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Chapter 184: Nine Heavenly Punishment Arrows Blast Kara


Seeing the devil-like figure, Dia's body trembled.

Facing this devil, no matter how strong she was, she couldn't help but feel scared.

Her grandfather, parents, and everyone in the Star Society all died at the hands of the person in front of her!

Kara was the person she dreamed of killing, and also her biggest nightmare.

"Dia, hand over Ulala, it will be good for everyone."

Standing on the ruins, Kara gently stroked the fur of the gunpowder crow and said in a gentleman's tone.

Although his tone made him sound decent, the impatience in his eyes exposed his true thoughts.

If Dia was not the only one in the Star Society, if Dia was not the only one who knew how to activate Ulala, he might really kill the other party directly.

This is why Dia has been madly testing him on the edge, but Kara is unwilling to hurt her.

"Ulala will never be handed over to you!"

Dia took a step back, looking determined.

"Oh, why bother? I don't want to use violence."

Kara covered her face with her hands and said helplessly.

"But my patience is also very limited."

Kara clapped her hands.

In the shrinking eyes of Dia, a group of people were escorted up by the Galaxy Eyes' Tack Corps.

They were wearing circus costumes and were easily recognizable.


Dia couldn't help shouting after seeing one of them.

"Dia? Don't worry about us, just go!"

The man called the captain shouted loudly after seeing Dia.


In response, Cara glanced over, and a Tack holding a long gun hit the captain's back with the butt of the gun.

With a 'bang', the man called the captain by Dia fell to the ground with a painful expression on his face.


Dia couldn't help shouting after seeing this scene.

But she didn't dare to act rashly.

If she really fell into Cara's hands, everything would be over.

"Look, does this scene look familiar?"

"For you, I kept them here on purpose. Shouldn't you thank me?"

"Think about how those guys from the Star Society knelt in front of me."

"Dia, believe in yourself. You have the ability to save them."

Kara stroked the feathers of the gunpowder crow, and a dark laugh came out of the corner of his mouth.

After that, he looked at Dia below and tried to soften his tone: "Dia, hand over Ulala. This will be good for everyone."

To be honest, his patience was almost at its limit.

But for the mission, Kra could endure it.


Dia clenched her fists, but soon put them down.

A sense of powerlessness came over her.

If she had the power, her parents, grandpa, and everyone would not have died!

Now even everyone in the circus is going to die because of her...

"I can't do anything..."

Dia muttered to herself in frustration.

Just when Dia had decided to give up, she felt a weight on her head.

A big hand suddenly pressed on her head and gently stroked it.

The warmth came, causing Dia to look up in shock: "Mr. Ling Yu?"

"Bullying a little girl like this, the name of Galaxy Eyes is crying."

Ling Yu looked at Kela and said.

"Who are you?"

Looking at Ling Yu, Kela frowned and asked.

The intelligence did not mention that Dia had the support of other people around her.

Could it be someone from the Interstellar Alliance?

Just as Kela was thinking, Ling Yu's voice came: "You are still the same as before, a standard villain face."


Kla was stunned when she heard this.

From the tone, the other party knew him?

But after searching in his mind for a long time, Kela did not find Ling Yu's face.

"If you want Ulala, it depends on whether you have the ability to get it."

The golden Rubik's Cube appeared and was held in Ling Yu's palm like a toy.

"Bring it to me!"

Seeing the golden Rubik's Cube Ulala appear, Kela shouted.

He has been waiting for this thing for eight years!

He should have had a brighter future, but he had to stay on that godforsaken planet for eight years.

Even clay has a temper, let alone steel.

Hearing Cara's order, the Tack Troops rushed towards Ling Yu.

"Hand over Ulala!"

"Hey ha!"

The Tack Troops shouted and raised their guns to surround Ling Yu.

"Tianzhu, this is your first battle since you were born. Do you have confidence?"

Looking at the Tack Troops surrounding him, Ling Yu looked at Tianzhu on the side and asked.

"Leave it to me."

Tianzhu still had that slow tone, as if he didn't take these people seriously at all.

It also witnessed Cara's methods.

Tianzhu was already dissatisfied with this way of threatening others to surrender.

But Ling Yu didn't say anything, and as a divine beast, it was not easy for him to cross the line.

Seeing this, Ling Yu chuckled, threw Ulala to Diya, and said coldly: "Tianzhu, transform into a magic weapon!"

Instantly, Tianzhu's originally dull and scattered eyes became sharp.

It flew into the air and spread its wings.

In the purple light, a purple longbow with nine arrows fell into Ling Yu's hands.


Kara was stunned when he saw this scene.

The tacks were also curious, but they did not stop charging.

"What species is this?"

Kela murmured, he had traveled across the galaxy for a long time and had never seen such a magical species.

‘Magic weapon? ’

Just as Kela was thinking, Ling Yu had slowly pulled back the bowstring.

Facing the tacks surrounding him, he shot out nine arrows!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As the nine Tianchu arrows fell, a huge explosion sounded.

In an instant, endless firelight flooded everyone's sight, and the city that was originally in ruins was once again hit with firepower.

When the dust dissipated, all the tacks turned into ashes and dissipated, and the ground was completely destroyed.

Seeing this scene, Kara couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

"Does this friend want to go against my Galaxy Eye?" Kara asked in a deep voice.

The hand that stroked the Gunpowder Crow was also a meal.

He went from contempt to attention.

From those nine arrows, he could clearly feel the threat.

He wouldn't be able to resist if he wasn't in war mode.

"Galaxy eyes or blue eyes?" Ling Yu smiled.

With the flash of light, nine arrows reappeared on Tianchu.

When she heard the word 'blue eyes', Kara's pupils shrank sharply.

But soon, he was back to facial management.

Fortunately, he is a public figure who has participated in the Star Alliance meeting, so he still has some self-control.

After taking a deep breath, Kara raised her head with dangerous eyes: "It seems that I can't keep you here."

Ulala was a task given to him by Master Blue Eyes in private. Logically speaking, no one would know about it.

In order to leave no clues about his upward path, Ling Yu must die today!

With a move of his right hand, the gunpowder crow perched on his arm flew up.

"Stay away."

Ling Yu said to Diya behind him.


Diya also knew that staying here would only cause trouble, so he quickly left through the space contract.

But she didn't go too far. She was waiting for the break between Ling Yu and Kara's battle to rescue everyone in the Bread Circus.

"I told you beforehand that I won't show mercy."

Looking at Ling Yu, Kara said viciously.


Kara shouted softly, and the nails in her hands lengthened and turned into a trident.

Steelmaking is Carat's unique skill, which can make the body as hard as steel and also change the body.

For example, the current trident is an extension of three nails, which made Ling Yu feel pain in his fingers.

Waving the trident, Kara strode towards Ling Yu.

"Three arrows of Heavenly Punishment."

Ling Yu pulled up the bowstring and shot three Heavenly Punishment arrows at the approaching Kara.


Looking at the Heavenly Punishment arrow that came with lightning speed, Cara's pupils condensed.

Swing the trident and prepare to bounce it away.

But the moment the trident came into contact with the Tenchu ​​Arrow, a 'bang' sound was heard, and the Tenchu ​​Arrow exploded.

"I forgot to tell you, my Tenchu ​​Arrow will explode once it encounters pressure. How about it? Does it sound familiar?"

Ling Yu looked at Kela who was forced to retreat and said with a smile.

"good, very good, excellent!"

"I thought this little Mars wouldn't have much fun, but I never thought someone like you existed."

"You are worthy of being torn apart by my own hands!"

Kara said a few words gloomily, then raised her head sharply, and her figure disappeared from the place with a swish.

When he appeared again, he was already less than ten meters away from Ling Yu.

Looking at Kara, who had already raised his trident and was about to stab him, Ling Yu didn't like him.

The three arrows that were originally vacant on Tianchu were quickly filled.

Then, like nine stars in a row, nine arrows shot towards Kara at the same time.

Kara wanted to avoid it, but the arrow seemed to have eyes and would turn in the direction he moved.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Carat had no choice but to choose to take it hard.

"Steel body!"

Clara shouted.

The originally pale skin darkened, and at this moment, he turned his flesh and blood into the strongest steel.

Bang bang bang!

Explosions continued.

It was like being bombarded by dense artillery shells.

In the dust that filled the sky, a black figure flew out like a bullet.

After a dozen staggers were made on the ground, it hit a half-collapsed wall heavily.


Carat who landed on the wall was like a heavy hammer on his back, causing him to spurt out a mouthful of blood.

The black suit was covered with soot and cracks, with a faint red glow.

It seems that even with a body of steel, he cannot resist the power of the Heavenly Punishment Arrow.

Diya, who had rescued all the circus members in the distance, was stunned at this scene.

Disbelief was written all over his face.

That Kelat, who was as strong as a monster, was beaten until he vomited blood?

Is this still the devil she knew?

"Damn it!"

Such an awkward posture made Kara furious.

Wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth, Kara stood up holding on to the wall.

If it weren't for Ulala, he really wanted to open the door directly.

Give this planet to...


Kara was stunned and saw that Ling Yu had raised the Heavenly Punishment Arrow again.

Feeling the power on that arrow, Kara's expression completely changed.

"wait wait wait!"

Clara hurriedly spoke.

"Wow - wow -"

At this time, the pet raised by Carla also started the automatic protection mode.

It hovered above Ling Yu, and dozens of feathers fell.

Gunpowder crows are one of the rare species on the verge of extinction in the universe. Their characteristic is that their feathers will explode when hit or in flames.


Facing the flat-haired beast, Ling Yu was too lazy to pay attention.

In Carla's horrified eyes, he released the bowstring.


The flames engulfed everything around.

But it was not over yet. The light on the Tianzhu flashed again, and nine more Tianzhu arrows appeared.

With the energy provided by Ling Yu, the divine weapon Tianzhu can continuously generate Tianzhu nine arrows.

Sure enough, the Tianzhu with endless arrows is the good Tianzhu.

Without hesitation, Ling Yu fired another Tianzhu nine arrows at the place where Carla was before.



Two consecutive Tianzhu nine arrows made the earth buzz and the explosion sounded.

Diya was completely stunned.

It was the first time she saw someone suppressing Kra with firepower.

The people of the Bread Circus looked at the street covered by flames and couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

They were all wondering: Where did Diya find this ruthless man?

"This shell is really hard."

Ling Yu was amazed.

After taking three shots of the Nine Arrows of Heavenly Punishment, Kra was still hanging on.

The dust cleared, and Kra, with cracks all over his body, appeared in front of Ling Yu, but now he was only a hair's breadth away from fainting.

Kra's pet gunpowder crow had rushed back to Kra's side in time.

But at this moment, Kra was completely unable to start the war mode.

He was in pain all over his body.

His hands and feet were even more immobile.

"You guy, Galaxy Eyes will not let you go!"

After being hit by the Nine Arrows of Heavenly Punishment three times, even if Kra didn't die, he was almost dead.

He could only watch Ling Yu move his lips.

Coming in front of Kra, in the other's horrified eyes, Ling Yu aimed the longbow at his forehead, and then slowly pulled the bowstring.

Nine arrows appeared again.

A cold light appeared at the tip of the arrow.

"What did you just say? My ears were shaken by the explosion just now. I can't hear clearly." Ling Yu frowned and asked.

As he spoke, the tip of the arrow was already against Kela's forehead.

"Wait, wait, I can leave Mars now, no, I can never set foot here again, please let me go!"

Kela, who felt death, was afraid.

In the face of death, he decisively chose to admit his defeat.

"Who would believe you."

After that, Ling Yu directly released the bowstring.


In Kela's scream.


Another earth-shattering explosion.

The Tianzhu Arrow and Kela exploded at zero distance.

In an instant, Kela's steel body was blown to pieces.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the gunpowder crow was ready to run away, but was caught by Ling Yu.

"Big baby, where do you want to go?"

Lifting the other party in front of him like a chicken, Ling Yu looked at this precious species in the universe with a smile.


The gunpowder crow made a harsh sound.

It seemed to be calling for help.

After the Kra was solved, Tianzhu naturally lifted the divine weapon state.

He glanced around.

Tianzhu was also shocked.

So he was so strong with the unlimited Tianzhu arrow supply?

A man and a beast stood on the burning ground, and there was nothing intact in their eyes. (End of this chapter)

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