This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 733: Education must start from dolls

After receiving the invitation to go with William from William, the banshee agreed almost without thinking.

After all, although ancient characters and magic patterns are not her "main subject", for any "motivated" spellcaster, being able to communicate face-to-face with a master figure is an opportunity that must not be missed. .

Leaving the alchemy workshop, which was not yet completed, and on the way to the Church of Knowledge, Andrea looked down at her dust-stained robe, and tugged at William's sleeve with some concern.

"William, I'm a little dirty, so it's not appropriate to see Master Karina like this? Why don't you wait for me here first, and I'll go home and change my clothes?"

No... just go meet and say a few words, what are you doing with such a strong sense of ceremony?

"It's alright, it's all set now"

After smacking his lips speechlessly, William shook his head and said:

"Let's go to the Knowledge Church to meet her and ask her if she has time to help. Why are you so nervous?"

"That's a master figure, how can I not be nervous!"

A little dissatisfied with William's unimpressive attitude, the banshee pursed her lips and said with a serious face:

"William, you are not a spellcaster, and you may not understand what the title Master means.

For us spellcasters, those who are obsessed with research and spend their whole lives exploring in certain fields are the groups that need the most respect.

If it wasn't for them to explore the way forward a little bit, these arcane achievements would not have appeared at all, not even the most basic alchemy lamps. Almost everything in modern arcane is from the exploration of one master. Got it!

In terms of many cutting-edge arcane knowledge, even the greatest twelve rulers of the arcane empire need to rely on their research results in order to move forward..."

Speaking of this, the banshee suddenly raised her head and said with a somewhat excited expression:

"By the way, William, do you know what the most basic conditions are to become the Archon of the Arcane Empire?"

When she asked this question, it was probably because she was going to see a master soon, and Andrea was in a more excited mood. She raised her head a little stronger, and shook off the hood on her head, revealing a picture full of happiness. Meaningful face.

Because she is always used to wearing a hood to block the sun, the banshee's complexion is the fairest among the women William has ever seen, but perhaps because of the topic she likes, Andrea's slightly bloodless face is rare. The ground showed two excited flushes.

After staring at her puffy cheeks, William's mouth curled slightly, swallowed the answer that had already poured into his mouth, and shook his head to show that he was not clear.

"Haha, I knew you couldn't guess it!"

After showing a smug smile, the banshee gestured "OK" to William. The three onion-like fingers stretched out in the setting sun, and Bai Shengsheng seemed to be able to see through the sun.

"It takes the names of three masters!"

"Only in two or three different research directions, reaching the level of a master, or opening up a new way to open up a new discipline, can you be qualified to become the Archon of the Arcane Empire!"

Seeing William's unusually cooperative expression of "wow", the banshee immediately became happier, pulling him a little chatteringly:

"William, do you know, I once heard the teacher mention that there are at least thirty people with the strength of the consul-level who have appeared in the Arcane Empire in the past few hundred years!

But they are either just talented in controlling power and fighting, or they are too intoxicated in a certain research and can only get the title of master in one direction, so the twelfth ruling seat of the Arcane Empire will It has been empty for hundreds of years and no one has taken over. "

"By the way, didn't you just show me the magic marks on your body? I think that the master Karina you mentioned has accumulated in magic marks, even if he can't get the title of master, it is already the same. Far.

And she is not even comparable to ordinary masters in the direction of ancient text research, so as long as the strength of this master Karina can keep up, and she is willing to leave the Church of Knowledge, she has a great chance to become an arcane empire. O consul! "

When she said this, Andrea paused for a while, and the longing in her eyes became more and more intense.

Although the Arcane Empire is not a church, it does not seek faith or piety, but for spellcasters who are obsessed with studying the mysteries of the arcane, the position of the Archon in their hearts is no more than the position of the Pope of Light in the hearts of the believers of the Light. Low.

Because as a group of people who pick up people's teeth and wisdom, except for a very few geniuses who have found a new way, every time they move forward, they are almost chasing the figure of a certain master ahead.

The figures that appear the most are often the consuls of the Arcane Empire, especially the first and second rulers. The documents with their two emblems are like a vast sea of ​​documents. From the broken elf dynasty to the present, the two rulers The contents involved add up to almost completely spell out the development history of most of the modern arcane arts.

If you make an analogy, the current state of the banshee is basically the same as that of an avid physics enthusiast. Knowing that Newton and Einstein are still alive, they will soon visit a master Karina who has reached the "consul level". This incident made her even more excited.

(If not Newton and Einstein, it would be nice to meet Schrödinger or Feynman!)

Even though Andrea's research direction is alchemy, which is not the same as Master Karina, who mainly studies ancient scripts and magic patterns, but communicating with a master-level scholar is enough to make her tremble with excitement.

It's a pity that the excitement and excitement of the female fairy only lasted for less than ten minutes.

After coming to the Church of Knowledge with William, following a female pastor with a **** on her chest, and watching her knock on the door of the little rich woman, the excited look on the female fairy's face instantly cooled down, and her mind became clear. The sound of the siren in the room was blaring loudly.

That Karina...isn't that a master of dual realms? Why do you look so young?


After seeing William outside the door, the little rich woman first looked slightly happy, and then she seemed to have suddenly remembered something. She suddenly turned from joy to anger. She grabbed the door handle with resentment and pushed it back, clearly showing that she was refusing to come out. plan.

Without hesitation, he stretched out his foot to block the door. William first nodded slightly to the pastor who was leading the way, and then, taking advantage of his strength, he pushed open the door of the little rich woman unreasonably.

"Disgusting! Don't come again!"

She really couldn't push William, and when he broke in, Karina stomped her feet in anger, gnashing her teeth and staring at her almond eyes:

"It's all your fault. After you stole all the tokens of the Chamber of Commerce, although Aunt Lolita didn't say anything, other people looked at me like a traitor. Now I'm embarrassed to go to the Chamber of Commerce. !"

"It's okay, it's okay, they mainly can't lie down to make money in the future, the psychological gap is too big, and they just haven't tried hard for a while."

William waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, this kind of thing is mainly a matter of comparison. After I lead someone to copy a few big chambers of commerce and squeeze all the money they made in the past, Jin Soluo's attitude towards you will probably change. Cheng is so grateful."

"You still have to trouble them..."

After listening to William's words, the little rich woman pursed her lips worriedly, and took the initiative to remind:

"Why don't you wait first? Since you confiscated the tokens of those chambers of commerce, several presidents of chambers of commerce have visited Aunt Lolita, hoping that she can report you for bullying the merchant and hindering the transaction. I'm worried about wealth. The church... eh?"

After chatting with William for several times, Karina finally noticed the mysterious woman beside William who was wearing a hood and covering most of her face.

After glancing at the mysterious man exuding low air pressure, the rich little woman pulled William's sleeve and said curiously:

"William, who is this?"

"Oh, her name is Andrea, and she's the chief of the Daybreaker..."

"Chief Magic Advisor! The only person in charge of the Alchemy Workshop at Dawn!"

Under the **** of an inexplicable sense of crisis, what a master is not a master, Newton and Schrödinger have all been left behind by the banshee.

After abruptly cutting off the conversation, the female fairy took a step forward, and with awe, she handed out her white palm to Karina, and smiled dignifiedly and kindly:

"Master Karina? I often hear William talking about you. It's just the first time to visit. It's really rude. I hope you don't mind."

When William forced his way into the house without hesitation, Andrea's heartbeat was nearly a third faster than before, and when the little rich woman seemed to be complaining, but actually chatted with William angrily, the banshee carefully headed The alarm bells have almost been knocked out.

If it was just an ordinary woman, she would not have reacted so much, but "beautiful woman", "age (appearance) is comparable", "caster", "has master-level attainments in a certain field, suspected to be keen on research"... ...these things came together, and directly triggered the anti-bitch alarm in Andrea's mind.

The scene when she was doing alchemy experiments with her teacher in the past instantly popped out of her memory ocean.


"Andrea, do you know what kind of woman has to be careful?"

"Ah? What... what?"

After listening to the ignorant answer from the banshee, just like the female priest just now, a certain teacher with a **** on his chest frowned in dissatisfaction, stopped the white metal he was fiddling with, turned around and scolded:

"Ah what? When doing experiments, you must be attentive, and you must not be distracted, otherwise, if the ingredients are fried, it will be over!"

"Old... teacher..."

"What's up?"

"You... your materials... seem to be..."

"I don't care about the materials, what I'm telling you is much more important than the materials! If you can't learn how to fish for Kai... ahem, find a suitable funder, where will you get the money to do your own research in the future? "

The woman with a plump and full body, like a ripe peach, turned around, put one hand on her hips, and poked the banshee's forehead with the other, half angrily and half angrily saying:

"Use your brain well! The life of a spellcaster is a life of looking for money everywhere! Can't learn how to coax the gold master?

Don't look at your brother, your brother is different from you. He has a father who is a pirate king. I'm not worried that he will be short of money in the future, I'm worried about what you will do in the future! "

"I...I can take over a little bit of repair work."

Speaking of this, Andrea, who was still young, raised her face, her eyes lit up and said:

"Teacher, I went around outside a few times before, and found that many mage towers had problems when they were first built, but they especially like to add things randomly at the top. The mage tower has collapsed long ago, and I think we can... oops... it hurts!"

After the disciple who had smashed the weapon hard and lost his head, the woman with the fleshy figure rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, and said with a look of hatred for the failure of steel:

"How much money can you make from that thing? In the recent projects of your teacher and me, tens of thousands of gold golds have been burned! How many bricks do you have to build to earn 10,000 gold golds back?"

"Um...I...I think about it..."

"Come on, don't count..."

After a deep sigh, the woman put her hand on her forehead and said helplessly:

"It's really a bit early to tell you this, but I'll say it first, try to remember it in your mind. If you do meet a big gold lord in the future, don't let others grab it!"

"Oh...then tell me, I must remember well..."

Glancing at the silver-white metal that had begun to vaporize behind her, the woman first put two protection spells on herself and the nearby little Andrea, then raised her hand to roll out a gust of wind, and stood with her hands behind her back to face the wind, with a face like The young man blasted out the door.

"Listen, after you find your If a female spellcaster comes by, be careful! If she's still very pretty...Damn, I know!"

"Teacher? What did you just say?"

Before waiting for the curious Andrea to ask, the silvery strange metal in the test bench lit up slightly, then exploded with a bang, and the volume instantly expanded hundreds of times, turning into a large cloud of silvery white sparkling mist.

This strange mist seemed to be extremely corrosive, and in the blink of an eye, most of the laboratory was messed up, and the huge shock wave shook the ground and cracked every inch.


"If she's still very beautiful, then drive that little **** away for me right away! Because she must be just like your teacher and me, just running for other people's money!"

The teacher's earnest teaching words were still in my ears. Looking at the beautiful woman who seemed to be running for money in front of her, Andrea's beautiful eyes instantly narrowed into slits, and the palm of her hand lit up slightly, quietly condensing a Hidden and strange little mark.

Make a mark first! After she is single...


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