This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 167: Prom (Part 1)

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Jessica had a dark face, looked at William in full clothes in front of her, and said extremely speechlessly:

"I just met for the first time yesterday. You're going to give her a big gift today? Isn't that woman a succubus?"

"What are you thinking about? The 'big gift' I said is not the big gift you thought."

William adjusted the collar that was fastened with lace ribbons at the neckline, and said indifferently, "And it's not the first time. She visited Her Majesty the Queen before, and we met once."

He snapped his neckline as he spoke, spread his arms and turned to face Jessica.

"How does this outfit work? Does it look like a big, rich businessman?"

Jessica looked up and down.

William wore an ornate long button-breasted coat, which, unlike the inflated inverted triangles popular among the nobility, had straight and smooth lines, and the large open sleeves were cut and cinched. To fit the arm, it highlights his excellent muscular lines.

The female knight's eyes wandered up and down, and finally landed on William's "cold" face, and Weng nodded reluctantly after opening her nose.

"It's okay, the effect is pretty good..."

Although William is a close combat professional, unlike those guys with exploding muscles, his body is well-proportioned and has a smooth and harmonious aesthetic.

And this close-fitting dress outlines his smooth muscle lines very well, and it matches his temperament quite well, which is a big plus in Jessica's eyes.

William, however, shook his head.

He continued to ask: "It doesn't matter how the effect is, the main thing is whether it looks like a rich man."

Rich people?

Jessica's mind was full of question marks, and she looked at William with puzzled eyes.

"Aren't you going to give that woman a gift? Why do you have to dress like a rich man?"

William pulled a more gorgeous piece of clothing and compared it to his body. Then, while wearing it, he explained: "Giving a big gift is just an argument, I actually want to discuss and cooperate with Jin Soluo.

This chamber of commerce is not only the local snake in Doza Fort, but also the biggest spokesperson for the Church of Fortune in France. If you want to stabilize the territory, it will be much more convenient to have their support.

As for clothes, there is a gathering of the Fortune Church there, so you must dress a little bit like "wealth". By the way, you will also come with me later. It is written in our employment agreement that you are obliged to accompany me when I am missing a female companion for the banquet. "


"How much is written on that piece of paper!"

William smiled without saying a word. He usually wears a suit of guards for a year. He actually tried on more than a dozen suits with Jessica in one breath. It took a lot of effort to find a satisfactory suit.

After dressing up this suit of sequins and broken glass, he and Jessica, who was forced to participate, stepped into the carriage and left the house under the sad eyes of the little whites.

With the clattering of horses' hooves, the two of them arrived at the door of the Jinsolo Chamber of Commerce not long afterward. When the receptionist saw William's fancy but expensive clothes, the look on his face was really kind.

The receptionist wearing a waiter's uniform bent down slightly and said to the two with a respectful expression:

"Welcome the two of you to participate in the gathering. May the front of the business road be unobstructed, and may the goddess be healthy and happy."

After hearing the prayer from the waiter, the corners of William's mouth could not help but twitch slightly.

Even chanting prayers must talk about money first and then talk about God. Wishing the goddess well-being is actually preceded by an "also". Every time I listen to this prayer, I feel that it is full of grooves. Looking at money is the correct way to remediate.

"May our sweat be condensed into wealth, and may our piety reach the kingdom of God."

After confronting the "password", the waiter smiled and walked out of the way. After William nodded politely to him, he pulled Jessica into the somewhat noisy hall.

In addition to the unique prayers, the gathering method of Fortune Church is also unique. Unlike those gatherings that recite scriptures and sing hymns, the gatherings of Fortune Church have absolutely nothing to do with solemnity.

There are a large number of gorgeously dressed men and women coming and going in the hall. The waiters are walking around with their plates. There is even a large dance floor in the center of the hall. Dozens of couples of men and women are performing to the melodious and soothing music. some elegant pair sports. It looks like an ordinary aristocratic ball.

The female knight looked at this hall full of people with dazzling eyes. She didn't admire the splendor here, but felt a strange and anticipatory tension.

Her life had been twisted in a different direction by her father at the age of seven, full of training, sweat, blood and killing. Long dresses, balls, high heels, these things are too far from her,

Jessica looked at the men and women on the dance floor in a trance, with a look of envy in her eyes.

The movements of these ballroom dances are so simple, with the physical quality of their third-order professional, there shouldn't be any difficulty, right?

This idea passed by, but inexplicably began to take root in her heart, and a feeling of eagerness to try came to her heart.

The female knight bit her rosy lips lightly, and the hand holding William's arm suddenly tightened.

William was looking for Karina's figure everywhere, but after feeling the pull on his arm, he couldn't help but turn his head in surprise.

Because of being dragged by William to participate in the rally, the female knight had to take off her close-fitting leather armor and replace it with a fluffy and wide gorgeous dress.

After glancing at the pink and white tutu skirt, William smacked his lips regretfully. Although she was still tall and beautiful in the skirt, her amazingly long beautiful legs were firmly hidden under the fluffy skirt. I really don't know why she had to choose such a "princess style" skirt.

Looking at Jessica who looked hesitant, William took the initiative to ask:

"What's the matter, is there anything you want to ask?"

Jessica nodded, and when she was about to ask William if he would like to dance with her, she couldn't open her mouth for some reason. She pursed her lower lip heavily, trying to force herself to speak: ""

"You mean to ask why that person put us in?"


Jessica reluctantly looked at the dance floor in the distance, disappointed but relieved.

The female knight nodded with a complicated expression, and replied: "Yes... I want to ask, why did you just say something and he gave way, this should be a gathering of believers, are you a believer of the Goddess of Fortune? ?"

William shook his head decisively.

What is there to believe in the goddess of wealth, I don't believe in any gods, um... If there is a goddess of equipment, I don't mind having a PY with her.

After looking around and confirming that no one was paying attention to them, William leaned into Jessica's ear and explained softly:

"I'm actually an unbeliever, I don't believe in any gods, and what that person said was a sentence in the prayer of Fortune Church, which is a proof of entry. Only those who can answer the prayer can participate in this gathering."

Jessica nodded understandingly, and then moved her lips to William's ear in a learned manner.

"But how do you know the prayers of Fortune Church? Prayer is usually only recited when attending a meeting. It should be difficult for non-believers to know, right?"

The female knight was obviously not very good at biting her ears with others. She didn't control her breath well when she spoke, and her warm breath went straight into William's ears, making him a little itchy.

William scratched his ears and explained, "There are still ways to quarrel with a believer of Fortune Church, so that he doubts life, and he is so angry that he can scold you.

Most of the people who believe in the Church of Fortune are businessmen. The teachings are about peace of mind and kindness to others. Conflicts and scolding with others are considered departures. Those who violate the teachings will definitely start to recite prayers subconsciously to ask for forgiveness from the gods. "

Jessica glanced at the dance floor in the distance and nodded absently.

"So this is ah……"

Um? Why don't you praise me for my witty behavior?

William found that Jessica was a little out of his frowned, then leaned over and said tentatively:

"Jessica, your skirt is a little crooked, and the breast pads inside seem to be showing..."

The female knight hurriedly lowered her head and found that the neckline of her skirt was indeed a little low. She couldn't help but blushed and quickly reached out to cover it, and by the way gave William a light hand.

After tidying up the lining at the neckline, she stomped her feet a little embarrassedly in the face of William's playful gaze, and the high-heeled crystal slippers she just bought made a crackling sound that could not be tolerated.

"I... I said I'm not interested and you still insisted on me coming... I haven't worn a skirt since I was seven years old. This kind of cumbersome and inconvenient clothes is not suitable for me at all."

After listening to her words, William nodded in agreement.

This tutu really doesn't suit Jessica. In order to appear fluffy and wide, this kind of skirt has to be worn in several layers inside and out. Without a layer of thick chest pads, the body curve will not be reflected at all.

In addition to the front and the back, some whimsical noble ladies even developed something like a hip pad, using whale baleen and ribbons to forcibly prop up a new world. At first glance, there are almost all Kardashians.

In short, except for a few people with extraordinary talents, wearing this kind of skirt is equivalent to saying goodbye to the curve. Although Jessica's figure is not bad, there is still a long way to go with the extraordinary talent.

In addition, the skirt of this skirt is also a bit too long. The long skirt can cover the flaws for women with short lower bodies, but it conceals the greatest advantage of female knights.

And this kind of princess girly tutu skirt doesn't match Jessica's temperament. If it weren't for the expectant look of the female knight holding the skirt, he would definitely not agree with this matching method.

If you really want to say the right word, it must be a one-step skirt and a thin silk that is close to the body. It is best to take another one to teach...

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