This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 734: Brother is here

Although vaguely aware of the "low pressure" on this mysterious woman, because the person was brought by William, the little rich woman didn't think much about it. After laughing, she gently shook the hand of the banshee, and said warmly:

"I can't talk about being rude. In fact, I'm no longer the person in charge of the Fortune Church here. I'm just acting as an agent for the time being. Miss Andrea is too polite."

"Hehe, it should be, no matter how polite you are, it is not enough to face a master-level scholar like you."

After saying a few polite words dryly, the female fairy was thinking about how to get this little **** who came to grab food away, and she shook Karina's palm up and down, trying to push her away. The palm used to locate the mark arcane printed on.

But what she didn't expect at all was that although the little **** on the other side had a peaceful and close smile and seemed to be defenseless, but she was quite confident in the positioning arcana, but it looked like a scarf printed on a veil. It was like a lip print, although it felt like it was printed, the beacon that came was so "pasty" that it didn't return anything at all.

Not knowing that Karina has special protection against positioning, Andrea, who does not believe in evil, took the risk of exposure, grabbed the hand of the little rich woman and squeezed it twice. But the result was not even as good as the first time. The marked arcane spell that frequently touched the gods' protection in the palm of the hand was even more overwhelmed, and it collapsed directly in a confrontation that was not at the same level.

The little rich woman who was holding her hand felt a little strange at first. She felt that the mysterious woman covering the upper half of her face seemed to be a little too enthusiastic. The huge "experience" provided by love, Karina instantly understood the reason.

Another one fell in...

Thinking of this, the little rich woman couldn't help but glanced up at William, looked at the "calamity" level face, then turned back and looked at the opposite little sister who was blinded by male **** with a little pity .

Poor man, put your mind on this big radish, and you will be miserable in the future.

Although Karina has zero love experience in her life, for her who has been with old Cameron since she was a child and is used to seeing the mess between teachers and a bunch of teachers, Andrea's fighting method , at most it can be regarded as a stubborn brass, not even an unyielding silver.

After all, her teachers and wives are either in high positions, or hold great power, or are amazing in strength, and there are many female popes and desert queens who have both, and none of them are fuel-efficient lamps!

These strong women, who are used to being arrogant and arrogant, after robbing men from each other and grabbing attention, the means of fighting are no longer as simple as intrigue. Outrageously triggered two local wars that were not small in scale.

For a little rich woman who has seen a lot of the operation of the king, the hostility of a brass-level player like the female fairy is ridiculously childish. She is matched by the murderous aura of the teachers and girls who can't dig each other's graves, not only there is no way to make her feel dangerous. , even a little cute.

As for Wei, who has a bad face, although after being rescued by a hero once, Karina admitted from the bottom of her heart that she does have a little bit of caution, and occasionally can't help but get closer close.

But when she thinks of other women who are unclear with William, the scumbag male alarm bell she has cultivated since childhood has begun to ring; if you consider William's criminal face, and the future may be better than Cameron The old man owed more debts, and the anti-slag alarm bell slammed and was completely deflated!

So handsome! Can't help it! Afraid to worry! Do not refuse! But not worth it!

After crossing countless planes, after comprehending the true meaning of Buddhism without a teacher, and feeling the small hostility in front of her that can only be evaluated by immaturity, Karina's heart was not unhappy, but a strong feeling emerged. A sense of sympathy.

She seems to have seen the future of the mysterious woman. On a sad night with thunderstorms, in order to grab a man who cares about her, she is a tragic scene of mingling with the little two, the three, the four and the five.

Wooooooo... just thinking about it makes me feel so pitiful! Tell me, what are you trying to figure out like this?


Even if Andrea's brain hole is open to the sky, it is impossible for her to know the rich and colorful family experience of the little rich woman, and naturally it is impossible for her to keep up with her jumping thoughts.

For the female goblin who wants to take over the big money lord and drive away the little **** who come to steal the money, Karina's eyes with pity and sympathy really make her unable to treat her.

What is she doing? What am I doing? Is there something wrong with the world?

After she let go of her palm in a dazed face, the female fairy's brain was turning into smoke, but no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't figure out what this little **** on the other side meant, provocative? Express disdain for yourself? Not like ah?

And when she stared at her palm and silently began to doubt her life, William, who was completely unaware of this dimensionality reduction blow, interjected:

"Karina, I'm here to ask you for a favor this time."

After hearing William's words, even though she didn't have much coveted heart for this calamitous man, the little rich woman couldn't help but feel a little sour in her heart, her lips slightly pouted:

"Tell me, why didn't you come to me for my help?"


Hmm...that seems to be true.

Even though the face is already thicker than the city wall, the words of the little rich woman really captured the essence of their communication. William, who is always on the Three Treasures Hall, couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He coughed lightly and covered it up:

"You can't say the same thing. You are the person in charge of the Church of Knowledge on the side of Flange. You are usually very busy. If it's all right, I'm too embarrassed to come over here to disturb you, right?"

"Liar, when I wasn't busy before, you also..."

"Cough, cough, let's talk about business, talk about business, let's not talk about that."

Seeing that he was about to be counted, William hurriedly interrupted the little rich woman's complaint and took the topic in the direction he wanted.

"You and Andrea have already introduced each other, so I won't dwell on anything else, let's get straight to the point!

Recently, I set up an alchemy workshop in the underground outside the city, and the buildings have been basically completed, but..."

"But you're short of money, right?"

When Karina heard this, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes at William and said angrily:

"From the time I met you to now, out of the ten times you came to me, eight of them came to borrow money! Not only is the number getting bigger and bigger, but also the last time I didn't pay it back! Tell me! How much does it cost this time?"

As soon as the little rich woman said that, the embarrassed look on William's face suddenly thickened a lot.

After all, judging from the things that I have done in the past, apart from going out for a trial of truth, I am not very competent as a friend. Basically, except for borrowing money, it is borrowing money. Ji Ji is in use.

After scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, William shook his head and said:

"Originally, I was quite short of money, but recently I'm not robbing... ahem, have we signed a lot of cooperation agreements with the Chambers of Commerce in Fran? They consciously promised to refund the illegal income of these years, so they did not Why are you short of money, this time I will…”

"Let's go a little less this time!"

Even pinching William for several times didn't work. Seeing that he really wanted to push out the money that was sent to the door, the female goblin who was worried about money and couldn't sleep suddenly became anxious, and in an instant, she robbed a man and smashed a little bitch. Forget about it.

William, who was talking to the little rich woman, only felt his stomach warm, and a soft and elastic object slammed into his belly. Looking at the direction, he should be trying to squeeze the guy who was in the way.

But the difference in strength and physique between the two is too far. The female goblin can't even make the collision with the strength to **** the milk, and she can't even shake William's body, but she stumbles.

Not caring to maintain her balance, she staggered forward and grabbed a half-step. The female fairy reached out and grabbed the little rich woman's arm. The previous aggression on her face had long since disappeared, and her smile was so kind that it was a mess:

"Miss Karina, you truly deserve to be a master figure, with an outstanding vision that most people would envy.

To tell you the truth, the workshop we are building does need some financial support. After the future workshop is completed and the results come out, I will definitely come again to express my gratitude! Are you looking to pay cash or... oops! "

Raising his hand to grab the collar of the banshee's burqa and dragging the shameful guy back, William bowed slightly and grinned at the bewildered little rich woman.

"Don't pay attention to her, this guy is an alchemist, and he burns money all day long, so he's a bit poor. I didn't come to you this time for money, the main reason is that the workshop is a little too big. You help optimize and optimize the alchemy magic pattern and see if you can shorten the construction period."

However, before the little rich woman could answer, Andrea, who was dragged back, struggled and said, "No! Magic patterns are needed! Money is... um"

Reaching out like lightning, he firmly squeezed the smooth cheeks of the banshee, and after her face-to-face price-dropping speech was returned to his throat, William said with a black face:

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and hand over the magic pattern to me! The money is definitely not bad for you. If you make trouble with me again, you will be at your own risk!"

The banshee whose face was pinched and deformed originally wanted to struggle, but seeing that William seemed to be really angry this time, she mumbled a couple of times, and did not dare to make trouble again, obediently took out a thick stack of papyrus and handed it over .

Looking at the farce that just happened in front of her, Karina, who had also completed a dimensionality reduction blow before, was also a little stunned.

Andrea succeeded in exposing her greed for money and low morals in just two sentences, so that the rich woman didn't know which one to sympathize with, William or her.

After being silent for a while awkwardly, Karina had to silently take the piece of paper in the expectant gaze of William and the two, hurriedly walked to the desk and sat down, burying her head and reading it.

When the little rich woman was thinking hard, she had a very special temperament. The two remaining people in the room didn't know when they started, and subconsciously held their breath, as if they were afraid of disturbing her thinking.

After a short while, after turning over the thick straw paper on the table with one glance and ten lines, Karina raised her head and looked over, with a puzzled expression:

"I can understand the intentions of these magic patterns, and it's fine to help optimize the arrangement, but... how big have you made the alchemy workshop? If these magic patterns are unfolded, it will feel like they can circle around the dawn. Got a coat around it!"

After hearing the little rich woman's question, William couldn't help turning his head to the side, gave the guilty female goblin a hard look, and then said angrily:

"Then I would like to thank the person in charge. She said that in order to avoid the adjustment in the later stage, it is best to put it in place at one time and directly dig a big hole in the ground!

Even if those [Mudstone Giant Arm Rock Puppets] can release [Fossil to Mud] 24 hours a day, this hole has been dug for more than a month. How big can the workshop be? "


All five [Mudstone Giant Arm Rock Puppets] have been dug for more than a month? Then the area of ​​this workshop is afraid that it can be half as big as the dawn!

True, shocked by the whims of the two people in front of her, Karina said with a dazed expression:

" dug out such a big hole in the ground of the Daybreak Collar, don't you worry that the ground above your head will collapse?"

The little rich woman's question just scratched the itch of the female fairy. She stretched out her hand and patted William's palm vigorously. After saving her cheek, Andrea rubbed the red fingerprints on her face with a reserved expression. He waved his hand and said:

"I don't have to worry about this. In fact, when I was preparing for the construction of this workshop, I inspected the soil quality in the Dawning Territory in advance, and found that the geology here is very similar to the Tuanshi Mountains where the five dwarves are located, and it can fully support... …”

"It's okay, it won't collapse."

Interrupting the banshee's poking show with a blank face, William directly summed up:

"Although this guy has neither morals nor money, but he is quite good at construction. He is probably the youngest master architect on the Austrian continent. If he digs a hole and collapses, then she won't have to do it in the future. .

Forget it, it's not very intuitive to say that, you'd better go and see it directly with me, and by the way, study how to shorten the construction period... Well, the shorter the shortening, the better! "


Just when the three of William left the Church of Knowledge and headed back to the entrance of the alchemy workshop, in the exact opposite direction to them, a mighty cavalry appeared outside the gate of the Dawn Collar. It is slightly inappropriate to say that it is a horse team. In this team of hundreds of carts, although the livestock in charge of pulling look like giant horses that have been magnified several times, these The feet of giant horses are not hooves, but some kind of split toes with hard scales.

The toes of these creatures are connected by huge folded feet, and the hair on their bodies is even shorter and thicker, reflecting a special luster like grease in the lazy sun in winter, and there are ordinary livestock in their eyes. There is no agility, and most of them are some kind of amphibious horse-shaped monsters.


Although the strange creatures are not horses, the slogans shouted by the pilots are still common. A young man with gill lines behind his ears raised his arms high and slapped a slightly rusted iron whip on the hips of the horse-shaped beast. superior.

"Run fast! Don't be fooled by the gift that Master Andy gave to his junior sister!"

After scolding the horse-shaped beast, the young man squinted and looked at the distant city wall amid the continuous neighing of the horse-shaped beast.

"Hmm... This is what the Dawn Leader is. The city wall is pretty decent. I thought... eh? Why did those defenders run away?"


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