This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 17 The Visible Girl


Ling Yu refused.

What conditions does he have to treat guests to king crab? Why don’t you go eat Emperor Xia!

"How about fragrant wings and rice?"


"Flavored fish?"

"No, I'll keep guessing if I can't guess the hot pot."

Luna was stunned and said: "Hot pot is not bad, I haven't had hot pot yet."

"Then I'll book a private room. I haven't eaten spicy pork ribs and shrimp for a long time." Ling Yu picked up the phone.

"Miku, can you eat spicy food?"

"It's okay."

"I understand, Wei Wei spicy."

Miku smiled helplessly.

She was helpless because she couldn't eat spicy food. It was obviously delicious, but she couldn't stand it after the first bite.

Then there was crazy watering.

"That's not right. Shopkeeper, you ordered dinner, so what should we have for lunch?" Luna reacted.

"Eat your mushroom soup."

Luna scratched her head and smiled bitterly: "I'd better not show off my cooking skills."

"Let me do it at noon," Miku said.

Meeting the gazes of the three people, Mijiu smiled and said, "I will feel embarrassed after receiving so much care from you."

"Okay, tell me what ingredients you want, and I'll buy them now."

The vegetable market is not too far away from here, not to mention that for Ling Yu who has imaginary authority, being so close is no longer a dream.

"Aren't you going to continue looking at the store?" Mijiu wondered.

"Let nature take its course. Life is all about relaxation. Thinking about one thing for everything is very tiring." Ling Yu waved his hand.

"That's great."

Miku sighed.

If only she could live as transparently as Ling Yu before, maybe she wouldn't fall so badly now.

"It's not too late, let's join my army of destroyers!"

Ling Yu stretched out his hand towards Mijiu and extended an invitation.

"Let me join in too!"

Luna thought Ling Yu was comforting Mijiu and quickly put her hand on Ling Yu's palm.

Ling Yu narrowed his eyes: "If you show off, I will be the first one not to agree."

As a boss, he can make a living, but as an employee, if he doesn't work hard, how can he buy a car or a house?


Luna was stunned.

Why can't she?

Miku, who knew the reason, burst out laughing.

"Ling Yu, you have great potential as a capitalist."

Ling Yu's face turned solemn: "Please call me entrepreneur."

"Yeah, my big entrepreneur."

Ling Yu glanced at her helplessly, stretched out his hand and said, "Tell me the name of the material, and I'll buy it."


Next, Meijiu sent the required ingredients to Ling Yu via mobile phone.

"Chicken wings? You're not going to cook wings for Luna, are you?"

Looking at the ingredient list, Ling Yu remembered the names of the dishes that Luna had reported just now.

Mijiu smiled softly: "It's your share too."

"She is indeed an angel. No problem. Just wait for me."

With that said, Ling Yu left with his pendant Esther.

About ten minutes later, an imaginary space opened in the store, and Ling Yu and Esther returned under the alert eyes of Luna and Mijiu.

"Here, I bought some chicken wings and chicken legs."

After handing the purchased ingredients to Mijiu, Ling Yu threw a round object at Luna.

"Luna, this is for you."

"What's this?"

Luna was confused when she got the sphere.

It feels very light and should be hollow.

"Basketball, I don't know why. After buying chicken wings, I really wanted to buy a basketball. I originally wanted to come back directly, but I still couldn't help it." Ling Yu said painfully.

Damn the aftereffects!

Luna: "???"

His wise eyes are full of wisdom.

She doesn't really understand the connection between chickens and basketball.

Then her expression changed.

Is it possible that there are chickens in the world who can play basketball? !

"Don't give it to me."

Esther looked at Luna and said.

You know, Ling Yu spent ten minutes buying groceries and more than five minutes choosing basketball.

It is enough to see that Ling Yu attaches great importance to basketball.

Since it was something that Ling Yu valued, Esther naturally wanted to protect it.

"Yes, of course I want it!"

Luna held the basketball behind her back.

This was the first gift she received when she came to this world, how could she not cherish it.


Mijiu and Luna went to the kitchen to work, and Ling Yu, who was free, sat on the sofa with Esther in his arms.

Picking up a small piece of peeled apple, she gently handed it to Esther's mouth. She opened her mouth slightly and didn't start chewing until Ling Yu pressed the apple into her mouth.

After eating, he would lick Ling Yu's fingers with his little tongue.

Ling Yu likes this way of feeding, as if he is raising a pet.

In fact, Esther is cuter than any pet!

"It's time to eat."

More than forty minutes later, Meijiu walked out of the kitchen at the back with fragrant wings and rice.

There are a total of four dishes on the table.

There are stir-fries and soups.

Ling Yu first took Esther to the bathroom to wash his hands. When he came back, Luna was already sitting there.

If she hadn't been waiting for Ling Yu, she would have already started eating.

After Meijiu sat down, the five of them started today's lunch.


With one bite, Luna instantly transformed into a snack foodie.

Mijiu had a sweet smile on her face, and looking at Luna, she felt more satisfied than ever before.

"Slow down, no one will compete with you."

Ling Yu poured a glass of water and put it in front of Luna.

However, just as Ling Yu finished speaking, Luna was choked. Seeing Luna gasping for breath, Esther flashed to Luna's side, raised her knife and slapped her back heavily, and then spit out the foreign body of the card owner.

"Thank you, Esther."

Luna, who was breathing heavily, said gratefully.

Esther nodded slightly, came back to sit in Ling Yu's arms, with her feet hanging in the air, and opened her mouth to eat the food Ling Yu fed her.

"Ling Yu, try this."

Meijiu pointed to the fried cod fillet.




Just when everyone was enjoying their meal, the door of the store suddenly opened.

Several people who heard the noise looked in the direction of the door, only to see a panting girl running in.

When she looked back, she was stunned.

Didn't she run into a classroom? What place is this?

"Is it a customer?"

Seeing the girl, Luna looked at Ling Yu.

"She must have forgotten to press the button." Ling Yu nodded.

There is a red button at the counter, which can switch the place where the gate is connected at any time.

Press it to connect to various dimensions, otherwise, it is the most common gate in this world, which costs three thousand.

Because the place for eating is a rest area, the girl and Ling Yu and others easily looked at each other.

"Girl, who are you?"

"Sorry, I must have gone to the wrong place."

The girl bowed and apologized quickly, and then opened the door to leave.

But the moment she stepped out of the door, she returned to the school corridor.

Her little face was stunned.

Looking at the school corridor, she was stunned.

She was in the school.

"Found you!"

And just when the girl was stunned, a harsh and terrifying voice sounded.

The girl trembled all over, and cold sweat came out from behind.

She looked stiffly, and saw that ten meters away on the left, a strange-looking evil spirit with black air all over his body showed a terrifying smile to her.


The girl was startled and ran back into the door without thinking.

When the evil spirit saw the girl go in, it naturally wanted to chase her in, but it was bounced out the moment it rushed into the door.


The door closed again.

The evil spirit got up from the ground and went through the door again, but only came to an empty classroom with no one.

It scratched its head, with confusion written all over its face.

What the hell?

At the same time

In the store

Looking at the girl who came back again, Ling Yu was silent for a while and asked.

"Do you want to have lunch together?"

Girl: "..."

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