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Don't ask, it's just too skilled.

When William was still dominating the dance floor in the capital, nine out of ten people who invited him to dance wanted to do this kind of dance, and the purpose of the remaining one was not to dance at all.

Even if he rejected three ugly two old men with great perseverance, he still danced this kind of dance 30% of the time, and muscle memory has been formed over the years, so when you dance, you walk a little bit. Shape, this is reasonable, right?

Hearing the prolonged applause and admiration around him, William's mouth curled slightly, and then he patted the female knight's slender waist covertly, indicating that it was time for her to get up and thank her.

The French court ballroom dance is divided into four parts, which emphasizes "please, lead, dance and thank".

Invitation - lead dance - dance together - thank dance, if someone applauds and cheers at the end of the song, according to etiquette, they should join hands to thank the people around them, and sometimes add one or two small gestures, and the men raise their hands to lead the way Twist one or two rounds with the lady or something.

In addition, there are also very particular requirements for gifting, and there are corresponding etiquette according to different ages, genders, and identities. In William's current status, he should put his left hand behind his back and press his right hand in front of his abdomen to bow slightly. In Jessica's case, he should curtsy with both hands and skirt to the people around him.

However, the female knight's memory of dancing still remained in her childhood. At most, she had heard a simple sentence or two from her mother. She was not very impressed at first.

When she felt the big hand on her waist, Jessica, who didn't know the reason, quickly reached out and grabbed it, and glared at William with a blushing face.


What are you looking at, don't lie on me, get up quickly!

According to the etiquette of the dance floor, it is very impolite to stop applauding without thanking the dance. If you don't get up, people have to keep shooting...

Seeing that the eyes of the people around him gradually became strange, William quickly stabbed her lightly, and then lowered his head under the annoyed gaze of the female knight, and whispered in her ear: "You..."

"It's amazing that you dance so well!"

A familiar voice sounded from the side, interrupting William's prompt.

The two looked at the sound, and Karina in a white dress was patting her palms and looking at them in amazement.

This time, without William's reminder, Jessica bounced off him like an electric shock, and nodded politely to Karina with a red face.

Karina also returned a salute, and returned with a meaningful smile.

Although the two danced just now, although the movements were intimate, the dances were gorgeous but not vulgar, charming but not demonic, and the passionate and unrestrained dance steps revealed a deep foundation.

Although she doesn't have much interest in dancing, the rich lady has attended many dance parties after all, and she naturally has a good appreciation ability. She can see clearly at a glance who is the leader in this dance just now. .

William also nodded politely to her, thanked her for the compliment, and dragged Jessica, who was about to pick up her heels, off the dance floor.

"Miss Karina, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

William said with a smile: "I was really surprised when I found out that you are the head of the Jinsara Chamber of Commerce."

This sentence is really not a lie. The Jinsuoluo Chamber of Commerce is backed by the Fortune Church, and there are branches everywhere in the entire Austrian continent. Together with the Yinzhanhua Chamber of Commerce under the name of the Church of Eros, they are called the two major human chambers of commerce.

Although some foreign chambers of commerce also have a lot of power, after all, they are still unable to compare with the two chambers of commerce that stand behind the human true gods. Both capital and strength are a lot worse, at least they do not have the ability to openly lend to the human empire.

Thinking of this, William couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Speaking of lending to the Empire of Humanity, the money borrowed by Her Majesty the Queen over the years seems to have accounted for nearly 30% of the loan performance of the Golden Solofar Branch...

So in name, Karina, the temporary head of the Jinsara Chamber of Commerce, is also the biggest creditor of the French royal family... um... The most important thing is that, based on William's understanding of Avril, she will never repay the money. Money.

After hearing William's words, the little rich woman covered her lips and chuckled twice, and then said meaningfully, "I'm almost the same, I was surprised to see you in this gathering belonging to the Fortune Church. ."

When William and Jessica walked into the dance floor, Karina had noticed them, but she was exchanging information with the heads of several chambers of commerce at the time, so she couldn't get away, but she still kept her mind.

Because of this, after Jessica broke her heel, she quickly noticed the abnormality on the dance floor, and was able to enjoy William's "solo dance" from beginning to end, and witnessed his god-like operation.

William smiled and shook his head: "I'm not actually a believer of Fortune Church, but because Jessica really wanted to come to this dance, I figured out a way to get in, but it's just a joke for you."

Jessica: Meow meow?

William stretched his arms around Jessica, who was about to defend herself, and pinched her on the waist covertly.

If I said that I made a special trip to talk about cooperation, wouldn’t I have been at a disadvantage before it even started? Besides, what I said is not a lie. I satisfied you just now, so now is the time to help each other!

The female knight reached out angrily, and covertly patted off the big hand that was holding her soft flesh.

Although William didn't say what he said, she probably guessed the intention of William's words, so she had to recognize this flying pot.

Karina didn't know the silent communication between them, but continued with a gentle expression: "No, no, the dance of the two of you is very good, it's a feast for my eyes."


The first dance in her life was well received, and Jessica's eyes suddenly lit up, and she even looked at Karina with a lot of friendliness.

The female knight asked excitedly, "Which do you think is better?"


This question really blocked Karina, where is it? Of course, William dances so well!

After pondering the words she used, she finally found a way of compliment that did not violate her conscience.

"The dance steps of the two are elegant and well-coordinated. It is a duet dance, but the dance is as harmonious as the solo dance. In short, the two dance... um... very tacitly."

Yes, worthy of being a member of the Church of Knowledge.

William coughed lightly to hide the smile at the corner of his mouth, then reached out and brought back Jessica, who still wanted to ask questions, and took the initiative to change the subject.

"It's too much. If Your Excellency Karina is interested, you can go to the City Lord's Mansion to let us know if there are similar gatherings, and we will come again."

Under the surprise gaze of the female knight, the little rich woman shook her head regretfully.

"That's a pity. Although there are some **** in Doza Fort, the only one that can reach this scale is the gathering of the Church of Fortune, and this gathering will only be held at the end of each year."

"I see."

William also nodded regretfully, and then pretended to ask: "Then why can't this rally be held a few more times? Is there any difficulty? I can decide most of the things in Doza Castle now, and if there is any difficulty, feel free to speak. ."

His words caught the little rich woman by surprise. There are indeed difficulties. For example, the income tax is really high, but even if you don't collect it, it's impossible to hold this meeting every day.

After thinking for a while, she replied tactfully: "It's fine if it's difficult, but after all, this is a gathering of the Church of Fortune, and it's all businessmen who have their own businesses, so it's impossible to stay in Doza Fort all the time. "

William nodded, then said, "What if I am willing to support your Chamber of Commerce to build a church for the Goddess of Wealth?"

Karina glanced at William in surprise. Isn't it common sense that Fortune Church does not have its own church? Why would this learned man say such a thing?

She shook her head and explained, "Your Excellency William, you may not be particularly aware that the Church of Fortune is a little different from other churches.

Their teaching holds that it is pointless to spend a lot of money to build a church, and it does not even require believers to pray regularly. As long as they earnestly accumulate wealth, it is the best practice of the teachings. "

William nodded lightly and said, "I know about this, but I always have a question, why is there no point in spending money to build a church?"

The little rich woman frowned and recalled, and then found the answer to this question in the book she had read.

"The Gospel of Wealth says, 'Businessmen are the hardest professions, and we should reduce the number of prayers and services and not deprive them of their lives.

Moreover, half of the life of the merchants is on the road, but the church cannot walk with the believers. Therefore, they should not spend money to build those houses. The footsteps of the believers walking on the business road are prayers to me. ’”

William gave her a thumbs up in his heart, and he recited the original text whenever he disagreed~www.wuxiamtl.com~ worthy of being a chanter of the Church of Knowledge.

But in the future, the "churches" of Fortune Church will be built everywhere. This is what I have seen with my own eyes. It is useless how many little Liu Beis you recite.

He smiled and said, "If that's the case, then build a church that doesn't require prayer and worship."

Without waiting for the rich woman to speak, William pointed to the businessmen in the hall, and said with certainty, "Just as gatherings don't have to be for the praise of the gods, who stipulates that the church must be used for prayer and worship?"

Karina's expression was a little confused.

"But if you don't pray and worship, why build a church?"

"Naturally do what a businessman would do, and you're already doing it."

William said calmly: "Are all the businessmen here to join the Church of Fortune? Your Excellency Karina is a chanter of the Church of Knowledge, and the degree of faith of these people should not be concealed from you.

Most of them are only shallow believers of Fortune Church. The purpose of coming here has nothing to do with prayer. The fundamental meaning of this gathering is to exchange information and exchange information. Do you think I am right? "


A man's admiration suddenly came from the little rich woman's right hand, which startled Jessica next to her, and looked vigilantly at the somewhat inappropriate ring on Karina's hand.

William glanced at the little rich woman's right hand, and the "opening" was a men's seal ring.

This thing can only be transferred with the consent of the original owner. It can be destroyed but is extremely difficult to snatch, so it is often used by churches and large chambers of commerce as proof of identity and authority.

In the little rich woman's rather unhappy expression, the calm male voice sounded again.

"But we already have this assembly, why build another church?"

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