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Chapter 185: Martian Thieves Group Kalia

"Shh, keep your voice down, what if I accidentally crush you to death?"

The gunpowder crow was still making noisy noises, making Ling Yu's ears ring.

So Ling Yu used a little force to catch its throat, and then attached it to Gunpowder Crow's ear. His faint words were like a reminder, causing Gunpowder Crow's pupils to shrink suddenly.

Then it stopped barking and became as well-behaved as a little daughter-in-law.

"Well, that's right."

Ling Yu pinched the gunpowder crow's neck with satisfaction and put it on his arm. The gunpowder crow also stood on it obediently, not daring to use force with his claws for fear of hurting Ling Yu, and then the opponent's hand locked its fateful throat and tightened...

Everyone in Diya and the Bread Circus was completely stunned.

They never expected that the war madman Kara would die in Ling Yu's hands.

"Dia, is he your friend?"

Captain Feili, who had a clown's red nose, looked at Diya and asked.

Diya shook his head: "I met him by chance today. In fact, I don't know why he wanted to help me."

Because Ling Yu didn't take away her two thousand origin points.

I don’t know if it’s not enough, or if I have another agenda.

"So, is it love?"

The leader said jokingly to the circus members.

They also smiled knowingly.

Diya was expressionless: "Captain, if you say that again, I will be angry."

Upon hearing this, the group leader burst out laughing: "It's just a joke, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously."

Diya glanced helplessly at his captain.

He's a nice guy, but he's just out of character.

Holding the gunpowder crow, Ling Yu walked towards Diya with Tianzhu.

"Look, didn't a miracle happen?"

Ling Yu took out the golden Rubik's Cube and placed it in front of Diya.

Looking at the golden Rubik's Cube, Diya gently took it back.


Lowering his head, Diya choked.

This is the only relic left to her by her family, and she doesn't want to give it to anyone if possible.

Seeing Diya hugging Ulala and crying, the faces of everyone in the circus were filled with distress.

Captain Feili could only gently caress Diya's head with his hand, just like he did when he first saw this little girl eight years ago.

"Kara is dead, Galaxy Eye will definitely not give up."

Diya wiped away her tears and looked at Ling Yu and said.

"Yeah, why don't we just destroy the Milky Way Eye as well?"

Ling Yu groped his jaw and said.

After all, he hated threats the most.

The previous manager of the magic tower had made him very annoyed.

After all, Dia is his representative in this world.

Basic safety still needs to be guaranteed.

"Galaxy Eye is also a super organization second only to the Interstellar Alliance. That would be too risky!"

Hearing that Ling Yu wanted to go directly to Galaxy Eye's lair, Diya was shocked and said quickly.

There are many monsters in Galaxy's eyes.

A carat is just a piece of dust.


Suddenly, Diya seemed to have thought of something and looked sharply into Ling Yu's ear.

"What's wrong?" Ling Yu was confused.

"How did you adapt to the air pressure of Mars without an air receiver?" Diya said in shock.

She then remembered that Ling Yu came directly from the shop to Mars with her, without any equipment at all.

"What? I don't have an air receiver?"

Everyone in the circus was also shocked when they heard this.

That's something that even a carat must wear. By the way, is this guy really a human?

Thinking of the scene where Ling Yu brutally tortured Cara just now, they all started talking in their hearts.

"This level of temperature and pressure has no effect on me."

Ling Yu smiled.

Not to mention Mars, even the sun or a white dwarf star, he can take a walk in it.

Everyone looked amazed.

Not bound by the rules of the planet itself, does such a person really exist?

"Okay, let me help you rebuild your home. It's almost time for Miku and the others to come back."

Ling Yu glanced at the time and said.

He came out with a pinch of salt, so he couldn't go back later.

"rebuild home?"

Captain Feili was stunned.

He turned his head and saw the streets that had been destroyed by Cara, leaving only ruins, and fell into silence.

If it were to be rebuilt, it would probably be impossible to restore it within five or six months.

"Do you want it as it is, or add some advanced technology?"

"Just as it is."

Diya said.

She now has endless trust in Ling Yu.

The opponent can even defeat a carat, what else is impossible?


Ling Yu nodded and glanced across the street.

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The blue sky instantly enveloped the entire street.

Immediately afterwards, the blue structural power rotated.

In just the blink of an eye, the originally dilapidated streets, with only black and gray left behind, completely transformed and returned to the bustling appearance they once were.

As a ray of sunshine fell from the sky, a brand new city appeared in front of everyone.

"This, this, this!"

this moment

Everyone in the circus and Tenchu ​​looked shocked.

Even the gunpowder crows opened their mouths wide.

All living things these days know that it is easy to destroy but difficult to recover.

"Are you a god?"

Diya looked at Ling Yu blankly.

She didn't believe in miracles, but she was dazed for a moment.

The man in front of me might be the miracle itself.

"People who believe in miracles are as amazing as miracles themselves! Right?" Ling Yu put down his hand and smiled at Diya.

Diya's pupils shrank when he heard this.

This made several rough men next to him give a thumbs up.

Look, this is an alien cultured person, and he speaks so literary.

Tianzhu looked at Ling Yu's back and fell into silence.

Creating everything out of nothing.

Isn't this the ability of the great goddess Nuwa?

This kind of divine power, even the descendants of the great goddess Nuwa, the descendants of Nuwa do not have.

Seeing the renovated Bread Circus, everyone was very happy.

Looking at the circus people in the tent crying with joy, Diya's mouth also raised an arc.

Then she took Lingyu out alone.

"I know I can't repay this favor, this is for you."

Diya pulled Lingyu's hand out and took off the rainbow stone on his hair.

Then she took the store card, Ulala and the rainbow stone and put them in Lingyu's hand.

"Ulala is very important, but I can't protect it with my strength."

"Although the ability of this rainbow stone is not outstanding, it has a certain value in itself and should be able to exchange for some origin points."

"I know this may not be enough, but I will make money to pay you back later."

Looking at Diya's reluctant but determined eyes, Ling Yu stretched out his hand and put it on her head.

Then he gently rubbed it.

Diya was stunned and raised her head blankly.

"Miracles themselves are beyond the norm and difficult to understand."

"Have you ever seen a miracle ask others for rewards?"


Dia wanted to say something, but she felt a weight on her head.

It turned out that Ling Yu raised his hand and patted her head.

"If you say that again, I will be angry. You mean a lot to me."

Ling Yu's tone was gentle and gentle.

Childhood is his own little dream.

If he himself can't protect them, who will care about them?


Dia looked at Ling Yu blankly.

She didn't believe that someone would do things without seeking rewards.

"Maybe it's just that I just can't stand bad guys bullying little girls."

Pinching Diya's cheek, Ling Yu smiled.

"This reason is too much like the protagonist in the story."

Dia wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and complained.

"The protagonists of the story are all frustrated countless times, unlike me who solved the problem with one move." Ling Yu flicked the gunpowder crow's forehead.

Dia smiled.


The protagonists in the story often need to be tempered to pave the way, and they are not as decisive as Ling Yu.

"Can you do me one last favor?" Diya asked.

"You say."

"I want to go to Uranus."

"Then let's go."

After that, Ling Yu took Diya's hand.

In Diya's shocked eyes, he said: "Space Contract·Transmission."

Seeing this, Diya quickly said something to everyone in the circus, and was teleported away with them.


This place is covered with snow all year round, and the cold temperature makes this planet unsuitable for human life.

After returning, Diya looked at the Star Society wrapped in the maze with a look of emotion on her face.

"Mom, Dad, Grandpa, everyone in the Star Society, I'm back again."

Looking at the Star Society standing in the snow, Diya whispered softly.

Ling Yu waved his hand casually.

The flames spread instantly on the ground, and the maze was instantly surrounded by a sea of ​​fire.

For a moment, the mole troops hiding underground were burned to ashes by the flames.

In this barren Uranus, when have you ever seen such a big fire? It instantly attracted the attention of the native chicken-eating demons.

When they arrived, they found that the maze had all turned into snow and water and melted.

Only the Star Society stood on the earth.

"Dia, you're back."

The elder who noticed Diya shouted softly.


Dia nodded after seeing the elder.

"Go, I'll pick you up later." Ling Yu glanced at the chicken-eating demon who looked like a Samoyed and said.

It's a pity that it's too big and can speak human language, otherwise I really want to get one back to raise.


Dia nodded after hearing this.

After nodding to those chicken-loving demons, Ling Yu disappeared.

When I go back, I'll bring back some Uranus specialty milkshake chickens.

I don't know how the Kun of Uranus tastes.

Ling Yu's sudden departure also made the chicken-loving demons who were ready to wipe Ling Yu's saliva give up the idea.

They could only wipe their saliva on Diya.

Knowing that this was the way the other party treated friends, Diya couldn't refuse.

While accepting the wiping of the saliva of the chicken-loving demons, he told the news that Kra was defeated.

Hearing that Kra was defeated, the chicken-loving demons were extremely shocked and excited. They drooled a few times.

They have been oppressed for too long these years.

But this is hard for Diya.

Ling Yu, who was teleported back through the imaginary space, found the supporting role in the original work.

The leader of the Martian Thieves Group - Uncle Kalia.

"Boy, do you know where this is?"

As soon as Ling Yu arrived, he was greeted by his younger brothers.

To be honest, he felt that this kind of bullying was quite strange.

Because no one would dare to do this to him normally.

So Ling Yu controlled the hand of imaginary numbers and crushed them to death like ants affectionately.

"You are looking for death!"

Seeing his little brothers being crushed into bloody water, Kalia couldn't sit still.

Using the ability of the rainbow stone on the ring [universal magnetism], he controlled the metal to kill Ling Yu.

"Sand iron?"

"It's similar to my old friend's moves in my memory."

"Dan Chakra Magnetism, you are too weak."


It sounded like a bell ringing.

Purple electromagnetic pulse spreads.

In an instant, the magnetic field with a radius of hundreds of miles went out of control.

The sand iron controlled by Kalia also turned into ordinary sand and fell to the ground.

"Wha, what?"

Kaliya was shocked to see this scene.

When he raised his head, he saw Ling Yu walking towards him leisurely.

"With your little magnetism, you dare to compare yourself to me, an emerging Herrscher. Isn't it a bit too contemptuous?"

Ling Yu clenched his fingers slightly, his purple eyes lit up, and purple electric arcs danced in his palms.

The sky also roared, as if a thunderstorm was coming at any time.

Kalia was frightened by this sight.

He knows that there will never be such bad weather in a place like Mars where birds don't poop!

"You, whatever you want, give it to you! I can give it to you!"

Kalia, who was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground, didn't care about anything else and started begging for mercy.

He couldn't afford to offend such a big boss who could change the sky at will.

"Pick the rainbow stone."

Ling Yu said.



Kalia was startled.

"Pick it! I'll pick it, I'll pick it now!"

Kalia tremblingly took off the ring from her finger and presented it respectfully with both hands.


Ling Yu nodded and picked up the black rainbow stone.

The rainbow stone will give the holder corresponding abilities based on his or her character, including Dia's contract skills, and now Kallia's combat skills.

"Brother, the rainbow stone is also given to you. Can I go?"

Kalia looked at Ling Yu expectantly.

"Well, let's go."

Ling Yu said.

Kaliya was overjoyed to hear this.

He stood up and ran away.

But just when he ran a hundred meters away, a huge arm holding a lightning sword suddenly appeared from the thunderstorm in the sky.

Aiming in the direction of Kalia, it was a thoughtless severance that directly chopped Kalia into pieces.

Ling Yu, who had witnessed all this, took the dark rainbow stone out of the ring and threw it into the imaginary space as if nothing had happened.

Although the ability is rubbish, it can still wait for a capable person.

Suddenly, Ling Yu's footsteps stopped while he was walking.

Looking in the direction of the sensed sight, a burly tauren with two horns looked at him.


This can also be regarded as a legendary race in the world of "Star Travels", but now it is anonymous.

Unfortunately, their golden horns have no effect or value to Ling Yu.

The two just looked at each other, and Ling Yu looked away.

above the valley

"Mamaka, can you block the attack just now in the God of War's armed form?"

A Luoruowu man with an equally strong body looked at the Luoruowu man in front and asked in a solemn tone.

The Rorau, known as Mamaka, shook his head.

Looking at where Ling Yu left, he frowned.

In that blow, he only felt the trembling of his soul, but other than that, he had no thoughts of resistance! (End of chapter)

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