils condensed.

A huge electronic net fell from the sky, grabbing Ling Yu and Luna.

"Chop it, Yegrit."

A calm voice came from Ling Yu's mouth.

A tall dark figure jumped up from behind Ling Yu, holding a big sword and slashing at the electric net in the sky, splitting it in two.

"You have been surrounded, please don't resist in vain!"

A serious voice came from the forest, which was the language of Luna's world, but Ling Yu turned a deaf ear.

"Kill them."

The moment the calm voice fell, Yegrit moved.

He was like a swift tiger, holding a big sword and rushing towards the grass.

There was only a shout of "shooting" from the opposite side, and countless bullets roared out like raindrops, but they hit Yeglit without causing any ripples.

Ling Yu is not a rookie like Luna.

They could use thermal weapons to consume Luna, but it had no effect on Ling Yu.


However, when Yegrit slashed his sword, a magic circle suddenly lit up.

Then there is a barrier.

But against the big sword [Balugmon] equipped by Ling Yu for Yegrit, it shattered as easily as glass.


Just hearing a lovely exclamation, the earth suddenly shattered, endless dust roared out on both sides, four or five cuckolds were directly blasted out, and they hit the big tree and lost their breath.

[Ding! Alert the host and you get 4 points. ]


Ling Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Do you get points for killing a cuckold?

The corner of his mouth curled up, it seemed that this cuckold was going to be killed today.

"The shop owner is so handsome! You are my most loyal fan!" Luna said excitedly from behind.

As if to wash away the previous humiliation.

Ling Yu glanced at her speechlessly, thinking of the dog he had raised in his previous life.

Luna screamed more happily than it did.


Yeglit's actions also stimulated the group of people on the opposite side. They held guns and charged at Yegrit.

However, these weapons of mass destruction, which have always been successful in the past, seem like children's toys.

Yeglit slashed his sword and cut the man in half from top to bottom, with his internal organs scattered on the ground.

[Ding! You get 5 points! ]

Listening to the pleasant voice, Ling Yu noticed a little girl in the crowd.

She has short blue hair with a magician style.

Ling Yu could tell at a glance that this was Lelei La Liena, a 15-year-old magical girl in the protagonist's team.

But at this moment, she was looking at Yegrit who was killing everyone in front of her with a look of fear.

In order to search for Luna, the empire and the cuckold division team conducted a joint search, and she happened to be included in this group.

I just didn't expect that these people would be slaughtered one-sidedly once they met.

Even though he was calm, she couldn't help but panic at this moment.

After all, all beings are equal before life and death.

After secretly telling Yegrit to spare her life, Yegrit slaughtered the rest of the cuckolds and imperial soldiers.

The blood of a dozen people was enough to form a small pool of blood.

And she was slumped in a pool of blood covered in blood, holding the wand and shivering.

"Die, monster!"

A roar sounded, and in front of an armored vehicle not far away, a man holding a rocket launcher yelled at Ling Yu and pulled the trigger.


With long tail flames, the rocket launcher shot straight towards Ling Yu.

In this regard

Ling Yu just stretched out his hand calmly.

The explosion that the man imagined did not come, and he saw the rocket being disassembled bit by bit in front of him, and finally turned into parts and fell to the ground.

"No, that's impossible!"

"Wait, your clothes, who are you!"

After the shock, the man noticed that Ling Yu's clothes were no different from those of modern people, and his face was full of disbelief.

"I'm just an ordinary shopkeeper."

After saying that, a magic sword shot out from the imaginary space behind Ling Yu and pierced his chest directly.

[Ding! You get 1 point. ]

The man's death made the girl paralyzed on the ground even less likely to resist.

She knew very well that the rocket launcher was so powerful that even the most elite troops in the empire could not withstand it, yet this man was able to deal with it so easily.

"With the seizure of an armored vehicle, I am now a member of the family tree."

After turning the man's body into ashes, Ling Yu looked at the armored vehicle in front of him and said.

"Ling Yu, do you also have a family tree?" Luna asked curiously.

"Nonsense, I didn't pop out of a rock." Ling Yu complained.

"But why have I never met your relatives?"

Ling Yu glanced at her lightly: "I'll deduct your salary again."

She was angry: "Can you change the way of threatening me?"

"Deduct your salary."

Luna: "..."

She clearly understood the fact that the man in front of her was incompetent!

"Tell me, which city do you want to attack?" Ling Yu asked with a yawn.

He exercised for a long time last night, which caused him to suffer from a loss of energy and energy.

"Do you want to help me?" Luna's eyes widened.

"Aren't all the novels in the novel about old people fighting children? I am now considered your guardian."

"I'm not the old one." Ling Yu smiled and patted Luna on the head.

Hearing this, Luna was moved.

Although Ling Yu usually always criticizes her, humiliates her, and deducts her salary... But! Ling Yu still cares about her! (End of chapter)

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