This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 16: Substitute Mode, Imaginary Core

As the king of shadows, Ling Yu can share Acnologia's sight, and Aster, who is held by him, can also see it.

"Is this a bat?"

"It looks so ugly."

Although he is not a handsome dog, he must at least look normal.

Bat Wing was obviously not in his taste, so Ling Yu, who had originally thought about whether the Shadow Army could add another member, gave up decisively.

His army must have cards!

Here, Bat Wing was very puzzled by this giant dragon that suddenly appeared to intercept it.

It tried to use sound waves to judge the opponent's strength, and was shocked to find that the opponent had no entity!

Batwing wanted to try to have a conversation, but Acnologia had no intention of doing so. It only wanted to complete the order given by the king, and the king just gave it a new order.


Acnologia let out a shocking dragon roar, and its huge dragon body rose into the sky under the instigation of its wings.


Ancient dragon flames roared out from the dragon's mouth.

Seeing the incoming dragon flames, Bat Wing's muscles tightened and his wings wrapped around him, forming a defensive posture.

The blue dragon flames blasted on Batwing's body, and could have easily burned the opponent. However, because Batwing made a defensive posture in time, Akunolokia's dragon flames had no effect for a while.

"The upper limit is still low."

Seeing this scene, Ling Yu murmured.

Although Acnologia is said to be an ancient dragon in the Luna world, equivalent to the existence of natural disasters, it is still a bit under-seen in this world.

Now even a sixth-level demon can't break through its defense.

[The host can connect to the consciousness of the shadow soldiers and activate the proxy fighting mode. ]


The system's words gave Ling Yu a pause.

"Can I use my powers then?"

[Okay, if you can't use the host's original power, then what's the point of fighting this generation? ]

"There's nothing wrong with what you say."

For a substitute, there must be something of his own.

"Then let's start having fun!"

Ling Yu, who shared the field of view with Acnologia, closed his eyes.

Suddenly, the body of the Shadow Flame Dragon, which was stuck with the bat wings in the distance, shook violently, and its originally cloudy eyes became brighter.

Acnologia's consciousness was temporarily taken over by Ling Yu.

The human Ling Yu didn't like the dragon's prone fighting style, so he immediately straightened his body, exposing his fragile abdomen.

Bat Wing also noticed the changes in Shadow Flame Dragon, and even stopped attacking.

"Who are you?"

A harsh voice sounded next to Ling Yu's ears.

"I came from the darkness and left in the light."

Through the dragon's vocal organ, Ling Yu's voice became extremely rich and solemn.

Golden light lit up around the Shadow Flame Dragon.

The power of [Phoenix] appeared and Bat Wing immediately lost its target.

Bat Wing was startled and hurriedly looked around.

But before it could lock onto its target, there was a sharp pain in the abdomen.

It looked forward in shock. The dragon had appeared in front of it at some point and kicked it hard in the abdomen with its legs.

The superposition of the powers of [Camel] and [Goat], and the God-level kicking skills were blessed with lightning, which directly kicked Bat Wing's waist to pieces.

The powerful force turned the bat wing into a missile and exploded into the forest!

Looking at the bat wing that was sent flying by a kick, Ling Yu controlled the dragon wing to fly forward.

At this moment, in a deep pit, Bat Wing was making a miserable wail.

There were arc flashes in the limbs of the body.

This is being paralyzed.

Seeing the bat wing that could no longer move, Ling Yu compassionately chose to send it on its last journey.

He took a sharp breath.

Hot dragon flames gathered in his mouth.

"The flame dragon's roar!"

The next second, blue fire burst out.


As the hot blue flames covered the bat wings below, the system's beep sounded.

[The sixth-level demon bat wing is dead! ]

'died? ’

After hearing the beep, Ling Yu stopped breathing and saw the forest below that had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Bat Wing's body gradually turned into ashes in the fire.

"It feels weird."

After all, the dragon's body is not suitable for him.

Just like the kicking technique just now, he could obviously kick more powerfully, but due to the limitations of his body, his flexibility was greatly reduced.

"Sure enough, your own body is the best."

Ling Yu exited the proxy fighting mode and returned his body to Shadow Flame Dragon.

Ling Yu, who switched back, took Esther back without even looking. Not long after Ling Yu handed Acnologia's body back to it, dozens of figures came here.

When they arrived, they happened to see Acnologia turn into a shadow and disappear into the sky.

In place, only a thousand meters of burned forest remained.

In the endless scorched earth, there was no trace of bat wings in their eyes.

"The dragon..."

The director of the Luoshui City Monitoring Bureau looked at the pictures sent by the detection team and frowned.

He never remembered that there were awakened people in Luoshui City who could control giant dragons. In other words, there were not many people with beast-controlling abilities who could control giant dragons. At most, they were flying dragons.

"Master, use me next time."

Walking on the path back, Esther suddenly spoke.

Ling Yu was stunned for a moment and immediately understood what the other party was thinking.

Esther is a sword elf, so of course she hopes to be used.

The more frequently it is used, the better it is.

Ling Yu smiled and touched Esther's little head, and whispered: "Next time for sure."

Esther showed satisfaction after getting the answer, and her delicate face could not hide any thoughts at all.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the novice task, killing the sixth-level demon, and getting a chance to draw a lottery! ]

[Would the host like to draw a lottery? ]

At this time, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in Ling Yu's mind.

Ling Yu nodded: "Draw, the big items will be sent directly to the system space."

[The lottery is over, congratulations to the host for winning an imaginary core!]

The reward was issued at the moment the system voice ended, which was a dark golden polygonal crystal.

But Ling Yu was stunned.

He was not unfamiliar with the imaginary core, on the contrary, he was very familiar with it.

Her two former users were Ling Yu's favorite characters.

But he didn't expect to get this.

"The Herrscher Core, is it Xilin or Kiana's?" Ling Yu asked.

[The core provided by the system to the host is ownerless, and is condensed from pure Honkai energy. It is also not under the jurisdiction of Honkai, and is connected to the authority of the system itself. ]

"Is that so."

Muttering, under the gaze of Esther, Ling Yu pressed the core against his chest.

The next second, the core merged into his body.

As the core merged, Ling Yu felt that the world in front of him seemed to be transparent. He could see the weak points between spaces and easily break the space.

With a thought, a miniature imaginary space opened in the palm of his hand.

Ling Yu put his other hand in, and his fingers extended from the imaginary space next to him.

Instantly, a word came to Ling Yu's mind.


And the imaginary core does have this ability, which can convert the virtual and the real.

"Another ability to save life."

If you want to survive in a chaotic world, you can't do without life-saving skills.

After closing the imaginary space, Ling Yu took Esther's hand and continued to walk towards the store.


As soon as he entered the door, Ling Yu saw two women sitting on the sofa watching videos.

"Shopkeeper, are you back?"

Luna got up quickly after hearing the noise.

"Yes, not only that, but we got quite a lot." Ling Yu said with a smile.

He was really happy.

"What do you want to eat tonight? I'll treat you."

"I want to try the king crab. I really want to eat it after watching the video." Luna wiped her saliva.

Ling Yu: "???"

You started talking about king crab. Do you really think your wallet is so fat?

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