This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 170: life is more important

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Before William could answer, the rich woman quickly took off the ring and put it in her pocket.

A businessman behind Karina turned around, looked at them with drunken eyes, and then said blankly: "Lord Karina, I seem to have heard the voice of President Cameron."

President Cameron? William's expression suddenly moved after hearing the name.

The old man who last time he visited the queen? But the voice in this signet ring is not the same as his, it sounds like a middle-aged man who is very young.

The little rich woman smiled slightly. "You probably heard it wrong. Teacher, he has recently traveled far away, so why is he here?"

"But I did hear..."

"Mr. Ethan!" Karina's voice rose slightly.

"You must be a little drunk. The teacher left Doza Castle in front of many people. How could you be here?"

After speaking, she nodded apologetically to William.

"Sorry for your apology, I'll deal with some things, and I'll be right back."

Seeing the back of the little rich woman rushing away angrily, William stepped forward and patted the businessman named Ethan, showing a gentle expression as much as possible.

"Mr. Eason? Can I ask you a few questions?"


Karina walked to her room with a dark face, took out the ring in her pocket and put it on her hand, and asked angrily:

"Teacher, you said you wouldn't do anything on it, and I agreed to wear it. Now you explain it to me, why can you see what's happening on my side?"

The "signal" on the other end of the ring seems to be not very good, and the man's voice is a little choppy.

"No, no, I... Swish... I can hear the sound, but I can't see it. And I only opened it when the assembly was... Swish..."

Karina asked hesitantly with a dark face, "Really?"


The voice over the ring finally became a little clearer.

Cameron "Old Man" said cheerfully: "A lot of old foxes came to the meeting, I'm not worried that you will suffer, so I thought about helping you to check, in case they dig a hole for you when they are talking about business, I will speak. scold them for you."


The little rich woman reluctantly believed his words, and then asked in surprise: "Teacher, where are you now? Why is the ring's voice so unclear?"

"I'm at Leonard's Ironthorn City now, it's amazing!"

There was a sound of tsk tsk smacking Hanako from the ring, and Cameron "Old Man" said in admiration:

"Do you know what I saw here? There is actually a goblin who is commanding a group of undead to build a city! The race of the natural sequence can still produce necromancers, which really opened my eyes to the old man!"

Karina frowned and said displeasedly, "Oh, but what does that have to do with your unclear voice?"

Cameron's cheerful voice came from the other side of the ring.

"You are still too young, don't patronize reading books, and think about it more when you have time. Have you forgotten that after the fairy dynasty was terminated by the giants, what did you rely on to save some of your clan?"

Karina was stunned.

"You mean... Fenmir's Mystery? That crystal curtain made of ancient beasts?"


Cameron's approving voice came from the ring.

"This little goblin's strength is not very good, but the level of doing things is really amazing. He actually changed that thing into a degraded version and buckled it on the city of iron thorns. It makes me want to talk to you intermittently."

Cameron "Old Man" complained a few words, as if he found something, and said in surprise:

"Huh? Why is there still a big hole here? The magic pattern of the secret ritual is only half written? This can save a lot of materials, the problem will collapse as long as you find the right place, this little goblin should not I'll be ready to cover halfway and run away!"

Seeing that he kept talking and talking about business, Karina stomped her feet and complained dissatisfiedly: "What do you care if she runs away? I just want to know why you suddenly said that just now, the one proposed by William Is there a problem with the suggestion?"

After hearing the dissatisfaction in the disciple's words, Cameron's voice immediately became a lot more serious, and he answered seriously.

"That's not true. The kid's proposal itself is not a problem. Even if he doesn't say it, I want to do it in three or two years after the situation stabilizes. Logically speaking, this matter can be agreed to him."

Karina said: "Then why do you have to interrupt him? According to his relationship with Queen Avril, maybe the queen will find a sister to marry him and help him become the new king. Although I am not a member of the Church of Fortune man, but I think he should be a good partner?"

"Karina, although you are my disciple, your destiny sequence has only reached the first-order [Mystic], and you are not qualified to spy on destiny."

Cameron sighed and said, "After I heard his proposal, I habitually peeped at this person's fate a little, do you know what I saw?"

The little rich woman looked tight. "What do you see?"

"A **** hole."

Cameron on the other side of the ring added hesitantly:

"It's a very hard feeling to say, like poking a hole in a piece of paper, and while we can still see something through the hole, to the piece of paper itself, there's nothing there. "


"So... President Cameron suddenly started to look younger some time ago?"

William and the drunken businessman touched glasses again, then drank the clear liquid inside.

【The goblet that used to hold spirits】

[This is a goblet made by ordinary human craftsmen, which was once filled with spirits, but was quietly replaced by water]

"No... that's right..."

The businessman named Ethan said with a big tongue: "At that time, we were all... stunned... You think, an old man suddenly became younger... dozens of years old, it's a miracle! You said yes no?"

"Yes, you are quite right."

"Yeah!" Ethan, who was affirmed, was in high spirits, and even straightened his tongue a lot.

He slammed the table and shouted loudly: "At that time, everyone said that he was fake, it must have been a different person, but I think he should still be the old Cameron, they also said I was stupid, I think they are stupid !"

"Well, they're quite right."

"Yeah, they're... eh?" Ethan, who was pouring alcohol into his mouth, scratched his head.

"Am I confused? Why does it seem like..."

"Don't pay attention to those details."

William stretched out his hand to Jessica next to him, and the female knight knowingly handed him a new bottle of spirits.

William unscrewed the cork and slowly filled Ethan. After finding that he was drunk, he handed his glass to Jessica, and asked the female knight to directly pour a glass of water for him.

"Mr. Ethan, I'm curious about something. How did you know that President Cameron didn't make a substitution?"

The drunk businessman drank the wine in his glass, and then grinned proudly, pretending to be mysterious:

"Let me tell you, he slept in the room next to me when I went to... hiccup... to have fun, and I heard him tell that woman in the middle of the night..."

"Your Excellency Karina, is your matter settled?" Jessica raised her voice in a deliberately high-pitched greeting.

Depend on! So what did the pangolin say?

William regretfully knocked out the drunken-eyed businessman, got up and greeted Karina, and asked gently:

"Lord Karina, what do you think of my proposal just now?"

The little rich woman who was smiling before suddenly bowed to him and said hesitantly, "I'm sorry, Your Excellency William, I can't agree to your request."


You either don't bow, or you can put it another way. How can you make it seem like my proposal has failed.

William frowned and asked, "Why? I think it's actually a very good thing to build a church specifically to make this kind of exchange of news gatherings for a long time. Is there something wrong with my proposal?"

"Um..." Karina hesitated for a while, and found a reason to say: "We have several large transactions recently, and the funds on hand are not very sufficient."

"That's not a problem."

William looked sincere and said: "The property that the Grady family looted is still hoarding in the city, and only about 30% of them can be identified as the owner. After the relief and compensation goods are scraped, there will be a lot left. I can pay it in advance."

"Uh...we don't have a good position either..."

"This can also be I am going to clear a large open space near the City Lord's Mansion. There will be many important places there in the future, and your church can be built there."


Karina gritted her teeth and bowed deeply to William.

"I'm really sorry! There are reasons why we can't agree no matter what, and I'm a member of the Church of Knowledge, so I can't be the master of such a big thing."

William frowned. "What if I am willing to cancel the city gate tax of the Jinsara Chamber of Commerce?"

Cancel the gate tax?

That can mean a huge fortune, and there's a lot of room for action. Even Karina, who had no interest in money, was enlightened when she heard this condition, but old Cameron's extremely serious instructions came to her mind.

‘Karina, for those of us in the sequence of fate, a person whose fate cannot be observed and peeped means a great danger, and it is easy to be shattered if mixed with him.

So you must firmly remember that no matter how much you can talk to him, and no matter what kind of concessions he will make, you must never cooperate with him. Money can be earned at any time, but there is only one life. ’

The little rich woman doesn't really want money, but she trusts her teacher's judgment.

As the teacher of the seventh-order [Apostle of Destiny], the choices she made almost never went wrong. Karina just hesitated for a while, and finally bit her lip and said apologetically:

"I am sorry……"

William sighed, although the expression on his face was still flat, but his eyes were filled with disappointment.

However, the ring in the little rich woman's hand suddenly trembled, and a deafening roar resounded through the hall.

"Are you crazy? Promise him!!!"

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